The audio titled "Looping with VCV Rack" is an immersive exploration into the world of modular synthesis. It opens up a universe of experimental sounds that one can generate using the VCV Rack, a virtual Eurorack synthesizer. The audio encapsulates the wide range of sonic possibilities that can be achieved through the unique combination of modules. The audio kicks off with a distinct modular synth sound, which forms the framework for the rest of the piece. Its experimental nature is apparent from the get-go with unconventional patterns and sequences. As the audio progresses, listeners are treated to a rich tapestry of noise and glitch elements. These elements effectively convey a sense of controlled chaos, bringing a unique layer of complexity to the composition. The electronica influence in the piece is evident in the rhythmic pulses and oscillations that form the backbone of the track. There's a definite sense of extreme sound manipulation, as traditional sonic boundaries are pus