The audio piece titled "Startled" begins ominously with the distinct sound of a siren piercing through the ambient noise. This sound, typically associated with emergencies, sets an immediate sense of urgency and alert. The siren seems to originate from a specific zone, possibly a testing area, used for signal transmissions. As the audio progresses, the alarm intensifies, creating a heightened sense of warning. The underlying rhythm of the audio is reminiscent of an air-raid, a historical reference point that further enhances the sense of danger. Suddenly, amidst the alarm and warning signals, the soothing sound of rain trickles in. The contrast between the harsh urgency of the sirens and the calming patter of the rain creates a unique and startling auditory experience. The audio ends on a note of alert, the warning signals and alarms subsiding, leaving behind only the soft, persistent sound of rain. It's an unsettling conclusion, leaving the listener in a state of startled antici