In the audio titled "Traditional Phantom Noise," there is a chilling, yet intriguing blend of eeriness and nostalgia. It starts off with an ethereal, spooky sound that gives the impression of a ghostly presence. This sound, reminiscent of old school horror films, sets an unsettling, yet engaging tone. The echoes of what could be interpreted as phantom whispers add to the overall spectral ambiance. As the audio progresses, the incorporation of Halloween elements become more apparent. There are subtle undertones that elicit thoughts of trick-or-treating under a moonlit sky, pumpkin jack-o'-lanterns casting long, sinister shadows, and the rustle of autumn leaves underfoot. The audio also contains elements that recall vintage cartoons, further enhancing its old-school feel. These include sounds that are reminiscent of the laugh of a cartoon ghost, the creak of an opening door in a haunted house, and the sudden, dramatic chords typically used to signify a scare. Overall, the audio pain