The audio titled "Unprocessed Sound" is a fascinating blend of sonic elements that truly lives up to its name. It begins with an eerily intriguing arp, a pulsating rhythm that forms the backbone of the piece. The arp weaves in and out, providing a strange yet captivating tone to the overall sound. Much like an unrefined gem, the piece features a collection of extraneous sounds, seemingly out of place but adding to the ambiance. There's a raw, rancid undertone, a discordance that somehow enhances the overall harmony. It's as if each note is a disharmony striving for resolution, yet not completely desiring it. Adding to the mix is a synth that oscillates between being eerily dissonant and strangely soothing. It lends an almost otherworldly vibe to the piece. The synth, along with the arp, creates a weird, almost alien soundscape that is mesmerizing in its complexity. The audio is a journey through the abstract