For ENG-201-817 podcast project
For ENG-201-817 podcast project
In this podcast, Austin Barnard discusses the importance of veterinary preventatives for pets. He highlights the various issues that can arise from fleas, ticks, and internal parasites, including zoonotic diseases that can be transferred to humans. The podcast will cover the pros and cons of preventatives, including the costs and potential side effects. Stay tuned for more information on this topic. Hi everyone, thanks for tuning in. My name is Austin Barnard and today we're talking about why veterinary preventatives. Have you ever wondered what exactly comes from that one tick you got bit with? Or have you ever seen a dog playing outside in a hot, humid summer when mosquitoes are most prominent? Flays, ticks, and internal parasites bring many more issues than what we initially think. Analyzing the pros and cons of veterinary medicine preventatives will show why each are important before you decide to get a pet. In this podcast, we're going to cover anything from zoonotic diseases to what can be transferred to humans from their pets and environmental factors and preventions. We'll also analyze the cons concerning costs and why, what happens afterwards, and side effects. Stay tuned!