Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Oh, yeah Testing testing one two three one two three on your turn on your knees One two threes underneath It's the burn barrel episode for season three got it right that time you can Got it right, that's all I'm saying behind me. You can't see him peek your head over here There's Derek Derek's in the background today like a creep Creeping back there. He's damn on tik-tok and showing me Memes or not take talk about Facebook Show me means and we were just talking about He showed me one mean that says I Don't know but it broke fucking community standards. What was it? What was the mean? Oh man, but the point of what I'm saying about it is Number one, welcome back to the burn barrel. Here. We are again at the drop zone dropping in with a impromptu Podcast for the week because I'm gonna post another one probably Friday or Saturday, but I'm gonna take You know Friday because I got a show Saturday I may or may not post one Friday, you know, I mean just listen who knows what the fuck I'm gonna do but I'm doing this one and And talk about a few things tonight while we're chillin What day is it? It's the 22nd. What day is it Monday? It's Monday the 22nd and What the mean say? Waiting on it to load don't have you got if you shake your phone like that it makes it You see how you're shaking it. Hold it. Hold it to your chin Hey, did you know that if you hold your keys to your car to your chin, it'll unlock your shit from far away Google that It really works anyways, neither here nor there the meme was fucked up and It was like oh, it was Epstein mean it was a Jeff. Oh, I can't say that on here Mmm Yep, that's what it said I'll put that in the caption whenever I edit the video so they can see what I said. But yeah some bullshit listen cuz I got Popped You know this Probably the 426th time I got popped for a Jeffrey Dahmer meme and Then you can do these you know and if you're in a group and Then it's like you're in a group that at Facebook's like it's cool You can say whatever you want But like if you have a page you can't and then the community guideline to get you this fucking bullshit I'm still mad about it. I Still said about it there Getting fucked up for a whole year, dude Because I posted a meme That's some bullshit. Anyways moving around along 401 days, I Think I got it wrong on the last podcast today is day 401 no No booze for me And that That's a oh that was all we were just talking about it before we did we had like a whole podcast before the podcast actually, it was been it would've been cool if we had two microphones and The deal was just sit in the back and banner with me anyways, he didn't want to get on the he didn't want to do it But I feel like if we had two microphones, it'd be pretty good Huh? He's googling he's too busy he's not even listening so it's really like your homeboys in the room and then you're just like You know, and he's just there Huh Derek, but am I here though? You don't have a but are you there? anyways 401 days off the sauce got 399 Scott eyes I'm trying to like get it to where I got like the same amount of days off the sauce of skydives You know because what we were talking about before the the podcast here is like for me Alcohol is not was not the problem. It was like all the other problems that I have and then alcohol removes that That lobe that frontal lobe scientific, you know science happens or whatever but alcohol removes the You know the part where the part where it's like Decision-making or whatever. What's the part the frontal lobe? Let's look it up, dude. I Don't know fuck it. We're not gonna look it up. I don't like to do that during the podcast Let's look it up cuz like I don't really I don't really care I just know that alcohol makes me not give a fuck and then I'll be like, oh, hey Here's all my problems. I mean, we'll have a good time. Actually, we'll have a good time and then when everybody goes Like to bed and stops drinking. I'll keep drinking and then is when I'll make like shit Facebook post Yeah, I'll make dog shit Facebook post or I'll like text I try to get it on this is where snapchat comes into play cuz like You can delete it or it deletes itself when I get it that there's screenshots or whatever, but like I don't know Drunk text messages that you can't take back are the worst You know what I mean? Oh, I've got some of them out there there's if ever like one of these disgruntled females from my past comes back and they're like, oh he called me a You know the c-word see you in tea I'm guilty. I've done it. That's That's a bad one. That's a bad one. Would you agree there? Yeah, man, you can't do that and then so but I really don't now though because I would you know I wouldn't want nobody to like call my My kid you know what I mean at the same time Words yeah, what were we talking about? Words words are powerful We were gonna talk about that actually jumping jumping subjects about words being Like super powerful is what we were talking about a little bit like Punching somebody in the mouth or you know, something like that Not as powerful as like punching them in the brain in the mind Whether it be good or bad or whatever, but it's like you can really like Say somebody has a problem with you It's probably a reason either you're a piece of shit or you did something to him and or they just don't like you I've chose to express like hey, you know, I don't like this motherfucker Well, you have the motherfucker have the opportunity to kind of gas that back that situation back Or you can get crafty with your words meaning like you could choose Meaning like you could choose to not engage in that way and you can kind of like Because let's see why a person would lash out anyways, they're not in a good like mindset or mind state or whatever I got a show account like a comedy show and somebody's heckling Some people lose their mind they start freaking out on that person I'm just always like I'll talk to him during the show. Like I'll talk to those motherfuckers and be like, yeah, alright It might not be what I say, but I mean, it's just the things I basically get to the root of it I'm like, are you alright? you know like nine times out of nine, they're like having a bad day or You know like a family member who passed away their wife cheated on or whatever you never know what these fuckers are going through when they choose a Talk but you can Go one way with it and get one result or you can go another way with it and have those people at the end Tell you thank you and sit down and shut the fuck up and enjoy the rest of your show type thing. You know what I mean? so I Don't know what that correlates to but like I basically I'm saying like words. So like say Derek what's what's your favorite saying? You know how people have sayings? that's just the you know compilation of words that people put a Italics around the front in the end though, and they say this is a saying a quote. What's your favorite one ever? You don't have one off the top of your head Huh, I never heard that it says I don't know what weapons will be used on world in World War three But I know in World War four it'll be sticks and stones Shit Damn I'm kind of like I'm kind of high for that one. So you Okay I'll think about that later Albert Einstein said that Somebody people quote shit and they'd be like this person said it that part, you know My favorite one is very simple and you would be like you're a Neanderthal for this one if you Know just send it not just send it you can forget the word just I'm just saying it's just a quote send it in all different aspects and all different accounts where's this you know, you think I'm talking about skydiving and that's one one thing but just send it I Say I keep saying just it's not Just the quote send it is my favorite quote send it Because that's fucking Basically how I how I see it, you know, even when you're when you're stalling or when you can't Get shit moving. I'm like, but you better just send that shit. It ain't it ain't perfect I ain't now ain't the time but I don't have what I need you but you better just send it You don't mean Now that's not always now we know we're not talking about skydiving because you need everything you're supposed to have you know, I mean when you skydiving or whatever else but My favorite quote is send it And then but it's a real quote World War four is gonna be fought with sticks and stones Damn Would it be crazy dude if we made it through World War three and then like we were like old man And then like we were like old man and World War four like I'm just saying like Think about it back in the day think about World War one. I don't know anything like I'm not a military historian So don't anybody like quoting me or anything. I was dumb motherfucker I mean, obviously I was in the army and you were in the army forgot to tell you Derek was in the army also Anyway neither here nor there Or war one, I don't know how they got their soldiers back then I think it was a volunteer type thing, right? There's some recruiting whatever whatever but it was the World War one It was like all hands on deck and you know their thing World War two same thing, but even kind of like bigger So I assume World War three will happen, you know, we don't want it to happen But I'm assuming it will but like what I think about is like who's gonna sign up You know, there is probably like just a big-ass World War three long drawn-out World War three or something like that But this next move though, like this big one that could possibly happen because everybody's all fucked up. I don't know politics I'm not you know, I don't get into it. But these motherfuckers you're gonna buck-ass wild everywhere right now Getting down. Yeah, I'm gonna fucking the duty duty duty Getting down got motherfucking the duty duty Huthi motherfucking pirates motherfucking bombing and motherfuckers in Yemen and then All the shit the Middle East and all these other motherfuckers got Israel and Palestine you got Ukraine and Russia United States and Texas No, man, they're motherfuckers. You're going crazy, dude You're not as they Texas man are fucking going at it right now The United States of Texas the United State of Texas versus the United States of America The Texas dude, I love Texas I Love Texas. I've been to Texas a bunch and I'll go I'm gonna go a bunch more. I love that place That is a country man. You can drive a thousand miles across that motherfucker. Do you know that? Well, what part of Texas did you go to an El Laredo Longview I Don't know. Oh shit ain't no telling the Texas is so big bro, like Texas is big We already went over What I had wrote down because I was like what it cuz I'm I'm a very like off-the-cuff type of motherfucker And I was like, oh we're gonna talk about these few things But I skimmed over because I was thinking I always think when I leave here like man You know, I wonder who listens to the podcast cuz only like 10 20 30 people will watch that shit, you know It's not really popular and that's cool though because I'm like I wonder who's listening and then people will comment and I'm like who is it because if you look on their profile doesn't say who it is some of them do some of them don't and then well, I'm looking at it wrong, but I'm like Wonder if they really enjoyed it cuz I'm not talking about shit. I'm just fucking off. You know what I mean? Say this is what I'm doing on this fucking day-to-day He's fucking off And I enjoy that very much so because sometimes I get talking about some serious shit and then like I Think one thing that I want to talk about on the next podcast when I was on the last podcast I didn't talk about what I thought about when I was going home is like Girls talk about like getting by doing this other shit, whatever else, you know I was like and we were just talking about the narcissism shit a little bit right but like there's Always somebody in your life, whether it be I don't know who you know, worst case scenario. It's a family member Like an immediate family member or something like that Significant other or like a co-worker or Friend even or whatever the fuck but they're just like fucked up. They fuck up your whole vibe every time you're around them They're always trying to fuck your shit up. You know, I mean Like you can't let them go, you know because of whatever Circumstance or whatever may have you keeping it vague because it's a vague thing. I'm talking about but like You gotta like really cut motherfuckers out dude that And because I don't mind being cut out myself. You don't I mean if I know that I'm fucking bad for you, dude, like If I can recognize whatever we disagree on and or our vibe is just naturally off Whatever like you got you can't hang out with me because I put you in a certain mood Well, I number one. I don't want that that fucking Reward, I don't want that that metal for that. I don't want that tag So for me to be in that situation is creating that in which that person or whatever will be that describe how you react to it I just think that you should just like Cut people out. So I don't mind being the person that gets cut you can let you can never talk to me again And you don't have to tell me why You know what? I mean? And then when somebody does it to me, I'm always you know, I hurt your feelings a little bit. You're like damn I Wonder what it was. Oftentimes. You'll know what it was but it's like You got to make that move at some point in your life to get to the next point in your life You can't just like be held back by something or like a person that person, you know You got to cut that shit out I know that's very philosophical, but Yeah, yeah, yeah, what'd you say owning your day owning your day where do you hear that? Just what came to mind when I get up what do you do when you wake up every day? Just what came to mind when I get up what do you do when you wake up every day What kind of medicine you take Hold up. Well, hold up before you say anything Number one, let me get a drink and number two. I'm gonna post the whole thing. I don't edit out shit Really? I always say i'm gonna edit it out, but I really don't I thought that motherfucker was gonna tell me take some damn Um Like psycho shit. I didn't want him to be like, hey, i'm gonna get up and take my damn I'm like, you know, whatever he was about to say something about thyroid medicine I know fuck i'm a fucking idiot. I know I know anyways, so when you get up you do what? Take medicine and I don't make my fucking bed What you turn on music every day when you wake up how long you been doing that And it gets you in the like so that is the music predetermined like it's a surprise you just be like pressed as a playlist or do you like Seek something because I feel like if you seek the music you're going to listen to you're already anticipating it with your mood that you're in And you're just going to feed that Oh you like old country shit you talk like you like country You like rap? You talk country, but you like rap And you bend your hat I get it. I wear a flat hat and I got a a Long hair, but I also listen to gangster rap sometimes depending on what mood i'm in But I don't listen to music when I get up in the morning I should maybe I should try that dude because when I get up in the morning typically when I wake up i'm like Not to get raw and real because like I do know that like at least 10 people will watch this but fuck it I don't care When everything's all good I get up with this Mindset where i'm like, you know, I got to maintain some shit. All right, let's get up Let's maintain some shit, but you're positive, you know, you got money in the bank You got things got momentum going shit like that whenever shit ain't going your way and you're down on some shit You got you're overextended and uh, you know, you're over promised and under delivered and you're getting a kickback on everything, you know Like when everything's cards are stacked against you Boy you be waking up like And I know you know what i'm talking about So i'm not talking about just me there's plenty of people that wake up like this but your way i'm just describing a thing that This specific category of people that are living like this at the time feel that wake up they go Fuck Like this shit didn't happen for me yesterday and then they'll go like say somebody didn't text them back They'll go straight to the phone while they're in their just wake up mood because you know, like when you wake up shit's not You're a fucked up motherfucker And you'll go straight to the text or whatever and be like, you know, send them a fuck you and like a departure text message Basically telling them to fuck off, you know, whatever you're burning bridges because you're in that mood and then like You'll wake up and you might fuck up your whole day or you might yeah, that's just one situation But you know, maybe that don't happen, but you'll still you'll wake up and be like fuck. I gotta do it again I don't have no bread. Where's it gonna come from or? You know if you got a job, you know, my father got jobs like uh, which is a lot of people but Mother there's a lot of people that don't got jobs, bro a lot of them on purpose a lot of them because they can't get one because whatever area they live in whoever's hiring They don't got a car to get there You know, whatever there's always something you can do but like they just whatever, you know, but like I don't even know what point I was trying to make dude, but I just feel like uh, where were we at? You tell me where we're at because I started thinking about a hundred motherfuckers. I know just then you gotta We're talking about listening to the music in the morning, but I need to start listening to the music in the morning So I don't fucking feel like a dumb fuck because sometimes when i'm down and out That's what we're talking about. I will get to where i'm like I will get to where i'm like right now. I'll go look at where I just went with that cause like But i'm not in a bad mood i'm not sitting there saying i'm all fucked up I got a lot of good shit going on for me. But you know motherfucker I'm spread thin you know what I mean? So trying to trying to win baby, you know what i'm talking about and that shit's pressure and you'll be like You know My mood is fucked up in the morning. Sometimes I got to get up just What i've done here lately is I tell you overcome that because I won't accept it You know what? I mean? I'll just get up get coffee rolling. So I guess Uh, no music, but i'll be like coffee. You got to get it rolling. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom Go go make shit happen, you know, like get the fuck out of there, you know, like go do something What kind of music you listen to you said struggle jennings gangster rap? What'd you listen to on the way here New country shit Yeah, I got youtube no, I got youtube music Dude the edibles kicking in I went way add right there. I was like boy Can you see that the edibles kicking in like when I took it my eyes were kind of like I don't know if they look the same now but Buddy boy We in there like swimwear, you know what i'm saying Anyways, dude, uh, well, so what I was thinking is, uh We can end the podcast because it's 23 minutes right we can end it talking about Because they can hear you but they can't really hear you and it's kind of like one of the things where we I wish I wish you had the microphone. Like I said But you said what did you say did we already talk about it I can't remember it You lost at the moment see that's what happened. Do you have adhd? Your brains are you've never been diagnosed that's like I never got the covid shot You know what I mean Or I never had covid. I don't know why I said the shot, but it's like that's like saying like well I never got the covid Well, did you ever get tested? It's like no Never got tested. You never got it I mean good thing it ain't like herpes where you just like get a sore from it and people are like fuck He's got it or he's had it, you know, you know, whatever Anyways, that's fucked up. But uh I was thinking um Um About the uh covid thing the whole shot thing, you know, remember how people it's all psychological warfare, right? Like they like they were like take this shit and everybody's like fuck no and then it was like a whole Movement like where people were putting their facebook profile things is like I got the shot and other people were like fuck the shot you remember I mean people are still like that but um, it's a little bit less talked about now It's kind of old news at this point, but I but I was thinking when I was pooping the other day, I was like Would have been crazy if they just like put it in like buffets or Shit that we just fuck off with anyways and just gamble on it. Anyways, like we're just like Specifically like a buffet at a wedding you ever been to a buffet at a wedding where they got all these weird foods And you're just like you try a little of everything And then later on you're shitting and you're like, I don't know what it was You know what I mean Like they could have snuck a little fucking little shot of rue in there a little covid shot of rue in there We didn't ever know Because we you know, we were gambling on the pigs in the blanket the vegan the vegan pigs in the blanket Because it was it was we were hungry as fuck and we were at the wedding. You know what I mean? And that's what they had They could have snuck it in there. I was they were smarter than they are instead they tried to do the frontal assault like george washington and be like come from the front and be like You will take this and then Like more than half the people in the world were like no, we will not They're like no I talked to somebody the other day I was like They said that they had all of them or whatever. They you haven't had it and I was like no Oh, they were like, oh, you're one of them. And I said, what is it? What is one of them? They were like you just like like a like a trump guy and I said whoa Whoa, hold on I was like I didn't take this shot because I'm not taking the fucking shot. That was I was like that shit is like no Just because I wanted to go abroad Right, so you you took it So you're making my point really to prove You're an army dude, like a fucking cool dude. You're not like a Like a uh, so-called like a liberal or like a none of that shit right Pretty independent dude And then your reason for taking it Was because it was it was a purposeful thing, right? And then like the reason I didn't take it myself And I've turned down multiple shows where they're like you got to have it to get into the place or whatever, you know a couple years back I said multiple like I'm some kind of fucking saw that Yeah, yeah, whatever but that would be like you got to have it and i'm like I don't got it So they're like, oh we can't do a show. I'm like, all right, whatever fuck it It wasn't never because somebody was telling me that I had to take it it was because I was like fuck that like I ain't know if you know what I mean, like i'm like if It's not yeah to call other people that kind of is like offensive or whatever but fucking I don't care It was like it is what it is for sure. And on top of that is like, um You know no offense to the people that took it for any any reason or anything like that but it It was new it was new is why I didn't it was new like I take Tylenol because Tylenol like my grandma took Tylenol No, like you get what i'm saying to you she took Tylenol's but taking And her grandma took aspirin or whatever. Like that's why i'm taking the shit. You know what i'm saying, though And then so it's like kind of proven We'd have been fucked if they hid that shit in the goodie powders Motherfucker drunk bastard getting up the next day having a goodie powder boy. I fuck that code. I take a goodie powder then They could have got us in different ways. That's all i'm saying. But anyways Neither here nor there 27 minutes that wasn't great but the uh, point that we were trying to make we never make on this podcast because It's never really a we i'm glad it's a wee tonight because i'm always like wee And then you know, I look around the room often derek and then nobody's there Yeah, it's just me and myself and I yeah, yeah, it's we it's we And we get to tweaking on this damn monster shit and I know I shouldn't do it that's why I take the 200 milligram edible To kind of even it out. But all it really does is like make me Lose my train of thought i'll start thinking about other shit and like forget that i'm talking That's what the edibles do to me Is it The edibles with the coffee I will i'll stare at the fucking wall i'll be like And then i'll think it's i'll be like did I say anything? And then the motherfucker be like no you didn't say a fuck i'll be like damn I just had a whole conversation. That's why I was wondering why you weren't talking You know what I mean Then the shits will fuck me up. I have done it dude. I've been on stage Like in a very important moment of my life, you know Uh doing the stand-up comedy and the motherfuckers just in the middle of it just fucking look at these motherfuckers just Where was I at I've had Backstage I don't do shit I don't Fuck off and relax. I send it Yeah, I fuck off and relax because I feel like i'm preparing myself all the time because i'm constantly thinking about shit Like oh, I can't wait till the next time I go up there And yeah, I mean you'll you'll write stuff down so you don't forget it or whatever But like once you like ingrain it you go over to sometimes in your head and out loud or whatever, you know Maybe tell some people your idea because oftentimes i'll Hit somebody and I won't hit them up But like if i'm around somebody and I come up with something i'll be like, oh dude I want to do that in a skit or i'm going to do that. Whatever like wouldn't that be funny if I did that? And like they won't even know that i'm like writing it down in my head I'm jotting it down in my head. Literally. I'll remember it later. You know what I mean? And i'll because i'll be like, oh, what was that? Just like a filing cabinet. I'll fucking pull that shit out of there, dude. So like before a show I'll be like, I know I got Probably an hour and a half of material Two hours worth of material, you know, i'm not like seasoned. I've only been doing it for like four years, but I got Something I can pull out of there. So if it's a longer set I'll kind of like take out all the newer shit And which seems odd because i'll take out the newer shit and only do like that good hour So I can really hit because somebody's there to see you for an hour. You want to deliver you don't want to be Doing some new shit. You know what I mean? If it's a shorter set where i'm like in and out and I don't really have a chance to get them into that whole Thing i'll fucking do some new shit. You know what I mean and try some new shit or whatever, but I have different Um five minutes set 10 minutes set 15 minutes set hour set whatever it is, but i'll fucking try to mix it up I don't know what we What we're talking about now i'll get up there in the middle of it though, and I will literally like Look at the fucking wall and be like, what were we talking about? And the motherfuckers will be like, oh we're talking about this and i'm like, thank you god damn Because the edibles be hitting sometimes You know and right now They hitting We haven't been talking for 31 minutes up in this bitch about nothing about nothing We try to come over like hey, you just cut them out cut up cut cut the people out Cut them out it's like One of the 10 people that listen to the podcast like they literally wake up tomorrow. They're like, you know what? I want a fucking divorce And you see it on face you're like shit dude, I was not I did not mean that I was on them edibles I did not I was just trying to be spiritual like one of them hippie chicks that burn incense or the sage That's swinging around the room. They'll be like, you know, I just had to cut out some bitches and be peaceful That's what i'm saying. You got to cut them out anyways neither here nor there you ever cut anybody out Wrong time to ask you actually Wrong time to ask you we'll get Skip right on over to the next commercial. Oh, whoa. You want to talk about it? I was wondering about that. We're not let's not get this is where i'm going to be like Let's not talk about too much of that on there because I actually have questions about that. That's brand new Yeah, yeah, I got questions about that But I was like that's weird to me But at the same time I was like I get it We talked about it earlier if you got to cut me out, man Here you are sitting here again. Thank goodness. Hey, hey ain't god good Hey, no, but while we're bullshitting it Do you remember not a deflect hardcore deflect But i've been staring at this bottle for like 30 minutes easy every time I look over here. It says use me It's a sanitizer hand sanitizer And it says use me remember we're talking about like covid and stuff like that. I used hand sanitizer before that Because it would get rid of the weed smell on your fingers So the jokes on them dude Yeah, i've been doing that fucking since I was smoking dude when they put that shit on keychains with little bubbles and shit in it I've been using it since then dude Bath body works. I would put that shit on like cologne vanilla bean That shit stink, but you can't smell the weed when you throw that shit on you anyways Where you said you took the covid shot where you're a dude that Covid shot where you're a dude that um wore a mask and did all like, uh Did you change your profile picture that said I did the covid 19 shot or whatever You didn't do that. What how you simply did it because you had to leave and go overseas you wanted to go overseas And then that was the way to do it. You didn't have a friend that would give you like a fake card or something like with a I mean sure, but I try to stay away from fraud Oh, so Damn I ain't the fbi motherfucker. He said he said uh Sure, but uh, i'm not wearing a wire dude I mean i'm i'm wired up but i'm not like I mean, yeah, i'm wired up Fuck I am wired up. I know um Neither here nor there. Uh You You don't like fraud That's clear and apparent. That's good. Yeah, that's a good thing to not to not You know do fraud There's a lot of people sitting in jail for fraud I just like how you said that I was like I mean, that's a pretty strong stance as to why you didn't That's why like why you did get the shot You were like you like weighed out your options you looked up in the air and you were like, well, there's fraud Or I could just take the shot and then you were like Fraud Or or the shot And then and then you like I don't know how many times you did that. I'd have probably did it 19 And then when I like I would have just been like stuck on fraud And then something would have ran by the window And i'd have been like boom On to whatever else and then my mind was just stuck on the fraud I would have never I've taken this out. I just I'd have called a buddy You know, and i'm not saying that I know buddies that I just know buddies that have printers. Hell. I got a printer I just feel like is there like that? There's there's obviously a database there where they had to check and see you know, like Who's really checking are they checking because I mean how long does it take? Do they don't you don't mean like I mean like they might check or do they just look at it like an id? Like hold it up like with the hologram and they'll be like, all right, I guess you good Because there's got to be somebody out there that's like I ain't taking this shit. I'm getting my buddy fucking javier Dude, they used to fucking print like legit driver's license at the damn flea market Dude you could get I mean i'm not I didn't get one i'm just saying like I know I know that they did They don't do it anymore because that's flea market ain't even there They got the fucking shopping centers over there now The whole shit's where it used to be. It's like indian reserve. I don't the fuck used to be under that motherfucker Anyways, they did a flea market there Back when I was a kid And in high school you can get a fake id there and then the fake id Was actually legit Like they could make you any license you wanted and they would do it and uh That technology has to still be around so there's got to be somebody that's like i'm I'm, just gonna get the fake card You know and then and then you got my you know people like you that they weigh it out there on that That's fraud. Nope count me out Is there a reason because if it tell me please because it's illegal What are you okay with that's illegal You know You know i'm just kidding me no, no, no, no you actually have a You actually have a fucking list motherfucker. You're old school shit. You're like he's like well if it ain't on the list They'll do it if it ain't on the list He's like what's on the list and when they take something off the list, you're like, hey Like you tell all your friends like did you hear? It's not on the list no more And then and all your friends are like, yeah You're like hell yeah, then you're all hipped up on it. Like what what what would you like to see not on the list anymore? Mushrooms dude, I didn't expect you to say that I immediately thought you were gonna say weed and I was like damn he must be hot because he's taking forever to say weed But you said psychedelics I've had my fair share and i'm gonna tell you something No macro dose or nothing. No, I mean, you know, I would never tell anybody to do any of it. I'm just saying if you're inclined And the opportunity arises You know, we're not going to take that covid shot but we're going to take that edible the chocolate Yeah, yeah, yeah Somebody that suffers from depression, yeah Yeah, the serotonin and all that shit Yeah, man, they like lion's mane or some shit I don't know all the other things or whatever else but they got the shit that you can buy at the gas station That's like supposedly similar or whatever i've had those and i've had the The real thing a bunch obviously, um Neither here nor there I think That now you would be like I don't think everybody should take them right? I think people that are having a hard time sorting themselves out And if you do that like you want to be around the motherfuckers, you know, you need to cut out of your life Oh because you'll let them know in the most creative and descriptive way And then they'll be like what the fuck you're a monster. You're like, uh The the shrooms talking but in neither here nor there i've uh I think that the amount of them that i've done is like From teenager to now is you know, I don't do them like I did when I was a teenager We were teenagers. We just do them all the time different forms and fashions But now it's kind of shroom edibles chocolates, you know kind of professional or mainstream What do you call that like boutique-ish kind of shit or whatever? Gourmet. Yeah, I don't know whatever um Those are cool On the back of the pack. It'll be like one piece is a good time like 10 is like Stargazer or some shit. They'll give it a name Stargazer motherfucker, that's what i'm gonna be if I eat the whole fucking pack fucker. I eat the whole pack because they taste good And then next thing, you know, you're literally like you can't make sense of shit and then like hopefully For me, hopefully nobody's around and I can swear all this shit myself, you know, because if I talk to anybody I'm not the guy on mushrooms that you want to hang out with because i'm gonna fucking talk your ear off and Nothing's gonna make sense Kind of like this except for i'm not imagine this time fucking 100 dude You'd be like doing that shit. You just did you'd be bending the bill of your hat laughing your head the fuck Marijuana is about to be fully legal. I think I think it will be I think it will be soon Sooner than later because like they're you know what I mean? They make fucking shit loads of money on it. They're like, of course they're gonna be like, yeah, let's run that For sure they will Well, give us one, uh positive message. They can't hear you, but i'll I mean they can hear you but I like i'll I'll tell them but what it give us something real quick to end this right here We'll do a little 45 minute or I guess a couple minutes. Take a look. Give me give me Give me a a positive message Take the hill So you want me to tell you what how I what I took from that right now, or you want to elaborate So You're on your Self-righteous path, you know, you're on your your own mission you think things are Gonna happen for you or you think you're gonna make them happen for yourself And you're on that Easy road, but then there's a detour Traffic on the interstate that day. You gotta take a Take a ride and go around this shit Then you get to uh We're not gonna get too deep whatever but Obviously if you're in a car That's a bad bad bad bad way bad analogy the car thing because if you're in a car you just drive up the hill but You walk in an easy path and then the path the tree falls you got to go around you got to go up You got to go up the hill You now have a problem You now have a problem right that you have to take care of and uh and to overcome and you can either Sit at the fucking bottom of the fucking hill and wait for somebody to clear the path for you over there Because you surely didn't you don't have your chainsaw on you all you got your feet Bare minimum, you don't have any tools right now right at the bottom of the hill with no tools And then your option is to wait for these motherfuckers with the tools to show up to cut this tree down for you or you can just You know I'm sure you said it in a war sense like take the fucking hill You know, but i'm like same kind of thing. It's like gotta go up the hill Yeah Yeah Yeah, I do gotta take the hill I like that I can dig that Not to take up the time You said it but I you know I get it. I dig it That's that that's the burn barrel episode four season three Yeah, second time. I got it right didn't even write it down nowhere And um I'm just kidding. We're the fuck out of here Bye No, i'm just kidding. That was fucked up. I do hope y'all have a good a good that you know, I don't I don't I don't never know What to say at the end of these things other than just all right, man We'll see y'all, you know, I remember when I used to play music But they wouldn't let me put it on youtube with the music and he's like no people can't watch this copyright blah blah blah blah So there's no music so it's always just like let's Press play and then I just start clapping my hands to get the you know The shit lined up and then at the end I was like, I don't I never know what to say Check on your fucking friends man, because uh people commit suicide You know, that's a pretty cliche thing I feel like people discount, you know, they'll be like, you know because Robin williams, there's a lot of those that i'm always wondering do they get murdered or do they really kill themselves, but then same time it's like, you know, you gotta Go with what the investigation says neither here nor there because people do kill themselves people do Kind of going back on that word thing earlier, you know, you can say shit to people That really make them and you can say in a repetitive fashion It may not be this huge one statement that pushes them. There can be small things over and over words, you know Man Telling people you're proud of them When you're genuinely happy that they made a move instead of just keeping it to yourself like fuck them You don't want to give them a compliment or something. I don't know It may not be the case, but He'll go out of your way to tell somebody you're proud of them Or getting up in the morning for waking up I did that one time I told somebody I was like and I did it a couple of times in the same day, you know, I kind of I just did it a couple of times and I didn't do anymore I remember the first the lady was the gas station. I said man i'm proud of you for waking up today She said what do you mean? I said i'm talking about getting up and putting your clothes on going to work She's like I couldn't come naked She kind of missed my My point, you know made a joke and I laughed, you know, and I got to the hardies down the street And the dude that was working inside was like this To describe him He was like red hair This is you know the front part of it Had this little mustache right here He was kind of like, uh A little bald obviously in the front, but he was like short kind of pudgy, dude And he was gay as gay gets Flamboyant gay. Yeah. Yeah bouncing around up in there floating around Yeah, but the nicest person ever and I could tell that he was having one of them days and i'm telling you I could just tell because he would like Walking around stressing when he'd get to me like start smiling like, you know, and I was like I was like, hey, man I was like i'm proud of you For getting up this morning, you know For coming out and doing this for being here And he's like what? And I was like, no, i'm serious. I know that's crazy But like like i'm proud of you, buddy I was like, I don't know if you believe in like, you know, the power of the universe But something told me to tell you that i'm not i'm not you know, there's no audience I'm, just telling you that i'm proud of you and that motherfucker Like legit like I don't know where he's at to this day. I mean motherfucker who knows But like he like cried and shit, dude He was like crying And he's like, thank you, man Thanks for the fucking sandwich I got the omelet biscuit, you know the loaded omelet biscuit Two of the joints. Yeah, anyways It's one instance there's been millions of instances where you know Words have been positive or negative. But yeah, definitely check on your friends and give them words of encouragement Tell them you're proud of them call them ask them what they're doing. Let them talk to you. Let them vent and get it out Don't give them advice. Just listen If they ask you for advice, maybe give it to them And uh, because being you know listening to people too is a big deal not saying things letting people talk and Get it out. That's a big deal to do for somebody that you know needs to Do that But be cool man, we're the fuck out of here dude, uh the burn barrel season four fuck God Fuck I fucked it up We're getting out of here dude, fuck this shit man. Hold on. Let me get up here and press this button right here, man Yo, get the fucking get the fuck out of here