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Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kincham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. You're rich in love and you're slow to anger. Your name is grace and your heart is kind. For all your goodness I will keep on singing. Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find. Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul. Worship His holy name. Like never before, O my soul, I worship Your holy name. Bless the Lord. And on that day when my strength is faint, The end draws near and my time has come. Fill my soul, sing Your praise unending. Ten thousand years and then forever more. Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul. Worship His holy name. Like never before, O my soul, I worship Your holy name. Bless the Lord. O my soul, O my soul. Worship His holy name. Like never before, O my soul, I worship Your holy name. Yes, I will worship Your holy name. Lord, I'll worship Your holy name. Like never before, O my soul, I worship Your holy name. Jesus, I will worship Your holy name. I'll worship Your holy name. And now, for the Thought for the Week for the Kingston Talking Newspaper. Hello, I'm Rachel Shaw from St Francis Church. Last time we pondered on God's goodness reflected in our beautiful world, full of growing living things and the importance to us of trees. I'm looking at our Virginia creeper, turning from green through gold to vivid pink and ruby red. The season of autumn is well and truly upon us, and before long the leaves will have dropped. So the seasons turn, as they always have, and as one plant dies, another will grow in its place. The cycle of life goes on. In the dry climate of the Holy Land, the seasonal autumn and spring rains were essential for good harvest and were often quoted as a sign of God's faithfulness. Each season has its own beauty, but autumn in particular carries with it a sense of laying down. The hard work of spring and summer growth is done, and the days have a different flavour. Autumn can prompt us to reflect on the seasons of our own lives and the changes that come about as we get older, laying down some of our active life and looking to a different sort of richness. Priorities can change as we learn to take each day as it comes, to value relationships above achievement and to practise the skill of gratitude. Laying down and letting go doesn't come easily. Our society tells us to measure our own value by possessions and material success, to hang on tightly, anxiously, to what we have got. But only when we relax our grip on what we think we can't do without are we ready to receive with open hands the true gifts that God of all seasons has for us, gifts of peace, acceptance, trust and, surprisingly, joy. The book of Ecclesiastes expresses this deep wisdom. There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them. So, whatever season you are in, may the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen. A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to reap, a time to kill, a time to heal, a time to laugh, a time to weep. To every place and temple, there is a season and a day, and a time to uproot and a time to die. A time to build up, a time to break down, a time to dance, a time to mourn, a time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together. To every place and temple, there is a season and a day, and a time to uproot and a time to die. A time of love, a time of hate, a time of war, a time of peace, a time to lay in wait, a time to rephrase everything. A time to build up, a time to break down, a time to heal, a time to plant, a time to reap, a time to plant, a time to kill, a time to weep. To every place and temple, there is a season and a day, and a time to uproot and a time to die. A time to gain, a time to lose, a time to render, a time to sow, a time for love, a time for hate, a time for peace, I swear it's not too late. Well, thank you, Rachel, and for your choice of music there. That was an oldie, wasn't it? That dates back to my youth club days. Church youth club. Yay! What was it called? That was Turn, Turn, Turn by the Byrds. Yeah, spelled B-Y-R-D-S. And now, over to Celia for the second question for the Just for Fun quiz. Second question today. Which is the only Scrabble tile to be worth five points? Well, I think I know the answer to that one, Celia. We actually played Scrabble recently in our caravan with some friends. We haven't played Scrabble for ages. So, yep, I know that one. Now, here's my Leprosy Mission diary verse for the week. He will calm you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Lovely verse. Now, in the month of June, Kevin Durrant told us a lot about music and singing and how wonderful it is. And we played He Will Rejoice Over You by the Zoe Group from album Deep Calls to Deep. So, let's play that again. The Lord our God is with you. He is mighty to save. The Lord will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. The Lord our God is with you. He is mighty to save. The Lord will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you. He will rejoice over you. If you could only hear his voice, you would hear the Lord rejoice, rejoicing over you with singing. The Lord our God is with you. He is mighty to save. The Lord will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. The Lord our God is with you. He is mighty to save. The Lord will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you. He will rejoice over you. If you could only hear his voice, you would hear the Lord rejoice, rejoicing over you with singing. He will rejoice over you. He will rejoice over you. If you could only hear his voice, you would hear the Lord rejoice, rejoicing over you with singing. One of our good friends, David Brisington, produces a very different show on this radio station. Let's hear him tell you all about it. Hi, I'm Dave Brisington, and it's my pleasure to present The Country Hour on KTCR 105.8 FM. You will hear classic country hits, old and new, plus news on local clubs and gigs. I'm looking forward to spending this hour with you. Until then, keep it country. You're listening to Believe Together, a church that's together in Ketcham and Salford, production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. And now, time for the final question for the Just Fun Quiz. Over to Celia. And finally, our question today is, how much is in a baker's dozen? Well, thank you again, Celia. That's a great question. Our final question today is, how much is in a baker's dozen? Well, thank you again, Celia. I've always been fascinated with numbers, and the baker's dozen, yes, I remember that from when I was quite young. Well, we'll get all the answers to the quiz questions at the end of the show, so we can make sure we've got them right then. Now, if you have any subject you'd like us to have a quiz about, please tell us, and we'll see if Celia can produce the questions to go with it. Now, how do you contact us? Well, I think here's Blaze to tell us how. And now, if you'd like to contact us in the team, through phone, text message or WhatsApp, please use Peter's number, which is 07879402114. That's 07879402114. If you want to message us through Facebook, please search up Believe Together Radio. Now, if you'd want to listen to the shows live, they are on Wednesdays from 4 to 5pm, and they're repeated on Sundays, 8 to 9am, on KTCR FM Radio, 105.8 FM, or DAB+, or www.ktcrfm.com. Then you can listen again any time for the next two weeks, at www.ktcrfm.com slash listen dash again. You can search up on your favourite podcast site for Believe Together. For the playlist, this week's news, and useful contact info, please go to our Facebook, which is Believe Together Radio. And now we have a birthday request. This is for Yvonne. Hello, Yvonne. I hope you're going to have a lovely birthday. Now, Trevor and Maureen would like to play this lovely hymn or song for you. I'm sure it's a favourite of yours. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Here, it is sung country style. So happy birthday, Yvonne. Yes, Yvonne. May God bless your celebrations of His blessings. What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to burn. What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer. Oh, what peace we often forfeit. Oh, what needless pains we bear. All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble everywhere? We should never be disturbed. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful? Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden? Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer. In His arms He'll take and shield thee. Thou wilt find a soul is there. What a beautiful truth. Jesus is indeed our friend for always. Everywhere, all the time. Now, I think it's time for us to have a look around the town and see what's on and what's coming up soon. So, let's kick off with this one. A quick report back because I asked one church in Keynesham to tell us how their Curry Alpha course for men is going. And here's what they say. Yeah, going really well, thanks. We have a good group of men coming together. We are cooking curries from around the world and voting each week on our favourite curries. We will then repeat the favourite curry on the final week. It's added an element of fun to the group. And helped the Alpha content to fit seamlessly into the natural conversation. Some great conversation and progress so far. Hoping to have a post-Alpha baptism for those who make decisions for Christ during the course. That's great, isn't it? Now, something from the Keynesham Methodist Church. Linda Pillinger belongs to the Keynesham Methodist Church. And they say, congratulations to Linda Pillinger who this week received a Carer Award. The Annual Care and Support South West Awards celebrate the hard work and dedication of care professions in our part of the country. Linda supports families who have children with disabilities. And she's also a foster carer who makes a huge difference to the lives of local children. So that's good. Congratulations, Linda. Now, the Methodist Church are very pleased that they've managed to secure a new caretaker called Colin Pellett. So you may see him around. Now, talking of caretakers, you may remember that St John's Church wanted a new caretaker too. But so far, they haven't managed to get one. So if you know anyone who would like to be a caretaker there, please contact St John's Church. Now, free two-course lunch. It is this Saturday, the 14th of October, from midday until 2pm at St John's Parish Hall. Now, based on the successful pilot event which took place in August, St John's Church are pleased to offer this free lunch to those in need. It may be you or someone you know who are struggling to make ends meet, feeling anxious or depressed or living with loneliness. Whatever your reason, you'll be most welcome. No questions, no agenda. You can eat in or take away. You do need to book, and you can either do so online through an email to octkitchen at outlook.com or you can pick up your tickets at Keynsham Library or Keynsham Parish office. Now, something else from St John's Church they are linked to the Chaparta South Parish in Zambia. Well, something very exciting coming up on Saturday, the 14th of October at 6pm in St John's Parish Hall is a Zambia evening for all ages. It's an evening of songs, fun, food and, of course, fundraising. Come dressed in Zambian colours, red, gold, black and green. There will be prizes for the most original ideas. Please book on Eventbrite so we know the numbers for catering. There will be no charge for food. However, donations are welcome. Bring your own drinks or try a tropical mocktail. So that sounds very exciting that evening. That's Saturday, the 14th of October, 6pm in the St John's Parish Hall for all ages. You go to eventbrite.com and it's Zambia evening at St John's. That does indeed sound real fun. Now, something similar perhaps St Margaret's Church in Queen Charlton Village. It's come and enjoy a fun evening. Well, a bit different maybe. There will be a quiz evening in Queen Charlton Village Hall on Wednesday, the 18th of October at 7pm. Teams of two or four people are required costing £5 per head. Bring your own refreshments. All proceeds are going to St Margaret's Church. Please reply to Chris McPhee, the church warden. The phone number will be on our Facebook page. You are always welcome to contact him through this show in one of the usual ways. My UCB calendar has a verse from Lamentations for October. It says this, Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. So, let's play Matt Redmond singing Mercy's New Every Morning. Mercy's New Every Morning Brokenness and wandering Through all my fear and unbelief Your faithfulness appears to me again Through mountains tops and valley low In every season this I know Your goodness like the dawn will break again Oh, your mercy's rising In this heart again And my soul begins to sing They are new every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Your mercy's I know Every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Every good and perfect gift In your endless grace you give Growing from the Father's heart to mine Into heaven as I go Through the wilderness below The promise of your love for all time Oh, your mercy's rising In this heart again And my soul begins to sing They are new every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Your mercy's I know Every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness They are new every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Your mercy's I know Every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Oh, your mercy's rising In this heart again Oh, your mercy's rising In this heart again Oh, your mercy's rising Forever shining In this grateful heart again They are new every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Your mercy's I know Every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness They are new every morning They are new every morning Great is your faithfulness Your mercy's I know Every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness All your people sing Great is your faithfulness Jesus, great is your faithfulness They are new every morning New every morning Great is your faithfulness Your mercy's I know Every morning They are new every morning Great is your faithfulness All your people sing Great is your faithfulness Jesus, great is your faithfulness And now for some more what songs Well here's something we haven't mentioned before This is an all age night party It's on Sunday 29th October in St John's Church Hall It's from 4 to 5.30pm and everyone is welcome It sounds very exciting Activities include games, apple bobbing, candle making, science experiments and cakes and drinks So that sounds lovely doesn't it Peter It certainly does Well that's on Sunday 29th October from 4 to 5.30pm in St John's Hall Keynesham Methodist Church have been supporting the school at Nadikatha in South India for many years If you'd like to see some photos and find out some information about the school Then if you go along to a Cafe Plus on a Friday morning at the Keynes Road Centre Or maybe a coffee morning at the Victoria Centre You can find photos and information in both centres That's good Are you missing loved ones? Well you are warmly invited to attend the Remember a Life service To be held this year at the Keynes Road Methodist Church, Keynesham At 3pm on Sunday 5th November So that's on Guy Fawkes Night Sunday 5th November 3pm at the Keynes Road Methodist Church The service will include poems, music, prayer and songs and a roll call Refreshments will be served afterwards and all are welcome You can ask the Methodist office if you want any further details You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Keynesham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online Right, now many of you will know what I mean when I say it's shoeboxes season again Well we can tell you about three separate collections that are going on this year Operation Christmas Child is approaching already Keynesham Methodist Church have booked the morning of Saturday 4th November For shoebox packing between 10 and 12 noon at the Victoria Centre There will be a red box at the back of both Methodist Church centres For any donations you would like to drop off before then There will also be leaflets available which tell you what is allowed in the boxes Sarah Seymour says thank you so much for your support and generosity Then Keynesham's Ealing Church are as usual collecting Christmas shoeboxes to go out to desperate families in Romania They need to be in by the very latest Sunday 12th November For more details please go to the Keynesham Ealing Church website Apparently there's a big need for more boxes for teenage boys there Also St Mary's Church in Salford will be sending out Christmas shoeboxes from people in Salford, Causton and Newdenstown Low They need to be ready by 15th November So maybe some children would like to make up some boxes during half term Please look at the St Mary's Church Salford website for more details Ok now away from shoeboxes, something else that comes up at Christmas Well shows, lots of people put on shows The Keynesham Ealing Church in Balmoral Road are getting quite a reputation now for putting on wonderful Christmas shows And this year is no exception They have a new show called Big Trouble in Little Bethlehem And if you look on Facebook or their website you'll see a lovely photo which should inspire you to go along It's a great show for all the family And it's on Sunday 6th December, quite early this year Sunday 6th December There are shows at 2.30pm and 6.30pm Do tell your friends all about it And maybe buy somebody a ticket Especially if you don't actually want to go yourself Make sure you book the correct performance though as there are two performances Please read the instructions before selecting seats as these are non-refundable Bookings have just opened up today when I'm reading this out So do book while there are still some seats left There will also be a visit from Father Christmas of course with a prezzie for every child The tickets cost £6 but all profits go to charities here and abroad Yes, and tickets are available through Eventbrite online Now if you're used to using Eventbrite for all sorts of occasions then you'll be able to find it quite easily If you want to have a simple link we're going to put up a link to each of those two performances for buying the tickets from Eventbrite We'll put these links up on our own Facebook page and anyone who's online is welcome to go there and get them Now if you're not online I suggest you contact this show in any of the normal ways and we'll make sure your request is put through and you get your tickets We so often hear bad news, don't we? Let's take some courage from the fact that it is news because it's so rare Let's find some peace by listening here to Resound Worship with Be Still My Soul Lay down, Castle, my soul So full of fear where once was full Remember God still loves the world Be still, my soul Beneath the shadow of each stone In all the sorrow and despair Remember God still loves the world Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Trust in your God His perfect way His endless love Be still and know He reigns above the earth Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Why are you down, Castle, my soul? So full of fear where once was full Remember God still loves the world Be still, my soul Beneath the shadow of each stone Beneath the shadow of each stone In all the sorrow and despair Remember God still loves the world Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Trust in your God His perfect way His endless love Be still and know He reigns above the earth Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Be still, my soul Be still, my soul In all your striving find His peace Become a shining light of grace And show that God still loves the world Be still, my soul Now we can have some news headlines from around the world Church leaders grieved and deeply concerned over Israel-Palestinian conflict Pope Francis urges end to violence in Israel and Gaza, prays for victims Jesus drag Queen arrested under obscenity laws in Philippines Rugby World Cup God's love freeing players to express themselves, says former pro Bolivians gather at dam to pray for rain amidst dwindling water supplies Scottish bill to create abortion clinic buffer zones published Stormzy joins hundreds at candlelit vigil for Christian teenage girl stabbed to death in Croydon Checking my benefits entitlement saved my marriage Cap director urges people to check online calculator Calls for clarity as Pope suggests potential blessings for people in same-sex unions Boys Brigade celebrates 140 years of Christian-centered youth work Now I hope that many of us know the power of prayer We have a great God So I hope many of us will be praying for peace in the new war that suddenly appeared this week between the Palestinians and Israel We must remember that there are Christian church groups on both sides of this divide All being affected by this war We're going to play out our last two songs this week in this show One from a Palestinian Christian, Nasser Moussa, sung in a Gulf Arab style And one other song from a Messianic Christian Jew, which will be a form of the famous blessing song We can only fit in a part of both of these songs, but here we start with Don't Delay by Nasser Moussa Don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don Don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't 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delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay, don't delay Yes, goodbye from me too. We'll be playing out in a moment with the King's Harpists. This is again the blessing from Jerusalem, recorded live in Hebrew and English. But I'm sorry, we can't give you all of it, just playing out with it after our blessing. So may you be blessed by this programme today, and we'll close with this blessing. Heavenly Father, give us the assurance of your mighty protection in the troubles of life. Keep us in the quietness of spirit, always trusting in your loving care and blessings. Amen. Heavenly Father, give us the assurance of your mighty protection in the troubles of life. Keep us in the quietness of spirit, always trusting in your loving care and blessings. Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen The Lord bless you. The Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you, may He graciously. Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen, Amen, Amen

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