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Believe TogetherBelieve Together



This week a theme of Names developed, backed by a second theme of Peace. Look out for the ways these develop! Do send us your dedications - names and music please! Variety of music, plus news, local and international. And more quiz questions and answers.

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Welcome to Believe Together. The Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Hello there. Here we are again. I'm Jenny and that was Shine Jesus Shine by Graham Kendrick. So I hope that Jesus has been shining in your life this last week and will indeed do so this week. Yes, that comes from one of the world's favourite praise and worship songs. Yes, it's Peter here as well with you. Now, we're having a good time here. We're enjoying ourselves with this show. We hope you enjoy it too. We're with you for this hour. Now, our second song this week is celebrating Our Earth Week. You may remember that this is Our Earth Week and radio stations all over the country, all the community ones anyway, are celebrating and joining together to mark this one week, Our Earth Week. So, our contribution this time in this show is this following song from Resound Worship. It is called You Saw That It Was Good. You Saw That It Was Good As your baby there was beginning As your soulmate this world was formed All things living brought into being By the power of your word You saw that it was good You saw that it was good Help us give you thanks With the praise and all we share For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good In the sky that you have given We were hungry for all the truth So we founded the earth and oceans Saving all that we were to We stole from what was good We stole from what was good Help us fix the truth With the honesty we share For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good As the fire longs for redemption Spoiled and released from nature's laws We remember the source of healings Flowing down from Jesus Christ He came down for our good He came down for our good Help us lift you With the hope and faith we share For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good All your ways are good Don't you know If you doubt it And seek your mercy Will you see light And still forgive If all we fear Make us disown it Do we shame the way we live With all that is good With all that is good Help us change our hearts To reach your redemption For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good All your ways are good All your ways are good Don't you know Yes, thank you to Resound Worship for you saw that it was good Now if you listen in to any of the programs on this radio station KTCR FM 24-7 remember you'll find all the programs we'll be mentioning one sorry our Earth Week in some way or another during the week And now it's time for this week's quiz over to you Celia Mostly people are dog lovers or cat lovers I'm a cat lover but unfortunately don't have one now So today we have a quiz about cats First question Which ancient country believed that cats were magical creatures? Well Celia I think I may have a guess about that Cats are magical creatures Which country, eh? Now let's have my Leprosy Mission Diary verse for the week It comes from the Gospel of Matthew Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God If oppression is a shed If anything's a love Fighting on a little war If the hurtful things we say If a fool like Crooked Blake Was on the fighting floor Oh oh I know When they're talking And just shout The promoter's just a mess And I'm feeling that they don't belong All this hurting deep inside The tears they never cry Oh I know we all get it wrong Hey hey I say Blessed are the peacemakers Blessed are the peacemakers They're the children of our God Blessed are the ones who make Peace with those that Jesus saved Blessed are the peacemakers They're the children of our God The peace of Christ will rise through all the world Blessed are the peacemakers There's an answer from above Our Father in heaven Sent to us in holy time Angels and spirits Singing peace on earth Because the morning has begun Oh oh It's true He took away our sin To give us peace of heaven And peace we'll get eternally But the crush of peace has died Now it's living in my heart And the peace that's flowing out of me And I That's why I wanna be a peacemaker Blessed are the peacemakers They're the children of our God Blessed are the ones who make Peace with those that Jesus saved Blessed are the peacemakers They're the children of our God The peace of Christ will rise through all the world Blessed are the peacemakers Blessed are the peacemakers Blessed are the peacemakers Blessed are the peacemakers Blessed are the peacemakers The Lord makes me a jewel Peace within my soul Peace within my family Peace within my church Peace in all the earth This is what I wanna be Oh oh It's true I'm fine That's why And today I'm great Let me be a peacemaker Let me be a peacemaker Let me be a child of God Let me be the one who makes Peace with those that Jesus saved Let me be a peacemaker Let me be a child of God The peace of Christ will rise through all the world Let me be a peacemaker Let me be a peacemaker Let me be a peacemaker I do hope that you caught most of those words That song was Blessed are the Peacemakers from St. John's Lutheran School written for the school for a certain annual event sung by the children in the school but the meaning is simple Blessed are the peacemakers and we can all join in with that certainly something that God blesses And now, over to Celia for the second question for the Just for Fun quiz Second question What is the term for a group of kittens? Oh, well I thought that was an easy answer, Celia but maybe it's a trick question and there's another word that I don't know about You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Kingston and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online And now, for the fourth of the week for the Kingston Talking Newspaper and this week it's John Kahn Somebody used to be the minister at the Methodist Church What is it that every car, van and lorry has to have? Well the answer, you guessed it of course, is a number plate When I was younger I used to collect car numbers like a lot of little boys But you can tell a lot about the car from its number plate Which part of the country the owner lives and every part of the country has a sequence of numbers B, for example, means the car was registered in Birmingham or R in Reading W around here means it's in the south-west of England somewhere You can also tell, of course, how old the car is from its number plate when it first started its travels Ours has the figure 22 on it We bought it last year, 2022 Now the police can use the registration number of any car or van or lorry to trace it particularly if its owner has not been behaving themselves In the African country of Uganda they give elephants registration numbers Well I don't know about you but I don't fancy painting a number on an elephant Well they get around it because the wildlife rangers drug them of course with a harmless dart and when the creatures lie down asleep while they're snoozing they paint a number on them and when the animal wakes, well they didn't know anything had happened but they're registered and they can be tracked and kept an eye on We don't carry a number like cars or elephants but we do have a name and in the Bible it says God knows us by name In the book of Isaiah we hear I have called you by name, you are mine Isn't it good when someone remembers your name? Makes you feel valued and appreciated, doesn't it? When I was teaching, knowing children's names was an important part of keeping discipline in the classroom and of course names have meaning My wife's name is Valerie which means brave or valiant I'm John which means graced by God I'm here with my technician Mike Michael means a gift from God God knows each of us by name We matter to him He cares for you He loves you Jesus died for you In our baptism service holding that youthful little child helpless infant in the arms the minister at the baptism says something like this For you Jesus Christ came into the world For you he lived and showed God's love For you he suffered death on the cross For you he triumphed over death rising to newness of life For you he prays at God's right hand All this for you before you could know anything of it I think that's just amazing how God knows and loves and cares for you and he knows you by name Hi friends You know I was on tour one time and as a part of the tour we visited this home for the elderly like a rest home and as I was going from room to room visiting the patients and just maybe saying a word of encouragement singing a song I saw an old man in one of the beds and he was just kind of all crunched up a very old guy and above his bed where they would put the names of the patients it said Mr. No Name that's what it said Mr. No Name and I asked the nurse who was with me does this man not have a name she goes no we found him on the street we don't know what language he speaks and we don't know how to communicate with him so I took the man's hand and I said to him nobody knows your name here but I know someone who does know your name God knows your name and I want to remind you of that today God knows your name He knows where you've been because He's the God of the past He knows right where you are today because He is the God of the present and my friend He knows what tomorrow holds because He is the God of the future and you can trust Him with your future so Lord we do put our trust in you today we know that you know our rising up and our going down you know the end from the beginning and we put our trust in you today encourage my friends Lord let them know that you have not forgotten them and you will never ever forsake them in Jesus name Amen Psalm 139 says Lord you have searched me and known me you know when I sit and when I rise you perceive my thoughts from afar you discern my going out and my lying down you're familiar with all my ways before a word is on my tongue Lord you know it completely and that's the kind of God we serve He knows our rising up and our laying down He knows where we've been He knows where we're going and we can trust Him today Amen I have a maker He formed my heart before even time began my life was in His hands He knows my name He knows my every thought He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call I have a father He calls me His own He'll never leave me no matter where I go and He knows my name yes He does He knows my every thought He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call He knows your name He knows your every thought and He sees your tears that fall and He hears you when you call He hears you when you call yes He does He hears us when we call What beautiful music Yes, thank you to John for his thought for the week and thank you to Don Moen for his thoughts and singing on He Knows My Name And now, time for the final question for the Just Fun Quiz Over to Celia And finally today What was the name of the leader of the Manhattan Alley Cats? Hmm, something else about a name This time to do with cats I'm not sure if I know the answer to that one, Celia but I'll find out later One of our good friends, David Brasington produces a very different show on this radio station Let's hear him tell you all about it Hi, I'm Dave Brasington and it's my pleasure to present the country air on KTCR 105.8 FM You will hear classic country hits, old and new plus news on local clubs and gigs Looking forward to spending this hour with you Until then, keep it country You're listening to Believe Together A church's together in Kinchem and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online And now, if you'd like to contact us in the team through phone, text message or WhatsApp please use Peter's number which is 07879402114 That's 07879402114 If you want to message us through Facebook please search up Believe Together Radio Now, if you'd want to listen to the shows live they are on Wednesdays from 4-5pm and are repeated on Sundays 8-9am on KTCR FM Radio 105.8 FM or DAB Plus or www.ktcrfm.com Then you can listen again any time for the next two weeks at www.ktcrfm.com slash listen dash again You can search up on your favourite podcast site for Believe Together For the playlist, this week's news and useful contact info please go to our Facebook which is Believe Together Radio Thank you Blaze Now we can add a new way of listening to this show at any time if you can get online all you have to do is go to audio.com and search for Believe Together Now this week's show seems to be talking a lot about names so let's now have a song about the greatest name of all and this song, a good traditional hymn is brought to us from the EMW Abba Conference By the name of Jesus Every knee shall bow Every tongue shall thank Him In the glory now His health, heart, and pleasure We shall call His glory For from the beginning was the life we were And look for us, Jesus To raise Him again From the depths of sin and A new birth He gave Faithfully He bore it From death to life From death and victory And from death He died Name Him, brothers, name Him Praise, love, song, and prayer Love with all that wonder And with faith and prayer He is God the Savior He is Christ the Lord Ever do we worship Christ the Lord In your hearts let's proclaim Let every heart hear you All that is not holy All that is not true Crown Him as your captain In temptation's hour Let His will unfold you In its light and power Brothers, this Lord Jesus Shall return again With His Father's glory With His angels' praise For all things of this world He dwells on His throne And our hearts shall bless Him King of glory now Yes, that is indeed a great old hymn. I love it. Now, of course, we think about praying in His name, in the name of Jesus. There's also that song, isn't there, about there's power in the name of Jesus. And, of course, that's why, that's what we mean when we pray in the name of Jesus. Because of what Jesus has done, we can actually pray to God. It's just amazing, isn't it? So, whether we say in the name of Jesus before we say Amen at the end of our prayers, or we don't. As long as we know why we're able to pray, I think that's good enough. I wonder what you think. Do you all say in the name of Jesus? And now for some news headlines. Thinking about being peacemakers, of course, there are various opinions about and various things going on towards, at this time in particular, making peace between Israel and Gaza. Of course, by the time you hear these following headlines, things may have changed. Christians gather at Downing Street to pray for Israeli hostages as hopes rise for their release. Terror attack survivor with life-altering injuries arrives in UK to receive faith award. 19th century English Cardinal Henry Newman, who led Oxford Revival, could be given rare honour for his work. Don't you feel disturbed Muslim leader challenges Christians to speak out against Israeli violence? Pope gets on board with Volkswagen in bid to reduce carbon footprint at the Vatican. Surge in anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe. Nearly 800 incidents documented in the past year. Christian faith frees footballer from voodoo doctor trap as French chaplain reveals it's common in the sport. Vatican confirms ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons. Christian MP once again found not guilty of hate speech following Bible tweet. God is good news. Official survey says faith makes people happier. Sir Keir Starmer, it's clear that faith groups are a lifeblood of our local communities. Worship leader wows judges on TV show The Voice UK. Services of blessings for gay couples approved by Church of England. You're listening to Believe Together, a Churches Together and KTCR production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. And now, let's find out the answers. Over to Celia. So here's the answers. The ancient country that believed cats were magical was ancient Egypt. They thought cats brought good luck and that your home would be safe if you housed a cat. The term for a group of kittens is a kindle, but litter is more commonly used. And the leader of the Manhattan alley cat was Top Cat. That was a children's cartoon from quite a long time ago that I know I watched when our boys were younger. And Top Cat was very bossy and lived in a dustbin in the alley. Thank you, Celia. I think I guessed the answer to that first one about Egypt. But did you say kindle, Celia? I thought that was some tech device for reading things. Well, I've certainly never heard of that. I thought it was just litter. You've got me there. What about the other question, Peter? Well, Top Cat. Yes, I used to love watching Top Cat, one of my favourite cartoons as a child. But I never really realised that their gang was called the Manhattans or whatever. No, that was a surprise to me. But yes, I know about Top Cat. Anyway, after the name of Top Cat, let's get back to the greatest name of all. Let's enjoy Phil Wickham bringing us Your Name. Morning dawn and evening fade You inspire songs of praise That rise from earth to touch your heart And glorify your name Your name is a strong and mighty tower Your name is a shelter like no other Your name lets a nation sing it louder Nothing has the power to save But your name Jesus, in your name we pray Come and fill our hearts today Lord, give us strength to live for you And glorify your name Your name is a strong and mighty tower Your name is a shelter like no other Your name lets a nation sing it louder Nothing has the power to save But your name Your name is a strong and mighty tower Your name is a shelter like no other Your name lets a nation sing it louder Nothing has the power to save But your name Your name is a strong and mighty tower Your name Wow, thanks for that Phil Wickham. Now, for our usual what songs. I wonder if you'll need your diary next to you for this. Now, first of all, something that Watt was on. I don't think I knew about it beforehand, but it sounds very interesting. And this is a Vigil for Peace. Going back to the theme of Blessed Are the Peacemakers, last Sunday there was a silent Vigil for Peace in the Parade Gardens in Bath. It was not a political rally, but a gathering in unity, love, grace and compassion to pause, reflect and stand in solidarity with the parts of our world where there is conflict, injustice and unrest. It was a simple gathering in silence, where they were all encouraged to wish each other peace. They concluded with, may peace prevail, and then left in silence. I wonder if you were there? That does sound rather moving, doesn't it? Now, the Sanctuary Garden in Keynsham. Prayer, walk and bacon, a good day for the soul. The message here is that we'll be having a change to our Friday rhythm as of next week, and introducing hot chocolate and marshmallows to our evening prayers at the earlier time of 6pm. It says keep an eye on the Facebook page for details. Now, St John's Church have their new caretaker now, so that's good, isn't it? His name is Graham Mitchell and he'll be working on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Well, that's good. I'm glad they've found somebody to do that important job. Now, the new Reuse Shop. The new Reuse Shop is now open, where? Inside the Keynsham Recycling Centre on Pickthash Lane. It's open for all Baines residents, everybody in the county. The store will be open Wednesday to Friday, 9am to 1pm, and Saturdays 9.30am to 3pm. Now, please be aware the shop is card payment only. You can find out more by going to the Bath Council's website. Now, people who have already been to this new shop are reported as being surprised by the good value and wide range of items for sale, from small things to large furniture. Hi, this is Kate from Keynsham Town Council, and we hope you join us for a spectacular winter festival. Mark your calendars for Friday, November 24th from 6pm to 9pm, and get ready to experience the magic of the holiday season in Keynsham. The Town Council is proud to present a variety of festivities for all ages, including late night shopping, the Christmas light switch on, the fun fair, street entertainers and free face painting. All your favourites in one place. This year, we're excited to introduce even more unique activities, including a special grotto for Father Christmas himself, princess meet and greets, and a climbing wall. There's something for everyone, and we can't wait to celebrate the start of the holiday season with you all. And of course, the winter festival is really bringing on the beginning of Advent leading up to Christmas. And the local churches are doing a good job in bringing Christ into Christmas. What are they doing, the High Street churches? Well, the Keynsham Methodist Church's Victoria Centre on the High Street will once again be open on that evening of the winter festival to welcome the community in for refreshments. There'll be carol singing at 6.45pm and the Key Voices Choir will be performing at 7.45pm. Then St John's Parish Church will be open from 6 to 8.30pm to welcome the community into that church for refreshments, crafts, activities, etc. Now, I think they're still hoping for someone to volunteer to dress up in a donkey onesie. How about you? Then, of course, we mustn't forget the Baptist Church on the High Street. They'll be open that evening with performances by the Salvation Army Band. That sounds great. And they will, of course, have refreshments available. That sounds really great. Now, further down, almost outside the library door, you should be able to find the crib. An illuminated crib scene, which is always a great favourite with the children. Whenever children come up to it, I hope to be there myself. I hope I will be, but there'll certainly be a group of people there. We try to ask the children who are the characters in the crib scene. Some of them know and some of them really have no idea. So it's always very interesting to help them to understand a little bit about the actual original Christmas story. And anyone who comes up to that illuminated crib stand will be given a brown bag. Any family will have a brown bag with lots of information in it, including all the details of times of Christmas services right across the season. And any child that comes to see it will be given a bag of hope containing a leaflet with some lovely Christian stories talking about the whole of the Christian gospel, including the Christmas story. So we hope that will be really helpful to many families. We've got 300 bags ready to give out for 300 families and 300 bags to give to children. So we're looking forward to giving them all out on this coming Friday evening. So please do just call in on us and say hello. We'll be very pleased to see you. Now Penny, I wonder if you're out there listening. I hope so, because your husband Richard has asked us to play a song for you for your birthday. And it appears not only for your birthday, but for your first wedding anniversary. So congratulations to you both. Right, so what he'd like us to play for you, Penny, is In Christ Alone by Stuart Townend, which you did have in your wedding service too. So enjoy this, Penny. Happy birthday to you. In Christ Alone In Christ alone My hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This cornerstone This solid ground Burned through the fiercest drought and storm What heights above What depth of peace When fears are true When strivings cease My comforter My all in all Here in the love of Christ I stand In Christ alone Who took on flesh Only to God in helpless faith This gift of love And righteousness Strewn by the works He came to say Still on that cross As Jesus died The cross of God Was sacrificed For every sin On Him was laid Here in the love of Christ I stand There in the ground There in the ground His body lay Light of the world Our God has slain Then bursting forth In glorious day Up from the grave He rose again And as He died In victory In Christ I saw His miracle be For I am His And He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ No guilt in life No guilt in life No fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From my first cry To final breath Jesus who left my destiny No power of hell No king of hell Can ever draw me from His hand Till He returns And calls me home This is the power of Christ in me No power of hell No king of hell Can ever draw me from His hand Till He returns And calls me home This is the power of Christ in me All the way down in Blagdon in the Mendip Hills That's on the 30th of November Between 6.30pm and 10 Three course meal Three comedians Live music like I say It's going to be amazing And all the food itself is delicious local organic food Made by the people at Yeo Valley So come on down if you fancy a works night out A Christmas do Just a night out with friends And come and join us for an amazing Christmas celebration You can get tickets on the Julian House website Just go to the events page And search for a festive evening with Dr Phil Hammond All proceeds go to Julian House And you can get tickets at www.julianhouse.org.uk Right, well that was a fundraising advert From the excellent charity Julian House Based in Bath Who help homeless people in all sorts of excellent ways Now I have tried to go to their website To look up this event And I can advise you that the best way to get to it Is first of all to go to the website www.julianhouse.org.uk And then click on the support us tab And then click on the events And you'll find this event and many others listed there Returning to local free events The Christmas Tree Festival in Keynesham is coming up Friday the 8th to Sunday the 10th of December In St John's Church, Keynesham Judges together will have a decorated tree there It will be interesting to go and see All the beautifully decorated trees And how various community groups Get their message across on their tree Yes indeed Now I'm going to mention something That may be relevant to you Or maybe somebody you know And I'll give you the dates So this is a heads up It's to do with Sunday the 10th of December Now I wonder if you've lost a loved one this year Well the Haycoom Cemetery and Crematorium in Bath Are having a Christmas memorial service On Sunday the 10th of December at 3pm To honour all loved ones no longer here Tags will be provided That can be personalised with a message And hung on the Christmas tree there And a candle can be lit in their name There will be traditional carols And a warm welcoming atmosphere And complimentary refreshments Will be served after the service What a lovely idea If you're unable to get to the service You may want to watch the live webcast Or its recording for a further 28 days Which you can get a few days after the service We'll give details about how to go to that On our Facebook page And we'll just mention again Another event on Sunday the 10th of December Have you bought a ticket for yourself Or for someone else yet For the Keynesham Elims production Of Big Trouble in Little Bethlehem There may still be some tickets left At one or both of the performances At 2.30pm and 6.30pm It's so much fun there As well as a pretty from Father Christmas For all the children afterwards Tickets are available from Eventbrite Then on Tuesday the 12th of December There's a quiz night Do you like joining in with team quizzes Or maybe you've never done this before But would like to have a go It's the evening out with others That brings joy Even if probably like me You can't answer any of the questions St Mary's Church in Sultford Are having a quiz on Tuesday the 12th of December In St Mary's Hall With drinks from 7pm And a quiz starting at 7.30pm All are welcome You need to be in a team of up to 6 people And it costs £10 per team With wine and cheese included You can book tickets through the church office Or even just turn up on the night Wow! Imagine if all our listeners decide To have a go and turn up on the night Well it's time for me to say goodbye now I hope you have a good week And maybe you'll listen to something else On KTCR FM And we're going to play out with today Is He Worthy by Chris Tomlin Goodbye Time does come round quickly Time for our blessing Father Almighty May we learn that your mercy endures forever Along with your great love and compassion We thank you for your gracious blessings This day and always In Jesus' name Amen Do you feel the world's broken Do you feel the shadows deepening Do you know that all the darkness Stops the light from getting through Do you wish that you could see it all made new Is all creation growing Is a new creation coming Is the glory of the Lord to be The light within our midst Is it good that we remind ourselves Shhh Is anyone aware Is anyone at home Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll The lion of Judah The conqueror of the grave He saved his fruit and the lamb who died To ransom the slave Is He worthy Is He worthy Of all blessing and honor and glory Is He worthy Amen Does the Father truly love us Does the Spirit live among us And does Jesus by my side Hold forever those he loves Does our God intend to dwell again with us Is anyone aware Is anyone at home Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll The lion of Judah The conqueror of the grave He saved his fruit and the lamb who died To ransom the slave From every people and tribe Every nation and tribe He invaded the kingdom and preached to God Great with the Son Is He worthy Is He worthy Of all blessing and honor and glory Is He worthy Is He worthy Is He worthy Of He is He is Is He worthy Is He worthy He is He is He is worthy He is worthy He is

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