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Believe TogetherBelieve Together



Christian weekly magazine for everyone, produced for radio, podcast and streaming by Churches Together in Keynsham and Saltford. This week the theme is linked with creation!


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Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Salt Lake production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Hello again, this is Peter here with you for the next hour of Believe Together. It's great to be back with you after a summer holiday away. Well, sort of a holiday anyway. Well, are you having a holiday this summer? I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. I do hope you enjoyed that opening song there. That was All Creatures of Our God and King, brought to you from Westminster Abbey. If you go and have a look at the video that we've got a link to from our Facebook page, you'll see Our Dear Queen there. So it was recorded a few years ago now. The Royal Family in Westminster Abbey. So did you manage to pick up any of the words that they were singing there in that old hymn? All about creation, about the creatures created by our God and King. Yes, as our old friend St Paul said in that famous letter of his to the church in Rome, anyone who ignores the creation is making a deliberate effort to ignore God. Well, maybe. What do you think? And hello, I'm Jenny, of course, and lovely to be back with you again. Well, yes, we have been away. In fact, most of our local family joined us down in Cornwall for some of the time. We went to Creation Fest this year, didn't we, Peter? Yes, we did. Now, the words Creation Fest should have given me a clue. But of course, it's a festival. Not quite like the thing we used to go to, Faith Camp. But we have popped into Creation Fest before. But it really struck me this time. It is like a festival. I haven't been to any other festivals that people go to over the summer. And it means that there are lots of things going on all at once. And you could pick and choose what you went to. There were, of course, the talks. There were also family sessions. There was the art village and people moving around doing different art things. There were sports cages that children could play sports in them. And skateboarding. And there's a big skateboard park. Yes, we had the experts there and also other people could join in. Anyway, all sorts of things going on. And it was a great occasion. But, of course, this year, things were a bit different, weren't they, because of the storm. Indeed. We parked our caravan up on a green pastured hill, put up the awning, and then the farmer there said, I suggest you take it down, down below the hill, onto the hard standing because of the storm coming on the Saturday. Yes, and it came. And it came. So we had a fantastic time down in Cornwall. But it was a bit different because of the weather. Now, we did also, of course, see a lot of creation, including the sea, the magnificent sea and the big waves. The children really enjoyed the big waves in the sea this year. That was great. So it's lovely, isn't it, just to get out, if you can, to see a bit more of God's creation. And I did see definitely some of those things that were in that hymn there, all creatures of our God and King, moon, stars, sun, wind, definitely we felt that. Oh, yes. And other things. So that was great. Now, what we did miss because we went away to Cornwall was the usual August balloon fiesta in Bristol. We saw some sort of reports of it and it looked lovely. But somebody told me afterwards that the organisers are thinking of not having it anymore because not many people went along. Oh, dear. Oh, dear, indeed. So we shall see because it's a great sight, isn't it, seeing the balloons up in the sky? When I went into Tesco's when we got back, I could see lots of lovely pictures of balloons that children had coloured in up on the window in Tesco's. Very nice. Well, do tell us what you think. Would you like the Balloon Festival to carry on? Please have your say. Mm. I don't want to be afraid Every time I face the wind I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to see the storm Just because I hear it roar I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I 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to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid I don't want to be afraid Well Celia, I don't think the answer's England. Now what could it be? Now we were down in Cornwall, as I said, and we did on the Sunday evening go down to Padstow, the quayside there, and they had a band playing. It was a Churches Together event. How about that? It was lovely. They had lots of hymns singing about the sea and so on. That was great. Now while we were on holiday in these storms, we had quite a lot of fun with tents, trying to find some of our old tents that were still workable. We do have a couple or more old tents now. Now not the very ancient canvas ones. These are made of nylon, aren't they, nowadays. We need to get rid of them and prevent them going into landfill. We've had lots of ideas from people about what to do with them. Maybe one of you would like to have an old tent to cut up and use for things. I just don't have the time. For instance, you could make nylon shoe bags out of them. They could even go in the Christmas shoe boxes, couldn't they? So if you, or you know of anyone who would please like a bit of lovely material that doesn't work as a tent anymore to make something else from, please just let us know very soon. Thank you so much. Yes, they also include some ground sheets and gyros for anyone interested in them. Yes, indeed. Now we thought you might like a heads up about the coming up at the beginning of September of the Season of Creation. This is the annual Christian ecumenical celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of creation. You can find out a lot more on the website seasonofcreation.org where you can also download resources for individuals and for churches. So why not have a look? It refers to the prophet Amos crying out, But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream. And so we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to take up climate and ecological justice and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustice and the loss of biodiversity. Now churches and individuals will of course have different emphases on what they do as Christians. We're all called to do different things, aren't we? We have our own individual callings and churches have their own callings, some concentrating on the Great Commission to spread the good news of the gospel. But all of us are responsible for the creation that God has given us and looking after it and indeed maintaining it. But today we're going to concentrate on this season of creation with a few other things along the way. Nature shines with beauty, bringing us the revelation of the maker's glory, leading us in adoration. O God, who made the stars and formed eternal earth, your treasure over us and all your ways are love. O God, who made the stars and formed eternal earth, your treasure over us and all your ways are love. Nature burns in the heat of longing for the revelation of the maker's children on the day of separation. Nature burns in the heat of longing for the revelation of the maker's children on the day of separation. O God, who made the stars and formed eternal earth, your treasure over us and all your ways are love. O God, who made the stars and formed eternal earth, your treasure over us and all your ways are love. All your ways are love. O God, who made the stars and formed eternal earth, your treasure over us and all your ways are love. Your treasure over us and all your ways are love. Nature shines with beauty, bringing us the revelation of the maker's glory, leading us in adoration. That beautiful song was Nature Shines With Beauty by ReSound Worship. And now over to Celia for the second question for the Just For Fun quiz. And what name refers to a boot, a football team and a girl's name? Hey you, have you ever felt like listening to our sister program on a Friday evening to kickstart your weekend early? Then prepare for the opposite of calm. It's The Lighter Show. Hey, every Friday here at 4pm on KTCR FM. Join us for the best possible way to start your weekend. Remember folks, you're listening to The Lighter Show on KTCR FM. Subtunes, unique radio features, guaranteed to leave you feeling lighter. Leave feeling lighter or your money back. Barbra Streisand. That's us, The Lighter Show, Friday 4pm. We'll be seeing you. You're listening to Believe Together, a purchase together in KCM and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. Eden, teach us how to tend his earth Learning from the changing seasons Time to follow my new birth Lord, have mercy when we curse Rich resources we misuse Use our hands to heal creation You are making all things new God of labour and vocation Lord of science, trade and art Take our efforts and our passions Make them nearest of your heart Every habitat and creature Loved and valued, God by you May our lives reveal your kingdom You are making all things new You are making all things new You are making all things new You are making all things new All things renewed You are making all things new You are making all things new All things to be new You are making all things new All things to be new You are making all things new You are making all things new All things to be new You are making all things new You are making all things new All things to be new You are making all things new You are making all things new All things to be new That was God the Maker of the Heavens. Another track from Resound Worship. Incidentally, Resound Worship are a group of songwriters and worship leaders. Now, before we have our last quiz question for this week, I'll just mention that we're going to give you the answers before the end of this program. Hang in there, you won't want to miss that. And now, time for the final question for the Just For Fun quiz. Over to Celia. And finally, who became the nation's PE teacher during lockdown? Yes, and believe it or not, we, Peter and I, you could have found us on the floor, in our front room, doing those exercises. But we won't reveal the name of the person leading it just now. Now, Kensham Methodist Church has a vacancy for a caretaker. Now, listen in because maybe that person is you or someone you know who is available to do this very important job and is fit enough to do it indeed. It's to cover both the Queen's Road and Victoria Methodist Centres. It's for eight hours a week to carry out caretaking duties, flexible working to include out-of-hours cover. It pays £11 per hour. If you'd like any more details and an application pack, you can always email the church or you might even want to find out from one of their coffee mornings. They're open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays still, and they're open during the summer, apart from bank holidays, of course. That's from 10 to 12 on those days of the week. And on Thursdays, there's the shopper's service at 11. But anyway, the closing date for applications is Friday 15th September. So maybe you could get thinking about that. Do you know anyone who might like to have this caretaking job? We're soon going to be bringing you this week's news headlines. And before that, we have some music from We Sound Worship again. This one is called We Are the Tenants of the King. You can see the theme going through all of this week. Something to do with creation is in almost everything we're doing, but not all of it. And right now, I've got something else to do with creation. I've got a book review for you. Our own Baptist minister, Kevin Durrant, has written a couple of books relating to creation. The first one is called The Earth Will Teach You. Now, here's a quick review here from someone. And I'll just read a tiny bit of it. It says this. Kevin challenges the reader to listen to the wisdom that comes through the voices of the natural world. For him, the whole of creation is sacramental. His first sermon in the book reflects on Balaam's donkey, who sees the danger. For Balaam's pursuit of money has blinded him to God's truth. Durrant comments that now the animals are warning us as we blindly travel towards environmental destruction. Then there's another book called Courting Chaos. This one is summarised like this. It's a helpful book on navigating the ecological crisis, which weaves together the teaching of Jeremiah in the Bible with the linked ministries of Jonah and Jesus, each of whom came through the chaotic waters of death to deliver a message of hope. Here's a quick excerpt from another review. Current news of heatwaves and wildfires focus our attention on the growing environmental crisis and its possible disastrous outcome for the future of the planet and every species within it, the human race included. The question facing us is, how do we discern God's presence and activity in what is happening to the world? With the help of scripture and above all the book of Jeremiah, the author seeks to explore these questions. As we wait for the dawning of the day When the King is coming We will live for His glory and His praise For in the victory of the cross We have a hope of restoration All things together under Christ All the flourishing of life So fill my cup and lead us all To see the coming of your kingdom And we will labor as we sing For we'll attend His talking As we wait for the dawning of the day When the King is coming We will live for His glory and His praise As we wait for the dawning of the day When the King is coming We will live for His glory and His praise Yeah As we wait for the dawning of the day As we wait for the dawning of the day As we wait for the dawning of the day As we wait for the dawning of the day When the King is coming We will live for His glory and His praise As we wait for the dawning of the day When the King is coming We will live for His glory and His praise So fill my cup and lead us all To see the coming of your kingdom And we will labor as we sing For we'll attend His talking So we will labor as we sing For we'll attend His talking And now for some news headlines UK church to hold prayer vigil for Christians in Pakistan As thousands flee and churches burned Pakistani Christians hold Sunday services at churches burnt by mob Church commemorates pandemic with new stained glass window Church that faced closure over bat feces Celebrates end of 5 year project to reclaim space Migration brings huge boost to parish churches Number of students taking religious studies A level drops after 20 year climb Hillsong's Brian Houston speaks of persecution As he's found not guilty of covering up father's sex abuse crimes Russian Orthodox clergy to provide inflatable churches to front line troops CofE announces £9 million funding for extra cure-ups CofE announces £9 million funding for extra cure-ups At your bidding, there was beginning At your summon, this world was formed All things living, brought into being By the power of your word You saw that it was good You saw that it was good Help us give you thanks With the praise and all we share For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good In this garden that you have given We were hungry for all its fruit So we plundered the earth and oceans Seeming more than we were cheap We sow from what we gain We sow from what we gain Help us speak the truth With the honesty we share For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good As this land longs for redemption Spoiled and relinquished from nature's laws We remember the source of healing Flowing out from Jesus Christ You came down for our good You came down for our good Help us receive you With the hope and faith we share For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good All your ways are good No, yes, all your ways are good If we bow down and beg your mercy Will you hear us and forgive? Holy Spirit, make us discernment You will shape the way we live Restore all that is good Restore all that is good Help us change our hearts So we show the care we should For all your ways are good Yes, all your ways are good God of all creation All your ways are good All your ways are good All your ways are good You're good Thank you to Resound Worship for You saw that it was good Or At your bidding there was beginning Now George can you tell us how to contact the team here please Because I'm sure some people are going to want to contact us after this week's show Now if anyone would like to contact the team here at Believe Together It could be answers to the quiz It could be a birthday dedication Or you could be dedicating a track maybe to some other big moment in your life It's all good We'd love to hear from you Or you could just contact us about anything at all that's interesting I mean that's what local radio is so much fun for isn't it Here's how you can get in touch We've got multiple ways so get your pencil at the ready The first way is easy It's if you want to text message us or use the WhatsApp application on your mobile phone This is the number for WhatsApp or texting 07879402114 That's 07879402114 Now if you prefer email You can email bt at melted.com That's bt at melted.com Perhaps you prefer Facebook Not a problem We have a Facebook page where you can contact us as well And you can search in Facebook for Believe Together Radio And you'll find us on Facebook That's Believe Together Radio And finally If you go to your place where you normally get your podcasts from There are many places But wherever that is for you Just search for Believe Together And you'll find us wherever you get your podcasts from We hope to hear from you soon Go on and get in touch You're listening to Believe Together A church's together in Caterham and Salford production For KTCR FM 105.8 and online We've got another track from Resound Worship Coming up very soon It's called Great Day And after that We're going to give you the answers To this week's Just For Fun quiz But before we get to these I've got a story for you Well, it starts like this Just before we went on our holiday down to Cornwall We have a problem at home Our kitchen sink is so far away From our back wall of our house That we have to have a pump under the sink That pumps the water out Out the back of the house And two days before we were going away The pump failed Oh, well, never mind I got a son of mine to come and help me And we ordered in a new pump On overnight delivery Great, it came Simple job We had to lift out the old pump And put in the new pump Oh, was it so simple Well, the trouble was When we disconnected the pipes From the old pump We discovered that they were Nearly completely clogged up With sticky, grey, smelly Gunge Oh, it was revolting So, OK The job didn't get done before we went away Never mind Now, as I said, we went away And we were able to drop in On Creation Fest It's a wonderful festival Attended by hundreds and hundreds of Christians And one of the great meetings there Is a real lovely time of worship Now, I Went there for one evening With my Taking our nine-year-old autistic grandson I was looking after him And we popped into this great arena And there were Lovely time of worship Really loud Lots of flashing lights Our grandson was spellbound He just sat there And soaked it in And I had the pleasure and privilege Of just sitting there next to him And soaking it in too And you know what it felt like? It felt just as though I was having The pipes of my spiritual life Flushed out It was a lovely experience I couldn't stay long Because the boy couldn't stay long So, off we went again But I can recommend to any of you If you get the chance to Even for a short time Drop in on any of these great worship events With lovely music And a great number of people All worshipping together Do take the opportunity It can be really cleansing Oh yes, and when we got back home again Yes, we were able to finish Cleaning out the pipes in the sink Under the sink And put in the new pump We have a kitchen sink again Now let's hear Resound Worship again This time singing Great Day God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All God the Word of Life Created All By faith We know We know Our redemption Is close But still The earth Spills Spills Spills God of Hope has heard Creation call Creation call Pouring out His mercy on The earth And giving us His one and only Son Rescuing the world He loves so Much Yet we wait For the day In Christ We hold By faith We know Our redemption Is close But still The earth Spills Spills Spills But still The earth Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Spills Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God We sing praise to the Maker To our King, our Creator Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah I am a new creation No more in condemnation Here in the grace of God I stand My heart is overflowing My love just keeps on growing Here in the grace of God I stand Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together I am a new creation No more in condemnation Here in the grace of God I stand Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together I am a new creation No more in condemnation Here in the grace of God I stand My heart is overflowing My love just keeps on growing Here in the grace of God I stand Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together Singing one hallelujah Praise to Almighty God All creation together

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