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National story telling week! Variety of music. Poem, news, quiz about Torquay in Devon UK and more. You want us to play a dedication for someone or for you..... Please tell us!

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Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. What a beautiful, peaceful way to start this week's show. 10,000 Reasons, or sometimes called Bless the Lord by Matt Redman. Yes, Peter here, I'm so glad that you're joining us for this hour of Believe Together. Yes, and I'm Jenny. It's lovely to be back with you again this week. I hope you've had a good week, and I hope this week's going to be good for you too. Now, this week is National Storytelling Week, so we must be sure to bring you some stories, mustn't we Peter? Indeed, and how better than to start off with an old-fashioned children's song perhaps, Tell Me the Stories of Jesus, this time sung for us by the Jamborees. Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea Stories of Jesus, tell them to me First let me hear how the children stood well with me That I may know of his blessing resting on me Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace Signs of true love found in Jesus' face Tell me in words full of wonder, how bold to see Tossing the boat in attendance of Galilee Jesus' men doing his Father's will And did the song say, please, please be still Into the city I'd follow the children's band Waving a bouquet of palm trees high in my hand Worshipping Jesus, yes, I would sing Loud is Montana, for he is king Show me that scene in the gardens of bitter pain And of the cross where my Savior for me was slain And through the sadness help me to see How Jesus suffered for love of me Let me a hear of his rising out of the grave Living and strong and triumphant, my Jesus lay And how he sent us all men to bring Stories of Jesus, Jesus their King The FGB In the hotel here at Torquay And what people have been chatting to me about over meal times Yesterday evening I was chatting with a guy at dinner And he was saying, yeah, yeah Over the last week God has pointed me and led me to Four different people Who all wanted to know about Jesus And I was able to tell them And they became Christians He was so happy, so excited about this Yes, God is good Then today We were hearing from a gentleman who popped up at one point Just to say a little tiny story After a main speaker had been talking And he said, yeah I was an engineer, he said Working in a Middle East country God told me to go out there and do this UN job I was helping out there I was re-roofing a building A building that was holding a thousand migrants Very poor people Desperate for a home They needed a roof But there were so many problems And one of them was the weather It was the rainy season And we hadn't allowed for that in our plans So we sat down with these engineers And they said, well we can't do it And he said, well I'll pray to my God That he'll stop the rain And the engineers thought he was crazy They got on with their project It didn't rain Throughout that part of the rainy season While they did the project The day he signed off the work The roof was done The people now had a place They could shelter And the engineers came to him again and said It's a disaster We haven't had any rain It's been our rainy season, we need rain He said, don't worry My God will cope He knows what he's doing I'll tell him And make it quite clear to him That he's now allowed to send the rain And the engineers said We can't cope with rain now The land isn't ready It would flood He said, my God knows what he's doing We'll be OK And he said how amazed everybody was The next morning It was a cold, clear sky that day But the next morning Four inches of snow had come down Well, it had come from somewhere Nobody quite knew where It solved all their problems Right, I wonder What we're going to hear in the next meetings And what will happen over the next meal time When I chat with somebody else We'll soon find out Well, sorry about the quality of that recording It was on the seafront at Torquay Now, I will just put in A blatant plug for FGB The FGB hold meetings In towns and cities All over the country And indeed around the world The meetings are usually including a meal If you get any chance to go to any of them Take it Because the stories you'll hear Will always be very interesting And often quite challenging as well Now, here's my diary Verse for the week It's from Matthew's book in the Bible It says And it's quite a challenging one Heal those who are ill Raise the dead Cleanse those who have leprosy Drive out demons Freely you have received Freely give Thank you Jenny Now we all know that sickness and healing Raise some of the most difficult questions In the world today Not just the Christians by any means Many people ask why So, here we have Mercy Me Bringing us their song The Hurt and the Healer Why? Why? The question That is never far away But healing doesn't come From the explained Jesus Please don't let this go In vain You're all I have All that remains Here I am What's left of me Where glory Meets my Suffering I'm alive Even though a part of me Has died Take my heart And breathe it back Why? I've fallen to your arms Oh, why? The hurt and the healer Why? Breathe Sometimes I feel It's all that I can do Pain so deep That I can hardly move To keep my eyes Completely fixed On you Lord, take hold And pull me through So here I am What's left of me Where glory Meets my Suffering I'm alive Even though a part of me Has died Take my heart And breathe it back Why? I've fallen to your arms Oh, why? The hurt and the healer Why? It's the moment When humanity Is overcome By majesty When grace is ushered In for good And all our scars Are understood When mercy takes Its rightful place And all our questions Fade away When out of a weakness We must bow And hear you say it's over now I'm alive And even though A part of me Has died You take this heart And breathe it back Why? I've fallen to your arms Oh, why? The hurt and the healer Why? Take my heart And take my tears Find your glory Even in the hurt And the healer Please come And break my fear Take my heart And take my tears Find your glory Even in the hurt And the healer Please come And break my fear Take my heart And take my tears Find your glory Even in the hurt In Torquay Can you please give us the name? Ooh, I think I know that one, Peter That hotel Hilarious goings-on in there One of our good friends, David Brasington Produces a very different show On this radio station Let's hear him tell you all about it Hi, I'm Dave Brasington And it's my pleasure to present KTCR 105.8 FM You will hear classic country hits Old and new, plus news on local clubs And gigs Looking forward to spending this hour with you Until then, keep it country You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Kingsham A Kingsham and Salford production For KTCR FM 105.8 and online And now, for the Thought for the Week For the Kingsham Talking Newspaper Hello, my name is Kevin Durrant And I'm the Minister of Kingsham Baptist Church It's my privilege to be asked To give the epilogues For the Kingsham Talking Newspaper And the Believe Together radio show For the next five weeks I've decided to use my short talks To share some thoughts On the subject, trees Which I hope will be encouraging Many of us, I'm sure Are looking forward To the approach of spring When trees, barren during the winter months Start to bud again And if we live in Kingsham We are blessed with so many Beautiful trees We have all those different species of tree Planted in Memorial Park That bud and blossom in all their variety We have the Avenue of Horse Chestnuts That offers us such a colourful Guard of Honour As we walk towards the Chocolate Quarter And then there's the peaceful oasis Of the Manor Road woods And the reassuring sight Of that family of trees That crown the top of Kelston Hill I could go on As I list out these examples I am very conscious That some listening to me today Particularly via the Talking Newspaper Will be blind or partially sighted But the wonderful thing about trees Is that our appreciation of their beauty Is not limited to just one of our senses We are also able to smell trees Particularly the blossom and the sap They produce We can enjoy kicking their fallen leaves In the autumn And touching their rugged bark All year round Even going for the full embrace If we're into tree-hugging We can also listen to the sound Trees make as the wind Rustles their foliage And sways their creaking branches And of course If the trees bear fruit or nuts We can also use our sense of taste It wouldn't be hard for me To list out the benefits We receive from trees They provide us with food to eat And timber for our buildings and cricket bats They give us shade from the blazing sun And shelter from the teeming rain They anchor the soil To prevent it eroding away They provide a habitat For all kinds of birds and creatures They beautify our gardens and roadsides And give children a place to climb and swing They absorb carbon dioxide From our atmosphere And breathe out the life-giving oxygen We need to survive There is so much That we owe to the presence of trees But it's not just These practical benefits That we should acknowledge Trees also touch us On an emotional and spiritual level as well Why else was there such an outpouring Of confusion and grief When the sycamore gap tree Next to Hadrian's Wall Was chopped down by vandals Last September That tree was much more than just An attractive feature in the landscape And it's this deeper dimension To our relationship with trees That I particularly want to focus on Over the next few weeks Famously, the poet William Blake Recalled how as a child He saw a vision of angels sitting In an oak tree The eight-year-old William was walking From his home in Soho To the nearby countryside of Peckham Rye When he saw a tree, quote Filled with angels, bright angelic wings Bespangling every bough like stars His experience made me think of Jacob in the Bible Who in a dream also saw angels But they were ascending and descending Which stretched from earth to heaven Maybe trees can offer A similar spiritual encounter Connecting us like that ladder With God in heaven Certainly this is something I want to Explore with you over the next few weeks Let me finish today's talk By reading an extract from Annie Dillard's lovely book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Dillard writes this I saw a backyard cedar Where the morning doves roost Charged and transfigured I stood on the grass Grass that was holy fire It was less like seeing Than like being for the first time seen Knocked breathless by a powerful glance The flood of fire abated But I am still spending the power Gradually the lights went out in that cedar The colours died The cells unflamed and disappeared But I was still ringing I had been my whole life a bell And never knew it Until at that moment I was lifted and struck May we have similar experiences As we encounter trees this spring May we be knocked sideways By the beauty of their leaves and their blossom May we find ourselves brought to a standstill By the power of their scent And the sound of their rustling leaves And may all of these sensations Help to reconnect us With the one who created These amazing natural features For our enjoyment and inspiration Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening Thank you for listening The trees of the field Will clap their hands While you go As we go And all the trees of The field will clap Their hands The trees of the field Will clap their hands The trees of the field Will clap their hands While you go As we go And all the trees of the field Will clap their hands The trees of the field Will clap their hands The trees of the field Will clap their hands While you go As we go And all the trees of the field Will clap their hands The trees of the field Will clap their hands The trees of the field Will clap their hands While you go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we go As we 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give myself to Thee Fill me with Thy love and power Lift Thy blessing full on me I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee, my blessed Savior I surrender all I surrender all I surrender all I surrender all I surrender all I surrender all I surrender all Yes, thank you to Don Mohan for that lovely song I Surrender All which we could consider as our response to the Candlemas celebrations OK, let's have a few news headlines Increase in C.F.E. attendance figures but churches still haven't bounced back after Covid Persecuted Christians arrested at baby's first birthday party in Eritrea Pope says blessings are for individuals, not approval of LGBT unions Christians join Global Prayer for Peace for 100th time since start of Ukraine war Italian priest in Gaza hopes to evacuate 100 injured children for treatment in Rome Klopp departing 5 times legendary boss has spoken of Christ publicly Churches burned, 30 killed in new clashes in Nigeria's Plateau State Sir Michael Palin backs new plan to save the UK's churches I need Thee every hour O praise Thou art Thou tells the voice of Christ I need Thee now more I need Thee, I need Thee Every hour I need Thee O let me love my Saviour My God, who lives I need Thee every hour Each year I live And I restore this earth in Thee O still I need Thee, I need Thee Every hour I need Thee O let me love my Saviour My God, who lives That was the London Fox Choir with I need Thee every hour A good response to some of those news headlines I think Now let's hand over to Blaze to tell us how we can listen to this show and how you can contact us to respond to what we're saying here Here is a list of the information on how to listen again and contact us You can do it by phone, text message or WhatsApp through Peter's phone whose number is 0787 940 2114 That's 0787 940 2114 You can use your email at bt at ktcrfm.com or through Facebook message at Believe Together Radio To listen live, you can listen on the radio at 105.8 FM and DAB+. Or you can go to our website at www.ktcrfm.com However, if you would like to listen again, go to audio.com slash Believe Dash Together And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz and time for question three Right, we're back in Torquay again and this time we want you to find the name of a famous author who lived there Now, there's a blue plaque on Barton Road in Torquay that marks the spot of Ashfield It was the childhood home of this author Ashfield was a large Victorian mansion where this author had a happy childhood with her parents and her elder siblings Monty and Madge But who was she? Now here's that great old hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness This time sung by Blue Rock Mennonite Youth Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father There is no shadow of turning with thee Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not And thou hast been, thou forever wilt be Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me Summer and winter and springtime have parted Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in thankful witness To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me For aid, for sin, and of these that endureth Thy own dear presence do cheer and do guide Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow Blessings of my friends and thousands beside Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me Now it's time for the answers for this week's quiz Thanks Blaze Well the first question was about the famous hotel The famous sitcom in Torquay Yes we even gave you the theme tune in the background Didn't we? Of course that was Fawlty Towers With the famous John Cleese Now the second question was about the event in 1948 The water event held in Torquay Which was the 1948 Summer Olympics Now not many of us would have been around to see it But maybe you've heard about it I don't know Anyway the final question was about the very famous author Who lived in Torquay as a child In the house called Ashfield And that was Agatha Christie I hope you got some of them right I don't think I could have done it without seeing the answers myself But there we are Maybe you knew better It will soon be the fourth birthday of our local 24-7 radio station KTCR FM And with it of course the fourth birthday of this very show Belief Together Produced currently by ourselves Peter and Jenny Morgan On behalf of Churches Together in Keynsham and Stortford So this is our last chance to invite you To celebrate this upcoming birthday with us We are pleased to say that Keynsham Ealing Church In Balmoral Road, Keynsham Have invited us to go along to Café Church On Sunday 4th February From 5pm to approximately 6.30pm To share in a time of celebration The church meeting room will be laid out with tables and chairs There will be free drinks and nibbles available throughout the evening From the coffee bar at the back of the room And maybe you still have some Christmas edibles You'd like to bring along to contribute There will be optional activities available For both adults and children As Café Church is for all ages Then we, Peter and Jenny Will be interviewed in the coffee with pasta slot Where we'll share a lot more about Belief Together What it's all about, what use you can make of it And how you might well be able to contribute things to it if you'd like to We'll of course also mention how it's just a small part of KTCRFM And also about our sister show, The Lighter Show So if you're able to, why not come along and join us on that evening Sunday 4th February from 5pm Go on, you know you want to And to see some of the faces behind Belief Together As we've no idea how many might come along We want to ensure there are enough tables and chairs put out It might be helpful if you could let us know if you hope to come along But if you don't, just come anyway We really look forward to seeing those of you who can make it Yes, we certainly do, we're looking forward to it Now, if you're unable to come along in person on the 4th February Then, providing technology works You can watch the coffee with pasta slot afterwards Once it has been posted on the Ealing Church website Where you can go to the services tab and then the live stream page Please feel free to contact us at Belief Together For more information about how to do this Well our time has rushed by again It just gives us time now to say goodbye And to hand over to Des for a blessing And then to play out with the last part of Shine Jesus Shine Sung for us by the famous and one and only Cliff Richard Goodbye for now Bye Well it's time for our blessing again Father God, Ancient of Days We thank you for your unstinting love for us all And all the blessings you share on us daily In Jesus' name, Amen By the blood I lay into your brightness Search me, try me, consume all my darkness Shine on me, shine on me Shine Jesus, shine Fill this land with the Father's glory When a spirit lays its head upon my heart Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory Glory, glory, glory, glory, 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glory,

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