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Believe TogetherBelieve Together



As we get towards Christmas, we have some Christmas cracker jokes! Mixed among news, mixed music, competition winners, quiz, and more.

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This is a radio show called Believe Together, discussing various topics related to Christmas and faith. They play a version of the song "The Angel Gabriel" and discuss the significance of the angel Gabriel in the Christmas story. They also talk about a competition for young choristers and play the winning performances. They have a quiz about winter and talk about the importance of family during the Christmas season. They end with a reflection on the meaning of Christmas and a song called "God of the Poor." Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. The angel Gabriel from heaven came, His wings adrift in glorious iron flames, O help that he, a lowly man, may reign, Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! For now and evermore, O Jesus, come and lead me, Thy Son shall be my Lord, my Savior's God, Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! Then gentle Mary, meekly bowed her head, To me the early king's conscious eye said, My soul shall lord and magnify this holy name, Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! Of her Emmanuel the Christ was born, On Bethlehem a tree was born, And Christians all shall bow to the man who came, Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! Well, Peter here again. I hope you enjoyed that version of the angel Gabriel, brought to us by all angels. Why are we playing the angel Gabriel? Well, it's... Yes, we're in the season of Advent, and that leads up to Christmas. And of course, the Christmas story began with the angel Gabriel going to Mary. So, hello, I'm Jenny, and yes, we are here in this Advent season. What have we got for you today? Well, many of the regular features, of course, like the Just for Fun quiz. Now, what else have we got, Peter? Well, we've got some recordings from last Sunday's Songs of Praise, which was a competition for the Young Chorister of the Year. It had two categories, junior and senior, and we're going to play you the winners of both categories. They are certainly very talented singers. So, without further ado, let's listen to the junior one. What I've done is I've edited out bits of the program. Just see what you think. Just sit back and enjoy this. What advice do you have for our finalists? Ken, let's start with you. Enjoy this moment of worship and giving glory to God through song. Thank you very much, Ken. Going first is 12-year-old Belinda from Wales. Here's a reminder of what she sang in the semi-final. The Lord bless you and keep you. You were magnificent. There's a purity in your voice, but also warmth. You delivered that with absolute confidence. I love the top of the voice. It rings like a bell, especially in this room. It's gorgeous. For the final, Belinda has chosen to sing A Little Road to Bethlehem. As I walked down the road at set of sun, the lambs are coming homeward one by one. I heard a sheep bell softly calling them along the little road to Bethlehem. Beside an open door as I drew nigh, I heard sweet Mary sing a lullaby. She sang about thy land at close of day and rocked her toy making among the hay. Across the air the silver sheep bell rang. The lambs are coming home, sweet Mary sang. You're silver, you're silver and shining in the sky. So sleep my little king, go lullaby. As I walked down the road at set of sun, the lambs are coming homeward one by one. I heard a sheep bell softly calling them along the little road to Bethlehem. How did it go? It went really well. Yeah? Yeah. Are you going to breathe? Yes. Breathe. Yes. Did you enjoy yourself? I absolutely loved it. I'm so pleased. I was just like, oh my gosh, I'm standing here in Young Chorister of the Year. It was the final. It's amazing. And what would it mean for you to win? It would be the most special thing in the whole entire world. And now it's time for this week's quiz. Over to you Celia. Now that according to the meteorologist we are in winter, the quiz today is about, you guessed it, winter. Can you name three British animals that hibernate through winter? Thank you again Celia. Well I'm sure I should better think of three, but I don't think I can. Never mind Peter. Now my leprosy mission calendar for December has a verse from the book of Romans and it says, Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace. So let's have a song about joy and peace. Peace Wonderful Peace by the Bagel Brothers. Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight Rose a melody sweeter than song In celestial ice strains it unceasingly falls For my soul like an infinite call Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above Sweep over my spirit forever I pray In fathomless billows of love I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace Resting sweetly in Jesus' control For I'm kept from all danger by night and by day And His glory is flooding my soul Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above Sweep over my spirit forever I pray In fathomless billows of love A soul, are you here with us? Come put your rest Marching down the rough pathway of time May Jesus your friend e'er the shadows grow dark O accept this sweet Jesus' love Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above Sweep over my spirit forever I pray In fathomless billows of love And now over to Celia for the second question for the Just for Fun quiz Question two How much money can a policeman fine a driver for driving with snow on the car in the United Kingdom? Is it £30, £60 or £90? Well, Celia, I had no idea you could be fined for having snow on your car You'd better watch out, Peter Indeed, I'd better make sure I'm carrying a scraper with me all the time Ken Plant is back with a forkful a week And what are we going to say today? Hello, my name is Ken Plant And I'm a licensed lay minister in St Mary's, Salford I'll be giving two epilogues this month, this Christmas month Christmas is a time for families Well, that's what we hear so often, isn't it? But who says so? Where does the idea come from? We've become used to Christmas being hijacked by people who want to make money out of it and thus buy masses of gaudy decorations and lights to replace that star, they say celebrate by eating huge amounts of expensive unhealthy food and don't forget the booze and reflect those gifts from the wise men by spending lots of money on enormous numbers of unnecessary and sometimes unwanted gifts OK, so that might sound like grumpy old Scrooge talking and it possibly is but what's the basis of the idea that Christmas is a time for families? Because some families respond to it by family members uprooting themselves and going to spend time with other family members and we know that doesn't always work out well because some families function better when they don't have to spend protracted lengths of time together they love each other, care about each other but find each other's company just a little bit irksome and this isn't surprising really, is it? We're all different and as we live our individual lives we grow up and we develop with different ways of thinking and doing things maybe Christmas as a family time is an opportunity to let our mutual love practice tolerance and acceptance of those differences who knows but in a wider sphere Christmas is all about the birth of a baby and while there are lots of kinds of family units this gives us the basic stereotype of the commonest sort of family a mummy, a daddy and a child this family experienced what it was to depend on the hospitality of strangers and they were placed in that position of needing others' generosity by the political powers of their day and that's the experience of many, many families worldwide today, isn't it? including in our own country this family had to leave their home, their security to move into exile in an unknown and probably unwelcoming country because of violence and killing brought about by the political ambitions of those in authority in their own country and how familiar is that to us as we listen to the news today Jesus grew up knowing about the warmth of a loving family he also knew what losing the father figure in that home was like in fact, he knew about all the things that we experience in this life maybe Christmas is a time to remember families to pray for families those living in comfort those struggling those with nowhere to live those in war-torn areas those in refugee camps and those who have been split up and are living in the equivalent of prison as a result of trying to find somewhere where they will be welcome and where they will be safe through Jesus' experience God knows and understands when so often politicians and authorities don't and God cares beauty for brokenness hope for despair Lord, in the suffering this is our prayer bread for the children justice, joy, peace sunrise to sunset your kingdom increase shelter for fragile lives cure for their ills work for the craftsmen trade for their skills land for the dispossessed rights for the weak voices to plead the cause of those who can't speak God of the poor friend of the weak give us compassion, we pray melt our cold hearts and tears for life's sake come change our love from a spark to a flame rescues from cruel wars havens from fear cities for sanctuary freedoms to share peace to the killing field scorched earth to clean Christ for the rich and end his cross for the plain God of the poor friend of the weak give us compassion, we pray melt our cold hearts and tears for life's sake come change our love from a spark to a flame rest for the ravaged earth oceans and streams plundered and poisoned our future and dreams Lord, in our madness carelessness grieves make us content with the things that we need God of the poor friend of the weak give us compassion, we pray melt our cold hearts and tears for life's sake come change our love from a spark to a flame lighten our darkness breathe on this flame until your justice burns brightly again unto the nation Lord of your way seek your salvation and bring you your praise God of the poor friend of the weak give us compassion, we pray melt our cold hearts and tears for life's sake come change our love from a spark to a flame God of the poor friend of the weak give us compassion, we pray melt our cold hearts and tears for life's sake come change our love from a spark to a flame Thank you, Ken, for that thought for the week, and for choosing that song, God of the Poor, or it's sometimes called Beauty for Brokenness, sung by Graham Kendrick. One of our good friends, David Brasington, produces a very different show on this radio station. Let's hear him tell you all about it. Hi, I'm Dave Brasington, and it's my pleasure to present the Country Hour on KTCR 105.8 FM. You will hear classic country hits, old and new, plus news on local clubs and gigs. I'm looking forward to spending this hour with you. Until then, keep it country. You're listening to Believe Together, a Churches Together and KCM and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. And now, time for the final question for the Just For Fun quiz. Over to Celia. Last question. Which of the following is the name of a play by William Shakespeare? Is it The Story of the Winter, A Tale of the Winter, or The Winter's Tale? Well, I do know the answer to that one. Thank you, Celia. And now for some news headlines. Archbishop of Canterbury urges immediate peace and end to violence in Sudan after UN mission withdrawal. Nearly a quarter of young Brits open to banning the Bible if it includes hate speech. No Christmas tree in Bethlehem as holiday pared down over Gaza war. King Charles is an influencer, but church can make a difference on climate, says Christian campaigner. We must forgive pandemic politicians, says Christian care leader. President Jimmy Carter's wife, Rosalind, who inspired the world through her faith, dies at 96. Clergy ranked in top 20 jobs most exposed to AI, that's artificial intelligence, but expert says don't panic. Survey. 60% of young Christians think Buddha, Muhammad, also ways of salvation. Just one in five Christians comfortable sharing faith with marginalised people. How could I ever complain again? Jungle contestant Spears shares Catholic testimony with campmates after nearly losing her daughter. Premier bringing more joy to the world this Christmas with new radio station. Worship leader wows judges on TV show The Voice UK. Lauren Daigle crowned Billboard's Christian Artist of the Year. Royal Mail launched singing post boxes in Glasgow to spread festive cheer. Now let's sit back and relax and enjoy some beautiful singing again from last Sunday's Songs of Praise as we listen to the winner of the senior category. Now it's the turn of our seniors and singing first is 14 year old Natalie from Derbyshire. Here's a reminder of what she sang last week. Natalie's got it, whatever it is. The words really came alive and off the page. Singing the Virgin's slumber song is Natalie. Amid the roses Mary sings and walks her Jesus child. While amid the trees her eyes are pleased, so whole and mild. And soft and sweetly sings a bird upon the bough. God keep thee, dear one, slumber now. Happy is thy laughter, lowly is thy silent rest. Lay thy head in slumber, fondly on thy mother's breast. God keep thee, dear one, slumber now. I really enjoyed that. Oh, I'm thrilled. How did you feel when you were out there? It was nervous to start with, but then I think when the music kind of started, it was just like, oh, and I kind of just enjoyed it then. How would it feel to win? It would feel amazing, but I am completely happy with getting to the finals and I'm so happy for whoever wins because everyone's amazing. Everyone deserves it. What a lovely attitude. Well done. Thank you. Natalie. How do you feel? Amazing. I didn't expect this for a minute, like at all. I'm like gobsmacked. What comes across, and I think everyone here will agree, is that you obviously absolutely love singing. Yeah, that is true. I think just in this amazing place as well, it's just been an absolute joy to sing here. I've just had the best time ever. Last week, I said that if you were in the Netherlands now, you might have already exchanged Christmas presents. And I said we'd say a bit more about this today. Well, I have Blaise with me now. Blaise isn't Dutch, but I think she knows a bit about some of the Dutch Christmas customs. So, this is a story that is told and acted out in the Netherlands each year. Sinterklaas, named derived from a real person, St. Nicholas, comes from Spain in a boat and lands at a different Dutch town each year. Bit late telling you about that, as it's on the first Saturday after the 11th of November. So, this year, it would have been Saturday the 18th of November. He's dressed as the original St. Nicholas might have been dressed. St. Nicholas was a Greek Orthodox bishop. So, the Sinterklaas is dressed in red, carrying a crozier, like a shepherd's crook. And he'd also have a big white beard. The Dutch also put up their Christmas trees at this time. Then Sinterklaas on a white horse and his assistants go round the streets, giving out sweets. And also, the assistants go round to hospitals, schools and other buildings to give them out. Dutch children don't get their Christmas presents on Christmas Day. They get them on the 5th of December, when Sinterklaas, or one of his assistants, is supposed to put sweets into a shoe that each child puts out in their home. There may be a chocolate letter, covered in foil. The initial of the child's name put in the shoe, or some gold foil covered chocolate coins. Why chocolate coins? That comes from the story of St. Nicholas helping out a poor family. A father had three daughters and he didn't have enough money to give them a dowry to get married. So, St. Nicholas gave them a big sack of coins. So then they would have enough money to get a dowry themselves. Presents are usually exchanged in the Netherlands at this time, on the 5th of December. Thank you, Blaise. That's really interesting. Of course, in England, we don't usually exchange presents until Christmas Day, do we? Mind you, it seems like a good idea to me, exchanging presents before Christmas Day itself. As then, there'd be more time on that day to do other things, wouldn't there? Possibly even using or playing with some of the presents that have previously been exchanged. So, I wonder if you'd like to observe the Dutch tradition of exchanging presents on 5th of December. In England, people put up their decorations and Christmas trees at all sorts of times before Christmas Day. I've seen a lot up already in November this year. But in the Christian calendar, the 1st of December signals the beginning of Advent, when we remember not only Jesus' first coming to earth as a baby, but also the time when Jesus will return to earth at his second coming. Well, nearer to Christmas Day, perhaps we'll let you know what happens later in December in the Netherlands to celebrate Christmas. And here is some of a song that children sing and also is played a lot as Sinterklaas comes on the boat to one of the seaside towns in the Netherlands. Of course, it's in Dutch. Zie Gins komt het stoomboot uit Spanje weer aan Hij brengt ons Sint-Nicolaas, ik zie hem al staan Hoe huppelt zijn paardje en hij komt bij neer Hoe vaaien de windpals al heen en alweer Piet staat te lachen en roept ons al toe Niet toesties, kijk lekker, Piet staat in de roe O lieve Sint-Nicolaas, kom ook eens bij mij Hij rijdt toch niet stiljes op huidje voorbij Zie Gins komt het stoomboot uit Spanje weer aan Hij brengt ons Sint-Nicolaas, ik zie hem al staan Hoe huppelt zijn paardje en hij komt bij neer Hoe vaaien de windpals al heen en alweer Piet staat te lachen en roept ons al toe Niet toesties, kijk lekker, Piet staat in de roe O lieve Sint-Nicolaas, kom ook eens bij mij Hij rijdt toch niet stiljes op huidje voorbij Nu, hier zijn de watsoms Eerst een herinnering, als je naar de Sint-John-Baptiste-Kerk in Keensham gaat op een gegeven moment en in de nabije toekomst wrap je goed op, want ze hebben een gebroken stoomboot en ze hebben wat van hun diensten in hun parijshal die naast de kerk is Ja, dus wrap je goed op en geniet ervan om daar te zijn en probeer jezelf warm te houden door veel energie te gebruiken in je waarschuwing en zingen Nu, ook daar is er een kerstboomfestival Dus het is een herinnering dat de volgende kerstboomfestival zal plaatsvinden, hoewel er geen warmte is bij de Sint-John-Baptiste-Kerk op de avond van vrijdag 8 december tussen 3 en 8 uur en dan de volgende dag, zaterdag 9 december tussen 10 uur in de ochtend en 6 uur in de ochtend en dan zaterdag 10 december tussen 12 uur in de ochtend en 5 uur in de ochtend Ja, het zou goed zijn om daarheen te komen en al die verschillende bomen te zien versierd door verschillende groepen Nu, laten we over naar Salkford gaan Ze hebben een heel spannend Adventstraat dat betekent dat je door de straat gaat volgens een kaart Het zal je uitleggen welke huizen speciale decoraties hebben of zoiets buiten Dus dat ziet er heel interessant uit Nu, als je deel wilt nemen van dat kun je naar de kaart die we op de Facebook-pagina zetten of je kunt een kaart in Salkford opnemen Zeker St Mary's Church heeft een kaart Dus geniet ervan met dat Ja, inderdaad KJM Church heeft een gesponsorde zing-koffiemorgen De kleine groep muziekboxzangers zullen weer een gesponsorde zing doen op zaterdag 9 december dat is dit komende weekend als je op woensdag luistert op Victoria Church van 10 tot 12 uur Het zal in hulp van Shine Cancer Support zijn Koffie en kaarten zullen ook verkocht worden Dan, iets anders dat Methodist Church doet voor hun Bristol Methodist Centre de mensen die er erg nodig zijn Deze items zijn nodig om cadeaus te maken voor hen Mensen en vrouwen deodorant en shampoo en showergel Mensen, sokken en koffie kleine notenboeken en puzzelboeken biro's chocolatbar middelgrote boxershorts dames knikkers kerstwrappingpapier en sticky tape Dat zijn de items die ze vragen Als je kunt helpen door te doneren met een van deze items plaats ze in de doos in een van de Methodist Church Centra's Dank u Dan hebben ze een kerstkaarservies met Keynsham Goedavond Choir Dat is op woensdag 13 december van 1 uur Nee, sorry, van 1 uur in de ochtend tot 2.15 uur bij Victoria Centre Refreshments zullen volgen Dan doet de St. Francis Church iets heel interessant op diezelfde dag, maar in de avond St. Francis Church zal wat gemeenschappelijke kerstkaars zingen maar niet in de straat Dus het maakt niet uit hoe het weer gaat Het zal in de Charlton Pub in Longmeadow Road zijn Dus dat is op woensdag 13 december van 6.30 tot 7.00 uur Dus het is nu slechts een halve uur Maar ik weet zeker dat als je daar bent dat je langer wilt blijven en iets te drinken Iedereen is welkom om mee te gaan en met hen te zingen Dat klinkt goed, hoe het weer eruitziet Dat klinkt echt als een goede idee Warmte en goede zingen Een geweldige tijd daar Nu, Keynsham One Church heeft kerstkaars voor familie in Keynsham gesneden En nu hebben ze wat gratis evenementen aan de hoogte Ja, op woensdag 10 december hebben ze een kerstgemeenschappelijke feest Het is gratis Maar het is getokend vanwege beperkte cijfers Er zullen eten, spelen entertainment en plezier zijn van 3 tot 5 uur Dan op woensdag 17 december een kerstfestival weer gratis maar getokend vanwege beperkte cijfers Het is een karrelconcert kinderfeest entertainment bratwurst barbecue kerstbezoek tussen 3 en 6 uur in de ochtend Je krijgt de gratis tickets door naar de Facebookpagina van Keynsham One Church en met de QR-code daar Nu, op woensdag 10 december Ja, dit is onze laatste keer dat we dit vertellen op de radio Heb je nog een ticket gekocht voor jezelf of voor iemand anders voor de productie van Keynsham Elims van Big Trouble in Little Bethlehem Er kunnen nog wel wat tickets overblijven bij een of beide performances om 14.30 uur en 16.30 uur Dit is een echte kerstpantomime maar met een christelijk thema Het is zo leuk daar zowel als een cadeautje van vader kerst voor alle kinderen daarna Tickets zijn beschikbaar van Eventsbrite Je kunt ook een link krijgen van onze Facebookpagina Hey Jenny, ik heb een kerstjoken Oh nee Oh ja, luister naar deze Hoe wachten Mary en Joseph op Jezus toen hij geboren is? Ik weet het niet, hoe wachten ze? Omdat ze een weg hadden in een manger Oh, oh, oh Hey, kijk Jenny, ik heb hier een betere Oh Luister naar deze Wat is er gebeurd met de man die een kerstkalender verloor? Ik weet het niet, wat is er gebeurd met hem? Hij heeft 25 dagen Heel grappig Je luistert naar Believe Together Een kerstfestival met Keynsham en Saltford voor KTCRFM 105.8 en online Nu, mijn Leprosy Mission Diary vers voor de week Deze keer is In hem was leven en het leven was het licht van mensen Het licht schijnt in de donker en de donkerheid heeft het niet overgemaakt Dus laten we luisteren naar Robin Mark zingen Light of the World Hier ben ik om te worshippen Light of the world You step down into darkness Open my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore you Hope of a life spent with you Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful Altogether wonderful to me King of all angels So highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Only you came to the earth You created All for our sake You came Lord Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me I'll never know How much it costs To see my sins Upon that cross I'll never know How much it costs To see my sins Upon that cross So here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me Lord, accept the praise that we bring You are altogether worthy Altogether wonderful You are altogether lovely Here, Jenny, I found another Christmas quacker joke Oh, yes Why was the turkey in the pop group? Turkey in a pop group? I've no idea how a turkey could be in a pop group How's that then? Because he was the only one with drumsticks And now, if you'd like to contact us in the team through phone, text message or WhatsApp please use Peter's number which is 07879402114 That's 07879402114 If you want to message us through Facebook please search up Believe Together Radio Now, if you'd want to listen to the shows live they are on Wednesdays from 4 to 5pm and they're repeated on Sundays 8 to 9am on KTCR FM Radio 105.8 FM or DAB Plus or www.ktcrfm.com Then you can listen again any time for the next two weeks at www.ktcrfm.com slash listen dash again You can search up on your favourite podcast site for Believe Together For the playlist, this week's news and useful contact info please go to our Facebook which is Believe Together Radio Now, somebody we know has a special birthday this week because it's Blaze You've already heard Blaze today She's our granddaughter and she's going to become a teenager this week She'll be 13 So, happy birthday Blaze and we asked Blaze if there's a song she'd like us to play for her and she said Could we please play Firm Foundation He Won't by Chandler Moore and Cody Carnes Now Blaze wanted this song because she really loved it when she heard it at the Satellite Youth Camp that she went to with some of those from St John's Church in the summer So, here you are Blaze and another happy birthday to you Christ is my firm foundation The rock on which I stand And everything around me's shaking I've never been more glad That I put my faith in Jesus He's never let me down He's faithful through generations So, I will be there for now He won't be far He won't be far I've still got joy in chaos I've got peace that makes no sense And I won't be going under I'm not held by my own strength I've never been more glad That I put my faith in Jesus He's never let me down He's faithful through generations So, I will be there for now He won't be far He won't be far He won't fail He won't fail He won't He won't fail He won't fail He won't fail Christ is my firm foundation The rock on which I stand And everything around me's shaking I've never been more glad That I put my faith in Jesus He's never let me down He's faithful through generations So, I will be there for now He won't be far He won't be far He won't fail He won't fail He won't He won't He won't fail He won't fail Yes, happy birthday Blaze Sorry we could only play half of that long track here On the shows this week But if anyone wants to listen to the full 8 minute track Please feel free to go to the link on our Facebook page It's very interesting and enjoyable music Hey Jenny, I've got some more Christmas cracker jokes Oh, I'm sure that's very good Peter Why did the scarecrow get a big Christmas bonus? Er, no idea Because he was outstanding in his field Oh, oh, oh Dear, what did Santa say when he stepped into a big puddle? Splosh It must have rained dear And finally, what's the absolute best Christmas present? Erm A broken drum, you can't beat it Oh right, that's it And now, let's find out the answers Over to Celia So here are the answers The average animals that hibernate are hedgehogs, dormice and bats They retreat to their cosy boatholes From around October or November Until March, April of the following year And I always thought that that's such a good idea A car driver can be fined £60 And three penalty points on their licence For driving with snow on the car So luckily we don't have too much snow in our part of the country, do we? And the name of the play by William Shakespeare is The Winter's Tale So wrap up and keep warm this winter Thank you Celia, yes Well, I know that hedgehogs hibernate I didn't really think about dormice and bats So I didn't know about them And as for the penalty points and money The fine, if you've got snow on your car I think I'd better read my highway code again I did buy a new one fairly recently Now, £60 and three penalty points Well yes, let's make sure we certainly keep the windscreen clear If we do get snow here And then The Winter's Tale Yes, I knew that answer Although I don't think I've actually read that Shakespeare story I'm not really into Shakespeare, I have to confess Even though of course we had to do it at school Thank you Celia for those questions Now we've mentioned it before But this is our last chance To remind everybody about the very special carol service Coming up at St Mary's Church in Timsbury 3pm Sunday coming up That's the 10th isn't it I think What is happening? It's a special needs families carol service Now this is the only carol service We will be able to take our autistic grandson to It's a lovely happy time So we'll just give you a quick clip now Just to remind you of what it sounded like At last year's special carol service When the minister was trying to give the story of Christmas Using all the names of chocolate bars that he could This was just a little clip from it And you can hear the happy children Just sort of bouncing and wandering around the church in the background Here we go And it's time for me to say goodbye again Thank you so much for being with us For this hour Now don't forget to contact us about something if you want to Even a request for a special Christmas carol perhaps Yeah that would be a lovely idea Please do We'd love to have your choices I wonder if you've given or received any cards or Christmas presents yet I think I must get along to some of those charity shops in High Street There are lots of bargains there Bye bye for now Right yes and it would be bye bye for me as well At least for now This is the season of Advent There's so many special Christmas-y things going on here Please enjoy it And OK don't forget to wrap up if you go into St John's Even for the Christmas tree festival Although maybe the Christmas trees will survive better Without the heating on in the church You never know It might help them OK right now we're going to be playing out this week With O Come All Ye Faithful A good old hymn there But this time sung by Pentatonix I think you'll enjoy their different approach Over to Des now for a blessing Well it's time for a blessing today Father Almighty Should we all get lost in the feverish activities of duty today May we be brought back into your quiet presence To receive the grace of your own blessing In all that we do Amen O come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant O come ye O come ye to Bethlehem O come and behold him born the king of angels O come let us adore him O come let us adore him O come let us adore him Christ the Lord O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful to Bethlehem O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful to Bethlehem O sing in choirs of angels O come all ye singing exultations O come O come ye to Bethlehem O come and behold him born the king of angels O come let us adore him O come let us adore him O come let us adore him Christ the Lord O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful to Bethlehem O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful to Bethlehem O come all ye O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful to Bethlehem O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful Born the king of angels O come let us adore him O come let us adore him O come let us adore him Christ the Lord O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful O come all ye faithful to Bethlehem

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