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BT 28.2.24 bridges

BT 28.2.24 bridges

Believe TogetherBelieve Together



Fun Christian magazine style show for everyone. Different types of music. Just for fun quiz. Thought for the week - final one about trees! Bridges appear several times... Enjoy! Please say what you like , want and dont want. Thanks.

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The transcription begins with the lyrics of the song "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel. The hosts of a BT Magazine show discuss the song's significance to Christians and its connection to Jesus. The Thought for the Week segment discusses the importance of trees and their symbolism in biblical creation stories. The tree of knowledge of good and evil represents seeking quick knowledge and the tree of life represents eternal sustenance. The segment highlights the benefits of urban trees and emphasizes the need to appreciate and protect them. The segment concludes with a poem about trees. The hosts then move on to a quiz about the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. The segment ends with the hosts discussing the song "Your Love is the Bridge" by Casting Crowns and its message about God's love and the Christian faith. The show transitions to a different program called the Country Hour. When you're weary, feelin' small When tears are in your eyes I'll dry them all I'm on your side Oh, when times get rough And friends just can't be found Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down When you're down and out When you're on the street When evening falls so far I will comfort you I'll take your part Oh, when darkness comes And pain is all around Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Hello, this is your BT Magazine show. I'm Peter. Yes, and I'm Jenny. It's lovely to be with you again for this hour. Now, even if you were not around when that song we just played, Bridge Over Troubled Water, first came out, I'm sure you would have heard it. It's a fantastic song, isn't it? The music and the words, very evocative, by Simon and Garfunkel. The songwriter may not have thought it was anything to do with Jesus and Christianity, but many Christians love it and we can put God in it. In a minute, you'll find out, well, a few minutes, you will find out why did we play that at the beginning today. Now, what's coming next? And now, for the Thought for the Week for the Keynsham Talking Newspaper. Hello, my name is Kevin Durrant and I'm the Minister of Keynsham Baptist Church. This is the last of my five epilogues for the month of February on the subject of trees. So today, I'd like to round off the thoughts we've been having about the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits which trees bring to us. I mentioned in the first epilogue that I would come back to the two special trees which appear in the biblical creation stories. The first mentioned is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, whose fruit Adam and Eve were warned not to eat. It seems strange that they should be forbidden to seek knowledge, but I think it's because eating from this tree represented a grabbing at a certain kind of knowledge, the kind that consists of cold facts which can be gathered quickly and used selfishly. Whereas instead, God wanted human beings to aim for a deeper knowledge which could only be gained over time through developing a relationship with him. The other tree mentioned is the tree of life, whose life-giving fruit Adam and Eve were enjoying until the moment they disobeyed God, at which point access to the tree was denied, causing their bodies to start ageing and eventually die. But the dream remained that one day human beings might once again be able to eat from the tree of life. A dream that expressed itself in the trees carved into the panelled walls of the Jerusalem temple and in the seven-branched golden candlestick that stood like an ever-shining tree in the temple courts. Christians think it's significant that the cross on which Jesus was crucified is sometimes referred to by New Testament writers as a tree, maybe because it was through being hung on its painful branches that Jesus himself became the tree of life, the source of God's eternal sustenance for all who believed in him. The tree of life makes its final appearance in the very last chapter of the Bible, where it spans the main street of the New Jerusalem, down which flows refreshing water from the throne of God. We're told it will bear fruit all year round and its leaves will be for the healing of the nations. I find its urban location very significant, given the uproar we've seen in recent years over the felling of trees lining the streets in some of our cities. Perhaps the worst example was in Sheffield, where between 2012 and 2018, over 3,000 trees were chopped down despite the desperate pleas and brave resistance of the residents. Then, last March, 110 trees adorning the centre of Plymouth were chainsawed under cover of darkness, despite 16,000 people signing a petition to save them. Those campaigners weren't just conscious of the visual pleasure the trees gave them, they also knew that living close to trees improved their physical and mental health. Furthermore, these trees were absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. In a single season, one mature leafy tree can produce enough oxygen for 10 human beings to breathe for a year. Urban trees also help to soak up the noxious gases emitted by road transport, and because each mature tree can absorb 450 litres of water through its roots every day and capture rainfall on the surface of its leaves, their presence offers a degree of protection from flooding. Plus, urban trees provide a haven for the limited wildlife that still manages to survive within our towns and cities. In the light of all this, isn't it reassuring that God's plan for the future involves the earth being like a beautiful, multicultural city whose year-round food and healing is provided by the fruit and leaves of a life-giving tree? That's why we need to treasure and appreciate the trees we have around us now. Not only are they glorious in themselves, delighting our senses, but they do so much to enhance our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. In addition, as we've seen in earlier epilogues, trees offer us a challenging image of hospitality in the way they act as hosts to so many other species of plant and animal life. And, through their rebirth every spring, they give us hope that our lives may also experience rejuvenation, however bleak the circumstances we face might be. So, thank you for sharing this arboreal journey with me, and I'd like to close by reading you a short poem by Jane Hirshfield. It's simply called Tree. It is foolish to let a young redwood grow next to a house. Even in this one lifetime you will have to choose that great calm being, this clutter of soup pots and books. Already the first branch tips brush at the window. Softly, calmly, immensity taps at your life. Would you heal me to the hardwood cutter? Would you lay me low beneath your feet? Listen to my sad mutter. Here my heart would beat. Would you throw me on the log pile cutter? Would you toss me to the steel saw blade? Listen to my please letter. Here my heart would break. Would you lean your back against me, cutter? Would you rest your axe while I sleep? Listen to the song I utter. Here my heart would weep. Here my heart would... Here my heart would... Here my heart would... Here my heart would... I drink the rain. I eat the sun. I get the breath that fills your lungs. I hear the roaring engines rumble. But I cannot run. Would you heal me to the hardwood cutter? Would you lay me low beneath your feet? Listen to my sad mutter. Here my heart would beat. Here my heart would... Here my heart would... Here my heart would... Thank you, Kevin, for choosing that beautiful, gentle music and for giving us all five thoughts for the week for the month of February. Now, that song was actually called Spell Songs, sung first by Heartwood and recorded live at the Natural History Museum. As Kevin mentioned in his words, it's all about the trees chopped down in Sheffield, Plymouth. Now, you may understand why we played Bridge over Troubled Water earlier. Today, for our Just for Fun quiz, we have some questions written by two of our grandsons, Arthur and Levi, who actually went on a visit to London recently. But maybe that's another story. So, here is one of their questions. Number one, how long is the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol? Is it 25 metres, 27 metres or 32 metres long? I wonder if you're into your metres. Now, whatever you make of the song Bridge over Troubled Water, we've got a song now about bridges as well. And this one is definitely about God. And it is called Your Love is the Bridge and is sung here for us by Casting Crowns. The world's getting darker by the day I'm on my knees but don't know what to pray The broken things that broken people do There's no one just how far you came for me Gives me hope for every soul I meet There's no one so far gone that you can't reach So reach through me Let them see, Lord, let them see Your love is the bridge you built with a cross And your truth is the light that searches for the lost And your grace won't stop reaching Your mercy won't let go Your love is the bridge And your truth leads us home Home You lead us home Home You never told the broken they were whole You spoke the truth that healed their broken soul You'd never leave us here to fight alone With love we earn the right to speak your truth It's not just what we say, it's what we do I wanna be a bridge that leads to you So reach through me Let them see, Lord, let them see Your love is the bridge you built with a cross And your truth is the light that searches for the lost And your grace won't stop reaching Your mercy won't let go Your love is the bridge And your truth leads us home Home You lead us home Home No rescue so relentless No greater love than this Where sin leaves a canyon Your love builds a bridge No rescue so relentless No greater love than this Where sin leaves a canyon Your love builds a bridge No rescue so relentless No greater love than this Where sin leaves a canyon Your love builds a bridge Your love builds a bridge Your love is the bridge you built with a cross And your truth is the light that searches for the lost And your grace won't stop reaching Your mercy won't let go Your love is the bridge Your love is the bridge No rescue so relentless No greater love than this Where sin leaves a canyon Your love builds a bridge What great words there are in that song. So deep, so important. You know, every religion in the world is about trying to build a bridge between us and God. In some way or another. And the Christian faith is the only religion which describes the way that God has actually set up that bridge for us. One of our good friends, David Brisington, produces a very different show on this radio station. Let's hear him tell you all about it. Hi, I'm Dave Brisington and it's my pleasure to present the Country Hour on KTCR 105.8 FM. You will hear classic country hits, old and new, plus news on local clubs and gigs. Looking forward to spending this hour with you. Until then, keep it country. Keep it country. You're listening to Believe Together. A Churches Together and KCM and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. Now for some what songs. We do seem to have rather a lot of what songs at the moment. All sorts of things starting to come up. So I wonder, where do you keep a record of events coming up? Do you have a paper calendar or diary? Or do you use your phone? Or do you write things on a scrap of paper to keep it all in your head? Or where? Well, I keep mine in a paper diary. Let's see what's coming up. Right. If you know anyone with a life-limiting illness or associated bereavement, Dorothy House Hospice Care are now holding weekly support group meetings at Community at 67 in Queen's Road, Keynsham on Thursdays from 10 to 12 midday. The community-based drop-in sessions are there to provide support for anyone affected by a life-limiting illness or associated bereavement. Until now, those in Keynsham or nearby wanting to attend such a support group have had to travel a long way to places such as Bradford-upon-Avon. This group will provide an opportunity to connect with other people in a similar situation with support to the staff from Dorothy House and volunteers. So please, if you know someone with a life-limiting illness or associated bereavement, do tell them about this weekly drop-in group. Refreshments are available. So that's in Community at 67 in Queen's Road, Keynsham on Thursdays from 10 to 12 noon. Now, the Women's World Day of Prayer has now become the World Day of Prayer for everyone. And it's this Friday, the 1st of March. The theme this year has been written by the Christian community in Palestine. So if you're interested in praying along with them, why not look it up online? Faith in Action. There's a monthly service to be held at St. Francis Church where we hear from local Christians involved in social action. The service is on the first Sunday of the month at 9.30 in the morning, preceded by breakfast. Sunday, the 3rd of March, Fostering and Adoption is the subject. David Kingswood from Home for God, no, Home for Good, will be talking about the value of being a foster parent. Sunday, the 7th of April, the subject is Beloved. Julia Busfield, Director of Beloved, supports women working in the indoor sex industry. Now, Cafe Bains. I haven't heard of that before, but I've just read about it. And this is what it says. Christian Action for the Environment in Bath and North East Somerset. This is an ecumenical group of folk who meet monthly with guest speakers, usually in Bath-based churches. Martin Palmer is a theologian living locally, but with a worldwide experience of working with and reflecting on conservation and faith. He has worked with the Alliance of Religions and Conservation and with Faith Invest. On Monday, the 4th of March, Martin will be speaking at the Queen's Road Methodist Church in Keynesham at 7.30pm. His talk will be Are We Part of Nature? or Apart from Nature? The Real Crisis We Face. All are warmly invited. And now, looking forward a little bit, something completely different. A book launch. This is on Saturday, 16th of March, in Keynesham Baptist Church at 10 o'clock in the morning until 12 noon. You can drop in any time. It's a new book from Trevor Stubbs, the author of Stardust and The Kicking Tree. So, what's in the book? Well, real teenagers tell us what it's like as they tackle the questions Who am I? And what next? But there is a storyline. On the edge of town lies a large council estate, the home of Tabitha, a 13 year old. As she grows into her teenage years, her nemesis, Griff Green, continues to bully her. But now, as their hormones kick in, things take on different new dimensions. Unlike Stubbs' previous novels, this is a book about teenagers rather than for them. Proceeds from the book sales go to the Churches Together appeal to fund the Wellsway School chaplaincy. All are welcome to drop in. Just rock up at any time between 10 and 12 and you can have a chat with the author and probably get a signed copy if you're interested. Who am I that the highest king would dwell upon me? I was lost but he brought me in From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me From his love for me While I was a slave to sin Jesus died for me Yes, he died for me Who left us angry Who is free indeed I'm a child of God Yes, I am My father's house Is a place for me I'm a child of God Yes, I am I am chosen, not forsaken I am who you say I am You are called me, not against me I am who you say I am I am chosen, not forsaken I am who you say I am You are called me, not against me I am who you say I am I am who you say I am Who left us angry Who is free indeed I'm a child of God Yes, I am My father's house Is a place for me I'm a child of God Yes, I am My father's house Is a place for me I'm a child of God Yes, I am I'm a child of God Yes, I am My father's house Is a place for me I'm a child of God Yes, I am I am chosen, not forsaken I am who you say I am You are called me, not against me I am who you say I am I am chosen, not forsaken I am who you say I am You are called me, not against me I am who you say I am I am chosen, not forsaken I am who you say I am You are called me, not against me I am who you say I am Oh, I am who you say I am Yes, I am who you say I am I'm a child of God Yes, I am I'm a child of God Yes, I am My father's house Is a place for me I'm a child of God Yes, I am Well, wasn't that a great freedom song? It was picking up on that question from Trevor's book, Who Am I? That was indeed about who God says I am And brought to us by Hillsong And now it's time for our Just For Fun quiz Time for question two Right, here's another question from the children about bridges And this time it's about one of the bridges in London This is the question When was Tower Bridge opened? Was it 1900, 1910 or 1920? Well Peter, that was a bit before my time I have no idea, but I'm sure we'll find out soon Now, last week I mentioned my leprosy calendar verse for February Which is, we love him because he first loved us But silly me, I should have mentioned the lovely picture that accompanies that verse on my calendar It's a picture of elephants Now, so many people really love elephants Well, they might not love real ones, but they love collecting models or pictures of them But I didn't mention it Now, elephants are the largest living land animals There are three living species currently recognised Two from Africa and one from Asia But there is so much we could say about elephants, isn't there? So, as World Elephant Day is not until Monday the 12th of August Maybe we should leave all the lovely stuff about elephants until then Perhaps we'll have an elephant special, eh? That sounds like a great idea Okay, but thinking about our God's love for us Let's play No Longer Slaves Sung here by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser from Bethel You unravel me with a melody You surround me with a song A deliverance from my enemies You're all my fears, Lord I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God No, my mother knew But I chose a knee Love has called my name I've been born again To a family Blood flows through my veins I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God Oh, oh, oh, oh You set my feet so I can walk right through My fears are drowned in filthy love You rescued me so I can stand and sing I am a child of God You set my feet so I can walk right through My fears are drowned in filthy love You rescued me so I can stand and sing I am a child of God I am a child of God Yes, I am a child of God Yes, I am a child of God And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz And time for question three Thank you, Blaise We have the final question from the children for this week Again it's about bridges And once more it's from the Greater London Area Here it is What's the name of London's oldest bridge? Could it be Kew? Or Westminster? Or Clattern? When you say Kew, you don't mean the letter Q, Peter, do you? Oh, no, no, no Do you mean Q-K-E-W as in Kew Garden? That's exactly right The place near Kew Garden Okey dokes Here is a list of the information on how to listen again and contact us You can do it by phone, text message or WhatsApp WhatsApp through Peter's phone Whose number is 0787 940 2114 That's 0787 940 2114 You can use your email at bt at ktcrfm.com Or through Facebook message at Believe Together Radio To listen live, you can listen on the radio at 105.8 FM and DAT+. Or you can go to our website at www.ktcrfm.com However, if you would like to listen again, go to audio.com slash believe slash together It's time for my diary verse for this week Which comes from 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 7 in the Bible And it says, cast all your anxiety on him Because he cares for you So, isn't that wonderful? So, whatever anxieties you may have, and we all get anxious sometimes, don't we? Let's cast them onto Jesus Well, that leads us straight into a song Casting all your anxieties Brought to us from the Child Evangelism Fellowship from USA Casting all your anxieties on him Because he cares for you Casting all your anxieties on him Because he cares for you Because he cares for you 1 Peter 5, 7 1 Peter 5, 7 Casting all your anxieties on him Because he cares for you Casting all your anxieties on him Because he cares for you Because he cares for you Because he cares for you Hey Peter, let's have some more what songs OK, right, right Well, there's a very local Keynesian bit of news here Tintagel House Area Redevelopment Plan and Proposal Now, Curo, the organisation in charge of all the council housing Will be holding a public consultation on Friday 8th March From 4 till 7pm At the Queens Road Centre That's the Methodist Centre there Queens Road Methodist Church Will be able to comment on the proposal As it impacts the church and the grounds It's just next door, isn't it? Comments can be made at the meeting And to members of the resources committee To draw together a wide church response Yes, and of course everybody's welcome Because it's a public consultation Yes Now, the Kids Academy in Keynesham We've mentioned this before There are plans to go ahead with this And now, it is going ahead And it welcomes all children ages 7 to 14 All abilities for football skills training And fun matches that reflect Christian values This is a new Churches Together in Keynesham and Salford venture Here in Keynesham Which will be on the second Saturday of each month From 2.30pm to 3.30pm At Queens Road Methodist Church Well, just outside the church The football, I think Starting on Saturday the 9th of March Parents are requested to register their children Preferably beforehand By contacting John and Martin And yes, you can make that contact through this show In one of our usual ways Or via the link that will be on our Facebook page Please note that this football training is fun It will not be highly competitive It's just fun And the hours time will include Some Christian comment For the children to think about Now, we've got the last shout out For the Keynesham Elim Churches Annual quiz in aid of the Summer Children's Camp in Romania Just a reminder You're welcome to just turn up at the door Or book ahead if you like The date is Saturday the 9th of March Doors open at 6pm Quiz starts at 6.30pm Yes Excellent local in Keynesham Lent Talks The theme Deepening Discipleship The remaining Lent Talks Will take place on the 5th, 12th And 19th of March As always, we thank the Keynesham Baptist Church For hosting the Lent Talks With refreshments from 7pm For a 7.30pm start Right Now the vacancy of Rector of St John's Parish in Keynesham We've mentioned this before Just to remind you again The job advert for the vacancy of Rector Is now live and out there You should be able to find it On the St John's Keynesham Parish website And you'll be able to share it if you want to A big thank you to the group Who put together the profile Now we are at a crucial moment With this operation At which prayer is vital Now there's a date for your diary The next Tea, Toast and Prayer together Will take place on Saturday the 23rd of March At 8.30am In the morning that is In the St John's Parish Hall To pray about the new Rector Ok The next Christian Aid Soup Lunch Is happening on Saturday the 23rd Of March In St John's Parish Hall But that's not at 8.30am It will be at lunchtime I'm not sure of the exact times But around between 12 and 2 probably If you'd like to have some lovely soup Now a worship night Especially for the young people But those of us who aren't quite so young Can probably just get in as well The evening will be led by We Are Movement The date is Sunday March 24th Starting at 6.30pm In St John's Parish Hall Now We're going to be spending time Worshipping Jesus together Hear a short message And expectantly wait upon the Holy Spirit So, it says here Please invite your friends As this is a night you won't want to miss It is aimed at youth and young adults Please arrive for a 6.30 start There's more information From the We Are Movement website You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Catesham and Salford production For KTCR FM 105.8 and online Now, you might like to have a pen Or pencil and paper ready For a little challenge I've got lined up for you It's coming straight after These new headlines Right, so here are The news headlines First Pope Francis urges diplomatic solution To Ukraine war On the anniversary of invasion Christians in Holy Land Desperate over lack of work And upsurge in religious hatred Prayer is greatest weapon Against climate crisis Say Christians After 10 day parliament vigil 3 million Ukraine children In crisis over war Says Christian charity Church of England To consider code of conduct To address poor behaviour In parochial church councils Actor Mark Wahlberg Dedicates success to faith and prayer life Men's breast milk Is as good as women's NHS statement leaked Created by him To reflect his likeness Alabama judge Quotes bible in embryo lawsuit Ruling Former Canterbury advisor Israel's Ramadan Ultimatum Will make Hamas dig in Navalny A professing Christian convert And disciple Who laid down his life to fight Putin Church of England Deeply concerned Over water pollution As Joe Lycett calls out 30 million pound investment Potential delays To Martin Scorsese's Jesus movie As he's not quite sure How to tell the story Premier league star Awanyee displays bible verse In goal celebration He revealed his vest Sporting verse Scorsese chapter 12 verse 13 Now you may recall That this last week has been the Fourth birthday of our radio Station KTCR FM And of this show Believe Together So once again we're just going to have a quick Clip from my happy birthday song This time it's a country and rock and roll Version Okay now I think it lasts About 30 seconds So while it's being played If you've got your pen or pencil and paper ready How many words Can you make out of the letters In the word birthday Hmm How many words in 30 seconds Let's see Ready steady Go Another year is over now My past is day by day Enjoy every season You've grown Years fly away You feel happy Wiser better I hope I'll be together No matter what you do This day Belongs to you Well you've had About 30 seconds there So how many words did you get I confess I had A little go myself the other day But I did spend More than 30 seconds it was probably At least a minute So I don't want to dishearten you By saying I did manage to find 30 words I won't say what they are Because why not have a go See if you can get to 30 words If you haven't done it yet Perhaps you know when this show's finished It's fun isn't it making words Out of other words well I think so anyway So that's that Okay now another quick Thing to report on This week was the first Of our Lent courses Denise Calverley spoke Very well on the father Heart of God for us She spoke about how Some people find it very difficult to Relate to God as a father If they've had difficult relationships With their own natural fathers Or stepfathers And yes that can be hard For people but God is The perfect father she tried To explain this to us And we discussed it In little groups about our own personal Experiences and it was all Very helpful to all the people there Some people particularly so One of the songs that we Sang together on that event Was Father God I Wonder so we'll play that Now sung here by Ishmael's Worship Band Father God I wonder how I managed to Exist without The knowledge of your Parenthood And your loving Care Now I am your son I am adopted In your family And I can Never be alone Cause Father God You're there beside me I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Forevermore I will Sing your praises Right, a one-liner about the food bank June Blesington has retired as the chair of the trustees after a long service The new chair is Neil Hawkins Now there's something here called nature and care, no, yes that's right nature and caring for each other There's a small display on this theme in St. Dunstan's Church in the Bristol Road just on the edge of Keynesham Everyone is warmly invited to come and view the display The church is usually open anyway for anyone to go and be quiet there on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am until 4pm in the winter months And finally the John Wesley's New Room in Bristol are recruiting They want a new chair of trustees, which is a voluntary role. It's a Methodist heritage site in the centre of Bristol the oldest Methodist building in the world and they're looking for a dynamic and vision-filled person to play a pivotal role in leading us forward into an inspiring future, continuing the life-enhancing legacy of John and Charles Wesley and helping to increase our visibility and impact as a heritage site visitor attraction and a space for learning, reflection enjoyment and hospitality Closing date for applicants is the 12th of April this year For more details you can go to the address on our Facebook page or contact us at the show in one of the usual ways It's been lovely being with you for this hour maybe you've been with us for an hour and it's now time of course again to say goodbye and hope to be with you again next week but we're going to play out in a minute with Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow this time by Zoe Rose Yes and okay I'll say goodbye as well and hand over to Des to give us a blessing See you next week! Heavenly Father give us all the grace to put aside works of darkness and so evermore wear the armour of light that we can go forward under your light to receive your mighty blessings In Jesus name, Amen The grave is bare to prove my Saviour lives Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives All fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth living Just because He lives How sweet to hold A newborn baby And feel her pride And joy He brings But greater still The calm assurance Their child can face Uncertainty Because He lives Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives All fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth living Just because He lives

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