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TCA 17May24 - He Remembers - Pastor Josie Sithole

TCA 17May24 - He Remembers - Pastor Josie Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



God's remembrance and the fulfillment of His promises


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I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world I am king of the world When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When we say God remembers When God says He is calling something to remembrance Or when He says to us We must remind Him It is always It is always It is always encouraging us It is always encouraging us To know To know To keep in mind Everything that is linked To the covenant To the covenant So So When God says When God says God remembers the prayers Of Rachel It means God was about To do something to Rachel Which is based On the promises Or on the Which is based On the covenant Always when God remembers It is about the promises It is about the covenant Now the first time The word remember Was used in the bible It was in Genesis chapter 8 Verse 1 Where God remembered Noah and everything Every living thing That was in the ark With him And God When God remembers Every time when God remembers He does something So for God Remember is not just mental Activity It is action He employs His hands To do something About His remembrance Now When God says He remembered Then He made the wind To blow over the land And the waters receded So this morning I'm here to encourage us To say God has remembered All the prayers All the gifts All the sacrifices That you have made And a particular Wind will blow A wind will blow Not a wind That will blow for everyone But it will cause a wind To blow and recede The waters of depression In your life that are engulfing you It will cause a wind To blow in your life To recede Everything that is Trying to oppress you Everything that is making you To suffer whether it is At your workplace or at your family When this wind blows When God is remembering you God has remembered you And He will recede The waters of debt The waters of lack That are suffocating you He has remembered you And He is thinking kindly Of you and your situation He is thinking of the Promises He gave you In His word And He is acting So as we move on This morning Remember God has remembered you And a particular Wind will blow To cause a recession Of problems in your life A recession of issues that Are suffocating you That are engulfing you Things that are depressing you God is going to Cause a wind to blow That will cause that Recession Now When we talk about Issues that When God remembers It is always connected To His promises It is always connected to His covenant Let us remember that the word of God says His promises Are yes And amen If He has ever promised anything He is Going to do it Anytime God has Promised you something God does not promise you Just to make you happy God does not promise you Just to make you feel good If you are crying before God He doesn't only promise you So that you may not Stop crying Because sometimes as parents Or elderly people When a child is crying Sometimes we just give a promise Just because we want that child to keep quiet But each time God promises Each time God makes a covenant It is because He is going to do it All His promises are yes And amen In the book of 1 Samuel chapter 1 Verse 19 God remembered Hannah And in due time she conceived And bore a son And she called his name Samuel She said I have asked him From the Lord God remembered Hannah and in due time She conceived Again we see God remembering And acting We see God Remembering and acting But here My point is to highlight the issues Of His promises Is to highlight the issues of His covenant What it means And how it applies to us Today Remember when we talk about Hannah She was In contact with Priest Eli Who had earlier Promised her After she prayed As she was praying She was praying to God And she was not even Audible It was only her Mouth that was just I forgot that word That English word She was speaking In her heart With the lips Just moving Without any voice Coming out So there is no way that Eli Knew what she was saying But Hannah After Eli made a promise I want us to underline this Hannah made a Priest Eli Made a promise To her or spoke thus To her Go in peace and God of Israel Grant your petition That you have made To him After she prayed to God The man of God says to her Go in peace The God of Israel grant your petition That you have made to him Two things are Important in this statement And they are worth noting Number one Eli was the man of God So Hannah took His words as God's words Immediately Immediately he spoke She was no longer crying Immediately he spoke She was no longer sad The Bible says her face lit up And she went and she joined The festivities It was Before She received What she was Praying for God did not come thundering there There was no thunder There was no lightning There was no show that God Came down but because A man of God spoke words In her hearing She took that as God's word She took that as God's promise And she Her face lit up How many things were Said by servants of God That we are not valuing As God's word Many times We listen to the word of God And we just see a man or a woman Speaking Today I'm here to say to us When you are in church When you are praying Everything that is said to you Take it as Hannah said She Immediately When Eli spoke She took that as God's promise When Eli spoke She took it as God Has spoken And her face lit up The second thing to note Here is When Eli spoke He says the God of Israel The God of Israel That is a covenant name For Jacob Immediately The Jews The tribes of Israel They speak about a covenant So immediately Eli mentioned the God of Israel He was invoking The covenant He was invoking The Abrahamic covenant He was invoking The covenant that Jacob had With God He was invoking The covenant that God made Verses 12 to Abraham About a great nation So because a great Nation meant that people Had to be born Immediately Eli said the God of Israel The closed womb Of Hannah Had to open To cause the birth that will Fulfill the covenant And the promise of God I hope you get that When God says to you It is yes and amen And each time you hear The word of God being preached Each time you hear a promise Being made In the pulpit Take it to the bank Know that God has spoken And value that word And it will work for you We see Hannah valued The word that was spoken by Eli Eli had a good reputation As far as his fathering Was concerned But this woman Did not look at Eli as a man But he looked at Eli as a servant And a mouthpiece of God And because of that She valued everything that he said And God Kept the word Because when he said The God of Israel He was invoking the covenant I hope we got that Now The third thing that I want us to Understand is that God Remembers Not that he Remembers You As a person or your children Because they are Your children Sometimes God will Remember your children But by now We know that when God remembers We talk about him acting It is a Word that is rooted In action. When God is about To help your children He will help them for your sake Not because Of anything that they have done In the book of Genesis 19 verse 29 We see It is Lord who is in trouble It is Lord who is in Trouble and it is Based on his decision Lord Made a decision Earlier To move away from Abraham And he made a Choice to go to Sodom and Gomorrah A place that looked Beautiful and fertile It was Lord Decision That placed Him where he was It was Lord's decision That placed him In the trouble that he was But when Lord was In trouble God remembered Abraham That excites me The bible says So it was that when God Destroyed the cities of The valley God remembered Abraham and sent Lord out of The midst of the overthrow When he overthrew The cities in which Lord lived I had a I have a nephew Who would always tell His friends These were naughty boys As he was still growing up he was naughty He was busy doing naughty things And he told his friends Because Because I have a mother Who prays All the things that we are doing You will be in trouble And Mina My mother prays And her prayers Are going to protect me And indeed One day I don't know what was happening But they got arrested And they were found with guns But when they went to court He was released They said he was not part of it And yet he was with them So when sometimes Our children are in trouble God will remember you You don't know Some of you You are listening to me You don't know what your children are up to Wherever they are There are many decisions There are many actions that they have made That are contrary to his word There are many decisions There are many actions That would have put them in the trouble of death Or injury But God remembered you So in some cases God acts Based on the covenant He has with your forebears Keep on praying For those wayward children Keep on praying For your relatives Keep on praying For your offspring Even when they make bad choices Like Lord did God will remember your prayers And he will remember And save them That is I don't know if it is the third Or the fourth But let us go on to the next one Your groanings Your groanings Your pain Is not in vain Because God Remembers In the book of Exodus 2 Verse 24 to 25 The Bible says He heard their groanings And remembered his covenant With Abraham Again you can see that Every time God remembers It is connected to the promise Or the covenant So As the children of Israel Were crying in Egypt As they were being oppressed In Egypt As they were being Driven hard as slaves When he heard Their groanings He remembered his covenant with Abraham He remembered His covenant with Isaac He remembered His covenant with Jacob Verse 25 Says God saw The people of Israel And God knew I find that Very profound The Bible does not Bother To explain It just says God saw and he knew I am here to encourage you That God sees He knows The Bible does not say He knew 1, 2, 3, 4 It is God Saw the people of Israel Remember Israel Is a covenant name He saw the people Of Israel And he knew Remember we are the people of the new covenant When God sees you He sees Calvary And he knows Your groanings that you cannot utter He knows The pain that you are even ashamed To share with your prayer partners He knows The covenant that he cut on Calvary When you groan Before God He looks at you And he knows God cut a covenant With Abraham In Genesis 15 And he said Know for certain That your offspring will be In a land that is not theirs And will be servants there And they will be afflicted For 400 years But I will bring judgment On those that they serve And afterward They shall come out With great possession So when they were crying In Exodus 2 God remembered the covenant He made with Abraham In Genesis 12 He remembered the covenant He made with Abraham In Genesis 15 To say They will come out With great possession I'm here to remind you God sees and he knows And you will come out Of that situation With great possession You will come out From that pain With great possession Because God remembers The covenant that he made With First with Abraham But we are The true covenant The covenant that was made On the cross of Calvary God Remembers The next point That I want us to look at Is as we saw That when God Sees Or when God hears He remembers And He opens In the opening scripture We read that when he heard he opened And in all the examples That I have been making We see a God who remembers and opens Okay In the case I'm sorry In the case of Noah He causes the wind to blow And in the case In the case of Hannah He opens her womb And in the case That we have just spoken About Lot, he remembers And he opens A door For Lot Even if Lot has locked himself In a door Of Sodom and Gomorrah God Remembers that for the sake Of Abraham So here we see that God God always remembers Every time you groan you cry Before him, every time you groan You wake up at five o'clock And you pray, God remembers And Those groanings are not In vain Amen Conception When we say God Opens the womb And you conceive Whatever womb Because God said be fruitful If there is an Area of unfruitfulness In your life, it means that womb is Closed So that conception that God is opening That conception that God is promising It is unlimited Sometimes you listen To people talking about their Great testimonies and you think It is only for those people This morning I'm here to say To you, conception Unlimited Those things that God did for Others, he is saying I will also do for you In Luke chapter one, God Remembered Elizabeth In her old age And he speaks To Mary Who was about To experience the same Miracle Of conception You know When Biology is against That It says in verse 36 Behold your relative Elizabeth In her old age Has also Conceived a son Has also Conceived a son And it goes on to say This is the sixth month With her who was called Barren, this is a very Powerful scripture The bible is saying to Mary The same problem That you have Of conception Because you say I know no man Meaning conception is Impossible Your relative Elizabeth Also Is in an impossible Situation of conception But she has conceived a son Also, meaning that During Passover He was talking about Being plugged, being connected In other words, God is saying The same miracle Yeah, Elizabeth Also conceived a son It is an inclusion So it shows that It is unlimited to It is just not limited to Elizabeth, but it also Includes you There are two significant Things that I want us to realize There are testimonies Of God doing Things for others God is promising you You will also experience The same miracle Number two Elizabeth's Problem was now A laughing stock She was called names The bible says Who was called barren It means people Had now labeled her People have now given her A name that is connected To her problem The bible says She had passed The age of conception But she has also Conceived She has also conceived So you will also Experience that miracle You will also enjoy God's promises You will also conceive And give birth To what God has promised you No matter what people Have branded you You will also experience What you hear happening for others Great things are not Limited to certain people You will also Get your answer Because God's promises are unlimited They are not only For certain people So God is saying to Mary I am giving you A promise that Will also include You in the promises Of God I'm giving you also What I have given other people So whatever it is That you have been praying for That you have seen God do for other people He is saying this morning It will also happen To you Amen The next one When we go back to Rachel Whom God Opened The womb And she gave birth The Bible says in Genesis 24 She Gave birth To a son And she named him Joseph Which means You will add So Rachel Got a Joseph When she got Joseph She said This is not just one son God will add So when God Opens He gives A double portion Rachel knew that the fact that God Opened He will still do it again He will add All the things All the goodness of God That he has done for you He will add When he remembers He adds We know in the story of Job That God doubled His former possessions When he remembers He adds So God will add God will give you A double portion In the book of Joel We see that The Bible promises that Whatever the canter worm Has eaten It will be restored Whatever has been stolen It will be Given back We see the same phenomenon In the book of Isaiah 61 Where the Bible Talks about beautiful ashes He speaks about When you are mourning He gives you comfort He says when you are grieved He gives you gladness When you are When you are In sorrow He gives you a song Of praise To use The phrase that the Apostles normally use From the book of Esther When God answers your prayer The opposite Will happen Amen What is plaguing you You will get the opposite There will be an exchange We see In Isaiah It says he will give you A song of praise And we see that In the prayer of Hannah She prayed a song About the exchange And I encourage you This morning That we join Hannah In that prayer Of divine exchange Where God exchanges Our pain For gladness Where God exchanges Our lack For fruitfulness Where God exchanges The closed doors For open doors Hannah prayed She was busy saying The bowels Of the warriors Are broken But those who stumbled Are armed with strength In other words There is an exchange Those who stumbled Those who fell You may have fallen Whether business wise Whether spiritually Whatever But God is raising you up this morning And is giving you strength She says I think it's in the book Of First Samuel chapter 2 Where she was praying Those who were full Hire themselves out for food In other words There is an exchange Those who thought All is well And they were busy mocking Hannah Referring to Penina She says Those who were full Are now hiring themselves Out for food But those who were hungry Are hungry no more God will do a divine exchange Where your hunger Is going to be replaced By fullness Those who were barren Are going to be Barrenness Is going to be replaced By many sons Amen Death Will be replaced By life Poverty Will be replaced By wealth And those that Are humble today God will exalt them He will Exchange Their position of humility With exaltation Amen Those who are needy God will Seat them with princes And he will make them to Inherit the throne of honour That is a That is a song of praise That Hannah Was playing And she goes on To talk about The silencing Of the wicked God will silence Will silence The people That are mocking your situation Today He will silence The voices That are plaguing you day and night To say you are not Going to get out of this He will silence That by Exchanging Your current situation With a greater one And She goes on to say It is not by strength That one prevails You will prevail Not because you have the financial Strength You will prevail Not because you have righteousness Of your own But you will prevail because of his righteousness You will prevail Because of the covenant You will prevail Because of what God has done At the cross of Calvary You will prevail Not because you have it all Figured out But you will prevail Because God will give you His strength He says let the weak say I am strong You are strong because of the covenant Remember In the covenant The stronger Partner in the covenant Comes to action When the weaker one Is in trouble When the weaker one is in need So when we call upon God He remembers the covenant And because he has the strength That we do not have He has the prosperity that we do not have He has the power That we do not have He will give it to us So that we triumph In the honor We inherit a throne of honor Not because We are princes But he will seat us with princes Even when we do not Qualify Even if we do not We are not Princes There is no We don't have blue blood Or something like that So I was Just encouraging us This morning to say As we pray Let us remember That God Remembers and when he does It is not just an act Of the mind He When the bible says God remembers It is because there is no way We can understand As human beings The action of God So anything that has to do with God When he remembers It talks about his action Because God never forgets God is omniscient So each time you see a word Remember It has to do with God About to act So this morning I am saying to you As you hear this word The bible says his word does not just go out And it does not return to him void But it accomplishes Everything that he has promised Be like Hannah Take this word as a word That comes from God That everything that he has promised you He is about to fulfill Like Hannah Let your faith light up And expect God to fulfill That which he has promised you And you will join her In the song that she sang In the book of 1 Samuel 2 God bless you As we continue To pray Let us pray I am not going to come back Let us all pray And God bless you Keep on praying for those children God will remember them For your sake Keep on praying for that situation God will remember the covenant God bless you Amen

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