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cover of TCA Fri12Jul24 - Season for Increase - Apst J Sithole
TCA Fri12Jul24 - Season for Increase - Apst J Sithole

TCA Fri12Jul24 - Season for Increase - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apst. Joseph emphasized the importance of supernatural growth and the need for the church to actively participate in the harvesting process, particularly in the context of the current economic challenges faced by the millennial generation. He also discussed the importance of family support, trusting in God's system rather than the world's economic system, and the concept of an 'unusual harvest'.


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Ma kuna biko, kuna biko na Na jingo, eno u da jula na we mu A i pse mu na, eno u da jula na Ma kuna biko na jenge, eno u da jula na Eno u da jule na we, kipu na we, kipu na we Kipu na u tsa na we, kipu na u tsa na we Kipu na u tsa na we, kipu na u tsa na we Kipu na u tsa na we, kipu na u tsa na we Kipu na u tsa na we Good morning and kingdom greetings. Kingdom greetings. Good morning. Good morning. Amen and amen. We are on today with some, this is the last day of the week, with some special announcements and directions that will alter everyone listening that will put you in the higher dimension of our theme this year reset for growth or reset for increase if you know somebody you don't see on the set and just call him and say he's waiting for you he can't start before you you tune in for some spiritual things that we need to deal with under this theme of growth we had a very hectic month of June it was very hectic and it overlapped to July this week it's another rollercoaster week which we were going through there are many funerals that have come across our family and when I say family I mean the spiritual family I literally have three funerals in one Saturday that I'm linked to just tomorrow is going to be another hectic weekend on our way to one conference we just got three messages of death and we knew that we were going to spend a week in one conference and the next thing we knew that when we get into this week it's going to be a hectic one we came back here on Sunday and started off again even here at home family is just surprised that we show up for one night and we are gone sometimes we literally show up in one day pick up stuff we are out again so I realize that now I want to thank those who have been holding the fort for us as we were out there doing God's work because I realize that in some circles you are in you are hosted in in hotels where wifi is not just responding very well and you sort of fear again of expressing yourself but we have a lot to talk to you about I hope you called somebody, I hope you invited somebody to just tune in and we talk about things. Amen. Amen. We were in the trajectory of supernatural growth How many people remember that? Do you remember that we are on supernatural growth? Amen. So when we talk about supernatural growth we are talking about growth or increase financially speaking increase soul winning speaking is still increase or growth and personal spiritual growth is also growing in the face of God but these things must come supernaturally not naturally supernaturally when God said reset for growth it simply means that things will come you got to grow supernaturally connect into the supernatural realm because if we don't connect into the supernatural realm we are in for destruction we are in for for just perish like mere human beings and start living like just mere human beings so we got to tap into to the natural to the supernatural and when we tap into the supernatural we read scriptures like Paul says I planted, Apollos watered but God gives the increase or God gives the growth so and I showed how God can give us growth by giving us growth He leads us we become led people we saw that the Bible says in Romans 8 14 the those who are led by the Holy Spirit are the matured sons of God so you are led into into areas of abundance of harvest and you are led into areas of growth as a church we have received a number of leadings towards growth and that we are busy implementing before I started the net casters and which was a bit disrupted by all these commitments that I have but the net casters will resume next week it will resume and we also have to follow we are sharing two services two days we are sharing two days we have the first week which is the first two Thursdays it's the war home and then the the second two weeks two days two Thursdays it's when it comes to to children's church and we have made some progress around children's church and that will also involve other companies say campuses I need to say and those campuses we are going on for training this July it's a church sponsored training but it will benefit even the very same individuals as we put it and it is going to be training and because we have been led by the Holy Ghost that these are figures of growth in the two main campuses we have been led and we will do that but now this morning are you ready for this morning's lesson because that will be the start for it are you ready, did you call somebody did you wake somebody up in this cold winter and so on and if you have done so shout Amen Amen yeah now that is why I said call people I want us to to look at rules of of increase rules of increase or rules yeah how do we increase what are the rules here that we need to follow the first rule that we need to look at is to is to understand seed time and harvest the Lord drew my attention as he was I'm taking this theme of supernatural growth that for from January to June it will be just a time of teaching but from July down to December it's time for harvest let me repeat this it's time for supernatural harvest so but the Lord just showed me something that there is something that the church has been missing all over the years we are so strong in teaching about sowing seed but but part of our fault is the church that is illiterate around harvest and which is now a very dangerous thing because Jesus gave a parallel or an illustration about about sowing seeds and harvest which is a farming illustration it's a farming illustration and when you look at farming sowing has there's a prescription for sowing or arrangement for sowing how to sow particular crop and when to sow that particular crop at the same time there's also arrangement again around to harvest how to harvest crop crop must be harvested but now we have we put ourselves in the spot that we didn't really come and communicate a lot around how to harvest because that's where supernatural increase happens when people begin to to know how to sow but again know how to harvest in agriculture we have seen that in agriculture it's a little bit easier it's a lesser way to sow but it's now more busy more harder to harvest and when we harvest we need more workers we need more time we need more workers we need laborers to begin to harvest and the rules of the harvest year is just as simple as for harvest does not come automatically there are things that must be done so we have this thing of just saying ok let's put in seeds and wait so the harvest it's about God will see what he gives me for what I've given which is a wrong attitude because the illustration that Jesus gives here it's about harvesting so harvesting doesn't automatically happen it involves us there are things we must do to harvest you don't just sow and say ok God will see will respond because I've put a lot of seed on the ground and therefore we have had casualties of people who are now who are givers, who are helpers but their life is standing still, it's not moving forward and some are saying well this thing of giving it's enticing it just benefits the church and everybody out there who's connected to the church but I don't think it's for us then the devil steps in there and when the devil steps in there people are not seeing results they get bitter they join the world in saying things that are against their own harvest again that is the thing that we need to know and then the second thing that we need to know is that we need to learn to harvest quickly because this time that we are living in it's a time where the natural is failing every global citizen can I repeat this again Amen Amen this time and going forward in the next hundred years if Jesus tells it is the most crucial time where people need to connect supernaturally to grow supernaturally to increase they must learn the skills on how to increase supernaturally succeed supernaturally so when God gives me time I'll make sure that we block even some of the weekends where we come together because moving from one place to the other and delivering the same message it's it just becomes so tedious for me where we will bring together the entire house show ways of harvest and so on so let me show you why you need to wake up to this because there's a problem with children of God and I've seen it with the older campuses where they get so familiar with what the preacher says. I've just seen it that when God releases something everybody just goes to sleep and when you meet them you find that they're in the same rut where you were teaching them to come out but they've fallen there so let me show you why it shouldn't be so I touched on generations. Do you still remember that one? Generations Am I still audible here Mr. Mkomoro? Amen I touched on generations and I spoke about the generation from 1981 until now which we just call the millennials we have the silent generations, the baby boomers generation, we have the generation X, the gen Z's the millennials, the alpha but now all from 1981 right through until now we have what we call the millennials which are the majority of the population the majority of the population we just saw in South Africa there are just almost 50 51% of the population more than a half of the South African population and in the United States of America they form something like 27 million and then you have other places like India where the population is bigger and they always form the biggest part of the population but here is the challenge that we are having this population, these millennials are now called the unlucky generation why are they called unlucky generation? because everything that worked in the previous generations does not seem to work for them let me repeat this everything that worked for the previous generation does not seem to work for them economically speaking it's not working for them we have a situation where we have a livelihood formula which is not bad, it's good and it must be done can I repeat this one? it is good and it must be what? done people must go to school people must learn skills and people must get into the workforce with skills but the millennials who are obedient to us parents they go and do that but they still suffer they are the most unemployed with skills and when they do get employed they are easily retrenched they easily lose their jobs and when they get the job they don't get their entry salaries entry salaries is 20% lesser than the entry salary of their parents in other words the entry salary frustrates them to a point that they can't even give them the basics they need so they do what we call job they move from this job to the other move from this one because there is this issue that now they are not getting return on investment and this is not a South African problem only, it is a global according to my research it's a global problem and as South Africans sometimes we can be blaming other guys who are doing corruption and so on and it is worsened by such, but let me tell you unemployment is a global problem and the the unrewarded skills it's also a problem in America alone when a young person graduates from whatever skills base, moves into the workforce that young person comes with a student loan debt a student loan debt because he is offered education on a basis of student loan it is so again with some of the professions in South Africa, for instance a good number of medical doctors went to school using bursaries that they must repay when they get to work but when they get to work that is 20% down they are not getting that much and if they do get a job anyway and what is the problem the problem is now you have well educated millennials that are not getting jobs if they do get any it's also part of the frustration there's one young girl who said, the father is saying to this young girl, look you must get a house of your own get a get a bond, buy a house or buy a site build a house and so on and she said I see what you are talking about papa my fear is that I see a lot of people being retrenched here at work for economic reasons people are just retrenched they didn't do anything wrong they didn't steal anything no misconduct, they've been doing well but they are retrenched that company doesn't have money to pay so you are retrenched what will happen if I get retrenched how will I pay that bond so I can't get myself into debt because of that why are the millennials called unlikely, I've just given you some reasons, the other reason is that they were born at a time where there is slow growth of economies all economies of the world now they are slow to grow as if that is not enough while there is slow growth then there is high interest rates of anything you borrow you borrow money to buy a car high interest rates, anything that you have borrowed, credit card or whatever and so on the interest are high and they are not going down they just keep on going up then it brings this thing called high cost of living from that level of the high cost of living, then we have this unfortunate incident of COVID COVID reversed things moved them from bed to west in the economic space the most frustrated people today are economists they just can't tell the future I hope you are moving with me Amen because I don't like demonizing, I like helping people Amen Amen Amen Now Next week Tuesday in the next generation series, I'm going to start the series on preserving the next generation and some of the things I'm saying now, I'm going to say but now in a different way and also there is this thing, then there is a concept that has come out very strong it is so strong in business, it's so strong in leadership, it's so strong in many circles that is called VUCA world VUCA world it's not the one that when you say VUCA some people think of the Zulu word VUCA, wake up I'm not talking about that, it's VUCA I'll teach about this concept in the next generation in the next generation I'll teach about how this millennial and this time is making, it's not economically viable it's not economically viable V stands for volatile you know E stands for uncertainty and C stands for complex and ambiguous it's now, that's how the world is now, but I'm going to teach about those concepts now the world today is in a bed shape our only survival is in the supernatural Amen Amen Can I repeat this? Amen Now mothers, parents you got to prepare yourself if the children do not tap into the supernatural they will be our bed dead until we bury them it's so scary to check that some families have taken all the kids to school only to support them financially until they are married and they even support their children and not to say the parents are not waking, the parents are qualified they are waking some have dropped out of work but you find that, ok these guys are qualified and they are waking but it is the parents who make things happen in the family with us our generation is different our generation we were taken to school and when we started waking we took care of our parents until we buried them but the time has changed rapidly that now we as the elderly must take care of the young and the young has coined a term called black text which I don't like I don't like that term black text but that evil term comes from their day to day experience they just can't have enough to take care of their parents or even their siblings then they come up with strange terms like black text here is the big question in such a situation, a dire situation what must be done the word of God is a constant the word of God is encouraging the word of God is giving us a solution the Bible says we are not of this world we are in this world but we are not of this world and we are new creation all things are passed away and behold all things are new the new creation realities shows us that God loves us and God wants us to prosper and God has a harvest for us let's go to scripture Jeremiah 8 verse 20 the harvest is passed the summer is ended and we are not saved Amen the harvest is passed the summer is ended and we are not saved what does Jeremiah mean here he is saying there is a season which is called summer and summer is harvest time I prophetically say to you this theme of growth it says it's summer time for harvest I hope I am understood but it is possible that you sit and listen for this next six months you will be putting tools in your hands as much as I have been putting those tools in your hands growth being led by God and all those things I am throwing things at your hands but here is the thing there is a danger of sowing and not reaping ok let's go to it should be Matthew 9.37 if I am not mistaken let's read that one Matthew 9.37 Then said he unto his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few Amen the harvest is what plenteous but the laborers are what few now that shows you that we have been sowing seeds we sow seeds and we sow seeds we sow seeds we sow seeds but at the end of the day we don't harvest because those who labor to harvest are few because most of us we sow seed and after sowing seed we just say automatically that seed will grow and as it grows then God will just throw it back to me the best way He can see how He throws it back to me and I don't participate in labor you see even in the natural we were all born and what happened seeds of life were sown in the system of our mothers they conceived us that period is a period of which you are carrying something and you need to take care of what you are carrying there is a time of labor where you are giving birth so it is possible that when you have conceived and you are not following the rules that you are given around your pregnancy there can be an abortion you can totally abort because you have neglected yourself and if labor is not well conducted you might lose the baby or lose the mother then we come to farming itself you sow very well the church has been good in sowing but are we good reapers let's go to another scripture Jeremiah 17 7 to 8 Jeremiah 17 7 to 8 Jeremiah 17 7 to 8 Blessed is the man that trusted in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river and shall not see when heat cometh but her leaves shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruits Amen Watch Now, we need not to trust the system of this world we need to trust the system of God Amen Blessed is the man that puts his trust in the Lord, he shall be like a tree planted by the water he is not going to be affected by two things there he is not going to be affected by two things by the heat, the leaves thereof in other words, his prosperity his flourishing is not going to be affected by what? the heat and what? the drought but he will yield fruit so, we have the heat of the economic system as I explained it I tried to be very explicit way on to show you this thing but there could be somebody who is just proud there and said no we are not experiencing the same my kids are taking care of me God bless you, that's a blessing okay Amen if your kids are prosperous and they are taking care of you they are not affected and everything like that, that's fine but at the same time they are not affected by the economic situation and they are not affected by the drought that's fine but you must understand that the world is exploiting the heat and the drought and what do they do? they make offers to these kids there are illuminati offers out there that kids are lured into there are satanism offers that are made to these kids you might be seeing your child prosper but moving away from God you wonder why this person is no longer with us what's happening? the child might have sold his or her soul to such the other aspect is the LGBTIQ challenge that some of the people that are prospering the source is not so genuine it is now because the LGBTIQ is making offers of real money they are offering money to propagate and people get paid handsome money some are promised influence affluence and many other things spend if you are going to promote the idea look at your television today who are the key presenters it looks like I'm losing you amen who are the key presenters there it is that group look at the most effective shops the most upmarket shops today the most upmarket dealerships what are they promoting? very respected brands they are promoting this thing and they don't just wake up in the morning and begin to promote it they are given handsome money to promote that I received a call I received a call from one of my sons it should be 5 years if not 10 years ago and he said the wife was so excited that our miseries are gone you are going to see different things from us we are in that level and so on they even laughed about it they said if we are not there you are our father you need to be there you labor with us I said what is it all about and they said look we are getting into everything here our company has been appointed to do ABCD and so on to build I think it was almost 3 hotels in different coasts and then inland and in the whole of Africa building and then they spoke of 100 something like 4 to 3 million dollars upfront payment after signing it's 4 to 3 million oh jesus thank you thank you it's 400 million dollars yeah 400 million dollars they went into the meeting they explained everything but the signing is tomorrow how much money you are going to receive cash the briefcase 30 dollars during the night 5 star hotel god visits the pastor he says this is dirty money ask the square in the morning you say the hotels will be full but don't worry about the market we are in Europe America everywhere this thing will have 100% occupancy and then he asked them during breakfast tell you this the hotels will have 100% occupancy where do you get the clients because most hotels don't have such they said no we are the LGBTIQ community we are going to build these hotels and they are going to be friendly then they give the mission then they spoil the party do you see some of the wealthy people you are looking up to I'm not saying be suspicious of people now the wife found in tears again I am rich this is not it when you see some television mega preachers who are commanding crowds who are holding big confessions in different areas by commanders in different areas they are different areas commander the crowds and so on you are soon to discover later on Mutro made contracts with these people now expose my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my

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