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TCA  Mon01Jul24 - Supernatural Growth - Apst J Sithole

TCA Mon01Jul24 - Supernatural Growth - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Joseph Sithole's sermon focused on the theme of supernatural growth and the importance of relying on God's power for success. He shared his personal journey and struggles, emphasizing the need to trust in God's plan rather than one's own understanding.


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The speaker is discussing the concept of supernatural growth and living a supernatural life. They emphasize that living supernaturally means depending on God's power alone for growth and success. The speaker references biblical passages to support this idea. They share personal experiences of starting a church and relying on their own abilities, which led to frustration. The speaker cautions against relying on human power and encourages listeners to connect with the supernatural and tap into God's power. May we see your power manifest this month. May we see your glory in all areas as we have seen that before. In Jesus name we have prayed, Amen. The topic for the whole month is growing supernaturally or supernatural growth. There is growing naturally and there is growing supernaturally. These things are not the same. Doing things supernaturally, it takes God to do things, apply things supernaturally. And most of us, when we are called to tap into the supernatural, we stretch, we complain, some comply, but you discover that it's not their nature, it's not within their nature to live a supernatural life. May this month be an eye-opener. May this month be a month where your life turns around and you begin to realize and tap into God's power as we walk this journey. It is a journey one has traveled for a lifetime and when we revisit it, may God open your eyes so that you tap into the supernatural. May the good Lord bless you as we take this journey. This whole month will be centering around supernatural growth. Amen. Now, what is supernatural growth? When we say something is happening supernaturally, we mean that we are depending on God's ability alone for growth and success. I repeat this. When we say we are growing supernaturally, we simply mean that we are depending on God's ability alone for growth and success. Amen. Features that come to mind when one depends on God's ability is 1 Corinthians chapter 2, 3 to 5. 1 Corinthians 2, 3 to 5, King James. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and in my trembling, and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of men's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Amen. Paul says, I came to you in the demonstration of the power of God, so that your faith may not be based on the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Now, that's God's ability, God's power. When we say a person is living supernaturally, it simply means that this person depends on God's power alone for growth and success. He lives a lifestyle of God's power. This is an ancient formula of life. Let's go again to 1 Corinthians chapter 3, 5 to 7. 1 Corinthians 3, 5 to 7. There was a topic in Corinth. People started following personalities. Some were impressed by Apollo, some were impressed by Paul. And they started uplifting personalities. And Paul is trying to correct this. He's saying, who is Paul? Who is Apollo? In other words, he's saying, these people are just mere people. Paul is just a person. Apollo is just a human being. Then he says, well, I planted and Apollo watered, and it is God who gave the growth. That's now supernatural. Paul is simply saying, all what you see us doing in the ministry, doing things here, it's not our own strength. It's not us. It is God giving the increase. We do what is humanly possible, and God takes over. And he does what he, God alone, can do. He gives the increase. So, he's trying to show them two sides of life. There is this natural human life, natural human effort, and there's this part which now belongs to God. It is God that makes things grow. We do what we can do naturally. But it is God who does things supernaturally. So, in life, it is possible to live as a mere human being. Let me put it that way. It is possible for one to live life from the human side of it and still think that God is in it. It is possible to live from the cradle to the grave, living like a mere human being. And you think God was involved, yet you just tapped into human power, and you just tapped into what is humanly possible, and you lived that life from the cradle to the grave. It's time to take stock and look at your life and ask yourself a question. What is supernatural with me? And check the areas where the supernatural is featuring and where God is featuring. You start to take it from that level and you move up. It's high time that we connect with the supernatural and a demonstration of God's power will be seen in our lives. Talking of church planting, Paul says, I planted a church. And Apollos watered. It means that he nurtured people, made follow-up people. But it was God who gave the increase. Remember when we started the BWC church, I set out with a lot of confidence, a lot of confidence from the human side of things. Because I was coming from the itinerant ministry where I was traveling the country and the world. And I have seen how things were happening. Filling stadiums, filling halls, talking to thousands of people, and so on. And winning thousands of souls to Jesus Christ. Very exciting stuff because now we saw God's power in the itinerant life. So I developed this human confidence when God spoke to us to plant the BWC church. And now I have this human confidence, serious human confidence. I want all the pastors to listen to this and understand this because we have come to the middle of the year and we are going to release some of you to the expansion, growth, expanded growth. So you've got to listen to this because this will help you a lot. I had this confidence, serious confidence about what God has done. And I went into every church, every church where I preached in the war home, faith mission, assemblies of God, because I was this pastor who would be invited in every church. As an itinerant speaker, people seek your services. I had no free Sunday. Sometimes I would preach myself if I had a free Sunday where I'm not going to any other church. I was not pastoring a church. I would be invited all over the place. So I went into all the churches. I went to El Saddai Faith Mission. I went to IOG. I went into Baptist Church. And I'm giving them one message that I'm starting a church. I don't want any one of your members coming there. I know how to win souls. I know how to win souls. I'm a soul winner. So I don't want anyone of your members in my church. I'm planting a church. And pastors were happy about that. And they gave me the pulpit just to announce. And I said that. I stood over the pulpit and said that I don't want anyone of you guys joining us. We are here to win souls and we'll start a church. And I went to my own church that I planted, the Full Gospel Church of God that I started. And at a point of growth, God started talking to me about itinerant ministry. And also, things were not looking rosy because as a church planter, you plant things and they grow. And when they grow, I realized that the leadership starts to be very, very grippy about issues. They see growth. They see things happening and all those things. And when we spoke to them about taking care of the pastor, they started talking other things. And I said, by the way, I was about to leave you. And I left. And I became itinerant and so on. And they became a little bit comfortable with me when I was itinerant. But I went to that church again. I told them that I don't want anybody to follow me from here. I'm starting a church. And the likes of Bosi Poshon, Mabasa, they started trying to follow. It was hard for them to be accepted around here because I thought I had this confidence. Then I started working, started doing evangelism because whenever you start a local church, for the first three years, you don't have church. You just have to evangelize. Winds, hopes, that's all. So people try to have church where there's no church. And that's where they go wrong. You sit there with three kids and you try to preach to them. And you think you are having church. The issue is that now. The first three years, it was just purely evangelism. Outreach, winning souls, discipling souls. But now, my first six months was horrible. Are you still there guys? My first six months was horrible because I had this human confidence that I can fill up stadiums, I can do all those things, I can win souls. I had these things. I had this false confidence. I took my evangelistic team and we started working. First six months, we will command crowds in the war home, small altar calls in the war homes, big altar calls. People will come, souls will come and stand there and so on. And but on Sunday, there was nobody in church. We'll get into the streets, street by street in the war home, do what we call bashes. We will take a yard and stand on the yard, there will be a sound system. I had the best singers, I had the best guys who can play keyboard and so on. They will play and the whole street will come. The likes of Bobo Bochauke, the likes of Boli Siva, you know, the likes of Bobo Petros Mabaz. These guys were strong singers. I have trained them, sat with them for hours in crusades and in training sessions, training them how to release God in song and did all those things. But here is the problem that was going on there, that the streets will come. Men and women will come and I preach and I pray for people, people get healed, people receiving Christ, it's fine. But on Sunday, there was nobody for six months. I remember at the point of frustration, at the point of frustration on the sixth month, I got so frustrated because when we planted the church, when we were planting the church, I would always go out, do the outreaches, do the conference speaking, do the things that I'm supposed to do. I was doing because I used the finances from itinerant to plant BWC and so on. I used my fame in the body of Christ to plant BWC and that's what is happening even now. I use the very fame that I have, the services that I give to the body of Christ to make sure that I contribute to BWC and so on and then make sure it's been my lifestyle, it still is. That's how I live because I have never thrown away my assignment to the body of Christ, this with the body of Christ. What am I trying to say to you? My confidence in myself, that confidence in my human self nearly destroyed me to the point of frustration. I became so frustrated because I was trusting on myself. And in a point of frustration, I went for a fast, just thinking God's face, Lord, have I stopped to be a soul winner? What is going on? There are souls that are being worn, but people are not coming to church. What's going on here? And God said, you trust yourself more than my power. What makes you succeed in your assignment in the body of Christ is that you depend on my power. You depended on my power. But when I tell you to plant a church, you depend on your own ability. And that's where you go wrong. I humbled myself and I repented. I said, Lord, I won't do it again. I started depending on God's power. Then BWC, souls began trickling in, getting born again, families changed, and so on. And the work grew to where it is now because of shifting one thing, moving from personal confidence to the confidence in the power of God. Amen. Amen. But that was not all of it. When things began moving, when people started coming, and so on, and the work, BWC, is growing. There was another aspect. These people are there in church, but they are not giving. There's just no money. I'm pouring my money, I'm pouring my energy and everything into the thing, and come at the end. There is no money to pay the workers, there's no money to do things, and so on, and everything like that. Then it came again. There is just no finances to do things. I wonder if you are still with me, church. Amen. Amen. Amen. There's just no money. And I was wondering, Lord, I went back to God first thing again. Lord, what is happening? And God said, the second lesson that I'm teaching you, people are not your source. I said, Lord, what do you mean now when you say people are not your source? It is not now. You are now moving from the itinerant. In the itinerant space, you just depended on me. You will take a stadium, and they say sound is $300,000 for the stadium, and you believe God. You believed me, and I brought sound for the stadium. I brought things for the stadium. But now, you are in the church, you mix with pastors, and pastors are telling you that people are giving money, people must give you money. And that's a wrong idea. And that's why most pastors are not moving, because they put their faith in people. And you taught me that, yes, it's the man who puts his trust in people. Start believing me. For finances to run this thing, I repented in tears. I still remember when I repented in tears, I said, Lord, I've trusted myself and people. I put my trust in you. I believe in you. And now, God started releasing finances. Here is what happens. I wonder if you are still listening, and those who are pastors, you've got to understand. The world out there thinks that if you are a pastor, you are making money out of people. I was laughing when Pastor Kate was giving me a testimony. She was just telling me about what's happening in Teflon and also her family members. I wonder if she's on set now, Pastor Kate. I wonder if she remembers that her family members kept on telling her, I hear you are running a church, we'll come and bring you an offering. Why? They are not thinking about the service that Kate is offering to the people. Whenever Kate says, I'm pastoring a church, they say, we'll come and give an offering. What is in the minds of people? People have this thing in their minds that when people are gathered in a particular place, they've brought money. I find it so hard to convince even my children in the Lord, my sons in the Lord, just my sons in the Lord that I raise. I find it so difficult to convince them that it's not the numbers of the people that are coming to church that are providing money. Oh, Jesus. I find it so hard to convince people that it's not in the numbers of the people. It's not in the quality of the people. It is in Him, God, who provides. The sooner you learn it, the better. The sooner you learn that, even in your own individual life, you've got to pep into the power, into the supernatural power of God. Amen. God glory to God. Some people will come and count heads in church. Some people will come and look at the powerful cars that are parked there. Powerful cars that are worth millions. And you say, wow, these things have these people brought. These people have brought millions here. Since I started ministry, can I repeat this? Since I started ministry, I've never seen a million from a millionaire. Let alone a hundred thousand. Mama raised my witness. She's on set right now. Amen. Powerful people that you see, but we have a variety of people in all those things. These people are God's people. And God is so intentional about them. So, pep into God's power and things will happen. I've just given you a testimony. Amen. Amen. I argued with one of my sons from Buluwani to Jobeg. I was teaching him faith, pepping into the supernatural, into the power of God. He just said, ah, when you have arrived, you know you have people. I said, you know, I can give you the telephone numbers of my people who work with money and all those things in church. All those people you see, perhaps you can have only 20 people typing, 20 out of over a thousand people, 20 people typing. How does things happen? How do things happen? Sometimes I become very, I will laugh when I ask, how many people are financial givers here? And you know, they will tell you, lousy numbers. Amen. Lousy numbers. Amen. Amen. That's an amen from the chief financial officer right there. You see, this tells you that in every project you undertake as a person, don't grow the heads. Amen. And don't count on people. Count on God. Amen. Oh, Jesus. Amen. I wish God can open your eyes. And most of the people we release into ministry, most of them don't make it because they go with the wrong mindset. Some just simply detach. They disconnect and fail there because they think they figured it all. They think they have it all. They know what to do. They can do this and they can do that. They've seen, no, we have seen Pastor Stoler doing this and so on and trying to interpret success. Success comes from one source, God's power. Amen. Amen. Okay, let's read verses. I was just giving you a 42 year statement of an experience. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. This church is alive today. Hallelujah. Verse Corinthians. We read 1 Corinthians 3, 5 and 7. We read that. Okay. Fine. Mark 4, verse 26 to 29. Mark 4. Mark 4, 26 to 29. And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up. He knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he put it in the circle, because the harvest is come. Amen. Watch. Watch. Living a supernatural life, it's like putting seed in the ground. You sleep and wake up. You sleep and wake up. And things begin to happen by themselves. All you have to do is just put seed. How the seed sprouts, how the seed grows, it's not your business. Go to sleep. Amen. Amen. Put the seed on the ground. But you don't engineer and become a scientist. Let's see how this thing will run. You will crack your head. Amen. You put your seed, how it grows, it depends on God and the soil. Amen. Amen. You go to sleep and wake up. That's how life is. Life is plugged into God. And go to sleep. When he says go to sleep, it doesn't mean that don't work. It goes on. Just forget about that thing. It will take care of itself. God will make sure that thing grows. Now, what we normally say. Believe in God and leave the how to God. Amen. Can I say that again? Amen. Believe in God and leave the how to God. Amen. But most people get into the how. They want to get into the how. How a seed germinates, I don't know how. How a seed grows, I don't know how. How a tree gets into now producing fruit, I don't know how. I don't have to be... Don't be scientific with the things of God. Amen. Just do what God tells you to do. And that's all. Plug into God. And God will do it. I don't know how. I don't know how we made it. But he made a way. I don't know how. But he made a way. Amen. Proverbs 3. 5 to 6. This is a big scripture in my life. Big scripture in my life. Amen. Amen. Proverbs 3. 5 to 6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path. Amen. Amen. Watch. This is a big scripture in the life of all people who walk with God. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways submit thereto God. And he will make your way prosperous. That's it. Amen. Amen. Now, there is this lifestyle of understanding. I want to understand how this thing works. And it's fine, you know. There is this... Human beings are inquisitive. Yes. But the whole thing is... If you do the things of God and if you follow your calling, if you follow your purpose. All you have to do. Move away from the world of understanding. And get into the world of faith. Amen. Just believe in God. Understanding will mess you up. Well, there are people who live by understanding. And these people... Human beings live by understanding things and so on. Okay, fine. And all those things. They put things in place and so on. There's nothing wrong in budget and all those things. That's why I'm not a good community person. I'm not good. In these issues of the community. Because the community will always want to understand things. It's very good for them. It's very good for managers and leaders and... They put together the budget and so on. Right now... And so on. Wow, what a calculator. It's good. It's good management. It's good. People must manage things. Yeah, how many, how much do we need? We need 60,000 to pay that and that. We need 100,000 to pay that. We need... To pay that. It's fine. It's good administration. It's fine. But don't let that move you from God's power. Amen. Amen. That's why in my life... Because God speaks and says... And I know the frustration that will come to my leaders and other people. I'm frustrating them now. Oh God, how am I going to finance that? What is going to happen? What are you going to... And I know if I can sit them down... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... And then... 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But they do what? They direct life. Yes. And the best way to lead life and to direct life is to put... I'll teach you how to connect into God's power successfully. Amen. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. God willing. Amen. I hope you learned something from this this morning. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Because if we can live this lesson like this, we'll talk about it. If we can't live it like this, we'll produce some reckless people. Tomorrow, we are going to work on intentional people, how to tap into God's power and into God's purpose. And ladies and gentlemen, and God bless you. Amen. Amen.

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