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TCA Mon13May24 - Kingdom Dominance - Apostle Joseph Sithole

TCA Mon13May24 - Kingdom Dominance - Apostle Joseph Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apostle delved into spiritual concepts such as being born again, spiritual hierarchy, and the importance of understanding one's rank in the kingdom.


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la naminanke Anke nabe iye na Mwogo njenu Nwena Mwangi pa Bintan Me nage sengako Anke kudu nage la naminanke Anke nabe iye na Anke mwogo njenu Nwena Mwangi pa Bintan Me nage sengako Anke kudu nage la naminanke Anke nabe iye na Mwogo njenu Nwena Mwangi pa Bintan Good morning, good morning and kingdom greetings Yes, we are here again this morning We are starting the week And this week we start this week with a series These are the series that you are not supposed to miss You gotta invite everyone for this week's series Because it is a very important series That will bring solutions in people's lives We will put this on air and also continue When we meet physically We will continue with this Because if one collects this code Depression will be a thing of the past Discouragement will be a thing of the past It will be under your feet, under your control Defeat will be the thing of the past Victory will be your portion forever If you collect this code and understand it And begin to apply it You gonna walk in victory Going to scale the heights of rank Let us read, we started this series last week And we continue with that This is what I call kingdom dominance John 3, verse 3 in the amplified version And also verse 31 in the amplified version I wonder if Dr. Hassan you found my script My chakalakat Good morning, not today My chakalakat is not there John 3, verse 3, amplified Jesus answered him I assure you and most solemnly say to you Unless a person is born again Reborn from above Spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified He cannot ever see and experience the kingdom of God And John 3, verse 31 says He who comes from heaven above is above all others He who is of the earth is from the earth And speaks about things of the earth His viewpoint and experience are earthly He who comes from heaven is above all Amen He who comes from heaven is above all Jesus said to Nicodemus If you are not reborn from above You will never see and experience the kingdom of God Most of us think of this verse as talking of entering heaven It's not talking about entering heaven It's talking about you and I experiencing And seeing the kingdom of God on earth Let me repeat this The new birth experience Is an entrance into the kingdom of God Not going to heaven But entering the realm of the kingdom of God On earth Understanding the kingdom of God Experiencing the kingdom of God And therefore When you are ushered into this kingdom of God By the new birth experience Or the redemption of Jesus Christ You start seeing and experiencing The kingdom of God on earth I want you to read again in the amplified version Or you can read it in the amplified version again And everybody underline this point Because this is the area which we are going Jesus answered him I assure you And most solemnly say to you Unless a person is born again Reborn from above Spiritually transformed Renewed Sanctified He cannot ever see and experience the kingdom of God Amen He can never see or experience the kingdom of God Then we continue In the TP translation The same John 3, 31 In the TPG, the passion translation The passion translation gives us again that That fact that the new birth is an introduction Into the kingdom of God Into experiencing the kingdom of God The passion, 3, 31 For the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth And speaks from the natural realm But the one who comes from above is above everything And speaks of the highest realm of all Amen And speaks of the highest realm of all In other words Spiritually We are born again And we are born from above And from that realm We are now exalted to that realm And that realm now We are now speaking from there We don't speak from the position of earth We don't speak from our earthly locations We speak from above In other words We live life Not from the earth's perspective We live life from above So here we get a principle Don't live life from the natural But live life from the supernatural From where you come from Don't live life according to where you are at Live life from where you come from Which is heaven Amen And now you live life Now the kingdom of God is the highest realm of all the kingdoms Both physical and spiritual You have physical kingdoms You have spiritual kingdoms Which are governments of the world All over the world And therefore You also have spiritual hierarchy You have spiritual kingdoms Which are the kingdom of the devil The kingdom of darkness And the kingdom of darkness has separated itself in different areas You have illuminatis You have the freemasons You have the satanists You have the ancestral worship Which is now the demonic worship These are spheres of the kingdom of darkness You have all these spheres And all these spheres operate in one thing That is called now ranking It operates in ranks And now When we talk about ranks We talk about the hierarchy In satanism we have the highest ranking official Which is the queen of the coast Which is the wife of lucifer In many demonic areas You have the highest ranking priesthood Which are the laws and others and so on Highest ranking demons and so on And therefore Every kingdom operates in hierarchy Every organization must have a hierarchy And you have this organogram The highest person, the second highest person And so on It's hierarchy Now Let us look at the hierarchy The bible says If you are born from above then you are above But let's look at the book of genesis 1.26 Let us revisit it again Let us look at it 1.26 It says Let us create men in our own image And let them rule Yes Let them rule over the sky Just read that one 1.26 And God said King James And God said Let us make men in our image After our likeness And let them have dominion Over the fish of the sea And over the fowl of the air And over the cattle And over all the earth And over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth Amen Now God gives dominion God gives rank to human beings He says Human beings now become the highest Highest Ranking Species In the whole creation They rule the sky The fowls of the air They rule the sky He gives them power and authority And he gives them a rank Above the sky Above the earth Above the waters Now they are the highest ranking They rule the sky They rule the sun But if you check Let us read Genesis 1.16 The sun Is a ruler by itself Genesis 1.16 And God made two great lights The greater light to rule the day And the lesser light to rule the night He made the stars also Amen Now watch God gives the sun The dominance Of the day The sun is limited to dominate the day To rule the day The moon is limited to rule the night Together with the stars But the great light is the sun Because the moon takes Gets the light from the sun And the very stars get the light from the sun That's why the Bible says The sun is the greater light And the moon is the lesser light And the stars are lesser Now the demonic world Of astrology Which we do fortune telling, divination What are your stars? They tap into this authority Of the sun, the stars, the moon They tap into that authority And they begin to use it in the demonic world They take this gadget of God That God has created to rule the day The sun and the night and so on They begin to tap into that authority And they begin to use that authority To their advantage Ladies and gentlemen Witches and the devil do not have power as such But they tap into the power that already exists And they use that power against you Well as an African man, as an African woman As Africans listening today You might not understand how a witchcraft Or how the devil taps into the power of the sun And taps into the power of the moon and stars But the only thing that you will understand It is lightning Now how do the demonic use lightning? They just use lightning Because they know it is a powerful force That God has created to do a number of things But now I want to explain that But now the devil takes that gadget And uses the gadget to destroy lives To do that And even the people in astrology But the fortune tellers and all those things What are your stars and everything They use the existing gadget The existing power to control your life You see Cell phone If the thief steals my cell phone The cell phone will never change And become something else in the hands of a thief It will be a cell phone It will do the same things That it does for the rightful owner If the thief steals the gun from a policeman That gun will still function as a gun But in the wrong hands and fulfilling wrong motives Of a thief Stealing and stealing While the policeman will use it to enforce law And to protect people Now the devil uses that gadget The same gadget Of the sun ruling and everything like that But thank God Reena Hallelujah Reena The bible says By the virtue of new birth We are above all Amen We are the highest ranking We are higher We are given authority over this gadget called the sun Called the moon We rule the earth Amen I wish somebody heard you Amen I said we rule the earth Now ruling the earth Is about rank Can I repeat that again? Amen Ruling the earth Is about rank He who has the highest rank Controls territory Let me repeat this He who has highest rank Controls total territory Let me repeat it for the third time He who has the highest rank Controls all the territory Amen Amen That's what Jesus speaks about When he says He who is from above Is above all In other words Now we got to understand ranking Because ranking Gives you command of total territory The battle between God and the devil and the church and the devil Is ranking Isaiah 14 Verse 14 This is what caused the devil to be thrown out of heaven Ranking He was contending For rank And he was thrown down because he was contending for rank And he is still contending for rank even now Isaiah 14 Isaiah 14 verse 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high Amen Did you hear that? This is Lucifer the angel in heaven Before he became the devil we know He was given authority over the worship and some parts of the earth And he looked at his duty He looked at what God gave him And said no I will be like God I will be like the most high I will be like the most high I will scale the clouds And I will be like the most high And he said I will build my throne on the northern side Of heaven Contending for territory Because he realized that God rules over the whole earth He occupies the whole earth He rules territory And the devil said I will be like the most high And God dealt with him And was thrown down with the angels That one third of angels were thrown down to earth And he started his own kingdom of darkness And even today he still contending for territory Let's go on to read Now I will be like the most high Underline that one The most high In Hebrew That is the name of God El Elyon I will be like El Elyon The most God Let's go to Genesis 14 18 Genesis 14 18 I hope you are following me If you are following just say Amen I am with you Amen Because we are going somewhere Amen Genesis 14 18 And Melchizedek king of Salem Brought forth bread and wine And he was the priest of the most high God He was the priest Melchizedek was the priest of the most high God That is El Elyon The most high God Now ladies and gentlemen We've got to understand Our position Our rank Our rank is that We are now placed Above all Amen That is our ranking Can I repeat that Basava? Amen We are ranking high in the kingdom In the spiritual kingdom We are higher than the sun We are higher than the devil himself We are above all And he who is above all He who occupies the highest rank Controls the biggest chunk of territory Amen Stay with me Proverbs 30 verse 18 Proverbs 30 Verse 18 About to left the stage Proverbs 30 18 There be three things which are too wonderful for me Yes Four which I know not Is the wave of an eagle in the air The wave of a serpent upon a rock And the wave of a sheep in the midst of the sea And the wave of a man with a maid Amen Amen The Bible says these things are mysterious The wave of an eagle in the sky And the wave of a serpent Around the rock And the wave of a sheep in the sea And the wave of a woman And the wave of a man with a woman This is a mystery Now watch this If you check He starts with the eagle He says the wave of the eagle in the sky He is saying The eagle occupies the highest rank In the bad kingdom Even in life The eagle occupies the highest rank How do we know this? The eagle does not operate from the ground The eagle always operates from height It builds its nest at the height of a mountain It also runs from the sky Because it has an eye that can see far So it has oversight of the earth Amen Then it can see a rabbit from the sky And swiftly catch that rabbit and kill it for a meal It can see the snake from above And begin to attack that snake And take it and frustrate it and kill it From the sky It has overview It can see humankind It can see fish in the water From the sky And swoop and attack the fish Before it knows what has happened The fish is caught Because it operates from the sky Ladies and gentlemen Let us not live life from the natural Let us live life from our rank And our rank is the sky Our rank is well above all Live from the sky Live from the supernatural and the spirit And control all the demonic forces The territory is yours Let me bring it down to this morning and say You are employed if you are employed The hierarchy there The highest person there Perhaps who is the CEO or the director or the owner of that company When you are above him You don't belong to the rank of a manager or a clerk or whatever You need to rise above Because you live life from where you come from You come from above You are an eagle And therefore When you are employed When you walk into that company Tell everybody that I will be your boss Amen Even tell the boss that I will be your boss Amen Because you live life from above When you come to a city And you establish a business You don't have to look up To those who are up there The Bill Gates The whatever The Zipas and everybody and say Well those people belong there Aim for the sky Because you occupy a high authority Physically you might be seen as somebody who is lower But now it's not Don't allow the body to control your position And allow your spiritual self, your position To drive your body out of situations Am I talking to somebody? And you say I'm going to rule this city I'm going to rule this city I'm going to rule this industry You don't know which industry you are in It can be financial sector It can be the banking sector It can be the construction sector It can be any other sector Say I'm going to be king Hallelujah I'm king In fact you are not saying I'm going to be king You already want all you have to do You've got to manifest And I'm saying manifest in the name of Jesus Manifest who you are Yes And today we say to the devil We are manifesting who we are You never knew us But you will know us devil Satanism you will know us Any form of witchcraft you will know us Any form of circumstances you will know us We manifest because we live life from above Oh Jesus Amen Amen Hallelujah We are from you Hallelujah Let me not get ahead of myself Let me get ahead of myself Listen to what the devil says Mark 5 verse 7 These are demons Confessing About the rank Of Jesus Christ Mark 5 verse 7 And cried with a loud voice and said What have I to do with thee Jesus Thou son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not Amen Listen to that statement These are demons of God that live Talking to Jesus And they are saying with a scream Jesus son of the Most High God Jesus son of the Most High Now watch this These are demons confessing That you Jesus You are the son of the Most High Right Jesus In other words You are higher by rank You are higher by rank That's why The devil says When we cast out demons We are in the conflict of tongues You don't speak in tongues When you cast out demons You use rank Hallelujah And we are given that name To use When it comes to rank Let me wrap up by saying We are the highest ranking But we look like People Of lower rank Today I say Right A knife And shine Arise And shine For the glory Has come Arise And shine For the glory has come You are the son Of the Most High God And ladies and gentlemen The sky is about rank The sky is not only about rank It's about a way Media When you talk about television, radio Internet That is the sky The people who are supposed to rule the sky The internet, the digital space It is us In the fourth industrial revolution Life is now controlled In the sky Because he who rules The sky Who has the highest rank Controls territory The territory of internet The territory of the airwaves Must be ruled By the church Because we are the ruling class The territory of time Time, time and space Must be ruled By the church Because we are the highest ranking species When we talk about ruling the sky We talk about rank We talk about ruling the airwaves We talk about ruling the internet We talk about ruling the television and everything We're talking about also time Ruling time, controlling time We talk about control And ladies and gentlemen I'm done We will continue with this As we proceed But today, understand That he who rules Who has the highest rank Controls territory The earth is under our control The waters are under our control Feminist fear Is under the control Because we are above And kill you From above Is above All Ladies and gentlemen Today, if you are depressed Move out from it You don't have to go down If you feel rejected You don't have to feel those feelings of rejection If you feel discouraged You don't have to be discouraged The Holy Spirit is here To make you rise If you are sick, wherever you are It's time to experience the resurrection power And ladies and gentlemen I want us today To take charge Take charge of all fears In the name of Jesus Take charge I want you today To pray Pray through Pray through This word Pray through this word Take your time Take your time For Jesus died To give us rank That sovereignty We are above And he who is above all Controls territory The big question is Am I in charge? Am I exercising authority? And how do I do that? Do it in the name of Jesus We will teach you how to control Dominate internet Dominate digital space Dominate time Dominate minds Dominate all these things Because you are from above Ladies and gentlemen As we play this song Pastor Mkumu Mr. Mkumu Or Elder Mkumu Hallelujah We ordained you pastor now Hallelujah As you play this song Which is our antagonist Everybody pray through Until you leave for work Until you leave towards your program Pray through Pray through the remaining minutes And tomorrow invite Even those who are sick and depressed And discouraged Because tomorrow I will be Releasing This Authority of rank Will show you scriptures That releases rank Hallelujah And we are going to apply that By faith Be blessed And have a good day And thank you for tuning in In Jesus name Amen Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

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