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TCA Wed03Jul24 - Supernatural Growth #3 - Apst J Sithole

TCA Wed03Jul24 - Supernatural Growth #3 - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Joseph Sithole emphasized the importance of being a 'doer of the Word' and achieving spiritual maturity for success and growth, rather than relying on human tactics or worldly wisdom. He also highlighted the role of God's power in business success and provision, and urged the team to seek His guidance in their endeavors.


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The speaker begins by leading a prayer and expressing gratitude for those tuning in. He discusses the importance of learning and implementing what is taught in order to experience success. He categorizes people into three groups: those who don't learn, those who learn but don't apply, and those who learn, apply, and see positive change. He emphasizes the need for faith and the power of God in growth. He then talks about the difference between motivational speakers and those who teach with the spirit and power of God. He mentions the importance of maturity and unity within the church. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to be hearers and doers of the word. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Zonkinia, Zonkinia, Matizoube, Matizoube, Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Zonkinia, Zonkinia, Matizoube, Matizoube, Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Zonkinia, Zonkinia, Matizoube, Matizoube, Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Come on, let's give Jesus the praise this morning. It's so worthy. Great things in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Just want us to pray for everyone who is in this set today. Thank God that you tuned in. And Father, we thank you for your word. And for these disciples that sit before your table or around your table. Feed us and let us see change in our lives. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. There are certain miracles that always happen when we are sitting under the anointing of the word of God. And it is when people receive the word by faith and implement whatever they are taught, then they begin to experience success. Over the years, I've experienced that there are three types of people. There are those who learn and also who are ready to unlearn and are ready to relearn. And there are those who are the opposite of that, who don't learn. And the most disturbing people are people who don't learn. And there are a number of reasons around that. There are those, anyway, who are under witchcraft. As I was inquiring from Pastor Kamsemba in the master class and he said, There are those people who sit and don't hear a thing. They can't even write a thing. Because even after preaching or teaching you ask them, What is happening? What did you hear? You find that they simply confess. We heard nothing. So I've just discovered a group of such because I'll interact with these people. They learn nothing and you pray with them and so on. There are those who will take notes, who understand what is going on. They'll take notes, listen to you, even repeat what you said. But at the end of the day, the same people. You'll find them in the same place, doing the same thing that they were doing before they received the teaching of the Word of God. And those are classified under people who hear and not do the Word. There are those who hear, gather information, gather the Word of God into their system, write and understand and so on. And in one way or another, they just despise whatever has been said and they walk away and so on. And they remain the same people in the same place. So at the end of the day, those people become a big waste of time because they have no testimony. Then you get an encounter with one person, teach him one lesson. And that person, his life turns around completely. And you meet him after a number of years and this person will tell you, I've been following you, I heard this sermon and that sermon, and today here am I. This is what I've achieved through this Word. You begin to... your heart becomes warmed because of such testimonies when people do that. This morning you are about to hear the Word of God as much as we spoke yesterday and we were just laying the foundations and so on. I wish I had more time to lay foundations of this Word. But we have to continue. So listen with this in mind that other people listen to the same Word and they changed for the better. And are you going to be those who just listen and walk away and even despise what has been said? May the good Lord make you a hearer of the Word and a doer of the Word. Amen. Amen. Sometimes I feel like I can speak because we have a lot of content in the Word of God. It's just all over the place and sometimes I feel like just talking and talk and talk and never read anything. But when I talk and talk and talk and never read anything, then whatever you get, you may think it's something that comes from the pastor's head somehow. Yet it is the Word of God. So I try to read Scripture and there's a challenge. My gadgets are not sending emails. I don't know whether they have boycotted to send intellectual property to other gadgets. I just don't know. But I will try to follow this. You can use Joseph's gadgets. It looks like they are more generous than mine. 1 Corinthians 2, verses 3 to 5. 1 Corinthians 2, verses 3 to 5. We start our topic, Supernatural Growth. 1 Corinthians 2, verses 3 to 5 in James. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of men's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Amen. It says, I came to you. Now we talk about growing, growing supernaturally. Now, it says to the Corinthians, I came to you in weakness and fear and trembling. In other words, you got exposed to my weaknesses and other things. But I didn't come to you, I didn't teach you things through the wisdom of men. But I taught you so that your faith may be in God's Spirit and power. Can you read that one again? Yes, that portion. Spirit and power. And that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Amen. Are you reading another translation, Paul? King James. I came to you in spirit and power. Okay, alright. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of men's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. Here is the issue. Enticing words of men's wisdom. We have people who are called motivational speakers or motivational teachers. Well, this is the position that we take as consultants, motivational speakers, motivational teachers. Now, these people come in words of wisdom, enticing words, men's wisdom. But Paul is saying, I'm not a motivational speaker. I'm not a motivational teacher. I am God's servant who comes to you in spirit and power. So that your faith must not be based on the wisdom of men, but in God's power. In other words, he is saying, he's talking about growth in the entire chapter. He's talking about growth. And he is saying now, as we read yesterday, that, and he continues to tell them that now, I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. It is the same chapter. Are we together? Amen. It is the same chapter that we read yesterday. He said, Apollos, I planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the growth. Amen. Gave what? The increase. Yes. God gave the increase or the growth. In other words, we can grow. We have church growth. We have business growth. We have individual growth. All these areas of business increase, church increase, all those things, increasing and growing. We can grow supernaturally because when we depend on the spirit of God and the power of God, then we grow supernaturally. But there are other people. We got to look at levels of people that we are talking about. There are levels that some people, we need to look at some people and look at their level of growth. Let's just get to this one so that we may complete things very well. Paul is saying, I spoke to you not as matured people, but as people who need milk. And he said, let's go again to that chapter because I'm rushing somewhere. Just tell yourself that Pastor, I think, is getting somewhere and we will eventually get there. Amen. The same chapter. Let's just try to read it through. Read it through. Chapter 2. Is it chapter 2? Chapter 3. Chapter 3. Okay. Okay. From verse 1. Yeah, let's read it through. And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat. For hereto you were not able to bear it, neither yet now you are able. But ye are carnal. For as there is among you envy and strife and divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men? For while one said, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are ye not carnal? Who then is Paul? And who is Apollos? But ministers by whom ye believe, even as the Lord gave to every man. I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then, neither is he that planted anything, neither he that watered, but God that giveth the increase. Amen. God that giveth, giveth what? The increase. Can we say God gives what? God gives the increase. Now we have two classes of people here. We have people who are babies in the Lord, who walk as simple human beings. Now when you give these people who walk as human beings, or live as human beings, and who behave as just mere men, just like any man, who are babies in the Lord, and so on, when you give them truth, which is solid food, these people cannot bear it. They cannot eat it, they cannot bear it, because they are immature. So this brings us to the reason that now, most people who are not responding to the truth, most people who are not responding to the Word of God, they are just listening to you as mere human beings, and as immature people. Immature people are people who are carnal, who have factionalism, who have divisions, who fight, who also have this thing of personalities, you know, personalities. Paul is complaining about that. You guys, you are jealous of each other, you are fighting, you have groups, you have factions, and you also have divisions and so on, and you are driven, you are personality driven. In other words, you always look at Paul and Apollos, and you say, I'm a follower of so-and-so, and I'm a follower of so-and-so. This is the picture of the body of Christ today. When they hear of another personality there, who is carnal, who is famous, they follow. They are there. And then they hear of something else there, they follow. And that's why in one town, I can count, you know, I preach in churches, I go into churches, and so on, invited there to present the Word of God according to my assignment, and so on. You know, you see the faces, and you say, three years ago, I saw this face in Church A, and this face now is in Church B, you know. And when you check what brings that person there, it's just personalities, people who are just swung by every wind and so on. Personality driven people, they are not Christ-centered. And they are just mere human beings. Now, when we talk about growth, when we talk about success, when we talk about increase in every area of our lives, we are not talking about human success. Success at the human level. We need to grow up. So, we need to mature, because a child, a person who is carnal, who is a child, who is a mere human being, cannot really take things. We read very early, when I was laying the foundations here around, on Monday, I said, now, Jesus said the Gentiles follow after these things. The Gentiles, they live like humans, they are human beings and so on, they follow after things. But we, the children of God, who are matured, seek the kingdom of God first. And these things follow us. Amen. So, are you living as a human being, or as a mere baby in the Lord and so on, baby in the Lord's carnal and so on, or are you living as a mature person? It takes a mature person to grow and increase supernaturally. I want to repeat this. It takes a mature person to grow and increase. This month of July, we tap into the supernatural. And we look at supernatural ways of growing. Now, Paul is saying, I came to you in the demonstration of the Spirit and power. There's a difference there. The Spirit and power. Amen. These things are different. Let's look at the Spirit. As I told you, I don't have time to read, but you have to look at the book of Corinthians. Paul is saying in the book of Corinthians, I think it should be called 1 Corinthians 2, he says, the Spirit of man is the one that knows the things of the man. But now, the Spirit of God knows the thoughts and the mind of God. I'll need assistance here, Pastor Asimpio, because I'm rushing on things. Now, he says, the Spirit of God knows the mind of God. He searches. And he says, now through the Spirit of God, we have the mind of God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We have through the Spirit, we have what? The mind of God. Now, that is Spirit. Separate Spirit and power, they are not the same. Okay. Amen. In Acts chapter 1 verse 8, the Bible says, you will receive the Holy Spirit, and you shall receive power. The Holy Spirit has come upon you. So, power comes from the Holy Spirit. But power is not the Holy Spirit. It is a by-product of the Holy Ghost. But now, it is the Spirit of God. Now, in other words, we get into the thoughts of God. The Spirit of God delivers what God thinks of us to us. And when the Spirit of God delivers that to us, when we realize when our faith and our life now is now depending on God's Spirit, because Paul is saying to the Corinthian church, guys, I don't want your faith to be on mere man's wisdom and ways and you live as mere human beings. I want your faith to be based on Spirit and power. Then you get increased. This is how God gives us increase. Spirit and power. But it is babies in the Lord and carnal people cannot get into Spirit and power. Right. I think I've done enough. Let me go to examples of people who move in Spirit. People who move in the Spirit. Just read verse 10. Let's look at the character of people who move in the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2.10 But God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things. Ye, the deep things of God. So, the Spirit searches all things. And ye, the things of God. Now, and it also says that we would begin to know the thoughts of God. The thoughts of God. Can you read that part? The thoughts of God. For what man knoweth the things of man, saith the Spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God. That we might know the things that were freely given to us of God. That we may know the things that are freely given to us by God. But there's a part that speaks of thoughts there. The thoughts of God. I'll come to that. You just go on the lookout for that word. I want that word, the thoughts of God. The Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God. The things which are the... Yes. Okay, I think it's in the Amplified verse 16. For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ to be guided by his thoughts and purposes. We have the mind of Christ to be guided by his thoughts. So... Follow me on this one. We have a situation in the country. We have a situation of high cost of living, inflation. And some of us here, we have a situation where we have unemployment problems. Some are retrenched, some are unemployed. Unemployment rate is high, interest rates are high, and many other things. And this is a global thing now. This inflation, high cost of living, it's all over the place. Now, have you realized that whenever we are in times of recession or famine and so on, most people resort to human tactics and human thinking, and never tap into the thoughts and the mind of God? Let me put it the other way around. Let me put it the other way around. Have you tried to find the mind and the thoughts of the Spirit or of God through the Spirit about your financial situation? Do you know what God thinks? What is the thought of God? About you. The statistics, the numbers do not look good on your side. But now, have you dropped everything and just simply said, Lord, what is your mind about this? Do you have God's mind about your situation? No. It's so quiet, but somebody said Amen perhaps, and bless God for that person who has tapped into the Spirit. Now, growing supernaturally or getting increased abundance through the Spirit supernaturally, it's getting the mind of God. Okay, we have this scripture that we talk about, Jeremiah. God says in Jeremiah, it's a well-known scripture. He says, I have good thoughts about you. Thoughts to bring you peace and prosperity, not to harm you. But have you ever tapped into those thoughts? No. Have you ever tapped into those plans? No. That's right. That's being honest. You're always sitting in the front seat. Let us say, every situation that comes to us, let us try to find the mind of God about it. Amen. Through the Spirit. And when you find the mind of God. Now, people who find the mind of God are people who are mature. Amen. It takes a mature person to follow the mind of God, to get the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Okay. I hope somebody heard me now. Amen. Now you see where I'm going. Now let's go. I think we're on the end one now. Let's go to Romans 8, verse 14. I want you to, because if you read it in any translation, it's going to be very quiet on you. It's only the passing translation that will open your mind. Any other translation, it's not going to talk to you. Okay. Romans 8, verse 14. The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The other verse says, as many as are led by the Spirit, those are the sons of God. But the passion gives us now the Greek version of the whole thing. It is the mature sons of God who are led by the Spirit. Amen. But let us combine that so that we can understand when Paul says, I came to you in the power of the Spirit. In the Spirit and power. Let's read that one in the King James Version or any other NIV. Just read it. First Corinthians. No, no, Romans 8, verse 14. Okay. Romans 4. As many are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. That is King James. You see? As many as are led by what? By the Spirit. By the Spirit of God. But the passion says the mature sons of God are the ones who are led by the Spirit. Amen. So it takes maturity to be led by the Spirit. Amen. Amen. And what kind of maturity? Maturity of simply knowing the voice of God. Paul understanding the voice of God. And after understanding and knowing the voice of God, then I'm led by God as a son of God. Now, that's where I'm led into increase. Amen. Amen. I become led where, ladies and gentlemen? To what? To increase. Yeah, okay. Now, I must get used to the Word of God. The Bible says we must... I will teach about how to hear from God because this thing is a challenge. Amen. Yes. Mr. Mkumona, Lushu, Michelin, Tulele, Nwarno, Kimech. Tawana Mech. Kimech Onamu. Just to hear from God is a problem. And in most cases, God makes it easy for us. Amen. People get the prophetic weight of God. You know, you get a prophetic weight of God. God really speaks to you through a prophet. And a prophet tells you things. And you capture them. And you go. Now, there's one man. This man got a prophecy. It was in a conference. A prophet came to him and told him that, Now, look, God says go and audit your company. And do it as fast as possible. Don't delay. Audit your company. The prophet did not tell him why. He went. And he sat with his board and they started talking and so on. Then the people, the board said, No, look, look, look. We don't have, we have a lot of deals. We have one, two, three. Let's finish one, two, three first. And then we'll audit the company. Some weeks later, there was a problem. The FBI came and arrested him. And this company was so successful. It had $52 million in the account, in the reserves. He just did not understand what was happening. And later on, he discovered that the same board that was sitting with him, they were planning to do a hostile takeover and they made loans everywhere. They just messed up the finances. And the spirit said, Go and audit. He went and asked human beings. Instead of obeying the word. And he lost everything. He had to start all over again. In business, I don't know whether it is Richard or someone in the master class asked the question that if somebody sells you a dead business, a franchise, which is not making profit, it should be Richard or somebody. Yeah. If somebody sells you a dead business, in the first place, what are you doing with a dead business? If you are led by the spirit of God. Before you make decisions, seek the faith of God. We want our idea and everything like that. This thing will bring me money and whatever. We will grow and all those things. Please go and kneel and ask God. Do I take this thing? Because we operate like human beings. It's fine. We are human. We are super human beings. We are born from above. We are a unique material. And therefore, we need to be sensitive. We need to be very sensitive. My father did not allow me. After high school, my father did not allow me to go to Bible college. I stayed for a year. Until God used one man called Vicky O'Kelley and spoke to him that you have a son and that son must walk in your footprints. He is cold. And you are refusing. And so on. Vicky O'Kelley became a friend of the family. He supported my father. Gave him cards. And he just told him that, you see, if you happen to... If this one... The man that paid my fees at Bible college. He paid my fees and then I stayed there. And using his gemstone assembly, they brought me close. I was a cheese boy for the whole three years. I was fine. Because I came there by the leading of the Holy Ghost, I was the best dressed student, everything. I was okay. But when I graduated, I went to Pastor Vicky O'Kelley. When I came to the north, and after that, I went and sat with him to advise. He told me a secret. Every car he ever bought, he bought it for durability. Okay. He bought it for durability. In the sense that now, That's why your father... I give away cards to your father and I'll make sure that I give him cards until he retires. And he received cards until I retired. And then... We had to remove the LED key, JPU 405, the best in the market then. But now, what was Vicky O'Kelley's secret of giving away cards? And the cards that don't break down. His secret was, he prays and gets the leading of the Holy Spirit before he buys a car. Amen. I remember one day when he gave my father a colt. A Mufa colt. When I prayed, God gave me a scripture and said, Go to bed, you'll find a colt. He wrote colt. And he went around garages looking for a colt. And he found one and he bought it. Hmm. This man... What was the secret? He will... The Bible says, In all your ways, acknowledge him. And he will direct your path. In all your ways, do what? Acknowledge him. Acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Amen. I spoke about young people who depend on their parents and so on. It is a South African problem. It's a South African problem. Young people now are under stress. They are underpaid. With good qualifications but underpaid. They are subjected to racism and whatever challenges that they are having. And there will be more challenges as we go on. But here is the issue. For you to get increased, mature, and tap into the spirit. Amen. Amen. Tap into the spirit. Have you ever discussed your salary with God? No. Just sit down and talk about your salary with God. Amen. Have you ever discussed the shortfalls in your business? No. And sit down with God and say, God, but what's wrong here? Have you ever discussed your personal income with God and find the mind of the spirit? No. Now you know the reason why. Amen. Things are not working. Stay with me for the next few minutes. I'm going somewhere. Amen. Amen. Stay with me the next few minutes. Matthew 6 gives us several models of progression. You go and read Matthew 6 after this. And you go and do your devotions. And pray a tailor-made prayer that suits you with God. Amen. We are not going to pray general prayers here. Amen. The Bible says, Jesus says, look at the fowls of the air. That is what we call now the bath model. It's a model of provision. God provides for the bath. And God provides again for the lilies of the valley. And the Bible says even Solomon in his own wealth and his own prosperity is not decorated like the lilies of the valley as God decorates them. Now he gives us now the glass model, the bath model. And he said, if this God, if God provides for the bath, we shall not make in the image of God. And he provides again for the glass. How much more about you? Amen. Amen. Now let us go now to the last part. And I move out of your face. 1 Kings 17 verse 4. 1 Kings 17 verse 4. And it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee they. Amen. Look at this. God, it is a time of a famine. It's a time, a tough time. There's a recession in Israel. But God communicates with the babe. Now let's try this. In Matthew 6, God says, I provide for the bed. How does God provide for the bed? It means that God communicates with the babe. About the whereabouts of provision. Amen. Amen. That is the conclusion. The conclusion is that now, between the babes, there's communication between babes and God. They speak. In fact, God speaks to nature. And nature speaks to God. We can prove that there's a lot of scriptures where God speaks to nature and nature speaks to God. God will provide. So when you see a babe flying, it's not just flying there without communication. He communicates. Where is the womb? Where is food? And there is no starving babe. Because they communicate with God. And you who are made in the image of God, you are frustrated this month end. There is. There is too much money at the end of the money. Because you don't communicate with God. Concerning your provision. And babes communicate with God. The second thing is, according to the plan of God for your life, every day is programmed. And there is no day that is programmed for lack. Amen. Amen. And now have you asked God about this day? Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. God will command the people. Joseph was telling me a story. That in one of her ups and downs, she had a baby. Baby Agani is there. They are both hungry. The father is not responsible. And she wanted a job. And a relative who had no habit of visiting her came and gave her 50 rands. The money she has prayed for in the morning. To make sure that she goes around and pays for the one who will keep the baby and go and she goes for work. God can command wealth. It is through the Spirit. Those who walk in the Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit. Will command wealth. Will command provision. I wish I was talking. Amen. If God commanded the babes to feed Elijah in the time of famine, how about you? I decree and declare that somebody will not sleep about you. Amen. Somebody. God will command. Whosoever has your staff. It depends. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. It's like now. These people are quiet on me. Even those in the front seat. First Kings. Verse 17. First Kings 17. Verse 9. Arise, get there to Zerephath, which belongs to Zidon, and dwell there. Behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee. Amen. Look at that. He has commanded the heavens to do what? To feed him in a time of famine. Amen. Now he has commanded a widow. Not a rich person. A widow. There were wealthy persons in those times. But God has commanded who? A widow. Amen. To feed him. It is when people. Now, he said communication with God. He never stopped. He never lacked in the time of a famine. I decree and declare. If you listen to the word of God. If you follow the leading of the spirit of God. You will get provision. Because God will tell you things. Now. Elijah. He will go there. And get it. Amen. May you be led by the spirit of God. And know where your things are. Amen. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Let me close this session by saying. If you are in business. Who gave you the product? Genesis 31. Verse 12 and 13. And I'm closing. I'm done. Genesis 3, 1, 12 and 13. And he said, lift up now thine eyes and see. All the realms which leap upon the kettle are ringed straight, speckled, and crystallized. For I have seen all that lavishness unto thee. I am the God of Bethel. Where thou anointed the pillar. And where thou vowed a vow unto me. Now arise. Get thee out from this land. And return unto the land of thy kindred. Amen. Amen. The secret to Jacob's prosperity. Was communication with God. God gave him the business idea. The business idea came from God. God's business idea caused him to be wealthy. To take all his uncle's wealth to him. There was a wealth transfer. Because this person was in communication with God. We get into business ideas that God has nothing to do with. We get into academic exercises that have nothing to do with God. Nothing wrong with academic exercises. Nothing wrong with studies. But we must get into areas where we know that we are led by God. Amen. Check out. Go and see that. It's what you are doing within the pipeline and the plan of God. Or you are just doing it because some human beings are doing it. And if you do things because other human beings are doing it. You will live like a human being and die like an ordinary human being. He became wealthy. Because the idea of his business came from God. That is what we call increase supernaturally. By the Spirit of God you increase. And next time we meet we might talk on how to communicate with God. In every area of your life. Be blessed and have a good day. And if you heard me shout Amen and I will see your life changing. If you heard what I did. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you very much. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Thank you. Let's make it a prayer this morning. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

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