Bible Call Study Thursday 8/17/2023
Bible Call Study Thursday 8/17/2023
Father we're thankful that we can come together in reverence you father we're thankful that you've given us life this morning we're thankful for the life that you freely offer it's an eternal life that is in your son christ jesus father god help us all to be found in christ heaven and the righteousness of jesus christ against that day you would tell us this world father please have mercy on us and forgive us for our sins we forgive those who stand against us as well father your honor father we pray that you will watch over us today watch over all saints father and even our loved ones even pray that you watch over our enemies your word says that a godly man god gives them peace even with his enemies so father grant us peace with our enemies father god help us to stay through all that we go through and continue to lead godly lives and to be repentant for sin and turning away from it and confessing and practicing walking in the light father we pray for each and every one who had a problem from yesterday and this day father you know each and every one of their situations you know their loss father we pray that you will bring them joy out of the situation and comfort that their situation will help them and someone else father god but most important we pray that you pray that you get the glory out of every situation that we're praying about father god we're thankful for the improvement of kamala so we're thankful for house of prayer help us to always have faith in you help us to believe that we receive what we ask for when we pray and not be double-minded father we pray that you will bless the study this day we pray that you will continue to open doors so that the gospel can be spread and preached so people can come to you through your dear son christ holy night we pray amen amen amen so uh we've got any songs anybody wants to read this morning i've got 150 oh for a thousand times to sing 150 okay oh for a thousand times to sing my great redeemers praise the glories of my god and king the triumphs of this grace my gracious master and my god assist me to proclaim to spread through all the earth abroad the honors of the name jesus the name that churns out fears that bids our sorrows cease his music in the sinner's ears his life and health and peace he breaks the power of counsel's sin he sets the prisoner free his blood can make the foulest clean his blood avails for me okay hang me up so that's patricia right right thank you patricia i guess you got your book i did uh so uh who else has got one toshiba you got one picked out yet 427 427 okay just living below in this old sinful world hardly a comfort can afford us driving driving alone to face temptation shores where could i go but to the lord neighbors or cats i love tell me everyone we get alone in sweet accord but when my soul needs manner from above where could i go but to the lord life there is life here is grand and friends i have i love so dear comfort i get from god's own word yet when i say the killing hands of death where could i go but to the lord amen and charles you had a good explanation last night why don't we why don't we read these songs why don't we sing songs when we are together we sing songs we're together to teach one another and admonish one another you know to encourage one another you know stir one another up the good works and love and obedience towards god the father also we will praise god while we're doing these things amen okay does anybody else have anybody else have another one i have 185 185 salutary go ahead uh it's tough praise god the source of life praise god the source of life and birth praise god the word who came to earth praise god the spirit holy flame all glory honor to god's name amen all right anybody else don't want to pass anybody up charles you got your book book yes sir i got it would you read either number four or five they're both the same words and i don't know which i found the tune but i don't know which tune is which i don't know enough about music to tell tell his praise and song and story i read for his face praise tell his praise and song and story bless the lord with falling voice and my god is all my glory come before him and rejoice join to praise his name together he who hears his people's cry tell his praise come win or welcome shining faces light of time lifted high i'm sorry to the lord whose love has found them cried the poor in their distress swift his angels jumped around them prove himself prove him sure to save and bless god it is who hears our crying though the spark of faith be damned taste and see beyond denied blessed are those who trusted him taste and see and face down near him trust the lord with all your powers seek and serve him love and fear him life and all his joys are ours true delight and holy living peace and plentiful length of days come my children with thanksgiving bless the lord in songs and prayers of praise in all need he walks beside us here's alert to every cry watch for lies to guard and guide us love their whispers it is out good should trump wrong be righted god has pledged his promised word so with the rest of saints united join to praise our living lord amen amen now that's from the 34th psalm 34th psalm and if you got your email there's a link in the email you have to go to scan down through there and find the song uh but it's kind of dim and but it's really a good rendering of the song you get a chance all right well let's is it anybody else have one kendricka's on thank you kendricka good morning all right so we're from proverbs 17 not 16 if you're looking at the first email it's an app uh proverbs 17 somebody got a proverb from proverbs 17 27 and 28 okay go ahead a true wise person use few words a person with understanding is even tempted tempers even fools or thoughts wise when they should keep silent with their mouth shut they seems intelligent good that was one that i was looking at too some good instruction all right who asked somebody else was saying something uh 17 uh number 24 sensible people keep their eyes glued on wisdom but a fool eyes one for the ends of the earth okay what what number is that now number 24 17 24 okay all right that's good thank you did you have another one i've got five through seven he who marks the floor reproaches his maker he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished children's children are the crown of old men and the glory of children is their father excellent speech is not becoming to a fool much less lying lips to a prince all right that's good three good thoughts sir anybody else there's acid stone more than acid hey come on there mike 17 22 17 22 okay a merry heart do it good like a medicine but a broken spirit drives the bone okay we got these nurses on and you got a patient who's happy do they recover faster hmm yes i feel like because they're more encouraged to do what they're supposed to do just have a happy spirit yeah that's what i've read the statistics say people the same problem physical problems recover faster if they have the right attitude mine says a joyful heart i bet they're a lot easier to be patient to for you to deal with all right anybody else okay i had a few picks but i'll put them in the following up the email interest of time uh how about something that jesus said got we got any quotes i have a revelation uh uh the relation is 22 13 22 13 okay and it says i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end amen the beginning and the end you have one minute remaining okay i have uh all right go ahead tim yeah i was going to read excuse me i was going to read matthew chapter 10 verses 32 and 33 okay says whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him that i confess also before my father which is in heaven but whosoever shall deny me before men him will i also deny before my father which again heaven all right confession sometimes we get confused with confession most of the time in the attestment means just to admit something or to tell others about something not necessarily commit confessing our sins that's telling others and admitting thank you for using global telling involves more than our sins anybody else okay what i had was matthew 23 34 says then jesus said this is jesus on the cross shortly before he died says father forgive them for they do know not what they do and they divided his garments and cast lots so even on the cross we could see that jesus was concerned about everybody even those who were putting down that cross across and then we see it fulfilled or some of them not all of them were forgiven in acts 241 says then those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about 3 000 souls were added to them and in acts 247 praising god and having fair with all the people the lord added to the church daily those who were being saved and if we look back up to verse 38 we would see that at least some of that number were involved in the very crucifixion of christ so jesus prayer was answered not answered for everybody because they refused to respond was answered for those who did all right who are our readers today charles back on how are you gonna read today i'm gonna pass i'm a little stuffy today okay tricia i will uh cocoa no i'm not able to read today all right notoria yes okay anybody else see tim okay i'm missing anybody in a position to read and wants to read and draco you want to read yes i can read okay okay anybody else i don't want to leave anybody out who wants to read all right so we're still in talking about the uh the trial that jesus went through the testing the temptation of the devil right after he'd been baptized and that's what happens a lot of times maybe all the time is right after one accepts god and starts trying to do what's right and the devil's he really does his best to pull you back in right away uh so charles would you read uh mark 1 verses 12 through 13 that's of the three accounts that's the shortest one okay so the section that we're getting down to the end of the study and it's about uh uh jesus at the devil saying to jesus to cast himself down from the temple and see if the angels would save him and patricia would you read loop 4 9 through 13 okay 9 3 13 then he brought him to jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone and jesus answered and said to him it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god now when the devil had ended every temptation he departed from him until in an opportune time okay so the commentator says this temptation this was a temptation of the pride of life 1 john 2 16 when the devil brought jesus to jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple he tried to induce him to cast himself down so we've read this verse several times before but i think uh sometimes repetition help let's look at 1 john 2 16 uh latorian you read 1 john 2 16 okay for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world okay commentator says jesus had been quoting scripture so now the devil quotes psalms 91 11 through 12 in effect he was urging jesus to put god to the test to see if he would keep his word and deliver him from death so let's read the scripture that he quoted uh tim psalms 91 11 and 12 okay psalms 91 11 and 12 so he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest i dash thy foot against the stone okay so the commentator says a second lesson should be learned from this the devil knows scripture and can quote it you say that again the devil knows scripture and can quote it his servants that is the devil's servants often come as ministers of righteousness they will quote enough scripture to make some believe they're teaching the truth but they will mix it with enough error to condemn those who follow sometimes i listen to something on the radio or i read something and 99 percent of what the man says is right and it's scriptural and then he'll throw in one thing that will send you thing that will send you uh straight to hell upon your death so we got to be careful when we uh when we look and we got to check for ourselves whether it's me or charles or steve or uh isaac any other ones on here that try to teach and preach you got to check them check us and and know is what's being taught is true uh kendricka would you read second corinthians 11 verse 13 through 14 you there kendrick second corinthians 11 13 through 14 13 to 14 for such men are false apostles deceitful workmen describing themselves as apostles of christ and no wonder for even satan describes himself as an angel of light okay so look what they are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of christ for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light so that's a that's a warning we've got to be very very careful and not follow these people sometimes they're the blind following the blind sometimes a lot of times it's not that they haven't gone through and decided for themselves they've listened to somebody else and sometimes we can grow up and that's all we ever hear but when we reach the maturity and we're able to study the bible for ourselves we need to confirm whatever we hear is actually true from the bible it's another passage it says like sheep and wolves clothing so he says commentator says the one wishes so strongly to believe what he wants rather than what the truth teaches he will be allowed to believe a lie in the place of the truth so god's not going to force you to believe the truth if you want to believe a lie believe the truth if you want to believe a lie so he uses second thessalonians 2 9 through 12 charles i believe it's your turn again can you read second thessalonians 2 9 through 12 yeah even him who's coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause god should send them strong illusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but have pleasure and unrighteousness all right okay so that's a frightful passage and for this cause god shall send them a strong delusion that is those he's talking about is those who receive not the lord of truth the word the love of the truth that they might be saved so let's pray that we all are willing and wanting to receive the love of the truth so that we can have salvation and that we're not under this strong delusion that he does there and we can do same thing about uh well i'll go ahead the commentator says jesus was not set will nor did he doubt the validity of the scripture he answered the devil by showing his misapplication of god's word matthew reads it is written again thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god and we'll read matthew's account in matthew 4 7 patricia can you read matthew 4 7 okay jesus said to him it is written again you shall not tempt the lord your god jesus quoted another scripture psalm 91 in its proper balance the devil had used the verse out of its intended purpose and misapplied the scripture his servants also continued to do so victorian second peter 3 16 okay as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood with days that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction so peter's writing about paul's writing and he's saying it's some of the things he says are hard to understand but you can understand it and it takes some effort and people use these things like that to to teach false doctrine they rest them it says or bring them to distort them to as they do other scriptures to their own destruction he says we must handle the word of god in its context in its correct context and intended meaning that's one reason that like we're reading all three accounts of the temptation and hopefully we're reading enough of the context to see what it really means and because the bible is the best commentary on itself so latorian would you read 2nd timothy 2 14 through 18 yes um of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the lord that they strive not about word to no profit but to subverting of the hearers study to show thyself approved unto the a workman that need not be ashamed rightly divided in the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more godliness and their word will eat as though a canker of whom is that hemius and felitis who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some so he says to uh shun profane and vain babblings because they'll increase into more godliness and he it's like a canker or cancer that eats away at us and he quotes somebody these two people who they've aired concerning the truth and the overthrowing the faith of some i've seen that a lot over the years myself where somebody joins a group like this or something or somebody in the group uh they they start teaching era and then uh some will follow them uh says israel had tempted god when they thirsted after they came out of egypt in exodus 17 1 through 7 tim can you read that exodus 17 1 through 7 7 okay exodus 17 1 through 7 then all the congregation of the children of israel set out on their journey from the wilderness of sin according to the commandment of the lord and captain but there was no water for the people to drink therefore the people contended with most with moses and said give us water that we may drink so moses said to them why do you contend contend with me why do you you tempt the lord and the people thirst there for water and the people complained against moses and said why is it you have brought us up out of egypt to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst so moses cried out to the lord saying what shall i do with this people they are almost ready to stone me and the lord said to moses go on before the people then take with you some of the elders of israel also take in your hand your rod with which you struck the river and go behold i will stand before you there on the rock and horaz and you shall strike the rock and the water will come out of it that the people may drink and moses did so in the sight of the elders of israel so he called the name of the place massa and meribeth because of the contention of the children of israel and because they tempted the lord saying is the lord among us or not okay thank you and then it says later moses referred to this and warner disobedient their descendants not to tempt god in deuteronomy 6 16 kendricka can you read that deuteronomy 6 16 hold on is it say it again deuteronomy deuteronomy 6 16 leviticus numbers you cannot put the lord your god to the test and you tested him in messiah okay so that's that's later on that he's warning them not to do that again says verse 13 the devil departed from jesus for a season there are three specific temptations recorded here but this is not the only time jesus was tempted we read of many occasions when jesus was tempted and he lists several of them here and uh is anybody reading from the email you can go through them pretty quickly the torrent you're reading from the email right right okay so the torrent would you read those luke 10 25 and matthew 16 1 you have those that are in that list remaining okay and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tested him saying teacher what shall i do to inherit eternal life and then matthew 16 1 then the pharisees and sadducees came and tested him as that he would not show them a sign from heaven that he would show them a sign from heaven okay matthew 19 3 the pharisees also came to him testing him and saying to him is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason 19 22 35 then one of them a lawyer asked oh go ahead now then one of them a lawyer asked him a question testing him and saying thank you for using global telling this okay yes they said testing him that they might have something of which to accuse him but jesus uh stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger and though uh he did not hear as though he did not hear a john 8 okay so he lists these but i would think about even though it doesn't use the word tested it was a pretty strong test when he was there in the garden before his crucifixion and he prayed that for his father to let this cup pass from him but nevertheless that his will be done that the fathers will be done i can't imagine that that wasn't a temptation i may have a different somebody may understand that better than i do at the last supper he commended his apostles for having to continue for having continued with me and temptations luke 22 28 i'll go ahead and read that one too tim but you are those who okay 22 28 but you are those who have continued with me in my trial okay the same of him went out through all the region this is jesus begins his ministry in galilee so i guess we're getting uh i've been on a good while so we'll start there tomorrow and finish the lesson including the questions and we're going to talk about john 2 where jesus turned the water into wine and some what i think is false teaching concerning that so if you have time uh look at the email and uh study that some and if you care to give your own thoughts and we'll listen to them and i appreciate everybody who was on and that's uh um this house is not all busy and somebody uh patricia she's got her book now patricia can you read uh the song uh number 825 coming to me okay me oh heart bow down with sorrow oh eyes that long for sight there's gladness in the believing in jesus there is light come unto me are you better that label and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and lean learn of me divinest consolation does christ the healer give our doubt in condemnation believe repent and live his peace is like a river his love is like a song his yoke's a burden never just ease it all day long come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me okay so this is jesus's plea to us to come unto him to come to him and he didn't say that we didn't have a yoke or a burden but he said it's easy and light especially when you consider the eternal consequences uh of his yoke or his burden and if i'm able i'm going to send out an updated email here and it'll have the songs in it this one has a link to a song and if you uh care to i think it'd be good to listen to these songs with a tune but as charles said the most important part is the words you know the entire psalms which takes up a large part of the old testament was written as songs but normally we read them as uh as teaching we don't read them as we don't sing them as psalms now there are some that have been set to modern tunes but most of them don't really follow the psalm they use parts of the psalm or the combined parts of several psalms the one we read this morning it's either number four or five that charles read it's one of those psalms and it has a it has a good link to where it's it's uh actual singing of it but it's not uh like i said it's not the full psalm in that case and doesn't express it all like the like the israelites did the reason being we've lost their tunes we don't understand what their tune was and we really don't understand their poetry the way their poetry worked which is a lot more complicated than ours who did i ask for the closing prayer me i got it okay go ahead please okay would you join me in prayer dear lord our god wonderful father in art and heaven hallowed be your name your father we thank you so much for blessing us father to uh be joined together this morning this conference call to father to look into your word to uh have the hearts and the minds of father to to study from your word to understand those things father that you would have us to do in our lives and that uh when the temptation comes father from the evil one that we are uh we are educated and and and we can know dear father what the truth is and be able to turn from those things father that can cost us our souls thank you father for jesus christ our lord and savior our great uh example dear father that we can always look into to to understand that how to follow you and we just pray to father that we will let the word of christ dwell in our hearts that we always loving and kind and gentle to everyone that we come in contact with and that we can we can strive to to teach others yet father to to follow you we pray to this morning your father that as we go out uh into the world and into our own ways father to our workplaces and communities that you would direct our steps to father that we are always uh carrying out the things that would edify and glorify your most holy kingdom that we are conducting ourselves in a way that the world around us can see the love of christ living in us pray to father that uh you will bless us to know dear father and have the confidence that you are are right with us father you are right beside us and that you will give us the strength to father to to carry out uh any desire any will that you have assigned to us you have given to us that you you will help us to to carry those things on through pray to the lord that you would bless us to love the truth and obey the truth father as we uh uh when we uh study and when we know it and uh not to make excuses and uh to just follow your words and you know that we will do the right thing we thank you father for mike and his ability thank you for all the many ones that's on the call this morning pray that you will bring us back together again just finally at the next appropriate time so this is all things pray in the holy name of jesus christ our lord amen amen thank you everybody thank you all for calling uh a couple more things i want to say uh there's some things that we just are difficult to to teach in this group or to go over in this group basic things that everybody needs to understand and uh your invitation is to call me charles or myself or tim or steve or isaac we can study these basic things to them and they might they might title them and go a different direction than than i would but the ones that i would want to go is what is a testament and then what more