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Big Rick's Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack Podcast 10 14 23

Big Rick's Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack Podcast 10 14 23


19 Crimes and Universal Monsters Unleash Two Limited-Edition Halloween Wines! Coin Tosses Are Not 50/50: Scientists Toss 350,757 Coins. Crocs Classic Cowboy Boots. Lake Tahoe is crowded. Try these Sierra and Gold Country towns instead. Meteorologist Keeps Sneaking Metal Lyrics Into the Weather Forecast On TV. India's Indri Whisky: Crowned the World’s Best at the 2023 Whiskies of the World Awards

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The Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack Podcast features fun music and great information every Saturday. 19 Crimes has partnered with Universal to release Dracula and Frankenstein labeled wines for Halloween. The labels glow in the dark and can be experienced through augmented reality. Coin tosses are not actually 50-50 and are influenced by how the coin starts. Crocs has released a limited edition Croctober boot that resembles cowboy boots. Lake Tahoe is overcrowded, so alternative destinations like Hope Valley, Clear Lake, and Bear Valley are suggested. Chris Michaels, a meteorologist in Roanoke, Virginia, sneaks heavy metal lyrics into his weather forecasts. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack Podcast. You know, on Saturdays, we play fun music and we feature great information at 993divine.com with me, Big Rick Stewart, and music from my time at Live 105 and at KFOG. We also mix in some stories that I find kind of interesting, whether it's local music or food or tech or just kind of some cool things I think you ought to know about. It's always lots of fun. Fun music and great information happens every Saturday at 993divine.com. And the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack Podcast features great information like this. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. I'm Big Rick Stewart. Thanks for hanging out with me. Fun music and great information. Halloween's coming up pretty quick. Gotta get some good wines for Halloween, right? I mean, and by good, I don't mean, let's say, like super high expensive wines. I mean, wines that fit with Halloween. What kind of wine fits with Halloween? Ah, I'm so glad you asked. Now, Treasury Wine Estates are here in Napa Valley as well as many other places. You might work at Treasury Wine Estates, good wines, including their brand 19 Cribes, which is famous for Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart on their labels as well as a few others. All right, so they joined forces officially with Universal, the film company, and they have Universal Monsters on their wine. Yes, you can get Dracula and Frankenstein labeled wines. In case you're wondering, that would be a red blend with Dracula, appropriate, and a Cabernet Sauvignon with Frankenstein. The labels Glow in the Dark, you know, and they make good wines at 19 Cribes. They're not outrageously priced, and they're doing this, of course, just for Halloween. But like they say, wait, there's more. There's what they call an AR Experience as well as the Glow in the Dark label. So what's this all about? Well, 19 Cribes, Carl Evans says, you're able to hear Dracula and Frankenstein come to life on the label through augmented reality and invites you to experience wine in a, they say, a rebellious but fun and engaging way. And you use this with your phone with a QR code, and then the whole thing lights up. And I don't know, I haven't done it yet. 19 Cribes, Dracula and Frankenstein wines. I like it. I'm Big Rick Stewart, boo. Happy Halloween. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack at 993 Divine. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack, fun music and great information. I'm Big Rick Stewart. All right, what happens before every football game? I mean, I think before every football game, you flip a coin, you toss a coin, right? And then you pick to kick off or receive or whatever, you know, flipping a coin. It's been happening for probably like ever since the coins started. And the odds of flipping a coin, the odds of it heads or tails is 50-50, right? Because it just, it doesn't matter. Wrong. The odds of coin flipping are highly determined by how the coin starts. Now, this comes to us from iflscience.com. And they say that, well, coin tosses are often used to decide who gets first pick or first something. And it seems like it's 50-50. But in fact, it is not. A mathematician named Percy Diaconis, that's a real mathematician's name, right? Did this experiment and tried to figure this out. I mean, they actually did it. They didn't just calculate things. They had people flipping coins. And they tried to see what was the deal here. They had 48 people flip 350,757 coins from 46 different currencies, right? So whatever. And overall, there's a 50.8% chance the coin shows up on the same side that it was tossed from. Wow. Now, what if you were to bet on this? All right, so they worked out the math. And they said, if you bet 1,000 times knowing the starting position of the coin, you could make $19 on 1,000 coin flips. And if you really wanna watch this and figure it all out and see it really happen, you can go to the website, iflscience.com. And there is a 12-hour video of people flipping coins to do this. A 50.8% chance that it's the same as it started. I'm not about to start flipping coins and betting on it, but whatever. You know, maybe you have a lot of time on your hands. I'm Big Rick Stewart. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack at 99.3 Divine. I'm Big Rick Stewart. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. Thanks for hanging out with me. Who has a pair of Crocs out there? I have two, actually. One pair I kind of lost, and they're really, really grungy and worn out. They're kind of my garage Crocs. And the others, those are my nice Crocs. You know, if there could be such a thing. And sure, why not, right? Now, if you're on your feet all the time, you know, chefs and people in restaurants are very popular, and in healthcare, you know, super popular. Crocs got their start at boat shows. The first pair of Crocs I ever saw in my life was at the Oakland Sailboat Show. And there was this guy there, and he's like, oh yeah, they're waterproof, and they're super comfortable. And they looked, of course, they were hideous, but they were super comfortable. I couldn't deny it. Anyway, Crocs just had their ups and downs. They went down around 2008, but now they are back so big, and there's all these special versions. Ah, you might've heard about this. Now, new from Crocs, they're Classic Crocs. How can it be a classic if it's brand new? Classic Crocs Cowboy Boots. Oh my God, you really, I mean, you really have to go to the website and see these. Crocs says this boot was made for their fans, inspired by all their fans' creativities. It's a limited edition Croctober boot with a signature Crocs skin texture. It says Metallico, Metallic Disco Desert Embroidery Details. It's like a black boot but it looks like fake white stitching kind of thing. And a spinning spur in the back. It does have the vent holes for breathability and warmth. Crocs Cowboy Boots. Do you have to have these? Maybe. You know, I don't know. Someone in the review section said, these boots are like the love child of John Wayne and the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters. That pretty much, I think, would perfectly describe it. You really have to have these, right? $120 Crocs online. Croctober, Crocs Cowboy Boots. It's not April 1st. I'm Big Rick Stewart. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack at 99.3 The Vines. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. I'm Big Rick Stewart. Hey, thanks for hanging out with me today. Hope everything's going well for you. Maybe you're planning some trips and you're thinking about Tahoe and you're thinking, yeah, Tahoe's great. Once you get there, the crowd and the traffic and everything like that, not so great. And then you have to leave. Either you leave early and you don't have that extra day on Sunday or whatever, or you leave late and you arrive at midnight or something. It's not necessarily ideal. In fact, Lake Tahoe is really crowded. In 2022, Four Doors Travel Guide released its no travel list. And they said Lake Tahoe appeared near the top over at SF Gate, thanks to overcrowding that's led to all the traffic and all the associated air pollution and more. So where can you go? Well, you know, you probably know some favorite places. Maybe these are new to you. SF Gates Travel suggested Hope Valley and Markleyville. These are really nice places. Expansive views, hiking, fishing, some peace and solitude. You're not too far from Kirkwood, which is a cross-country skier's paradise. You missed the snow. Maybe that's an option. How about just over the big hill, Highway 29? Head over to Lake County and Clear Lake. Middletown's a cool place. I spend a lot of time at Clear Lake. Lake Worth's got it going on. Kelseyville's some good restaurants. There's delicious wine and uncrowded, affordable tastings. Lots of pears. Fishing year-round. Canocti Resort recently reopened with newly remodeled rooms. No concerts yet, but hopefully that will happen soon. SF Gate also recommends Bear Valley for some more cross-country skiing. And if you are looking for some summertime events, you can get into mountain biking. They have up there and more. And they also talk about Nevada City and Placerville. All those are pretty good. I like that. Options that aren't like Tahoe with the tens of thousands of people that also have that same idea. Go somewhere different. Try somewhere new and probably more affordable. I'm Big Rick Stewart. Happy trails. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack at 99.3 Divine. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. I'm Big Rick Stewart. I never met this guy, but I like this guy. You know, you read stories about this and you think, I think I'd like, it'd be fun to hang out with this guy. He's a meteorologist on TV. And this story comes to us from Loudwire. His name is Chris Michaels and he works for WSLS in Roanoke, Virginia. So what's the big deal? During his weather forecast and weather reports, he sneaks in heavy metal lyrics into his reports in his forecast. And Loudwire says, it's totally awesome. And I don't know if everybody knows this. Maybe more know now because it's on the internet. The fine folks of Roanoke, says Loudwire, whether they know it or not, have discreetly been fed song lyrics from Bad Omens, Motionless and White, Sleek Token, I Prevail, Bring Me the Horizons, Slipknot, Black Veil Brides, Shine Down, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Korn, and so many others. No, I don't know all those bands, but I know some of them. So they interviewed him and they said, you know, when did all this music thing happen? He said, I've been playing the drums since the age of three. And then in middle school, metal entered my life. It turns out an uncle gave him Metallica and Megadeth albums. Oh, those uncles, right? About age 11 or 12. And then it just kind of took off from there. His first concert ever was Dream Theater. And he got into weather because at the age of 17, he was put into an introduction to meteorology course in high school. He thought he would drop it right away, but he really liked it. So during his forecast, he's been sneaking these lyrics and I'm sure people, you know, they die, they love it. Now I know the Sharps broadcaster, Dan Rusanowski, he would sometimes sneak in lyrics during Sharps games, but you had to really catch it because they're pretty obscure. You can look this guy up online and listen to his weather forecast and see if you can pick some of them out. And once again, his name is Chris Michaels, WSLS in Roanoke, Virginia. I'm Big Rick Stewart. Thanks for hanging out with me today on the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. Hey, I'm Big Rick Stewart, you whiskey drinker? Me too. I mean, I'm not a lot, but I like my whiskey. I've never had like a super, well, now I have. You know what? At Cole's Chop House, on my birthday, I would have a little Pappy Van Winkle. Does that count? Sure it does. But you know, I don't buy like the super expensive bottles and all that, but I might have to try this one out because this is a whiskey just voted world's best at the 2023 Whiskies of the World Award. That's a pretty big deal, right? And it's worldwide and it's a good thing it's worldwide because you won't believe it. This is an Indian single malt whiskey. Wow. And the brand is called Indri, I-N-D-R-I, Indri Whiskey. It's a single malt and it's from, they say, the Skilled Hands at the Piccadilly Distillery. It's nestled near the Himalayan footpath. It's nestled near the Himalayan foothills. And it was recognized as the best whiskey in the world at the 2023 Whiskies of the World Award. So what makes it special? All right, well, they say, you know, well, everything, of course, but they say, aging gracefully in X bourbon and French wine and PX sherry casks, each contributing its own distinctive character to the final masterpiece. If you've never heard of them before, well, they started in 2021 and now in 2023, best in the world. You want to get the exact one? All right, well, look for the Indri Diwali Collector's Edition, Indri Diwali Collector's Edition, and ask your local shop. And because they just won Whiskey of the World, they better know all about this. And I'm looking forward to trying it. It says it has all kinds of intricate tastes and flavors. Wood and spirit result in a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. A true embodiment of craftsmanship. Well, I have a good PR writer, but that's for sure. I'm interested in this Whiskey of the World winner. I'm Big Rick Stewart. It's the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack at 99.3 The Vine. Well, those are some stories that I have featured on the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack. Tune in at 8 a.m. every Saturday at 993thevine.com. I'm Big Rick Stewart. Hear music from my days at Lavano 5 in Cape Fog, some current songs, lots of surprises and more. It's always lots of fun. We have a 10 at 10, a Beatles brunch at noon. It happens all day. The Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack and the Wine Country Saturday Soundtrack podcast. Tell your friends and thanks listening to this podcast and thanks for checking out 99.3thevine.com.

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