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Science Fiction Podcast

Bo Wagner



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In this podcast episode, the host explores the similarities between N.K. Jemisin's "Far Sector" and George Orwell's "1984" in relation to modern-day governments. Both books depict oppressive regimes that manipulate and control their citizens. The theme of resistance and the importance of individuality is also prominent in both works. Surveillance is another common theme, with both books highlighting the impact of constant monitoring on society. Overall, these books serve as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked authority and the need to protect individual freedoms. Welcome to the Beau Knows Podcast, where we explore intersections of literature and science fiction. I am your host, Beau Wagner, and today we are diving into the interesting question about how the concept of N.K. Jemisin's far sector in science fiction and George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, 1984, relate to modern-day governments. Thank you for tuning into the podcast, and I hope you enjoy. To begin, 1984 paints a picture of a totalitarian regime where Big Brother surveils every move of the people, manipulating the truth and control of thought. Far sector, though, introduces us to the city in Dering, where emotion is suppressed to maintain the peace, and the government is called the Council of Governors and rules with total power. We can see an example in modern day by using manipulation to control the thoughts of people's lives in China. The connection between the two books comes from the exploration of power, control, and human condition. In 1984, the Party's control over language, history, and thoughts shows us the dangers of unchecked authority. In far sector, the control is enforced through suppression of emotion and dictates how the citizens should feel and behave. This resembles the Party's manipulation in 1984 and the government in China manipulating those citizens with power and control. And we're back. I see another theme in both books showing the importance of individuality and how both show rebellion against these systems. In 1984, Winston Smith's act of rebellion against Big Brother surveillance and thought is a powerful symbol of resistance. It is similar in far sector as we follow Green Lantern Jill Mullen as she challenges the authority of the councillors and questioning if they are truly fighting for justice. This relates to China right now as citizens are protesting the economic hardships and censorship being put on them. This also relates to 1984 showing an outlook with a lack of hope for change. Far sector presents a nicer narrative. Even though there is an oppressive regime in this city enduring, Joe's presence as an outsider brings a promise for change and a possibility to break free from the council's control. Unlike far sector, China has no hope in becoming a freer nation with a communist approach that take away full rights of citizens like the government in 1984. Welcome back from the break. I feel like additionally both works examine the impact surveillance has on society. In 1984, the telescreens monitor every aspect of the people's lives which then brings fear and conformity into the world. Similarly, far sector has the eye drones that surveil the city enduring maintaining order through surveillance like 1984. Relating to modern day China, they surveil their citizens through internet and camera surveillance to monitor them to make sure that they are following the laws put in place just like the government in 1984. In conclusion, while far sector and 1984 are set in different worlds, they both explore the concepts and themes of power control and resistance against the systems that created the power and control in the first place. Through the compelling narratives and creative themes, these books remind us of the importance of individual freedom and constant struggle for truth and justice in the face of oppressive governments such as the modern day Chinese government. As we wrap up our topic about exploring the connections between far sector and 1984 and how they relate to modern day governments, we're left with a profound understanding of the themes of power resistance and control against oppressive systems. These works serve as reminders of the dangers of object authority and importance of keeping individual freedoms alive. In the world today, we see governments like China surveilling and manipulating to stay in control and this resonates more with these two books we just discussed. Thank you for listening to the Realms of Literature and Science Fiction. Join me next time for another episode on the Bow Nose Podcast. you

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