Passover, let us prepare ourselves!
Passover, let us prepare ourselves!
which Yahweh intended Israel to take to and he would have met Israel and he would have put up his temple or his tabernacle and would they be allowed to appear in front of him being unclean? No. So are we allowed to appear before him unclean? No. What is the criteria when Yahshua brings us to the promised land? We won't be circumcised. We know that Israel before they went into the land under Joshua was circumcised. So is there any advantage the Apostle Paul says in Romans 3 verse 1? Is there any advantage to be Jewish and to be circumcised? He says much in every way. Now the Jews said is there any advantage being Jewish? Then they stop. Right? And they say much in every way. No. It goes on to say is there any advantage in being Jewish and is there any advantage in being circumcised? Yes. Much in every way because when Yahshua leads you into the promised land we want to have and celebrate Passover with you because he says I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until I drink it anew with you when you are in the kingdom. And you will not be allowed to sit at a table uncircumcised because you would violate the Torah because it says in Exodus chapter 12 no strangers partake of Passover and all those who are not circumcised remain outside the gate. Sorry they can't sit at my table. They can't pass through the door. So how many teachers do you know in traditional Christianity who teach that you must be brought to the door of Moshiach where he is going to instruct you in the words of Yahweh which enables you to become not only circumcised in heart but also circumcised in flesh so that you can dwell in his presence. That's the message. You see? And then when the man is circumcised if we look at all this from Yahweh's point of view how he originally intended. Circumcised face. Circumcised at the heart. Circumcised in the flesh. The man and woman become one. The woman shares in the man's circumcision. The children are passing through a circumcised glance right? To be a seal of the righteousness of faith of their parents. Had we understood this I think I would have told a few things totally different and I think there might be a few others here today. But let us be thankful to Yahweh that he even showed it to us at this late hour. Deuteronomy 10.16 Circumcised therefore the foreskin of your hearts. That's number one. You see? Because that shows that you have got faith. And therefore once you have this faith you start acting out the word of Yahweh. Because it says and do no more be stiff necked. Are there anybody else stiff necked than I am who are still stiff necked and will not have their hearts circumcised and therefore show that they have no faith? Well are we going to trust in him in these last days 100%? Because if you don't and you remain stiff necked you haven't been through the door. We discover that the Torah teaches about new birth and being born again. Because this is the picture of being born again. This is being born again. And then at the end when Moshiach comes you will be again born from above. Because he says to Nicodemus flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom. Are you flesh and blood? Yes. So we can't inherit the kingdom. He says flesh and blood in Mark 15 cannot inherit and he says flesh and blood can't see it. Although it is near us and it is in us we just can't see the wood from the trees. He says when he comes he will change you in the twinkling of an eye and he will change you from corruption to be incorruptible and from being mortal to immortality. Passover is the rebirth of to be born again, the born again community of Moshiach. Therefore we see an obvious connection between new birth and circumcision. Therefore the circumcision of Israel does and those multitudes of non-Hebrews who came out of Egypt with Israel was performed in Aviv in the spring. In the spring time is the time of new birth. Before the Exodus Israel was a nation of slaves and after the Exodus Israel was born again as a nation of free men and to be born again and if you are born again then you are ready to enter the land. For to meet with Yahweh at his temple the scripture tells us in Genesis 17 verse 9 and Elohim said to Abraham thou shalt keep my covenant therefore thou and thy seed after thee and in your generations to come. This is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and thy seed after you every man child among you shall be circumcised and you shall circumcise the flesh of his foreskin and it will be a token of a covenant between me and you and he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you every man child in your generations he that is born in the house or born with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house and he that is born with money must need be circumcised and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant and the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of the foreskin is not circumcised that soul shall be cut off from his people he has broken my covenant. To be allowed into the sanctuary of Yahweh Ezekiel 44.9 Yahweh Elohim no stranger uncircumcised in heart nor uncircumcised in flesh you see if you don't believe if you don't have faith coming into the house of Yahweh you see because you never believed in the son in the first place you might have mentioned his name and you might have gone through all sorts of motions but if you have not received him by faith right then you cannot have your heart circumcised nor are you allowed into the sanctuary and any stranger that is among you or amongst the children of Israel so therefore you have to be transformed that's what the apostle Paul teaches us Romans 12 verse 1 he says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercy of Elohim that you present yourselves or your bodies a living sacrifice as though you sacrificed it yourself set apart because it has to be blameless without spot and without blemish acceptable to Yahweh nothing else is acceptable remember if you had a lamp full of spots and blemish it wasn't his it has to be perfect how do we become perfect when you come through the door and then you must rise to newness of life what does that mean what does it mean when it says you must rise to newness of life can't mean that you must live like you lived before because that had to die in the grave of Yeshua so newness of life must be a Torah based lifestyle because that's written on your heart so even if you say that your savior has risen and you cannot see a change in conduct or conduct it's only words it's only vain words and now be conformed to this world do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so if you have things in your mind of your past which are against Torah you got to put those away and you put them all away I know it takes time I know it can take some years but you must work on them and you must don't put them all away you may not be able to put them all away at once start putting them away one at a time there is no big deal there is no big deal to put tassels on the corners of your garments you know you don't have to hang them out for everybody to see it's a testimony between you and Yahweh Yeshua says you guys you've made your tzitzit so long it nearly goes between you know your shoes and the road right to show yourself oh man aren't we pious that's not what it's about it's not to show them off to your fellow Israelites it is a testimony between you and Yahweh is it a big deal to do I don't think so but is your heart circumcised do you want to get be renewed in your mind that's what the story is see I read a book by a Christian theologian who says we can't really see we can't really see if Moshiach has redeemed them or not you can't really see it on the outside only Yahweh knows it from the inside but you can't see it from the outside because he says you must be renewed in your mind and then you must bind all these all these rules and regulations that I have which are life on your arm which means your actions you must act accordingly and I want to write them in your mind that you think that way and that you act that way and by this way you can see because by the fruits you can identify them so I think this man is wrong very wrong that's the mark of new life Deuteronomy 11.25 fix the words fix these words of mine in your heart see it will be written on your heart first which words words of the Torah right tie them as symbols on your hand right so that you may see it in your actions right and bind them in your forehead so your thinking right is absolutely Yahweh centered right and that's transforming your mind do you have minds like that you know for yourself because you will be doing the daily Korban of things you will be praying to Yahweh you know as we were commanded in the book of Numbers you will keep the Sabbath this new moon and spring festivals and all the festivals you are looking for the year for the sabbatical year the year of Jubilee that's what you will be looking for you will be looking for Christmas and Easter and Sunday right and I don't think it is allowable long term to have a mixed congregation where all these things were allowed because we have to get ready and we must cleanse ourselves well you might say hang on a minute the apostle Paul does not agree with you and I put these two verses in on purpose because they were recited to me not Samaria Galatians 3 verse 10 is clear it is very clear that if I'm going to do what you say Lord you are putting me under a curse so it says Galatians 3 verse 10 I read it to you for as many as are of the works of the Lord does the Lord say you have to keep Passover yeah does the Lord say you have to keep Sabbath yeah for as many as are of the works of the Lord are under a curse see so if you do the works of the Lord then you curse because see Jesus set us free from all this that's what it says in Galatians 3 verse 10 first part well does it say that now I want you to go all of you to your concordances right to your stone screen concordances you can find it on the internet you type in blue letter Bible right and you go to Galatians 3 verse 10 and you look up the Greek words which are translated here the people who translated these are subject to revelations chapter the last chapter which says if you take away from my word or egg millstones will be hanging around your neck and all these plagues are for you well that's for the guys who wrote down as for as much are of the works of the Lord are under a curse they wrote this purposely because the Greek doesn't indicate it at all you know what the Greek says well does the second part of the text confirms the first part because it says for as many as are under the works of the Lord are under a curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continues not in all the things which are written in the book of the Lord for them to do how is that possible this is a total contradiction total contradiction well what does it say it says you see the strong word is egg decay it's a strong word 1 5 3 7 out of or away from so for as many as are away from the Torah and as outside the Torah are under a curse for it says every man is cursed that continues not into the written book sounds much better doesn't it the text doesn't contradict itself so why have we put in here don't you live under the works of the Lord trying to intimate that if we do Torah we go under a curse because these are the same people who in Romans 10 verse 4 says Christ is the end of the world for all those who believe so if you believe in Moshe the Lord is aimed for you brother and graciously 10 confirms it because if you still want to be under there you are under a curse because it doesn't say that in Romans 10 verse 4 either for the goal at which the Torah aims is the Moshe who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts see it's exactly right if you trust because that's faith faith is trust right it is imputed to you as a righteousness for which the Torah and the Messiah said Romans 10 verse 4 Christ is the end of the law for all those who believe they've changed it they've changed it these are the boys of revelations right get them they've changed their purpose because they wanted you to know that the Torah is around the denominator because that's what Ignatius what Antioch did in the year 68 when the apostle Paul says after me wolves are going to come and they are going to upset the congregation and what did Ignatius of Antioch teach the apostle Paul's body was leaving cold and he walked in there and he says don't you walk after the Jewish law because you are under a curse if you do any part of that law you have not received the grace of Yahweh so he said I can prove it to you my God you see the wonderful thing about his church fathers is they wrote everything down and in my house I have a whole set of books from Hebrew to the world right and if you have a law in there whatever it is let them preach so they can't say I'm lying because it's like a lie if you keep anything of this Jewish law then you have not received anything of the grace of Yahweh right you are under a curse for as many as are out of doing the Torah are under a curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continues not in all the things which are written in the book of the law for them to do that's what this text says and that conforms with what the apostle Paul taught men are subject to the Torah as long as they live now that we have this faith Romans 3.11 now that we have this faith right shall we do away with the Torah he says no you have got to uphold it right because his master had told him because he said in Matthew 5.17 nothing is done away from the Torah nothing but a tittle or a yacht up to heaven and earth by the way understand that confirms the name of Yahweh because the name of Yahweh is I love I am and I will be and in me there is no change there is not even a shadow of ten everything was the same everything is the same and everything shall be the same why is it that brother Tristenbaum teaches everybody that now we can eat pork but in the years to come we have to eat kosher food Yahweh changed his mind it's called the dispensation of grace I can't find it in the Torah but he's got it because it is part of dispensational theology which is man-made which includes the Leviticus as well that means Yahweh changed his mind the master is not he is schizophrenic he changed his mind and he told Arnold you go and teach everybody from now on they don't need the Torah unless you are Jewish and you know how to eat pork but all you Gentiles you can do it after Jesus comes back then you have to change but not now doesn't make sense doesn't make sense at all Moshiach is the end of the Torah for all those who believe no Moshiach is the Torah for all those who want to walk through the door and be saved now that's the picture hallelujah we have to say and when the strangers shall show durnity and will keep the Passover to Yahweh let us all as always males be circumcised by heart and by in the flesh because if anyone loves me he will obey my teachings and this teaching is not mine it is of the word of Yahweh my father will love him and we will come to him and he will come to us to make his home in us you see because then the heart circumcised and walks in accordance to Yahweh's will if we are stiff necked and rebellious and we don't do it he ain't going to come and walk and live that's really he will not associate with darkness John chapter 14 verse 23 these words that you are here are not my own they belong to my father who sent me ok we are going to celebrate Passover I know which lamb you are going to select it is the lamb called Yeshua our Moshiach which is Yahweh who saves and you have put the blood on the doorposts of your heart have you not because did he not die for you have you appropriated his blood which you can only do by faith remember faith is a gift of Yahweh lest any man boast and then he starts writing on your heart so if you can see no change in your life to the Torah you have to ask yourself the question you are to eat this Passover with bitter herbs because you are to remember that before you passed through that door you were in Egypt and you were enslaved and you were performing works of slaves and then you are to eat bread without yeast to be reminded that you have removed all the yeast all the sin out of your life that you have appropriated the blood of Moshiach which is sinless blood and that you are going to rise with him to a new life which is exactly the same because you are to imitate Moshiach right what does that mean to do what he did right what did he do did he walk three feet absolutely did he keep some absolutely I don't need to go through all this because you know and then you are born again with the blood of Moshiach and you rise with him to a new life and then what after Passover then what then we go to the festival of unleavened bread right my son says I want to come and celebrate Passover with you I said that's great that's really nice you know I look forward to that and I was thinking about it and I said I want to talk to him because if he celebrates the Passover that's great right but has he got it in his mind and in his heart and his actions that way and then about the festival of unleavened bread you know what it says about the festival of unleavened bread I read it to you Exodus 12 14 and this day shall be unto you for a memorial and you shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever so that's pretty clear as to how often you have to do it right and until what time you have to do it there is no dispute seven days you shall eat unleavened bread what does that mean it means when we celebrate Passover the next seven days you don't eat bread with yeast right because if you do you are in deep trouble you haven't understood the word of Yahweh so when he goes on to say he says even from the first day you shall put away leaven so you got to go to your house and anything yeast or with yeast that you find you got to remove out of the house because that symbolizes to you that you want to have a clean house for Yahweh to come and live in didn't he not just say if you clean up your act and your place then we come and live in you Yeshua the Holy Spirit everyone right I'll tell you you got to put it out of bounds put it out of bounds it's got to be out of bounds do away with it make sure that you are not in the presence of it right take it out of bounds take it down to the bottom shed or wherever you want to take it right seven days you shall eat unleavened bread even the first day and you shall put away leaven out of your houses right I'm not telling you to do it Yahweh says you got to take it out of your house he doesn't say you don't allow to put it in the shed you got to take it out of your house where you reside and don't go in the shed because that's unclean because the leaven is there then he says for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day that soul shall be cut off from Israel so what's the point of having Passover and the next day eat all of God's bounties and I've got to tell that to my son because otherwise I leave it up to God so nice of the family to sit around the table but his actions and his life at the moment do not indicate that he's born again to tell but because it's nice of the family we come and celebrate Passover with you so we don't disappoint you don't disappoint me nothing to do with me you're not going to disappoint Yahweh so brethren if we celebrate the Passover you can't celebrate Passover without the other festivals you can't say I'll take the redemption part thank you very much but everything else is not for me right I'll substitute it with my own festivals and my own priests no it's all or nothing you can't just select a couple here and there you either walk in the ways of Yahweh or you don't but you're allowed to fail and you're allowed to stumble provided you walk by faith that means that Yeshua is right there next to you and he knows that you've lived in Egypt most of your life and he knows that you are trying to do the right thing and he knows that you're going to fall and he won't allow you to beat yourself up because he gives you Yeshua who is the door to pick you up and he will lead you but he knows that your intentions of your heart that you have circumcised your heart and that by your actions you are starting to remove the leaven from your heart and from your house and you might forget a little bit there oh I didn't even realize it was there maybe another six bottles of beer on the corner which we forgot about right but it's got leaven in it so you gotta take it out so you don't drink beer either on the festivals do you leaven so you gotta think about it but why is it well it is the natural by removing this thing to show us the spiritual that you've got to clean your house and then Yahweh will come and live with you is it yeast I don't know makes things right but is it actual yeast if in doubt put it out put it out if in doubt put it out so after you have after you have selected your way and you've eaten the bitter verbs and because the commandment says that you must remember that you were slaves in Egypt so no Passover can be celebrated without remembering that that we were slaves in Egypt and that we were brought out with the mighty arm of Yahweh and then you know we are born again and set free ready to meet with him Abba Yahweh we thank you for your word we praise you and we thank you that even in this stage of our lives you are confronting us with the truth of your word and to me it makes so much sense and I'm so sorry that I didn't know this years ago Father will you now transform our minds and renew us from within or from a heart on which you have written with your finger your Torah so that we may show to you that we've understood your message that we start to remove the leaven from our houses and our hearts that we start to walk the road back to you but at least you have given us the faith for which we thank you and we thank you for starting to write on our hearts and that you brought us to the door because without the door there is no hope because we know that the devil also believes in you but he's never come to the door Father will you make us celebrate Passover, this Passover with an understanding like we've never had before and that indeed in the elements that we will use we see exactly what you're trying to teach us that the Lamb Yeshua is spotless and without blemish totally Torah observed to do the will of the Father and that it is he who has redeemed us by his blood and brought us to the door are we going to move out and become free men or are we going to stay in the house that's full of sin that because of our silver and our gold or whatever else we cannot move to the door everything else is more precious or do we move boldly to the door and as our ancestors trust that you are going to lead us to the promised land and we didn't even prepare anything to eat and we didn't even prepare anything to eat and that we baked the unladen cakes as we were on our way Father will you give us a strong faith that is unmovable and unshakable and make us step through that door in confidence knowing that we are moving towards the throne of grace where we will meet you in Yeshua face to face Father we thank you for this promise that you have become our salvation and that you are faithful and that you are faithful and just to forgive us all our unrighteousness if we confess it and repent from it in the name of Yeshua so therefore as the Apostle Paul said let us examine ourselves over these next few weeks that indeed you will be to us by faith that you are circumcising our heart and that we want to more move to the door and give us a Passover like we've never had before rejoicing in this faith and rejoicing in Yeshua our lamb and Father from then on lead us in newness of life that we may be presented to you spotless and without blemish covered in the white robe of Moshiach ready to meet our Father who is on the lookout and who is running towards us Yahweh our only one true Elohim praise honor and glory be to your name now and always Amen