Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main idea of this information is that fulfilling one's calling requires patience, courage, endurance, fortitude, gratitude, praises, worship, prayer, and fasting. The speaker uses the example of David, who had to wait 15 years for his calling to come to fruition. The message is to not discount or discredit one's current position in life, as it is preparing them for their next step. The speaker encourages listeners to remember the promise of their calling and to know that their crown will find its assignment in due time. The speaker also expresses appreciation for local pastors and reminds listeners that the calling is a gift, but the choice is theirs. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise takes courage and we've just spent several weeks discussing just that, what it takes to be courageous. I want to focus in today for this Faith Alive in 5, a moment in time where it took patience, it took courage, it took endurance, it took fortitude, it took gratitude, it took praises, it took worship, it took prayer, it took fasting. From the moment that David received the oil on his head, his life began to be transformed. Little did he know that at the point that the oil was poured until the point that the crown was put on his head would be 15 years. We don't always know the lifespan of the promise to the fruition. We don't understand what it takes to become the thing that God has declared over our lives. Some of you are called to be pastors, ministers, others are called to be authors and song birds and artists and wordsmiths and you've been called to do many things, entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, C-suite people, you've been called. I don't know what your calling is but I know mine is to Christian women professionals and leaders, to coach and teach, to mentor them, how to reach their target market, to amplify their voice, to make the incredible impact that they've been called to serve with. And so when you know what you've been called to do but you don't know the period of time that you have to wait on your call, think about it this way. When we were enrolled in kindergarten, 12th grade looked like it was forever away. Matter of fact, from kindergarten level, you don't even think about 12th grade. You're just thinking about snack time, nap time. You're in kindergarten mode. And as you get older, you start thinking about the things that are applicable to that surrounding or that setting. And as you get to be in high school, you think about the things that are relatable to high school, college and so forth and life and so forth. So in the realm of spirit, when God speaks to you, he's speaking to you of where he has called you to be, not to where you are at the moment. When David had received the oil, he was still shepherding his father's flock. But yet in the midst of his shepherding sheep, he was being prepared to shepherd the sheep of God. Don't discount or discredit your current positioning in life. Maybe you're at a job. It's called Jesus on board. And whatever it may be, it is preparing you for your next step in life. I really do believe that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and that there is nothing that goes on that God is not aware of. We may not understand why he allows certain things, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know about it. So the oil and the crown were 15 years apart. Somebody say the oil and the crown was 15 years apart. The day that David received the crown upon his head, he had stories, he had testimonies, he had been a refuge, he had been in bondage, he had been chased by Saul, he had been in war zones, he had succumbed to living in places that he didn't want to live in. But the oil was still on his head, and the calling was still there. You may not feel like there's a crown in your future. You may not feel like there's a robe in your future, a scepter of authority in your future, but I am here to tell you that the moment that your head received the oil, there were plans for your future already being architect. There were plans for your future already being created. I want to encourage you today, don't forget the promise of the crown. Regardless of what you're going through right now, it may have been years, it may have been decades, the promise is still sure. There came a moment that the crown did find its assignment upon David's head, and your crown will find its assignment upon your head, and your stories will be for your glory and his praise, and don't forget that you are chosen. I'm Dr. Faye, your pastor coach, and I appreciate you turning in today. Shout out to all of our local pastors. I appreciate every one of you who are standing for the cause of Christ. I know the buildings may divide us, but our hearts should unify us. So God bless each and every one of you. My prayers and thoughts are with you today. You can give at That's Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758, or email coach at And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.