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11-6-22 FAF Stop Waiting On God

11-6-22 FAF Stop Waiting On God

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The speaker challenges the idea of waiting on God and emphasizes the power of Christ within us. Waiting on God is not passive, but rather an active engagement with God's presence in our lives. The speaker encourages believers to trust and believe in God's faithfulness and promises, reminding them that God is always with them. The speaker also mentions a sponsorship from Cheetah Pink Boutique. Welcome to Faith Alive, it's five, the five-minute gospel. I'm Dr. Faith, your host, and now for today's word. How many of you are waiting on God? And you've heard it over and over and over again, that you must wait on the Lord, you've got to spend some time and go through these struggles and these problems, and then somehow, some way, hopefully, God will show up and deliver us. Well, you know, that would make the work of Jesus Christ really weak, and that's the only way I can describe it. We forget the power of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Galatians 2 and 20, it reads, I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but it's Christ who lives in me, and the life which I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God who gave himself for me. So this life that I'm living is the result of the life that was given for me over 2,000 years ago, because we were crucified with him, and since we were crucified with him, now we live with him. The Bible teaches us over and over and over again how Christ is in us. The moment you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have received all that God is on the inside of you, and when you say that you're waiting on God, that seems to, you know, be weak, because how can you wait on someone who is already inside of you, living within you? How is that waiting on him? Do you think the word wait has been misinterpreted to mean, like, we think wait is that you just stand outside in a line and hope your turn comes up, and they don't close the window for lunch, so you don't get served, and you think that's waiting on God? No, my friends, waiting on God is service. Waiting on God means to be engaged in the process. It means to be walking as a true believer, manifesting Christ in your everyday waking, walking, talking lives, because they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, not struggle, not have heartaches and disappointments all of their lives. Life has waves and shifts and changes and seasons. You shouldn't be struggling all of your life, because there has to be a turn. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, run, and not be weary. They shall walk and not think. See, that's totally opposite of what most people believe, that the struggles, the hardships, and disappointments is why you're waiting on God. Now, there is an in-the-meantime process, which is totally different from standing in the line, hoping God doesn't close the window for lunch. It is doing all that you know to do, and standing, praying, trusting, and believing, knowing that God is faithful, and whatever He has promised, He is well able to perform. Remember, He's on the inside of you. So why wouldn't He show up? Why wouldn't He perform? Why wouldn't He provide for you the things He said He would provide for you? In Matthew 6, we see Jesus showing us clearly how the Father feels about us. He said, consider the lilies of the field. They don't toll or spin. Look at the sparrows of the air. They're being fed. They don't worry about their next meal. Oh, you of little faith, why are you worried, knowing that your Heavenly Father knows what you have need of, even before you ask? And of course, that was quite Dr. Faith paraphrasing that, but I'm telling you that God wants you to awake and be aware that He's living in the house. God is being God through you right now. He's being God today because that breath that He breathed in Genesis into humanity is breathing through you right now in every part of your being. Your heart beating, it's beating because of the breath that God breathed all of those years ago in Genesis. Your heart, your life is vibrating to that breath. So be excited about that because you are not alone, friend. You've got God on the inside of you, and you don't have to wait in line hoping that He doesn't close the window for lunch. I'm Dr. Faith, and I want to shout out to Cheetah Pink Boutique for sponsoring today's broadcast at 1103 Main Street in the great city of Stuttgart, Arkansas. Stop by and see Glenda Johnson, the owner at Cheetah Pink Boutique 1103 Main Street. I look forward to hearing from you guys soon. Text me or call me, and I love to hear from you. God bless you. Email me at coach at drfaith.com. Bye-bye now.

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