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6-12-22 FAF It's Time To Move Again

6-12-22 FAF It's Time To Move Again

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The host, Dr. Faith, discusses the importance of focusing on oneself and living authentically. She encourages listeners to let go of past regrets and tap into God's plan for their lives. Dr. Faith emphasizes the need to take action and not let COVID-19 hinder personal growth. She reminds listeners that they are temples of God and encourages physical activity to maintain a healthy body. Dr. Faith concludes by providing her contact information and expressing gratitude for pastors, leaders, and business professionals in the community. Welcome to another Faith Alive and Fire, the five-minute gospel. I'm Dr. Faith, your host. Recently, I opened up a conversation about are you feeling blah? Are you feeling depressed? Are you feeling stressed? Are you feeling like nobody cares? Are you feeling alone and lonely? Well, now is the time for you to start focusing in on you. Shakespeare said something to thine own self be true. Thou therefore cannot be false to any man. When you tap into your true self of yourself, the self that God made you to be, you'll find yourself living from a place of authenticity. You will not be living a life of a victim anymore. Don't let COVID make you a forever victim. Thinking about all of the things that you could have, would have, should have done during those two years, but you didn't do. As I said earlier in an earlier show, is that you spend time gaining weight instead of gaining access to your next level, your next dream, your next vision. I say to you today to stop thinking about your past. It's the past for a reason. It is history and now it's time for you to tap into his story concerning you. God allowed you to stay here, to be here on this earth today because he has a plan for your life, a purpose for your breath. Take a deep breath and breathe. That's God's breath coming through you. That's God's oxygen that you're breathing. You didn't make it. He made it and it's for you to enjoy today. So think about what you've been thinking about and make a decision that you're going to live abundantly. Jesus taught us in St. John 10 that the thieves come not before to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But I am come that you might have life and have life more abundantly. I love that more abundantly. That means that you're not just living on this earth, breathing on this earth, but you're actually living, having a manifestation of heaven on earth as Jesus prayed in Matthew 6 and Matthew chapter 6. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. God wants to manifest all that he is through you. Think about that. It'll cause you to think and think again. That God, the Creator, wants to manifest all that he is through you Of course he does. He no longer lives in a temple made with hands, but you are the house of God. You are the temple of God regardless of what you think you are or what denomination you think you yourself to be. You are the house of God. And because you are the house of God, God wants you to experience him from a whole different place in life. He wants you to experience heaven on earth, but you can't do that by not doing something. Getting up off of the couch, as I've said, I think this entire month I'm going to rally around that. Getting people up, getting you mobile so you can be global, getting you up and moving again, getting you off of the couch. And I understand, know, and realize that many of us don't feel safe walking the streets and because there's not enough people to manage the climate and all of these things that go on in communities from dogs to criminals to all of these things that happen, but there are some gems. There are some gems, and I mean some J-y-e-m's. There are some gems around that you can go and participate 24-7. Woody has it open there and literally 24-7. And Farron is there offering personal training, Farron Luster, personal training to help you get going, to help you get in the groove. Maybe you don't need him forever, but you need him for now to just help you, to mobilize you, to get you moving so that you don't age away. Come on people, don't age away. Come on. Do something to help your body be the temple that God created it to be. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Don't sell yourself short, thinking that you're too old, you're too fat, you're too this or too that. Those are excuses, and we take no excuses. So get up off of that couch. Don't let COVID make you a victim for the next 10 years. Arise and shine, that the glory of God may be upon you. Don't forget to reach out to me by emailing me at coach at dr.fay.com. Feel free to text me at 501-430-4997. That's one of our main numbers, and I look forward to hearing from you. Hello everyone out there. Thank God for all of our pastors, leaders, and business leaders in our community. Until next time, this is Dr. Faye, and this has been Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel.

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