Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses her childhood experience with Jesus and how she saw him as her imaginary friend. She emphasizes that the appearance of Jesus didn't matter to her as long as he was the Savior of the world and her best friend. As she grew up, she lost that close relationship with Jesus and searched for it in different churches and relationships. She realizes that having a childlike mindset of unconditional love is what allows us to access the kingdom of God. She encourages embracing love and not being concerned with the appearance of Jesus, as long as love is present. She concludes by inviting Christian women entrepreneurs to join a global community for Christian women professionals and leaders. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. I remember growing up and seeing all of these pictures of Jesus. Everywhere there was a picture of Jesus and he was this being that wasn't my color, didn't have my hair. And I was introduced to Jesus from a perspective that everybody else or most people saw him or tradition had seen him. And it was difficult to bridge that gap between the Lord that loved me and the Lord that I saw in the picture. And so I remember as a young girl and my grandmother would say to me, take the Lord with you everywhere you go. And I thought, okay, all right, I'm going to do that. Take the Lord with you everywhere you go. So while children many times do this, have an imaginary friend. Well, my imaginary friend became real to me. That was Jesus. And I could see him. I was playing with him and he was hanging out with me. And some of you may think, oh, that's silly. Well, wouldn't you love to be that silly? To have Yeshua Messiah, the great I am, hanging out with you as your imaginary friend. And I would talk to him. He would tell me things. And he presented himself to me as the picture that I had seen on the wall. My grandmother had a picture of, you know, a picture that represented him, I should say. It's not the picture of him. Nobody has a picture of him. It was a picture that represented him. And that picture that represented him was the one that I could see, that I could experience. Well, it didn't matter to me what color he was or what his hair looked like as long as he was the Savior of the world. Does anybody feel me with your fillers here? You hear me with both ears and the inner ear? He's the Savior of the world. And because he's the Savior of the world, for me as a child, he was colorless. It didn't matter because he was my best friend. And I grew up. I grew up and somehow lost that consciousness of Jesus being my closest and best friend, my confidant, if you will. And over the years, there was a struggle of trying to find that place again. I went from church to church, denomination to denomination, different places, different people, different times and relationships, looking for that fulfillment that I had as a child. I now know that what Yeshua Messiah, what scriptures really speak, when it says, except you become as a little child, you cannot access the kingdom of God. The child mindset is this. As long as you love me, I don't care what you look like. I don't care what your color is. I don't care who says what, as long as you love me. I knew that Jesus loved me. And we would sing this old song, childhood song. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Remember that one? And that song would be in my head when I went home. Yes, Jesus loves me. We would sing it while we were playing. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. For the Bible tells me so. So with all of the disruption, chaos and confusion concerning race and religion and gender, I'm here to tell you, as long as love is in the room, it dominates. Are you hearing me? As long as love is in the room, it starts closing gaps. As long as love is in the room, it doesn't matter what you believe or how you see him. As long as love is in the room, nobody cares what he looks like anymore. As long as love is in the room, we don't care. We just want to embrace the love that he is and enjoy it because love fulfills. Love makes us brand new. Love restores and binds and heals and delivers and sets free. Perfect love casts out even fear and every other thing that is opposed to it. So are you ready to love somebody regardless of what color you think Jesus is? Regardless of what color the pictures depict him to be? Regardless of what his hair may look like and the arguments that have ensued around that? Can we just stop it and just let love be in the room? When love is in the room, peace is in the room. Joy is in the room. Yes, fulfillment is in the room. Yes, yes and yes. Thank you for listening. I'm so glad you joined me for another Faith Alive in 5. I'm Dr. Faye, your pastor coach. Let me tell you something. I pray for my city. I pray for my community. I pray for my state. I pray for my world. I pray because God has allowed me to have a voice in this marketplace both online and offline and I'm so appreciative. And I want to invite every Christian woman entrepreneur to be a part of this global experience for Christian women professionals and leaders. Go to Remember, the calling is the gift, but the choice is yours. Again, that website is I'll see you in the room. God bless you now. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.