Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker addresses the feeling of being alone and struggling, reassuring the listener that they are worth saving and have a purpose. They emphasize that God is present and will not forsake them. The speaker encourages the listener to find peace and reminds them that they are the dwelling place of God. The message ends with a reminder to let their light shine. Welcome to another Faith Alive in 5 the 5 Minute Gospel. I'm Dr. Faye, your host, and now for today's truth. Welcome back to another Faith Alive in 5 the 5 Minute Gospel, as you've already heard. Have you ever felt as though God had gone on vacation, that He left you? That all hope was lost, you felt alone, you felt desperate, you felt like your friends didn't care, your mama didn't care, your pastor didn't care, you just felt alone. Most of us have been in that position, some of us live in that position, but most of us have at least visited that place emotionally. And we felt that we were at the end of our rope and we didn't know what to do, and we felt like we weren't worth saving. And I've shared enough on these broadcasts to let you know I believe that you're worth saving. I believe that God has a plan for your life that you haven't tapped into yet, and so you're still waiting for validation. Validation from an outside source, somebody to come along to tell you that you're okay, someone to tell you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. So I'll be the one today to validate your greatness, to validate the call of God upon your life, to validate your presence on this earth, that you are worth it and that you're not alone, even though you may be feeling alone right now, even as you're listening to this and you happened upon it maybe with the link that we share in social media or you just happened to be turning your local station and you found this program today. Well, this is for you. I don't think it's by accident that you're listening to the sound of my voice today, that you are listening, and I say that prophetically, that you are listening to the sound of my voice because there's such a turbulence on the inside of your soul. You haven't been sleeping at night. You've been restless. You've been afraid and wondering what the future holds for you. It seems like as though everyone that you know, everyone in your life, I was about to say, is doing great. You think your friends are doing better than you are. You think your coworkers are doing better than you are and that you're in a struggle. I want to encourage you today to let you know, even though you may feel that you're in a struggle, that struggle simply represents that you're not being quiet long enough to get into the God that is within you. He is God, and he is a very present help in the time of your trouble. You are special to God, very unique, in fact, singled you out as to be a habitation for God in the spirit, a place for him to dwell in. You see, he no longer lives in temple made with hands, but we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. While many people struggled during the pandemic and still struggling because the pandemic has still left his scars and certainly still a concern at this moment, yet you are still here, and people struggle because they could not get into a building. But I'm telling you, when you relax and rest for a moment and meditate upon this, you are the building. You are the house that God built. You are the place of his residence. As a matter of fact, Jesus said that me and my father will come and make our abode in you. We will come and move in, and we will not leave you nor forsake you. Wow, God put himself on lockdown inside of you, and he doesn't want to escape. He will not leave you. He will not forsake you. He's not someone that will not supply your needs. He does supply your needs. According to his riches, he's manifesting it in your life, and you may not be able to see it because you've been in a struggle trying to fix it yourself, trying to make life work. But Jesus took that struggle off because his yoke is easy and his burden is light. He took away the struggle. He took away, took the pressure off, you know. He released you to flow and to grow. He released you to be the best instrument of his praise, of worship, of prayer, of love, of joy, of peace, and happiness, of his grace and of his glory that you can possibly be. And you may be feeling like, Dr. Faye, I'm starting to feel a little bit better now at the sound of your voice, but I wonder if this will last. You know, when you practice peace, peace starts lingering. It lingers. When you practice peace, it lingers. It loves your presence. So practice peace today, and the struggle that you have been experiencing will cease because God is there with you. You are not alone. Feel the feeling of God being present. I'm so glad you joined me today. Hello to everyone who's listening. I love you, and I appreciate you, and I look forward to seeing you next time. Remember to let your light shine. Bye-bye now. You've been listening to another Faith Alive. It is five, the five-letter gospel. I look forward to hearing from you. Talk the text at 501-430-4997. That's 501-430-4997.