Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Dr. Faye, begins a new month of Faith Alive in 5 by discussing the importance of the Bible. She highlights its historical significance as a collection of 66 books written over 1,500 years by 40 authors. The central message of the Bible is the story of God Himself. She acknowledges the confusion that arises from different denominations and religious beliefs but emphasizes that the Bible is a blueprint for building a relationship with God and doing good works. Dr. Faye encourages the audience to read the Bible and warns against distractions from using Bible apps on smartphones. She believes that every household should have a physical copy of the Bible to stay focused and actively engage with the text. The conversation will continue in the next Faith Alive in Five episode. Hi, this is Dr. Faye, and welcome to another Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute Gospel, and to a brand new month. And this month, I want to jump start this month with a focus on the Gospel, the focus on the Good News, the Word of God, the Bible, Genesis, the Revelations. Why do we have it? What's its value? Why are Christians, true Christians, true believers, so caught up in the Word of God? Why is it important to read your Bible every day? What can it do for you that no other book in history is able to do? So let's take a pause and look at that, the historical facts related to Scripture. Why is it important? Why is it still here after all of these years? So let's dive deep into that message. Many historians know that the Bible is a collection of books, of 66 books, in fact, that span over 1,500 years with 40 authors. That alone should pique your interest. The central message of the entire Bible is the story of God Himself in Genesis, as you hear me preaching from and teaching from many times. It says, in the beginning, God, that is enough to confound even the wisest among us in our society. Yet, there are so many wise people in the world who have not adapted and adopted scriptural learning, biblical teaching, sound doctrine from the Word of God. Why? Because of all of the different denominations and religious beliefs that have spawned out of the Bible. And so people are confused. They don't know if they want to be Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic. They don't know. They're completely confused. And then we have pastors who condemn people because they won't come into the church. And that's not winning people the way the Bible teaches us to win through love. You see, God's Spirit breathes upon authors. And we'll see that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, as Paul told Timothy. And it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, that the person of God, the man or woman of God, may be perfectly furnished and thoroughly furnished unto all good work. So the Bible is our architectural blueprint in order to do good works in the earth. Otherwise, we just stumble around, butting our heads against the wall and against each other, never knowing the place for truth. The Bible is the very beginning blueprint of how to build a relationship with God. Without it, many of us will still be wandering around in the wilderness trying to figure out what our own names are. But it's God who left us some parts of scripture so that we can grow from that. Now, and those of you who know the history also know that not everything that Jesus did was written. Not everything that God has done is written in these 66 books. Why? Because we're still here. People are still writing, songs are still being written, messages are still being taught and some powerful messages from virtual, from online and offline, pool pits around the world. So as we dig into this a little bit deeper, let's take a look at why God wants you to read it. Why God wants you to have one. And I know with the popularity of apps, many people are using their Bible apps as their go-to for reading scripture. But I want to tell you something about that. It also can be extremely distractive because you start opening the Bible app, next thing you know you're on a social media app and there you go, you're with your phone for two or three hours and you only spent about 15 minutes reading text, reading scripture. So we want to adopt better habits and a better appreciation for this book that's been around for over 1500 years and it's still the number one bestseller in the world. And I think that it deserves the attention of every household in America, don't you? So let's continue this conversation on our next Faith Alive in Five, but between now and then, go buy you a Bible, one that you can hold in your hand and I'm going to tell you why. Number one, it keeps you focused on that book when you are in that book. You will learn to read it aloud to yourself during this series so that you can be a better participant in your own destiny and purpose. Hey, listen, I'm out of time, this is Faith Alive in Five, the five-minute gospel. I'm your pastor coach, Dr. Faye, don't forget to text me at 501-521-1381, that's 501-521-1381 and I'll see you then, God bless you.