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FAF June 11 Closing The Gap Between The Prophesy and The Promise Series pt 2

FAF June 11 Closing The Gap Between The Prophesy and The Promise Series pt 2

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Dr. Faye discusses the importance of prayer in closing the gap between prophecy and promise. She emphasizes that the answers we seek are within us because God resides within us. Prayer is a continuous conversation with God, and we should never stop praying. Seeking God's kingdom and righteousness should be our priority, and everything else will follow. By seeking a relationship with God and opening our Bibles, we can find clarity and vision. Prayer has the power to change our inner world and bring our dreams and purposes into fruition. Dr. Faye will continue discussing closing the gap in future episodes. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5 minute gospel. Now here's your host Dr. Faye. I am absolutely enjoying this series on closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise. And many of you are finally understanding what you've been missing. Isn't it something that God has given us answers that are resident on the inside of us? Because He's resident on the inside of us. Where else would the answers be? In some magazine someplace, in some book someplace. Not unless those magazines and books lead us back to the greater book. The great book, the scriptures, the prescription for life is written right there. And we all have access to it in plain sight. So we talked about in part one, closing the gap, the number one thing is prayer. Prayer coming through fellowship with God. Where we are not only speaking to God, but God is speaking back to us. Closing the circle in this gap. The conversation that we're having with God on a daily basis. The word of God says pray without ceasing. Is there a moment in your life that you don't pray? Never. Should you ever stop praying? Never. How should you pray? Just pray. Talk to God about God, about you, about your relationship with Him. Jesus said in Matthew 6 and 33 to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. And everything else will be added to that. That's math. If we want addition, then we must seek it. We have to seek that. And when we seek the relationship with Him, the first three letters of the word seek is see. You'll have vision. You'll be able to get clarity when you are seeking fellowship, seeking God with all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your soul. That means every day you're opening your Bible and you are talking to God. There's no beautiful portrait. Michelangelo could not do it. Leonardo da Vinci or any of the great artists before our day and during our day can never paint the picture as beautiful as this. An open Bible and a praying heart. There's no more beautiful picture than that. And it's awesome when it's you in the picture. That with your open Bible, with your Bible and a praying heart, that is your communion. That's your beginning stage of communion with God, of having a prayer life with God. And I wanted to get to part two in praise, but prayer is so intricate. It is so important. It is so valuable. When we can get everyone out here praying, talking, having relationship with God, listen, the police will be better off. The 911 crew, all of them, police, firemen, emergency crews, everyone will be better off. Your communities will be better off. Your neighborhood will be better off if we can encourage everyone to begin to commune with God. Now, I don't mean just God because people say, God, God, God, my God, their God, we don't know who's God. I mean the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of Deborah, the God of Sarah, the God of Ruth, the God of Jesus. When we begin to commune with Him, the world will change. Our inner world will change. We become in alignment with all that God has created us to be, to do, and to have. Because we are in fellowship with the one who is resident on the inside of us. Prayer, the power to close gaps between the prophecy and the promise. How many of you have had dreams, visions, ideas, creative ideas that you wanted to come into fruition and you're longing to see the manifestation? The reason you have that within you, that's God. The reason you have that within you, it is God leading, guiding, and directing you and telling you this is the purpose for your birth. This is the reason that you're here. You want to close the gap between the prophecy and the promise? You must know why you're here. You must know the purpose of your birth. Why were you born? And when you know why you were born, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, there's a gap that will start closing. Your life will be forever changed. You don't need drama and trauma to be changed. It does cause many changes, but not always. Some people get worse and you wonder, oh, what else do they have to go through? So it's not that. It is this relationship that we build with God through prayer. Listen, my time is up on this show today, but I'll be back next week with more on closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise. And there's a time to dream. Then there's a time for the manifestation. I'm Dr. Fayette, your pastor coach. Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Don't forget, you can also give to us at Cash App using hashtag DRFAYETV or PayPal at paypal.drfayette.com. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Fay would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfayette.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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