Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker shares a personal story about being paralyzed by fear as a child. They emphasize how fear can keep us stuck and prevent us from living fully. They discuss the importance of faith in overcoming fear and trusting in God's guidance. The speaker encourages listeners to have courage and take action, even in the face of fear. They also mention a Kingdom Women Professionals and Leaders group that listeners can join. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners that the calling is a gift, but the choice to overcome fear is theirs. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the five-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Have you ever felt fear in such a way that it's just about paralyzed you, you were stuck, you couldn't move? I remember as a small child I woke up and I saw this figure in my mind. I saw this figure and it looked like a big tall man that just was standing there. So I was so terrified. I was, I broke out in sweat. You know what I'm talking about. I thought I couldn't move and so I touched my sister who we shared beds because there were so many of us. So I touched my sister, I said, do you see that man over there? So she just covered her head like I don't want to look and I somehow got enough courage to get up and run into my parents bedroom and I told my dad, I said, there's a man in our room, there's a man in our room. So I'm passing the shadow to go get my dad out of bed. So he comes in and turned the light on and all there was was a coat hanging by the door. I was so terrified because for me, in my mind, it was a man standing in the room. How many times have you thought something was dangerous or you were afraid of an outcome and it turned out to be not to be what you thought it was and all of those weeks you spent in fear. For some of you, it was years in fear, afraid that something bad was going to happen. You know, the Bible teaches us that the thing that we fear will come upon us and fear itself is truly a doorway to a lot of distress and disease. Anxiety, worry, and fear will keep you paralyzed. It will make you an emotional, psychological, and even a physical prisoner. You'll be afraid to go outside of your house. You'll be afraid of everything that goes bump in the night. I have a dear friend who's afraid of everything. Afraid of dogs, cats, everything. Just afraid and I pour into them as much as the body can pour into another but yet they're stuck in that place called fear. I am excited to continue to share with you in this series for this month, Overcoming Fear with Faith. How many of you would love to just be an overcomer? Overcoming Fear with Faith. In Psalms 27 and 1, it speaks of the Lord being our light and our salvation. It says, whom shall I fear? I think that's so profound. Since the Lord, I would like to say, since the Lord is my light and my salvation, what have I got to be afraid of? Wow, the Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? God is my fortress. He's got me. Whom of whom shall I be afraid? When you realize that there's really nothing to fear but the idea of fear, you'll begin to move through life with a different perspective. Faith in God's promises empowers us to overcome fear. You can look throughout history and we can find countless individuals, many people who have faced daunting challenges emerge victoriously through their unwavering faith because they believe the impossible. They thought the unthinkable. They did the thing that they didn't think that they could do because they moved anyway. You see, Hebrews tells us that now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is your now and it gives you the energy and the power to move. When you trust God's guidance and protection, you can face anything head-on. You'll find the courage within you to go before nations and to do the things that you didn't think you could do. You can find the courage within you to go to your employer and say, listen, I've been working for you X, Y, Z years. It's time for a raise. It's time for a promotion. Why did I get overlooked? Why am I not being treated fairly? You'll find the courage to do the thing that you need to do when you start trusting God. Final Scripture, Proverbs 3, 5, and 6 is trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not into your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Listen to the announcer to get in touch with me because I would love hearing from you. And for those of you who are Kingdom Women Professionals and Leaders, that you can join me for our next Kingdom Women Are Rising at And remember, the calling is a gift but the choice is yours. I'm Dr. Faye, your pastor coach, and we'll see you soon. Bye-bye. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at And remember, the calling is a gift but the choice is yours.