Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of finding contentment during waiting periods. She emphasizes the need for building a relationship with God and maintaining faith in the face of adversity. She mentions biblical examples such as Job, the Israelites, and Jesus, who all endured hardships but remained steadfast. The speaker encourages listeners to trust in God's promises and reminds them that all things work together for their good. She also promotes her website and upcoming event for women professionals and leaders. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the five-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Finding contentment in the waiting season. This is week three of our series of embracing God's timing. When you learn to find contentment in the waiting season, you'll stop looking through the lenses of doubt, fear, anxiety, and worry and start looking through the lenses of great expectations. In Psalms 27 and 14, it says, Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord. That means you're in the process of building relationship with the Lord. You're in the process of praising and worshiping and reading your Bible daily, meditating upon the presence of God living within you daily. You are being strengthened in the waiting season, not weakened in the waiting season. Let's look at a couple people that most of us know who were raised in church. And in the South, as when I grew up, almost everybody in my community was being raised in the church. And Job, it says, it describes a righteous man. He suffered immense losses and physical torment. You know the story. But despite his questioning and despair, Job ultimately maintains his faith in God, demonstrating perseverance that we talked about last week, this enduring quality. Enduring? Not endearing. It's not so much endearing sometimes, but enduring quality to actually be able to stand in the midst of adversity, to still worship God no matter what has happened in your home. Not only did your BFF go off the path, but your wife, your family, your husband. The Israelites, they face numerous challenges throughout history, including slavery, exile, and custom warfare from their enemies. Yet their faith in God and determination persevered, even from one generation to the next, sometimes even more in the next generation, as it was in the case of the wilderness experience, 11-day journey turned into 40 years. Perseverance, moving past what your perception is into what God's promises are. Look at what Jesus endured. He went through the cross, suffered, bled, and died for you and me so that we would have a right to eternal life. He did that for us. Yeah. Because the Bible says, who for the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross. He went through what he had to go through because he saw the other side of the circumstances. Can you see the other side of the circumstance? Can you see that there's something else being made, being perfected in you? Finding contentment in the waiting season is something that we all should practice. Because as we practice it, we'll find out that we'll have more strength on the other side of it than we had at the onset of it. The early Christian church, look what all of the things that they suffered, even in the book of Acts, the things that they endured, the apostles that endured such affliction, Stephen unto death, many of them being murdered because of their beliefs, but they never lingered in their faith. Where are you today in your true faith? I mean, do you really believe God, that what he promised he's able to perform? And not only is he able to perform, I love it that he's willing to perform. Do you think God gave us promises just to dangle them before us like a carrot before a horse? Just the promise of something but not deliver on his promises? That's not my God, because whatever he spoke out of his mouth, he sent it forth, it will not return void, but it will accomplish that which he pleases and prosper where it is being said. I pray right now that you will be so in love with Jesus that regardless of what's happening in your life today, that you will know that he is working for you a more perfected way. He is working through you and that all things are working together for your good because you are the called according to his purpose. He will perfect that which concerns you, and I want you to know he loves you. Don't forget to visit me at,, and check out our next event, All of the Women Professionals and Leaders. And I'm Dr. Faye, your pastor coach. Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. I'll see you there. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.