Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The hosts of a podcast called College Knockoffs, Bri and Hannah, thank their listeners for tuning in to their first episode. They discuss their weeks, with Hannah mentioning that she had a cold, and Bri feeling mentally and physically exhausted. In this episode, they plan to talk about random insecurities, such as talking too much, being self-conscious about their music at the gym, being late to trends, struggling with overhead bins on airplanes, feeling uncomfortable eating in front of others, feeling unheard when speaking, and being insecure about their stomachs. They also discuss Bible verses that remind them of their worth and belonging. Welcome back to College Knockoffs with Bri and Hannah. I'm Bri. This is Hannah. Hi, Hannah. Hi, Bri. Guys, thank you so much, those of you that listened to Episode 1. We looked at the analytics, and there was a lot more of you than I think we thought there were going to be, and it was just really great for us to see that, so thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you. So, this is Episode 2, which is exciting. We're excited. We hope you are, too. To start off, we're just going to talk about our weeks and how they went. So, Hannah, how was your week? My week was pretty good. It went by super fast. I'm trying to think what are the things I will just work. So, Bri was here last weekend, and that's when we filmed our first one, our podcast, and then after she left, nothing exciting has happened. But, oh, except for I have a little cold, or I don't know what it is. It's just allergies, so that's happened, which has not been fun, which I'm sure it's happened to a lot of people, so I can't complain too much. It went through my school a couple weeks ago, maybe a month ago now, but everybody was really sick. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. The week went by super fast. Nothing super interesting happened. I'm just exhausted mentally and physically. Yeah. And, yeah, I mean, it was good. It wasn't a bad week. It was just fast, and I was ready for the weekend, but I haven't even got to enjoy my weekend because I've been doing stuff for work. So, I'm just living. It's okay. This episode, we're going to talk about random insecurities nobody notices, even some insecurities maybe people do notice, so let's start on that. I think we're just going to go back and forth, so I can start, okay? Yeah. You start. My first one is social insecurity. I feel like I talk a lot, a lot, a lot. I know that I talk a lot, not that I feel like I talk a lot. I know I talk a lot, and I've been told by people I'm close with that I talk a lot, but it doesn't stop me from doing it. I just feel like maybe there's some times I need to stop talking and let other people talk. Yeah. I mean, I don't even really notice you talking that much, though, to be honest. Well, at least you don't. Somebody else I know does. Oh, well. It's okay. It's okay. We probably talk both a lot. We do? Is that what you said? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. We do. It's never silent when we're together or we're on the phone or something. We're both talking a lot. Yeah. True. Yeah. I get that. Mine is, it's kind of silly, but it's when I'm at the gym and I have headphones on and I'm scared that people can hear me or hear my music going, and that just freaks me out. It's like embarrassing, but there's some people who don't care at all, and their music is just blaring, and I wish I could be them. Not really. But it's a problem. I'm checking. I'm taking them off, trying to hear two feet away from my head to see if I can still hear it. It's really not that big a deal, but it freaks me out, and it's pretty silly. You just not want them to know what you're listening to? I mean, I'm not even listening to anything bad. It's just like my Jesus jams over a podcast. You just don't want people to know what you're listening to. Yeah. Or you don't want to interrupt or be a nuisance to people that are trying to enjoy the workout. Yeah, because when I hear other people's things, I'm just like, ooh, that's embarrassing for them, but they're not embarrassed. Yeah, they don't care. My next one is being late to trends, and it's not that I'm insecure about it, necessarily. It's just that I hate that I'm late to trends. I'm always a couple years late, and it's always because they become trendy, and then they get expensive, and I don't want to have to pay for it, so then I'm like, oh, I'll just wait until it's not as expensive anymore, and then by the time that happens, it's over, and I'm just rocking it all by myself, because everybody else is over it. Yeah. I mean, I feel like that's both of us. We're both like, oh, we don't want to pay for that. Yeah. We're frugal. Yeah. What's your second one? Oh, it's the overhead bins. Just imagine me going on a flight, and I got my suitcase, and then I'm getting on the plane, about to sit down, and you're like, oh, man, I got to put my bag in the overhead compartment, and this part where you have to lift the bag up over your head into that stupid, small, narrow compartment is so embarrassing to me. It's like, I don't know why, but it is. Like, literally, I told you the other day, I practice. Yeah. Like, I will, before I leave, I will make sure I can lift it up over my head, just because, like, it's just like, I don't want to hold up the line, and then put it, I don't know. It's just, it's a whole ordeal for me, and those people who are sitting there, and they don't look at you when you're struggling, because they don't want to help you, but then I'm, like, still holding up the line, because they put their bag in the wrong way, and I have to fix it, and put mine in there. Oh, gosh. I've never experienced that. The few times I went on an airplane, I never had a bag that had to go in the overhead bin. I just had, like, a small one that I kept, but it was always awkward when I was sitting there, and someone was trying to put their bag in the overhead bin, because then I'm sitting in the aisle, or I'm sitting in my spot, and they're, like, right in front of me, like, lifting, and they've got their whole body, like, almost touching me in my chair, and I'm, like, okay, this is uncomfortable, so I see that side of it, but I've never had to put anything in the overhead bin. Yeah, lucky you. Let's see, my next one is, okay, I'm going to do my other funny one before I get into my more serious ones. Eating in front of people, especially on first dates. Hannah's actually the one that reminded me about this one. I hate first dates where you just go eat. Like, let's go bowling. Let's go watch a game. Let's do anything, please, except eat, because it's always just so, I don't want people to watch me. I feel like it's awkward, too, and I didn't even really eat in front of Hannah when we first lived together, because I just, I don't like eating in front of people. It makes me uncomfortable. I feel like they're just watching me put food in my mouth, and then watching me chew. I don't know. I was watching you chew. That's nasty. That's just what I feel like. That's what I feel like happens, and so, yeah. No, no, I don't like that. Yeah, I get that one. My third one is, it's, what is it? Oh, it's talking and nobody hearing me. So, I work with a few older people at work, and, like, sometimes I talk, and they just can't hear me, and then I'm like, do I say it again, or are they just ignoring me? Yeah. So, that's a little bit of an insecurity. Yeah, I do that thing where, like, someone says something to me, and it takes my brain a minute to register, and so I'll say, huh, but then I understand it, like, as they're repeating themselves, and I'm like, I heard you the first time. I'm sorry you had to say it again. My brain was lagging for a second. I do that, too. Yeah. I think everybody does that, but to me, it's just, I don't know, it's kind of funny, because you've heard them, and it just took you a second to hear it. But, all right, let's see, my more serious ones. My stomach. I have a gluten intolerance, and I've just recently decided to fix it and take care of myself, and so I have, you know, it just doesn't always look good in outfits, or, you know, so I try to, like, hide it, because I don't like the look of it, but it's part of me, so I just gotta deal with it. You're good. Yeah, you got it. And I gotta take better care of myself. So, my mom actually said I might be allergic to foods, and I need to, like, like, I might be allergic to foods other than gluten, and I know I'm lactose intolerant, it's just not like an awful lactose intolerance. Yeah. She would tell me I might be allergic to more than that, and that might be causing some of it, too, so I need to go to the doctor. Ah, another doctor you need. Yeah, another doctor appointment I need to make. But, anyways. Yeah. Did your mom listen? Did she listen to last week? Yeah, she said she did. Oh, man. Cool. Yeah. Hi. Hi, Mom. Do you have any more? No, I'm all out. Okay. I was about to say, I think we talked about only doing three, but then I had four, so, or did I do three? I did four. I did four. But it's fine. It's fine. Okay. You can share your random insecurities that are funny or your mysterious ones. I think I'm going to do one of the question things on our Instagram story. So, after the episode drops, we'll do that, and we'll just kind of see, you know, what you guys say. What we wanted to do with this, because talking about insecurities, we wanted to talk about or find some Bible verses and talk about what God says about insecurities. And so, I have a couple here, and the first one is Song of Songs 4-7. All beautiful you are, my darling. There's no flaw in you. And I really like that one, because- Oh, that one's good. Yeah. He, I mean, he doesn't see any flaws in us. He thinks we're beautiful, no matter what we look like or how much we talk or how we look putting bags in the overhead bin. Yeah. He's like, Hannah, do better. He doesn't care. He loves us anyways. But the second one is Ephesians 2-19. Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong. And that one's a really good one, too. Yeah. Because, I mean, that ties into the first one. He loves us no matter what, and we belong to him. And that's the only opinion that should matter. Uh-huh. So. Yeah. I just love those. And I think that I might be putting those on a sticky note and putting them on, like, my bathroom mirror or something, because it's just that little reminder every day. Yeah. So. That's sweet. The next thing we wanted to do was share what we read this week from the Bible. So let's do that now. Okay. Okie dokie. Are we going to tell him this is our second time? We can, yeah. I screwed up the editing process, and so we are recording this the second time. So if we do not sound as enthusiastic, that is why. We're trying our best here. The editor screwed up, and so. Yeah, we're trying, but it's okay. We're trying, guys. All right. Wrong notebook. Okay. So I've been reading Ephesians, and it's something that I've read before a few times, actually, but Ephesians just brings a lot of emotions out of me, and I feel like it says a lot, and it's a lot of things that I need to remind myself of constantly, and so I like to read it every, at least once a year, every couple years. So that's what I've been doing. And so this week I've been reading Ephesians 3, and I have this little, like, checklist on how I kind of take notes as I read, and it's something that my friend taught me in college, and so the first step is, what does it say about God? And so what I got from Ephesians 3 is, God uses the church to display His wisdom, which is in verse 10, and verse 12 says, because of Christ and our faith in Him, He can now come boldly into, we can now come boldly into God's presence. So He uses us, the church, to kind of share His wisdom, and that's, I mean, that's kind of our job. We're supposed to spread the good news, and that actually goes into the second part of how I take notes. What does it say about man? And verse 7 says, because of God's grace and power, I have the privilege of serving Him by spreading the good news. And so that's our job as the church and as Christians, is to spread His word and tell other people about Him so that they can come to know Him, too. And that's something that I feel like we should not have to remind ourselves of as often, but it is something that we do have to remind ourselves of because we get so caught up in worldly things and worldly actions. And, you know, that's what I've been focused on this week, and I've been kind of praying over it, praying over ways I can spread the news in places I work or with people I meet, just anywhere, so. Yeah, that's good. Did Paul write Ephesians? Yeah, I want to say yes, but don't count me on. Well, you want to hear a fun fact I learned this week about Paul? What? That when he was writing all of his books, that he wrote in, like, Greek, obviously, but the way he wrote them in Greek, it rhymed. So people back in that day, not everybody could read, so they would listen to it all the time, like, be read to them. And when they started to read, like, listen to it and the rhyming, it helps them remember it. So he's a smart guy. Yeah. Yeah. I just checked. It is Paul. I wanted to say yes, but I didn't want to, like, tell people wrong, so. Yeah. All right. What did you read this week? So I read, and while I'm reading through Matthew, I read Matthew 26, and the whole chapter. But the one thing that, like, I heard or I read, and I was like, wait, this hits different this time, because, like, paying attention to Judas and, like, how he betrayed Jesus is, like, scary to me, just because he was so close to Jesus, but then he turned his back, and literally, it was just, it's scary. And Jesus also, like, he knew what was going to happen, but it just reminds us to, like, even though we're so, we can grow so close to God, we have to remind ourselves that, like, the enemy can snatch us, and we can't let that happen. Right. Yeah. Basically. But, yeah. So, because we tried to record this yesterday, and then I screwed up and we're doing it again, I actually saw this thing on Facebook this morning, and I was like, dang, okay, and it says the test of Christianity is not loving Jesus, it's loving Judas. Oh. Yeah. And I was just like, well, Hannah talked about that, so. Yeah. I love Jesus so much. I mean, yeah, but. No, I know what you mean. Yeah. Interesting. Interesting. I was just like, it's crazy that that popped up, you know. Just proof that our phones are listening to everything we say. Yeah. Mmm. I'm hungry. That's an episode for another time. I know. I'm getting into that one. All right, what we're going to do next, we thought this would be kind of fun, describing each other in three words. Each other? Yeah. Oh. So I'm going to describe you, and you're going to describe me. Okay. You describe me first. I will. All right. Adventurous is word number one. You're very adventurous. Oh. You always want to go do all the things, even if it's just like a small little thing, you want to do that. Yeah. You're honest. You tell me straight up, you do not care to hurt my feelings. You're just like, you know what, Bree? Yeah. So I really like that quality. I try not to hurt people's feelings. No, I mean, it's fun. Sometimes you have to. Sometimes you have to be honest and hurt people's feelings. And the third one is energetic. You're always just like so full of energy. Oh, that's nice. Even when you're tired, you're full of energy, though. It's crazy to me. I don't know. Oh, well, that's good. Nice. Thank you. I'll take all the compliments, really. Okay. My three words for you is, number one, you're kind. You're always kind to everybody. Even in the store, I noticed last weekend when, like, people talk to us, oh, when the person on the street talked to us about Jesus. Oh, yeah. You were so nice to them. I mean, I wasn't mean, I don't think, but I was, like, to the point where I was, like, okay, lady, I know Jesus. Don't draw this picture out for me. Like, move on. But you're just sitting there listening, and I'm like, oh, wow. Okay. I'll do this for free. I put that you're honest, too. I think you keep me straight. Yeah. Say, like, okay, I'm being maybe a little too mean. And then the last one is, you're silly, too. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a silly goose. You're a silly goose. Oh, that's good. Thank you. You're welcome. Those are your compliments for the year. Oh, thanks. Oh, gosh. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Oh, man. Well, this is fun. All right. Episode two. Woo-woo. Wow, it's crazy. If you made it to this, if you made it to the end of this episode, you're the MVP again. We appreciate you. Yeah, you are. Yeah, we hope. How long does it say we have left? Five minutes. Good. Yeah. We're good. We're good. Yeah. We're good. We're fine. But I think that we are done for episode two. Thanks for listening to College Knockoffs. Like, comment, write us some more. Only five. The first time. Yeah. The first time. Write us this time. And if you're going to rate us, only five stars, please. That's all we will accept. Yeah. If you have anything lower, tell somebody. Yeah. Oh, gosh. All right. Send our podcast to a friend. Send it to your mom. That's something. Yeah. Send it to your mom. Tune in next week for episode three. We're going to talk about unpopular opinions. Try to change our minds on them. Yeah. And we're going to talk about how we take our coffee. So that will be interesting because we are coffee people. We are. We're addicted. Yeah. Addicts is the correct word, actually. Yeah. All right, guys. Thank you so much. We will see you next week. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.