Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the concept of "propmental," which is a word created by combining two existing words to form a new word with a blended meaning. They give examples such as "podcast," "motel," and "churro" to illustrate this. The speaker also mentions other propmentals like "spork," "mockumentary," and "Bromance." They explain that propmentals help convey meaning more efficiently by using one word instead of a longer phrase. The speaker concludes by mentioning other propmentals such as "Muppet," "Brexit," and "cosplay." Propmental is a word which has been made up of two existing words in order to create a new sound. The new word blends the sounds and meanings of the two words from which it is made up. The reason for using the propmental was to give a meaning to something which is combined from two different things. A good example of this is the word podcast. This is a propmental with two words, iPod and broadcast, which has a new meaning for broadcast, which can be listened to on an iPod. By creating this new word, the speaker does not have to use the sentence, broadcast listened to on iPod, and simply has to use the one word, podcast. Examples. Motel. A combination of the words hotel and mortuary, which means a gruel-type hotel used for bridge space. Churro. A combination of the words chuckle and snort to describe a laugh, which resembles both of these. Spork. A combination of the words spoon and fork to talk about an instrument which functions as both pieces of cutlery. Mockumentary. A combination of the words mock and documentary to talk about satirical or paradoxical films. Cockapoo. A combination of the words coccospaniel and poodoo, which refers to a crossbeetle species. Labradoodoo. A combination of the words labrador and poodoo, which refers to a crossbeetle species. Britpop. A combination of British and popular music, which refers to pop music from the UK. Bromance. A combination of the words brother and romance, which describes a very close relationship between two males. Muppet. A combination of the words marionette and puppet, which describes the collections of puppets made by Jim Henson. Brexit. A combination of the words Britain and exit, which talks about the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union. Britlicious. A combination of the words beauty and delicious, which is a saying for the shapely and attractive backsides of a woman. Cosplay. A combination of the words costume and roleplay, which describes dressing up and acting how be it, known by Disney. Thank you.