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Brynn Riley



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Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is characterized by the presence of multiple distinct personalities, with some individuals having up to five different personalities. Those with DID experience memory issues and amnesia, and their minds compartmentalize different experiences as separate individuals. They may also suffer from intrusive thoughts, such as recurring memories or sudden shifts in thinking. These symptoms can trigger social anxiety and worsen traumatic stressors. Signs and Symptoms in Teens Separate and distinct personalities is the presence of two or more distinctly different personality states. In many cases, people develop multiple different personalities, upwards of five. Memory issues and amnesia, in addition to changing personalities, accompanying memory problems are an aspect of dissociative identity disorder. Those affected by DID are not acting out as other people. Their minds compartmentalize moments in time, experiencing them as different individuals and not always letting these experiences interact with each other. Intrusive or unwanted dissociative identity disorder can suffer from unwanted thoughts, usually in the form of reoccurring memories or flashbacks, sudden traumatic remembrances, or unwanted shifts in thinking, such as an outburst of anger or sadness. Social anxiety. These anxious thoughts can trigger and worsen traumatic stressors and make the mind more sensitive to such stressors.

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