Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of both the family and legislative aspects of the church. He emphasizes that while it is important to be a part of a loving and supportive family, it is equally necessary to take on the role of the ecclesia, or the governing body of the church. He explains that the legislative department establishes laws and that the church needs to take its position as the voice of the government on earth. By functioning in both aspects, the church can have a greater impact on society and fulfill its purpose. The speaker encourages individuals to embrace their calling as both members of a family and as legislators, and to understand that Jesus embodies both roles as well. He concludes by stating that it is not enough to only focus on one aspect, as the church needs both love and power to bring about transformation. Let's continue with the second part of our podcast. That's a great commission. Mark 16, Matthew 28, go and make disciples of all nations. You thought it was just making disciples for you. You thought that maybe you were doing something small. But what you don't know is that in the mind of God, He empowers you. Go and disciple nations. Go and impact families. Go and change culture. Go and change the way of thinking of a generation of a people. That's what you're called for. The problem is that the majority of the church is left only as a family. I will build. Oikodomeo. The building of a family home. Living stones. As a family. Spiritual house. But there's also another aspect. That we have to take our place. We're supposed to legislate. We don't even know these terms. The legislative department is the department that establishes laws. It's the department that declares and decrees what's going to happen in a city or in a nation. In the legislative department, laws are argued. You know what the problem is? You know why they slip so many laws against the fundamentals of Christ? Because the church has not taken its position as the governmental part from heaven to legislate the laws from heaven. To be the voice of the government here on earth. But we began with Acts 3. We began with verse 21. There's a restoration of all things. And the Lord is going to restore the church back into its proper place. Listen. It's beautiful to have a family. It's important to have a family. It's important to come and be family. And I can tell you something. If you are not a family, but you're only governing on this side over here, you're going to be in trouble. And if you're only a family, but you're not governing, you're going to be in trouble. Because the gates of hell are knocking at your door in your city. But when both of them are working together, the family is working together and takes its place as sons and daughters. And now we're legislating. Now we're declaring the word of the Lord for our city. Now we're declaring the will of the Lord for our family. We're declaring the will of the Lord for our community. The gates of hell cannot prevail against that. So the Lord is restoring us to this truth. We are family, but we're also ecclesia. Stay with me. I'm family, but I'm also ecclesia. When these two are healthy, when these two aspects of the church, which is not separate from you, you're called to be in a family and you're called to legislate. That's why Scripture says that you are His ambassadors. Ambassadors are those that represent the kingdom of God through a government. When these two are working together and they're healthy, the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Can I have the worship team real quick? I want to show you an example. I want to show you an example. Because the Lord has, in this house, He's been restoring the aspect of family. Praise God for that. But He's also going to restore and give greater clarity on the aspect of legislation. Can you guys come here real quick? No, the beautiful couple here. Come, Esai. Come, Alicia. Can you stand here? Just stand right here. They will say, are family. Can you come here, Johnny? He represents Ecclesia. When you come and you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it's important to get connected here, to grow here. Here, the people that play a greater function are pastors, evangelists, teachers. Because as a family, if I'm in a family, they can care for me. They can care for me. They can wash me. As a pastor, they can cleanse me. They help me. They anoint my wounds. They help me to grow. Evangelists go and win souls. They bring them into the family so that the family can embrace those that are coming, can love on those that are coming, can strengthen those that are coming. This aspect of the family, it's still the church. But this family needs teachers to help them, to speak into their lives, to correct them, to instruct them. And once they're here in the family, here's where you drink your milk. Here's where you're a child. You come in as a child. You do dumb things. Well, not you guys, but people in Oklahoma. You messed up. But the family, this aspect that Christ spoke of the family, they embrace you. They're there for you. They stand with you. They train you not to stay only in the family. As long as we're here, I'm in my benefits and in my rights as a son. But until I don't go there, I haven't started to fulfill my responsibilities. So people want to stay in a church where there's... They pat you in your back. It's okay. I understand. It's all right. You fell asleep. I understand. We're family. You're a little rebellious now. It's okay. We're good. I'll love you through it. I'll help you through it. You're going through a hard moment. It's all right. Family. But you can't stay here because you weren't called to stay here. You're called to be a part of this. But you're called also to be Eclesia. This part here is Eclesia. Here's where you're maturing. Here's where you're stepping into your purpose. Here's where you're moving forward. Here's where you embrace your calling. Here's where you leave the childish thing and now you start maturing. Here's where you take responsibility. Here's where you grow. People want to stay here with a little pacifier. But the Lord wants to get us out. Christ is in both. And we're supposed to be in both. Can you get a little bit closer so I don't have to walk so much? Right there is fine. Listen. As an aspect of the family, Jesus is the good shepherd. As an aspect of the family, he's the bridegroom coming to get his family, coming to get his bride. As an aspect of the family, he's the beloved son. But Jesus, as an aspect of Eclesia, legislative, governmental, he is Lord. Please say amen. He's the master. El es el amo. He is the Lord. He is king. He's both. Last I saw, he called you his kings and his priests. Which means, you should be over here and you should also be over here. Here, we learn to be priests. Here, we draw near to the heart of God. Here, we have intimacy. Here, we birth what God gave us in intimacy. Here, we are exercising authority. Here, we're growing in the Lord. Gaining territories. This is you. Here, Jesus is the lamb of God. Here, he's the lion of Judah. Can we change the sound a little bit? Here, he's the light of the world. Here, the light of the world, why pastor? Because everyone's coming to him. But here, he's consuming fire. Here, he's the great high priest. Here, he's the commanding-in-chief. The commanding-in-chief, if you're part of an army, it's 5 a.m., you're supposed to be somewhere. That sergeant is not going to go wake you up like this. Can you please get up? Can you please get up? It's time for you to go. It's time for you to take your place. There's no way it's going to be like that. The commanding-in-chief, he's not going to pat you in the back. He's going to kick you in your backside. Get in your place. Take your position. Start to exercise what I'm teaching you. Jesus is both. He is in both. He called us to both. Let me give you wisdom. If as a church, you stay only in this place of family, you'll never transform communities. You'll never impact your city. You'll never impact your family. Because in this place, as a family, we get comfortable real quick. In this place as a family, we take things lightly. We let go of commitment. But there has to be a transition. But listen, if you're always doing this, and you don't have family, you will implode. De adentro hacia afuera. There are churches that only do this. Warfare, warfare, warfare, warfare. And because they don't know how to do family, they cannot sustain. They cannot sustain. What the Lord gave them. Because you have to know how to do this, to do that well. And you also have to do this, and not only that. You're the church. We're the church. The Lord is calling us to transition. Not just family. Glory to God for family. I thank the Lord because these last two years we ran to family. But the Lord told me, hey, you're my ecclesia too. So we're not going to baby you all the time. We'll care for you. We'll take care of you. We'll love you. That's part of the family. But in a family, a true father, a true mother, teaches their kids. So as they grow, they can be ready for grown up world. You guys look terrified. If I only stay here, and I never do that, I'll end up frustrated. Because here I cultivate love. And love is cultivated in me. But here, I exercise power. Power without love is corrupt. And can destroy you. Here, I'm careful. And I'm also caring others. Here I'm learning to serve. Here, I'm learning to take territories. I'm gaining ground. The Lord wants us to do both, because that's His will. Here, because of lack of that, you have wounded soldiers. There, if you would have both working, and I would be wounded as a soldier, I can run back to my family. And they can help me. And they can help me. And they can restore me. And they can strengthen me. And they can protect me. We only stay as a family. We will see others write legislative laws for our cities. Here, here, I don't know, families are different, right? But I always come across families that they complain about everything. No, that president. Last term it was Trump. This term is Biden. No, Trump this. No, Biden that. Yeah, they're passing laws in the natural. Because here, in family, we're just complaining about the laws. But if the family were to be mobilized in prayer, to take its position as an ecclesia, we would pray. We would pray. We would ask for heaven to come. We would legislate from the heavens. And it would be manifested here on earth. So it's not just being here. This part is important. Everyone wants to be loved. If you want to go to the war. And I, sorry, you may not know this, but you were also called for war. Don't be that type of soldier that sends everyone else to war for you. We need both. Jesus' original intention was to manifest both. Write this down. Can we change this now? Please. I appreciate it. Thank you. Here, we're family. Say it with me, we're family. It's pretty funny because that's part of our logo. That's part of our motive. Or part of what we express. We're not just church. We're family. It's part of what we say as a community. Here, we're family. Here, you're congress. Here, you're flock. Sheep. Here, you're the army. Here, you're the body. Here, you're the voice. Here, there's a company of brothers and sisters. Here, there's a company of governing elders and governing body. Because you're the citizen of the kingdom. Here, you're a son of God. Here, you're a son of God. Very good. Scripture says that the earth awaits with eager the manifestation of God. Here, you're an heir of God. An heir of God. But here, you are partnering with God. Here, I have benefits. Rights. Here, I have responsibilities. Lift your hands up. Say, Lord Jesus, help me. Here, you're the sheep. There, you're the soldiers. Here, you're a priest. Here, you learn to be a priest. Here, you learn to be kings. Here, you receive oil. You pour out oil. Here, you are the salt of the world. Here, you are the light of the world. Here, you have a staff. Here, you have a scepter. The kings have a scepter. I don't know how to say it. All right, let's say it again. You got it? Here, you have a staff. Here, you have a scepter. The kings have scepters. They point, and everyone knows that's authority. Here's where you exercise the authority of God. Here's where you do what we were doing earlier. You knocked on the wrong door. You're not coming into this house. Sorry, but you gotta go somewhere else. Get out in the name of Jesus. Here, others fight the war for you. But here, you go and fight the war for yourself. Here, you need a prophetic word all the time. Here, the Lord speaks to you so this way you can declare and defend the word of God. Here, the Lord anoints you and strengthens you. But here's where you bring forth the authority of God, and you will manifest His power. Here's where you come crying to the Lord. You You