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Session 0-1

Session 0-1




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In a small town called Baelmar, on the continent of Gray, two characters, Seraphina and Mordred, are introduced. Seraphina is a tiefling with medium brown horns and bright purple eyes. She lives with her father and younger sister, Hope. Mordred is a small kid with curly blonde hair who lives on a ranch with his mother. Both characters are on their way to school, but Seraphina's father leaves her alone while he goes to the local bar, and Mordred struggles to handle horses on his way. Idaho, another character, is seen sharpening a foam sword in his room, but he doesn't realize it's making the sword worse. Oh, well, sorry. I didn't realize it was muted. I'm so ready, y'all. All right. Let's do this in three, two, one, go! Wow. I heard multiple bobsleds. Yeah, they didn't sound the same. I clapped twice. There was also a go? So... Well, we were doing it on go. I was ready to do it on mute, and then I remembered that we were split. On go. But I'm not going to say go. It's just going to be on the point we're going. Three, two, one, and then on the beat that we go go. Almost did it. Okay, ready? Three, two, one. That hurt. All right, cool. That one was better. All right, okay. With that, I'm going to begin by explaining the world overview. Are we ready, y'all? Later. Later again. Ahem. We take us to the ancient world of Amber. Over millennia, empires have risen and fell. Scars have been left on this world as deep as the great ocean crevice and as high as the Black Ash Tower. However, the world has always healed itself. But these days, the world seems a little less large. The two poles of the planet have become uninhabitable, the north being entrenched in endless frozen night, and the south a blistering-near-impossible scorched wasteland. This created the Belt, a habitable zone in which the sun isn't present all day and all night, all year. However, occasional cold winds from the north or boiling winds from the south can strike and make the world incredibly harsh to live in. On this continent of Gray, a further northern continent next to the aptly named Hurricane Ocean, and on the other side, the Spike Steer Mountain Range, and the madness to the south. This continent is ruled by the Gray family. The people within are almost entirely free to do as they please and even are allowed to vote every five years to elect local government representatives that don't do much but represent people. The Gray family is famous for their implementation of the great ice mines of the north and the storage and handling through transport. Other great points of interest within their domain include the city on the verge of madness, Meshu, and the smaller and more beautiful mountain range, the Gateway. At said Gateway exists a small town called Baelmar, the City of Eternal Evening. Population? About a hundred. This city used to be gorgeous, but at this point it's been about fifty years since any tourists have come by. A lot of the town now persists on farming and ranching and logging, and just all the general things that small towns do. Not many teens have graced this town, but lately there's been a bit of an influx of children. A couple have lived here their entire lives, and a couple new ones have shown up. And so a new teacher that has been professionally trained has been brought in from the town of Stonesplit to teach everyone. And with this, we're going to go to character introductions. Should we roll for who introduces their characters first? Sure, sure. All right, let's take the highest one. I'm really interested in this town of almost madness. Meshu, yeah. All right. First row over five. We're not going to worry about that. Helen. We're going to start with your character. Am I in character? I will set you up, and then you are free to do as you wish. So we take us to a scene just outside of the school grounds. It's in a small town. Helen, would you please describe what your character looks like? Yeah, so Seraphina has these relatively large medium brown horns, and she's got dark red hair, not like a natural red. She is a tiefling, and it's more like a maroony red, and these, like, bright, huge purple eyes that are probably a little too large for her face. She's probably wearing some clothes to kind of, like, run down, too big for her, kind of dirty, but not, like, stinky. She's very hygienic. She's just not the most, not from the most wealthy family. And so she's probably just, like, sitting there, probably reading. And walking over to her is this large, burly human, balding on the top, big beard belly. And next to him is this small, little, like, one, two-year-old tiefling with these big, beautiful, magnificent horns, just shining very bright. And the man goes, Daughter? Yeah? Uh, you ready for school? I am. Um, I've been ready for, like, an hour, actually. Uh, okay. Uh, sure. Uh, anyways, uh, your sister wanted to say goodbye, so, uh, here you go. Uh, and then waddling over to you is your little sister. Um, she looks up and she goes, Hi! Hi, Hope. I'm so sorry I'm going to be leaving you for the day. Okay. Now, we've talked about this. I'm going to be gone for about six hours, but you're going to be fine, and I'll be right back as soon as school's done, okay? I'll be fine. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. She'll be fine. Uh, anyways, I'm going to go drink. Uh, have fun. Uh, and he's going to just start walking north to the local bar. Bye, Hope. I love you. Hope looks at you and goes, Okay, bye. Uh, and she just starts wandering off into the streets. At least take your kid to the bar when you're going dating again, you know? Sweet, and with that, uh, you hear the school bell ring, signaling it's time for you to head on in. And with that, we'll jump on over to Carlos. Um, so I believe for Carlos, we see a small ranch, um, uh, and at the door of the ranch is, uh, a human? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, we see this human woman. Uh, she's got, like, a little lunch kit and, like, a little backpack, Uh, and she's, like, currently, uh, just, uh, doting over you right now. Can you please describe what you look like? So I'm, uh, a small kid with big, curly, blonde hair that almost, like, covers my eyes completely. Um, and just like a, like a shirt. And I'm just, I got, like, my small backpack, but it's, like, surprisingly heavy, so when I put it on it kind of leaned back a second. I'm not very physically strong. Heck yeah. She, uh, she goes to, like, catch you and, like, help you back up. She goes, alright, okay, okay, you're gonna, you're gonna do great, Mordred. Uh, okay, uh, Mordred Wilhelm, uh, you're, you're, you're great. Everyone will love you. You're gonna do awesome like you always do. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? Yeah, I mean, you know, it's gonna, I haven't really gone into town very much by myself, but, you know, I'll be okay. I think I know the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll be good. You'll be good. I can't leave the, the farm for obvious reasons, but you will do great. Uh, alright, here's your lunch I prepared you. Uh, here's your whistle to blow in case the other kids are being mean. That will attract an adult, hopefully. Um, here's your whistle to blow in case kids are being nice. That will make them used to the sound of that whistle. Um, and here's another whistle. I have a lot of whistles. Okay, I hold all three whistles in my hand. They're, they're just a little too big. Yeah, they're just a little too big, so when I was about to pause, I was like, I'll be okay. Talking to people can't be much different than talking to horses. No, it's, it's the exact same. And I look at the horses and I get myself up and walk away. Can you give me an animal handling check? Yeah, sure. I have minus one. Oh, boy. I am now horrified. You see, the horse looks at you and kind of like brings the hoof up and then like across their neck. Um, as if to indicate the horse will cut you. Uh, this horse is very mad. That was a two for our folks at home. I hold all three whistles really close to me now. Sweet. Uh, and as you're walking, you do, uh, you walk for, how long do you walk for? Like a kilometer. It's a long walk for a kid. It takes a while for someone with legs as short as yours. Uh, and you do hear the school bell and, uh, you realize you're still a little ways away. And so you have to start just absolutely running into town. Sick. Um, now, uh, Sam, Wyatt, you both rolled the same to see who would say it first. So which one of you wants to go first? Uh, we could maybe have had a sleepover. Did that be a negative happen? Yeah, that's, that's happened now. Um, you, Sam, are you okay with that? Or is that nonsense? Is that nonsense? It just, it means that I can't, um, that I can't, like, be friends now. Right. No, but I feel like people have sleepovers with people they don't like. That's true. Our parents are friends. Maybe. Or, or like, or, sorry, no, not parents are friends. Ah, shit. Yeah, I don't have them. Yeah, no, that doesn't work. Yeah, I don't have them. Um, actually, I think maybe that does work. So, okay. Maybe it's a little bit easier than forcing this, this random bit to work. All right, well, this deletes the problem of which one of you wants to go first. Okay, I'm happy, I'm happy to go first. Uh, so we're looking at Idaho here, who I think has the most bowl cut that anyone has ever had at this stage. Uh, and I think he's a human. He's a little guy. And I think the shape of his face is so warped by the number of, like, ice packs being taped onto it at this point in time. Uh, that's a little bit hard to make him out. Sick. Yeah, and we see, we see Idaho. What would Idaho be doing right before school? Was Idaho, like, up for hours or like? Um, I think probably up for an hour reapplying his ice packs. And I feel like Idaho has not been allowed to ever touch any kind of weaponry ever. Uh, being a kid and also being this particular kid. But I feel like he definitely has, like, a toy wooden sword. That, uh, he's, like, sharpening and treating with the real respect of, like, a real sword. He's sharpening a wooden sword? Or no, like a foam sword. And he doesn't understand that sharpening it makes it worse. You know what I mean? He's just doing it for the sake of doing it. Yeah, gotcha. He's owning his craft. Uh, sweet. So, uh, we see, are you, like, sharpening it? Is that what you're doing right now? Yeah, I think in his room, sharpening it with, like, a rock or something. And just scraping off the foam. Hell yeah, foam's just, like, going onto the floor. Like, in little bits. Like, it's not cleanly cutting, like, foam does. It's not recognizably a sword anymore. Yeah, sick. Uh, and we hear a voice from downstairs go, Oh, Idaho, it's time for you to come on down. Mom, I'm not done with my sword yet. I need a little more time. Oh, oh, he's playing with your sword in your room. That's all good. Okay, well, school's soon, so just don't be late. Fine. Uh, and I, you know, I pack up my bag, I put it on, I strap my sword into my hilt, which is my, um, belt. And, uh... Your belt's a little wide. It's a little wide, it doesn't fit me. Uh, and I, you know, go down the stairs and I, uh, I go over to my mom, and I think my face looks a lot worse than it did yesterday. Oh, your face looks so much better than it did yesterday. Thanks, Mom. Um... Of course. I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to school now. Um... Oh, wait, you just have the best day walking to school on your very own? Ah! I'm so proud. Yeah, uh, you know, it's like a block away. I, uh, I think I'm ready to make this journey by myself. Oh, hold on! Oh, your father would be so proud, but he's downstairs and doesn't know you're leaving. I, I think I could go tell him, or, or should I... No, no, don't, don't, don't bother him. Don't bother him. Oh, okay, I'll just... He's got enough on his plate. Yeah, I, I don't wanna... Okay, well, I, I, I love you, Mom. I'll, um, I'll see you later tonight. Love you too. Give Mom a kiss. Um, I think that as Idaho's face approaches his mom for any kind of physical contact, just the sheer, like, the bruising and so on, he's, like, bracing himself for pain a little bit. He, he, he reaches his head up to, like, accept it, I guess. She kisses him on the forehead. Uh, you, you do have to wince a little bit as the pain just hurts a little more than it should. Um, turns out ice packs can only do so much. Aw, the love groans. I love those. Alright, now you have a good day at school. Okay, thanks. Ow, ow, ow, ow. And I, uh, I leave the house, uh, for my, my block walk. Heck yeah. Yeah, you hear, you hear the school bell ring as, like, the moment you leave your house. Uh, and it's, it's so close. It's painfully close. It's painfully close. I feel like I make this block walk way longer than it has to be, though. Okay, I love it. Um, I believe that brings us to our final character intro. Sam. Sam, what's, what's, uh, what's Doran doing right now? Um, Doran Raychild, just leaving his adoptive mother's home, his elderly adoptive mother's home. He's dressed quite well in some nice linen, matching pants, and matching jacket. Um, the nicest cloth that the, the village has to offer, really. Oh, yeah. And, um, he's just leaving on his way to school. Okay, nice. Okay, nice. Yeah, so, yeah, so Doran's just started the walk, the, uh, like 30-second walk it takes to get from the front door to the end of the gates. Um, if, if somebody had, like, an aerial view of this town, Doran's house would probably take up, like, 5% of it. Uh, and then the rest of the town would be small little shacks, pretty much, by comparison. Um, uh, and as Doran's heading out, uh, Doran the gardener, uh, catches, uh, catches you leaving and goes, Uh, Doran, what are you up to? Just heading off to school. Alright, hey, you remember what I always say when you start getting up to stuff, huh? I know, I know. Don't get caught. Don't get caught, that's my kid. Well, not my kid, but not her kid either. I'm not gonna worry about it. Yeah, don't get caught out there, eh? And if they do get caught, say nothing. Of course. I'm not dumb. No, you're not dumb. Well, I'm gonna keep gardening now, then I'll just turn back to trimming hedges. Bye. Bye. As I'm leaving the yard, I use a little piece of cloth to pick up a dog turd that I saw. And I'm gonna put it in someone's mailbox. Okay, uh, can you give me just a sleight of hand for picking up a dog turd? Sleight of hand for picking up a dog turd? Okay. Yeah. So I'm gonna roll a d20. Just roll a d20 and subtract one. Okay. Whoa. There you go. Seventeen. A seventeen. Yeah, so you expertly, like, you've done this hundreds of times before. Pick up a little dog turd and just wrap it, like, neatly in this cloth. And then, like, is there a specific, like, authority figures mailbox that you'd put it in, or? Uh, yeah, the teacher. The teacher? Yeah. His house is on my way to school. I do this every morning. You do this every morning? Okay, yeah, it's in the mailbox, the mailbox. You put it in. Do you smear? What do you do? I just leave it in there, wrapped up nice for him. Oh, that's sick. So kind. You wrap that up real nice, and you head off to school as you hear the bell ring, and you're able to leisurely just make your way to school. Wonderful. We take us to inside the school now. Some of you have run. Some of you have walked. And you're all varying levels of early to late, as the small classroom that has seats for six students is filled up right now with four students. And the teacher is at the front of the class. The teacher, being a woman that none of you recognize, this was definitely not the teacher that those of you who were here last year had. And next to the teacher is another kid that none of you recognize, except, of course, for Serafina, because this is Serafina. All right, class, settle down, settle down. I'm sure you have lots of questions for the new year. It's good to see you all. We'll start with roll call. Margaret. Oh, here. Okay, okay. Speak up so I can hear you. Doran. Doran, gray child? Here. Okay. Oh, a little slow, but that's fine. Idaho. Guys, Idaho is here. Okay, good. I've been warned about you. I've actually been warned about most of you. And Colin. And a little squeaky little kid in the back goes, I'm here. This kid's like probably most of you are like four feet tall. This kid's probably like two feet tall, like a little gnome boy. But, like, he's got, like, mouse ears and, like, whiskers on his nose. And you guys know this to be Colin, the kind of runt of the school. He's, like, three years younger than most of you. But he always is here. And with that, the teacher goes, all right, and we have a new special student today. Special student, would you like to introduce yourself? Sure. Hi, everyone. My name is Serafina. I just moved into town with my family, with my dad and sister and I. Yeah, I'm really excited to be joining your class. And, yeah, I really like reading and writing, and I love painting. So if you want to talk to me about any of those things, just come say hi. Yeah. I'm going to make a big fart noise with my mouth. Give me a performance check. That would be a one. So not a natural one, correct? Not a nat one. Okay. You go to cup your hands to make this really loud fart noise, and just nothing comes out. And as you look at your hands, they're kind of wet. You don't know why your hands are wet, but they are. So, yeah, no fart noise. Is there a different way you'd like to cause havoc, or would someone else like to do something? I think I should have done it the other way across the room. I'm just embarrassed by my failure. Yeah, I guess I'd just look over at the wet hands. I kind of know that you were probably trying to cause some trouble, and I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, I am also looking at my wet hands. I'm confused. Marikita is also looking at your wet hands. Marikita is also looking at your wet hands. I'm also looking at my wet hands. I don't want to be the one. I'm going to go ahead and say it out loud. Why are my hands wet? You hear murmuring of agreement. What kind of school is this? Man, the high school mind is so fickle. It's so easy to lose your popularity. You have wet hands one time. It's over. All it takes. You know what? I'm going to say, if you want, you can give me an insight check to see if you remember why your hands are wet. Oh, hell yeah. Rolling a five. I guess a four. A four. Your hands are honestly a little more wet than they were last time you looked at them, and they're getting wetter by the moment. Hey, it's okay to be nervous. Everyone's first day. You don't have to get so clammy. I'm not nervous. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to... I get bright red. You get bright red. Colin leans over from the back row and goes, It's okay. He's probably nervous. Yeah. I'm going to get up and try and wipe my wet hands on Colin. Heck yeah, you do it. Colin gets knocked back a little bit and goes, Why did you do that? Now I'm wet. I don't want to be wet. Why are your hands so wet? You hear the teacher from the front of the class go, All right, kids. Cut it out. Do you cut it out? Yeah, I cut it out. I go and sit down. Another day at this fucking school. Now Colin sits back, like, rustles in and goes, Hands are wet. Wet hands. Under his breath. Sarahfina's just going to walk from the front and take a seat between Colin and Doran and just, like, hand Colin a handkerchief. Colin looks thankful. And then, Doran, you want to try to, like, give a note? Yeah, I'm going to pass a note to Colin. Sure. Are you trying to intercept this, Sarahfina? No, I just say, This better be an apology. And I pass it to Colin. Colin opens and reads the note. What does the note say? It's got a penis on it. Nice. Colin looks over you and gives a smile of respect. And that's how you get respect back in this fucking school. Colin puts it in his shirt pocket, and then it immediately just gets wet. I would like to point out that the note was damp when I handed it. Yeah, of course. Yeah, and actually, at this point, you do notice your hands are dryish now, now that you've wiped them off. Love it. Perfect. Yeah, the teacher begins to try to take control of the class back and goes, Well, wonderful. Now that we're all good, I should introduce myself. Nobody seems excited about that. Oh, yes, you're all children. I always forget about that. I am Miss Farburn. I come from the nearby town of Stonesplit. She wipes some sweat off her forehead. I'm here to teach you all. I have been informed that your past teacher was bullied to the point that they decided to leave town. I laugh. I like that. Yes, quite mean, actually. But I just want to welcome you all and to have you all get to know each other a little better and get to know me a little better. So everyone's going to say like a little fun fact about themselves and their name. How does that sound? That sounds good. Perfect. Let's start with you, the one who laughed at the old teacher being removed. Well, my name's Doran. And a fun fact about me is I hate teachers. Fun. All right. Next up, she's like really hurriedly trying to like gesture to anyone. My hand shoots up immediately after that one. I am at Idaho and I love teachers. You love teacher? Teachers. No, no, no. Why did you say it like? Okay, someone else, someone else. You, the new one. No, sorry. Yes, the new one. Sure. Fun fact, yeah, my favorite book is Of Mice and Mice. You see Colin smiles in the background and whispers. That's a good book. I like that book. Yeah, I heard that it's based actually on my family. Yeah, you're related to John Steinstein? Oh, no. That was wrong. I mean, hey, if it was based off of your family, I'm sure there's some sort of similarity. That's cool. All right, settle down in the back. You, points at you, Mordred. I think teachers are so, so. Not you, I'm sure you're great. No, but like as a whole. I'm wiping sweat off my brow. You also have to say your name. Oh, my name. Oh, but you took my name, but you just did attendance, so you should know it. Hi. Okay, thank you. Finally. How is there so much sweat? It is a damp day today. Yeah, the room feels very moist, I will add. All right, that's everybody. Sweet. So, this brings us to our first. Oh, me. I'm Ms. Fairburn. I like spicy soup. That's my little fun fact. I'm a big soup fan. None of you seem interested. I'm also very pro teachers. Books it, books it. Books it. You? I don't. I think it's like a blanket phase. Inquisition, because you just said you were so, so. So bright. All right, well, just a few notes about this year. Yes, the previous teacher, Mr. Squitter, left. This year, we got a new sponsor, who is half the reason I'm here. I'm not allowed to say too much, but they're from Beshu. Ooh, spooky. And I have also been instructed that you all must stay away from the shed, because of dangerous tools in there. Yes, dangerous tools. And anybody who wants to can give me an insight check. Yeah. Ooh, I'll do one. You're allowed to do one? Yeah, like as many people that want to. That's 17. 17 as well. Okay, two 17s. And one. Another 17. I love that she called it a whole country spooky. It's a city. It's a city next to the madness, which is a whole country. Madness? Yeah. It's a country. You know, it appears to me that none of you know that much about the countries and geography. Today, I'll be teaching you about history. And she begins to teach you all about history. In fact, the first thing that she says is the exact thing I said at the very start of this, when I was introducing the world. Now, this class is going to take a little bit. Are there any actions? Everybody kind of gets an action or so that they can do during class. Anything anybody really wants to do? You bet your ass that my action is pay attention. Okay. Let's start with pay attention, and I'm not going to have you roll anything, because I'm sure somebody is going to distract you. I'm paying attention. I don't want to pay attention. What do you want to do? Yeah, I want to turn to, I think Doran's beside me, and be like, Hey, do you know anything about the shed? Why do we have to stay away from it? With your 17 insight checks, I'm the person paying attention. You have never heard of this shed before. This shed must be new this year, because this is the same school. But when she said dangerous tools, you got a sense she wasn't lying. But dangerous tools makes you think of, like, farm equipment. It's probably not farm equipment. Probably something else. I don't know what's in there, but I got to get in there. I agree. Do you want to sneak around at lunch and see if we can find out what's going on? Sure. Do you think anybody else in the class might be interested? We might need some backup. I don't know. Just don't invite Mordred. He's such a nerd. Okay. What about that Idaho kid? Maybe. He's a bit of a goody-goody. But we can try. All right. Cool. Lunchtime. Okay. You both patch a plan. What about you, Mordred? I'm going to cast my cantrip of druidcraft to see if I can create puffs of wind to see if I can dry off this room. It is really uncomfortable, the situation we're in right now. You should try to, like, make it less moist. Could you give me just, I don't know, a roll? No, let's roll a 20. It is not working. Apparently these are illusionary harmless effects. The wetness is still here. It actually feels a little bit more moist in the room. It's so uncomfortable. I see Ms. Fairburn is now, like, actually sweating a fair amount. It's getting hot in here. All right. We're going to do an early break for recess. And just before the break, can I have a perception check from the person paying the most attention? Probably me. I'm going to say it is probably Idaho. Oh, boy. But do I ever not perceive whatever's going to happen? I got a four or a three. This is about what was happening in class. What were you actually doing? You were looking like you were paying attention, but what were you actually, like, what were you thinking about or focused on? Okay. So I think that my focus is actually on the conversations happening around. You know, the most important part of keeping order in this school is getting information. You know, the first part of being a tyrant is having your spymasters, right? So I'm listening to all these conversations. And I hear these talks of, you know, people not being goody two-shoes behind me here. And I'm mentally, like, constructing a plan to maybe follow them to the shed if they end up going there. I like that. Yeah, yeah. With your four, you do hear the word shed still. Yeah. That's pretty much the only lead or clue that you've gathered as she goes, all right, it's too hot in here. We're going to open up that window. And then you all get recess early. Just go for recess. And with that, you're all led outside into the big yard next to the school. There's various balls around. Oh, you also see she is out here with you guys. She is reading a book. She's not paying the most attention. Next to, like, a pile of leaves. How in eyesight is the shed? Can Miss Fairburn see it from where she is? She's looking at her book, but she's facing you guys. So she has her back to a tree, a pile of leaves next to her, she's got a book in her hand. You're all in front of her. Okay, I'm going to grab Serafina by the hand. I'm going to say, come on, we've got to sneak over there. Okay, okay. And then I'm going to try and sneak over to the shed. Okay. And, Serafina, I imagine you're going with? Yeah. Can I have both of you give me a stealth check? Yeah, roll an 18. After modifier. A 12, after. I'm going to say her passive perception isn't amazing, and she's already a little distracted with the book. I'm going to say both of you do manage to sneak over. But, because everyone else has their heads up, everyone else does see that Serafina is heading over. But you guys do manage to, like, sneak around behind her. Is there anything you guys would like to do? I'm going to stick with you. All right. I'm going to have both of you do an inspection check, or you do an inspection check, and then everyone else can act if they want to. 17. Oh, my God. I know. I got a rabbit's eye. Yeah, so there is a lock on this shed. It's an older lock, but it does seem, honestly, newer than the rest of the shed. The shed is a little falling apart. Like, there's some small holes and stuff that you can peek your eyes through to try to see what's inside. Yeah, I'm peeking. I'm trying. I'm trying to see what's inside. I'm fully investigating. Are there any, like, little small slits of windows at the top or anything? Not windows as much as just, like, it's just, like, a wooden shed with a lock on the two double doors. So, yeah, so there are holes in the ground and stuff where, like, mice have gone through. I'm going to try and peek through a hole, and I want to remind you that I have darkvision. Sure. You peek through the hole with your darkvision. Even without it, you can see the glowing of what seems to be. And I'm going to have you do one last roll for this. Can you just roll an arcana check? Sure. That is a 12. Okay. You're not exactly sure what it is, but it seems to be this glowing blue portal thing that's in the shed. And also there are a couple of rakes back here for, like, when the leaves fall. But there is the big portal. That's the main thing you notice. What do you see? What do you see? I don't know. Something glowing. It's some kind of magic. What? Serafina gets down to also look through. You know what? I'll say with both of you looking, Serafina, you also notice something. It's that there's tons of water on the floor around the portal. Hmm. Can I do art? Would I know anything, like, independently about this? Yeah, you give me an arcana check. See if you know anything about this, and we'll find out if you do. They're, like, peeking through the cracks of the door, you said? Yeah, the cracks on, like, the side of the shed. That's kind of what's in my head. A tent? No, this is a weird portal surrounded by water and some pretty nice quality rakes. As I notice that there's two of the kids just kind of looking at the shed, I'm going to ask Collin. I'll be like, hey, I think they're interested in farm equipment. I think maybe I can make some new friends here. I know tons of stuff about farm equipment, and I'm going to try to make, but you have to, they told me to go through the shed, so you have to keep an eye on her, and I point out to the teacher, and I want to make my way also over to the shed. And what do I get out of this? This, and I guess I want to try to create Druidcraft one more time to make a flower bloom and give him a flower. I think you just could successfully do that. He looks at the flower. He's going to roll it around in his hands and go, no one's ever given me a flower before. I'll take it. You have my undying loyalty. Okay, just keep her distracted. I'll be back. All right. And I'm going to go towards the shed as well. I feel like at this point I am seeing this nerdy kid going over to the, and I'm like, okay, now I do have to get involved. Now he's going to come defend me. So I am following, I kind of let out a, oh, fuck me. And I adjust my multiple ice packs from doing this several times already this week. And I make my way over as well with my hand on my foamsword hilt. Okay, sick. Can I have stealth checks from both of you? Does a nine get me there with Colin's help? I'm going to give it a moment. A seven? That's an 11 for me. A seven and an 11. I'm going to say, as you guys begin sneaking over, Mordred, you step on a big, crunchy leaf. And the teacher's, Ms. Fairburn's eyes begin to look up from the book when suddenly you hear Colin go, oh, goody. I love the weather. And she just looks over at Colin just kind of like waving up at the sky, just doing its best to distract her. And I'm going to let you guys both roll again if you want. Nice. I do want, actually. An 11 and a 12? That would be a natural one minus one zero. Okay, I'm giving you advantage on this roll, so you'll take the best of the two. Okay, so that's my weapons. Okay. I got a 12. Okay, those both beat her passive perception. You guys also sneak over to the shed while Colin is just doing this routine, and then she like shrugs and looks back at her book. And Colin goes to give you like a big wink, Mordred. I give him a big wink back. Yes! And Mordred gets to the shed first, right? About the same time, but yeah, like a couple seconds first. Okay, I turn to him and tell him to get out of here, loser. You're going to ruin this. Hey, fellas, I just thought, I didn't know you guys were into farm equipment. We got tons of tractors back at the farm. I just, and I'm going to keep walking towards the shed door. It's not farm equipment. Now go! I'm going to push him. She's going to be too loud. She's going to hear you guys arguing. I fall over instantly. I have no strength. Okay, I'm going to do what is a luck check. I'm going to just roll a, I guess it's a perception check for her to see if she hears you just fall right over. She doesn't. She's still reading the book. You guys got lucky this time. It's a good book. The moment, the moment he puts his hands on him, I have pulled out my foam sword and it's at your neck. How dare you lay a hand on the downtrodden beast. You should feel ashamed of yourself. And to be clear, this foam sword, it's like almost a dagger at this point, you know? It's so short, not because it's so sharp. It's so whittled down, yeah. I'm going to try and take his sword. So you both just start grabbing on this sword. Both of you just roll a d20. I feel like we're doing this fight as silently as possible. Oh yeah, yeah. Like quietly struggling. I got a 15. I got a four. You end up with my sword. And then you take the sword. I guess the sword dagger. What do you do? As they struggle for the sword, can I also just keep crawling over? Keep crawling over to them. I'm going to threaten him with the sword and say, get out of here. You're going to ruin this. This is, I think Idaho is struggling a lot here with, there's two aspects to this, right? Like, you know, obviously I want to stay here and fight. But I think that the issue is, if I admit that that sword is not real, it's going to do a lot of psychological damage to me. So I have to, like, respect this foam sword. Okay. So do you want to do, like, a roll for, we can have Sam do a roll, a intimidation check. I think my hands are up above my head. I like it. That's a 12. I feel like a 12 would be enough to, like. Okay. So I just want to take a second and sum up what just happened. So you guys, specifically, Serafina and Doran, were both looking at the shed where the other two start coming over. Collins just yells up into the sky about the weather. The teacher doesn't notice. You come over. You immediately, sorry, Doran, you immediately push Mordred and then just run up to him, Idaho, with the sword right to his neck. And then you both fight over the sword. Doran takes the sword and has it up to your neck. What has Serafina been doing? Yeah, I definitely would have gone over to Mordred and been like, are you okay? I'm so sorry about him. Oh, I'm okay. You know, it's just tall grass. But I think we should stop him. He's got a lethal weapon. No, I agree. I'm also convinced that it is at least able to do some harm. No, I agree totally. I help Mordred up. I don't know, you go for the big one. I go for the similar-sized one. Okay, that's a good plan. We're all the same size. I begin to run to tackle whoever's holding the weapon. I did roll a 12 on intimidation. Yeah, so I think that I am backing away a little bit, like with my hands up, terrified of this fake sword that I believe is, I have to believe is good. It's a real sword. You have to. All right, can I, okay, so, yeah, so you're feeling like you've won this kind of right now, Doran. Can I have just an athletics check for Batuu trying to tackle? And I'm going to say, if you roll sub five on this, she's going to hear you guys. 18. I think she does hear us. I have a plan. But it's okay. I got an 18 too. Oh, my God. So the both of you just quietly run up and tackle these two. Now all four of you are lying on the ground. The foam sword, can I have, Sam, can you do a save for me? Again, you don't want to get below a five or a five. That's an 18. You have the sword still in your hand with an 18. I'm going to whack whoever tackled me. It does no damage. Well, you got a hurt at least. Margin, you start getting whacked by, like, a little foam sword. I begin to back away because I think this is eventually going to start doing some real damage. And I back into, like, the shed door. Gustav, stop. As you back into the shed door, there's a loud aside as what's inside seems to sense your presence. And then you guys hear Ms. Fairburn yell, hey, what's going? And then as you all turn to look at her, you see there's a fire next to her in the pile of leaves. And she doesn't seem to notice it yet. She's kind of looking over at you guys. She's like, hey, what are you all doing? So the pile's behind her? Yeah, it's behind her. Can I cast Thaumaturgy to make a noise of, like, logs breaking? So she turns around to the fire. Right now? You don't have any spells. No, I thought that was a cantrip that came with me just being a tiefling. Oh, then yes. I can't argue that. I didn't check racial stuff. Yeah, okay, you have Thaumaturgy. Christian doesn't see race. I don't see racial benefits. Yeah. So I cast Thaumaturgy to make it sound like a whole bunch of logs are cracking and clattering to get her attention. Can you, yeah, just give me a roll for this would be performance. That'll be a zero because it was a natural one. Well, the key thing is that it's a natural one. So how does this, in the worst way possible, go wrong? And I have an idea if you don't. She deafens herself. I want to hear your idea. Well, deafens her is hilarious as you accidentally put it in the wrong spot and do it, like, right in her ears would be funny. The other funny thing is what if you did it behind her and it scared her and she fell backwards into the flaming pile of leaves? I feel like both are probably doing so much harm. Well, you got to choose one. Let's deafen her. Okay, she's deafened. She's still, like, yelling at you guys, coming out slightly slurred as she, like, can't hear herself make these sounds. And are you guys yelling fire? What are the rest of you doing? I pull out my whistle that's labeled danger, and I'm blowing on my whistle. She absolutely cannot hear it. Everyone else is now a little deafened. You guys do quickly realize as she's not reacting to the whistle that she must be deafened. I'm going to point at the fire. That's a good idea. Are you doing anything else, or are you just pointing kind of almost right behind her? Well, I'm also yelling. I'm a technical, so I'm just yelling. Okay. All right, I'm going to say with you yelling and pointing, give me a performance check or persuasion. That's a four. She just thinks you were pointing and yelling at her. So she starts really, like, walking over to you guys. Can I run over and try to grab her hand? Sure. You run over, and you go to grab her hand. You have her hand, and she's, like, looking at you. Okay, so she turns around. She sees the fire. And then she goes, Oh, my God, there's a fire! Why did none of you say anything? I keep blowing the whistle. She doesn't realize she's been deafened. I feel like she has to realize that. Doesn't the world just go silent? Don't worry about it. Sometimes a really good book is like that, though, you know? That's true. She's going to start screaming fire, fire, fire. The thing that you, Doran, have been screaming this entire time. And she's going to run into the building to try to get some help somehow. And she comes back out almost immediately with, like, a big bucket of water and just tosses it on the leaves. The fire's pretty much out, and she goes, Okay. Must have been a brush fire. I'm going to look around for Colin. You see, give me a perception or an insight check. You tell me what it is. I mean, right now it's the same. Oh, shit, that's an at one. Cool. So you look around for Colin. Colin's disappeared. He was on fire. He burned. Do we know how this fire started? The pile of leaves is still there, but nobody said anything. I'm going to turn to Serafina and say, Where's the shrimp? Shrimp? What do you mean? The little kid, Colin. I don't know. The last I saw him, he was talking about the sky, the weather. The teacher is going to come over to you guys and say, All right. Now that that mess is out, everybody back to class, and we're all going to sit down. We got another lesson before lunch that we got to do quick. Come on, everybody back inside. Does Colin come back inside with us? Well, there's only the four of you out there right now. Or, like, when we get to class, is Colin there? As you guys, like, walk into class, you guys see Colin sitting at his desk? He goes, Hey, I came back early. Figured I'd wait for you all. Colin, did you start the fire? Colin looks at you and goes, There was a fire? Yeah, an entire, like, pile of leaves. My God, that's terrible. Was she at least, like, distracted? Among other things. Actually, I do need one last thing. I'm sorry. I forgot about this. We're heading inside. From two of you, from Mordred and Idaho. I need perception checks. I've been almost looking for Colin. You two are not. Solid 11 there, folks. 16. Okay, and 11 gets you nothing. What are you focused on, Idaho, that you're not seeing this thing? My eyes are on this shed. I don't know what the hell's going on there. Okay. I'm going to say, you two got close enough that you probably noticed, like, at least a faint flow. But you probably didn't see what was inside. Sure. Mordred, as you're heading back inside, you see a different pile of leaves moves in just a specific little way that your eye just barely captures a humanoid shape covered in leaves beginning to get out of it and run away. And with that, you're back in class. Fair enough. Sorry, do you have a question? No, I mean, do I see this as, like, we're going inside? Yeah, as you're heading inside. And you're, like, right in front of the teacher. You'd be, like, the last person to enter. Hey, is there, like, a new kid as well coming in? What? No, it's just the five of you. Oh, okay. That's weird. And with that, you're back in class. During this class period, is there anything that you guys want to be doing again? Any Inquisition? Anything else? This is a class on physics. Is the room drier? The room is much drier. I would actually just like to focus in here your lecture on fantasy physics. Yeah, sure. I'm interested in that. Cool. Sweet. So I need all of you to give me constitution saving throws to not fall asleep when being talked to about physics. The D.C. is 15. So you have to roll a 15 or higher. And we have no classes yet, right? That's correct. That's 15. 15 for me. Oh, boy. I guess I'll also pay attention. I'm out. Yeah, me too. Cool. So you all almost immediately, Idaho, just fall asleep. Just conk out. And everyone else, you may get a little bit further, but you're just not able to pay attention as you're slowly falling asleep, except for Dory. So you see the teacher, you know, gets up and goes, all right, now we're going to be talking about physics. Specifically, the physics to do with astronomical time travel. This is just an interesting, unique lecture that I, you know, was part of teaching. There's not too much too interesting with it. What can I say? Oh, yeah. We're going to begin with the initial point, which is string theory. Why strings exist and how they create magic. And she kind of goes on and on with just boring physics stuff or cool if you're interested in physics. And with your ability to stay awake, you do catch her at one point, say something along the lines of. And this, yes, this town itself is supposedly at an interesting point in the time scale due to the exact preposition of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then this town with its exact position kind of puts it in a unique spot where kind of people who used to do time magic would study here. Oh, shoot. I shouldn't be saying this. Um, never mind. Yeah. She looks around and sees three people are asleep. Are you are you like actively staying awake or. Actually, I'm going to catch fairy lights around her head. She sees the fairy lights that last there for a little bit before they fade away, I believe. What do you do while the fairy lights are active? Oh, nothing. I just wanted to mess with her lecture. I laughed. You laugh, which kind of wakes everybody else up. She goes, hey. Stop that. But because of this, she did not notice everybody was asleep. All right. Well, it's about lunchtime, so I'll let you all go out and enjoy your lunch. Just be careful out there. It's really dry, I guess. And Carlos, on your comment, on your comment about it, if it's drier in here, you notice as you wake up, it's a little wetter than when you started. But the only one really sweating is the teacher. She. She. And with that, you guys are let out for lunch. Most of you did all of you bring your own lunches or. I think I made my own lunch. A servant made my lunch. I also made something for hope and just left it in the fridge. Well, I think she got home. Great. Hopefully my dad doesn't eat it before she gets to it. 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And you know, the exact date and time this is going to happen. Specifically, this is going to happen in 11 years, two months, and 12 days. And just like that, you're pulled right out of it. You are next to him as the thing is lowering. And he goes, Well, did you see what you're gonna be? I saw myself. But I think I was dead. Oh, yeah, you're gonna die. That's what you want, right? We're all gonna be dead. I don't want that. Yeah, let's bring you back in with your friends. Don't worry, it'll happen next time. Don't put poop in my mailbox. I won't, I promise. Good. This isn't fair. Well, well, I guess they're gone. Um, I wish I knew what time was. Oh, it's not our fault that the teacher is really boring and we fall asleep in class. Why are you guys friends with that? Why are you friends with this guy, Serafine? This is not... he's such a... he's so mean. I just got here. I don't condone what he does to people. I just wanted to check out the shed. He was the closest person to me in class. Um, but I'm really sorry, Mordred, that he pushed you over and I'd heard that he took your sword. I don't think that was very nice. It's okay. My sword is a weapon of great danger. I feel like any smart enemy would take it right away. I just think that the Sour Melon might not be as good as we think. It might have something to do with the shed business. I mean, I know you guys went up to it after, but did you see what was inside? I didn't see what was inside. No, I didn't get close at all. Okay, well, I don't know if Doran would mind or whatnot, but I don't really care. Um, you've come this far with us. We saw, I mean, some rakes, which were pretty nice quality ones, which, you know, Mordred, you might be interested in. But there was also this weird blue portal that was covered in water on the floor. I don't... I didn't really know much about it. I've never seen anything like it, but why would something like that be in a shed? In a school ground? A water portal. Is it maybe to summon more Ella Melons? Maybe, but she's a steam Ella Melon? Elemental? She has fire. They're making steam. There's a lot of Ella Melons going on, you know. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe the moistness of the classroom has something to do with the moistness around the portal? Also, I've walked down these paths a lot, and I've never seen this building before. You've been here before? Yeah, I mean, this is... I have to walk through the forest on my way to school, but I've never seen this. It's just a big building full of stuff. What do you normally see when you go through the forest? Not a big temple. Eh, that's fair. Mostly just trees and squirrels. You spend a lot of time in the forest, don't you? Just on my way home from the farm. Usually, sometimes Mama has me go and pick up milk, or drop off milk. One of the two, really. Okay. Suddenly, the doors open that previously closed as they walked through them. And out comes... and Doran. What does Doran look like right now? Fuckin' shook. Pale. Shaken. Not. Speaking. The future! It's cool! Well, it's about nap time for me! I hope you kids had fun! Doran, are you okay? He's fine. Yeah, I'm fine. Uh, okay. What did you see up there? Nothing. What do you mean, nothing? Mr. Leafman, what did you do to Doran? I showed him the future! Same thing. I gave him everything he wanted. And, uh... With that, uh, yeah, so your teacher's actually pretty cool, is the long and short of it. But she has steam coming out of her ears sometimes. Anyways... You just told us that she was dangerous and scary, didn't you? Before you go to sleep, um, do you know anything about a potential shed on the school grounds? Oh, you guys should not go through there! That would lead to incidents. You discovered a broader forest. Yes. Why? What happened to our old teacher? Your old teacher actually did leave town. That wasn't a lie. They got bullied into leaving. But I don't think that's going to be a problem anymore. Right, Doran? No. Is this always just a long lesson for Doran? If it happens to be, that's good. Can I pick up the ferret? I feel like we really made a bond. I want to take him with me. Alright, you have the ferret as a friend now. What are you going to name him? This is Sprinkles! I love that. And with that, he's going to begin ushering you guys all out and giving you kind of a shoo-shoo. As he goes, alright, get out. Yes, if you have any questions, I might be here. Or maybe I'll be in your future. What a weird leaf guy. I don't like leaf people anymore. Maybe they're not all like that, but he's weird. With that, the doors kind of slam behind you guys as the four of you guys are outside. Five. Oh, ferret, sorry. Sprinkles. The five of you guys are all outside. I guess I'm going back to school. I'm sure we missed lunch. Yeah, lunch is over. I'm just going to quietly follow. I guess I'm making my way down. Yeah, Seraphine is probably going to walk up the side door and just kind of go, Really, are you okay? What happened? I'm fine. Just leave it alone. Alright, alright. If you want to talk about it, you can talk to me, but it seems like something big happened. Seeing that Doran is like this, I think that Idaho is pretty psyched. Like the balance of power here has shifted. Okay, sweet. So you're pretty psyched. You're just like, you're half-off. I'm in the front of the group. I'm walking. My head is held a little bit higher. My sword is stashed and I don't feel the need to draw it right now. My upance has come. Your upance has come. Yeah, sick. Yeah, as you're all walking back to school, you guys get back to the yard. You're out of the forest. Having met this weird old man. And as you all head back inside, you see Colin is talking the ear off of Miss Farburn. And he goes, yes, anyway, so yes, that's one of the 12,000 reasons why mice actually make better companions than dogs. Another one would be, oh, hey, you guys are here. Do you see Miss Farburn? Most of you guys go, oh, thank God you came in from lunch by yourselves. Colin wouldn't let me leave. He kept talking about stuff. Mice. Shout out to Colin, a great distractor. Can I give Colin a high five? Hell yeah, he takes a high five. His little wrist gets knocked back a little far and it hurts him, even though you're also not very strong. And with that, you guys spend the rest of the day in class with Doran being a little quieter than he usually is. And the mystery mostly being solved. At the end of the day, he goes, all right. I don't know if I can maintain this for much longer, but we're going to keep this going with school tomorrow and for a little bit. And then it will be winter. But thank you all for coming. I appreciate it. I hope you all learned a lot. And now let's take a poll. At the start of the day, we were all mixed on what we thought of teachers. Now I want to see thumbs up, thumbs down and thumbs sideways. Thumbs up, thumbs down and thumbs sideways. How are we feeling? Two huge thumbs up. More than the one I had before. I love melons. I'm going to raise one unenthusiastic thumb. I'm going to also put my thumbs up out of fear because I think Ella melons are scary. I actually didn't. My fun fact was not about teachers earlier, so Therafina is going to put one thumb sideways because she doesn't trust what's going on right now. Also, the teacher said she can't maintain her form for long. So is she just openly an elemental to the whole class now? She did say that in the world if you guys want to address it. Teacher? Are you an elemental? Ella melons? Ella minnow? Steam. Steam. I was hoping you wouldn't figure it out. I figured a bunch of children wouldn't realize, but yes. That's okay. We still like you. Yeah, I don't think that makes you any different. Aww. You guys are my favorite class. You see Collin in the back goes, what the hell is a melon? And she goes, okay, so most of you figured it out. What is a melon? Elementals can't really be on this form without it being unsafe, but there's this old man that helped me come here in this time and be in this form. I really just owe him everything. One of the greatest persons. Maybe someday I'll have you meet him. His name is, I forget, he's this weird old druid guy that lives on the hill. The ends of a bell? Yeah, that sounds right. We already did meet him. Oh, and was he great? He brought me here. I mean, I don't know anything about him, but... Why did he bring you here? Oh, to be safe, and so I could interact with humans. People didn't like me back where I'm from. It's complicated. But, you know, just, you're different. Sometimes people don't like you. But really here, you can kind of be anyone. Huh. Okay. Maybe that's the lesson we should all take away from today. That, you know, we're going to be together for a long time. Provided nothing bad happens to... Don't go in the shed. Now I can really tell you. The thing in there keeps me in this form. So please don't mess with it anymore. Okay. We will keep you here, teacher. But, I think that you should give us good grief. She gives like a smirk as everybody laughs. That's my self-esteem. Yeah. There's just laughter in the background. Thank you for listening to this Spotify test audio. If you like the podcast, I'm going to like it. I don't know if that's something you can still do. But if it is, please do. If not, uh, goodbye. This is the part where we'd have the music playing and other various things plugging and whatever. Uh, test music. For the trees, for the bees, we play D&D. Test music end. And with that, you guys all completed your first day of class together. It went better for some and worse for others. But, I think we all learned a valuable lesson. I learned that if you keep going, sooner or later, you'll be unjustly put in their place. Possibly through time horror. Yeah, time horror is scary, Tyler. And then parents are cool. I learned that ten-year-old boys are weird. Yeah, that was a valuable lesson of all. Ten-year-old boys are weird. I'm just going to stare at my computer. Ten-year-old boys are weird. I'm just going to stare vacantly. I'm trauma.

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