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cover of The Ferris Wheel
The Ferris Wheel

The Ferris Wheel

Caroline Tamasi



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Maddie shares her screenplay, "The Ferris Wheel," which starts with a car ride and introduces the main characters. We see a glimpse of the family's morning routine and learn about a doctor's appointment. Hazel goes to school and later gets picked up by her cousin, MK. They discuss Hazel's mom's appointment and have dinner together. Back home, there is a tense moment at the dinner table, and then Allison reveals she has breast cancer. The family comforts each other on the couch and opens fortune cookies. Hazel and Allison share their fortunes. Hey, this is Maddie, and you're listening to my screenplay, The Ferris Wheel. Fade in. Greenery. Mountains rolling past. Sun out. Soft music. Interior. Car. A girl in early teens, brunette, watches out a car window. The car bumping along a winding road. Credits playing at bottom of the screen. Blue mountains roll past the car. The landscape lights up the young girl's face. Cut 2. Child's perspective and the car through the window. Cut 2. Perspective of driver's figure that can see the landscape and back of child's head as her hair moves in the breeze of the open window. Cut 2. We change perspective to see the lake ahead through the front windshield. Driver. Long blonde hair, face unseen. Hand wearing a green ring. Dainty watch loosely hanging off the wrist. Hand of driver seen turning down the volume of the music within the vehicle. The blue eyes of the driver in the rear view mirror. Fade out. Camera starts to pull back further and further from the back of the heads in the car and the landscape in front of them. Cut 2. Black. Cut 2. Medical appearing office. Light blue shaded room. Large bookcase. Multiple framed certificates hanging on the wall. Cut 2. Counselor. Woman. Mid forties. Slicked back tight back hair in a low bun. Wears white lab coat with a name tag sitting in a swerving chair behind an oak desk. Honey, I was asking about your family. Cut 2. Woman. Face unseen. Beige petticoat hanging on the back of the chair. Short style dirty blonde hair worn in a bob. The woman glances down at her lap and we see she is wearing a loose dress and fidgeting with her fingers. She wears a green ring and is gripping a handful of tissues that look unused. She clears her voice. Right, sorry. You want to hear more about my history? Cut 2. Counselor smiles weakly with understanding eyes. No, no. I have your file but maybe you could tell me a bit more about you. Maybe we start at the beginning? Does that sound okay? The woman begins fidgeting in her seat. Only her blue eyes visible. They blink a few times. Yeah, okay. From the beginning. Eyes closed. Cut 2. Black. Where the fuck are the keys? Cut 2. Inside white suburban home. Red door. Blue shutters. Interior. Walnut hardwood. Creaking floors. White crown molding. Light green walls. A kitchen table set for three. A man sitting comfortably at the low table, reading a newspaper and appearing undisturbed by the chaos ensuing around him. There is an audible commotion of feet shuffling as two bodies hurry around the house stomping down the stairs. Allison appears, disheveled looking, long blonde hair, thrown up in a claw clip, reading glasses on her head, wearing a cranberry vest and one black stylish boot. Have you seen my keys? Check the mantel by the fireplace. Or my shoe? Check. Allison moves quickly to the next room and into the closet without waiting for a response. Hazel, early teen, puffy eyes from sleeping, short brown hair, wearing large backpack, a short white coat, looking ready for the day and angry. Good morning, Angel. We're going to be late. Grumbling as she sits down at the kitchen table and begins to butter a bagel. I made your mother's tea and put it in the tumbler. Bring it to the car for her. You wouldn't need to put it in the tumbler if she laid out her stuff the night before. Are you kidding me? Maybe if you got up the first time I came to wake you I'd have more time for myself. She comes barreling into the room, putting on her other shoe. It seems to be she found in the closet. Mother and daughter lock eye contact and hold a glare. Hazel gives out first and turns back to bite her bagel before crossing her arms. Allison moves to the counter where she zips a Ziploc bag of carrots. She draws a fast heart on a sticky note and throws both into a purple lunch box that she zips and turns at the speed of light and drops onto the table. Hazel rises now and appears to be zipping up her coat ready to leave. Allison takes a bite of Hazel's unfinished bagel on the table, then rushes to the room next door. Bill closes the newspaper and rises. He exits the room. Hazel brushes her hair back with her fingers methodically and momentarily before putting on her backpack and moving to the counter to grab her mother's tumbler. Allison flies back in, throwing a scarf over her shoulder and repositioning her purse as she hustles to meet Hazel by the sliding glass door to the driveway. She stops in her tracks. The keys. Allison turns and is immediately met by Bill, who is standing behind her and carrying the keys. He dangles them and smiles at the girls. Want me to drive? No! Bill laughs and the mother and daughter break character to exchange an amused glance at the synchronized movement. You two are perfect for each other. Allison meets Bill's cheek with a kiss and she grabs her keys and glides out the door with Hazel to the car with pleasant tears flying. Thank you. Have a good day. Bye, girls. Drive safe. Bye, Dad. Interior. In the car on the way to school. Music playing now. Hazel turns the volume up and the girls pull out of the driveway. Cut to. Mid-drive. Allison turns the music down and looks over at Hazel, who has her head in a book. So, MK is going to pick you up from practice today. Fun, right? Hazel, losing interest in the book. Why can't you pick me up from soccer? Allison doesn't break eyes from the road as Hazel looks up with curiosity. I have a doctor's appointment today, but I'll be home for dinner and we're going to order Chinese food. A doctor's appointment till night? Well, it's in Boston, but it's just a quick checkup. Do you want spring rolls or beef teriyaki? Hazel hesitates, skeptical. Spring rolls. Let's get both. Why not, right? Okay. Thank you. Allison looks over at her and smiles quickly, and then Hazel returns to the book. Cut to. Pulling up in front of the school, it's the end of the drive. Have a good day. Hazel opens the door, and Allison has a fixed and thoughtful look on her face, as if it seems she's searching for more words. Hazel closes the door, and Allison rolls down the window. Fucking kill it, honey. Hazel looks back, looking surprised with a fake face of disapproval on. She giggles and waves while shaking her head before she moves to enter the school. Cut to. Hazel leaving soccer practice. Hazel looks around all the cars in the parking lot for a pickup. Excited honking ensues. Hey, baby. MK yells out the open window of her large black Subaru. Hazel runs over to get in. She opens the door and hops in. MK meets her with a large hug. She turns around and sees a boy in a backseat, who's also dressed in soccer practice attire. Isn't this such a treat? Logan, say hi to your cousin. Ew, we're not cousins. Oh my god, how rude. Allison is practically and basically my sister. I can't believe you'd say that. Both children are laughing. They're so weird. Hi, Hazel. Hi. How was practice, love? This worked out too perfect. Logan gets out of practice 30 minutes before you, so you just grab dinner. Oh gosh, do you want anything? Hazel relaxes in her seat, amused. No, no, I'm fine. We're getting Chinese food tonight. Oh, awesome. A special dinner after your mom's special appointment. Hazel's demeanor changes. Her expression sinks a bit. MK doesn't notice. Can we stay over Hazel's for a bit? No, not tonight. You've got homework. It's not a special appointment, though. It's just a check-up, right? Wasn't it? Oh, yes. Yes, I'm sorry. You're right. MK's hand moves from the steering wheel and gives Hazel's shoulder a squeeze as she continues to drive. Hazel looks out the window as the voices trail off. Fade out. Back home now. Hazel is in her room. She lays on her bed on her phone. The doors crack open and she can hear hushed voices bickering downstairs. She stares at her phone, listening intensely. Cut to. The three family members sit around the table in the living room, eating Chinese food. Will you pass the rice? Hazel moves to pass it and the box slips out of her hand and the rice box hits the table and a bit of it spills onto the table. Bill puts his head in his hands, appearing angry. Hazel looks up alarmed. I'll grab a napkin. Allison shoots an irritated glance at Bill. He sits up and he loses his impatient look. There's silent tension. I'm sorry. It's okay. It happens. Allison jumps up and starts wiping up the rice feverishly. Clumsy and runs on your father's side of the family. The joke hits flat and is cut off. Are you sick? Bill looks up and Allison freezes. Allison continues to clean up the rice and doesn't speak until she is done sweeping each grain into her hand. She looks up and directly into Hazel's eyes. Yes. Allison takes a seat and takes Hazel's hand from across the table and takes Bill's hand with the other. I had an appointment today in Boston with a great doctor. Your father and I were waiting for some more information before we explained it to you. Me and Daddy and the doctor worked together and came up with a really strong treatment plan and we're feeling really good about it. Allison looks at Bill. Hazel and Bill are both watching her. I have breast cancer. Cut to Hazel and Allison are on the couch. Allison is cuddling with Hazel who is letting her mother play with her hair as they sit together on the couch. Bill comes into the room after cleaning up the table in the background. Bill brings in a bowl of fortune cookies. Bill holds up the bowl and lets both of the girls pick up a fortune cookie before he does himself. Harry Potter is playing in the background behind them and Bill moves to turn up the sound as he relaxes and moves his attention to the screen. He opens up his fortune cookie and eats it before he glances down at the fortune and sets it aside. Allison looks down at Hazel. Want to do it at the same time? Hazel nods. Okay, ready? On the count of three. One, two, three. Both girls crack open their fortune cookies. Hazel looks down at her intensely. Did you get a good one? No, did you? What does yours say? What goes up must come down. What does that even mean? Hazel focuses, frustrated. Allison laughs. Well, that's okay. Give me the lucky numbers. Two, sixty-five, forty-four. Woo-hoo! I've got forty-four too! Hazel looks up excited and she looks pleased with this. She nuzzles her head back into her mother's shoulder and the movie continues.

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