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The host of the Answer Archive podcast answers various questions from listeners. He discusses his choice of animal sidekick, shares a strange dream he had, talks about bizarre food combinations he's enjoyed, and answers questions about a dream talk show, irrational fears, replacing a limb with a tool, time travel, mythical creatures, weird guests for a talk show, and conspiracy theories. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Answer Archive. This is your host, Charlie Rand, coming in for today's episode, Ask and You Shall Receive, where I will be answering any questions you may have tonight. My inbox is open at archivepod at gmail.com. If you'd like your question to be on air tonight, go ahead and start submitting those for me, guys. The first question is coming in from Jordan Paul. His question is, if you could have any animal as a sidekick, what would it be and why? Off the rip, my mind's telling me to go for a rhino or something, but let's get into this. Let's think about it for a second. A rhino would be big, but it would also be very hard to keep on my side when I need it. So I think I'm going to think of something a little bit smaller that I could have instead. My second option would be a monkey, but I think a monkey would be a horrible sidekick just because they're impossible to train, and it would probably just destroy everything I own. So we're going to cross monkey off the list as well. Let's see. What other animals do I like? Alligators would not be a good one. I think a bear would probably get too out of hand at times. I love turtles, but I think they'd be a pretty useless sidekick. I'm thinking maybe like a wolf because I could pretend it's a dog in a lot of places, and if I ever get into trouble, it could definitely help me get out of trouble. So that's definitely an option, but I think I'm going to end up going with a lion just because you see a lot of lions that are like, I guess, somewhat tamed in the Middle East, and those things are absolutely ginormous. They could probably get you out of just about any situation that you could get in, and that's going to be my final answer. Lock it in. Lion. Thank you for the question, Jordan. Next question's coming in from Lisa Snow. Her question was, what is the strangest or funniest dream you've had? And I feel like I actually have a very good answer for this because I had a really interesting dream the other night. I don't really know how it started, but I was with my family, my mom, my brother, my dad, and my sister, and for whatever reason, me and my dad were driving through a residential area. Don't ask me why, but we were driving a Dodge Charger 392, and my dad's a good driver in real life. He drives pretty fast, but for whatever reason, we were doing 168 miles an hour down a residential road, probably like a 30 mile an hour speed limit. I don't know. I was dreaming, but we come around a curve, and we're going way too fast, and we just fly into a house sideways, and I had my seatbelt on. My dad didn't, so my dad flew out the window, and I went and rescued him, and after that, I don't really know what happened, but then I was biking home or something after that. Like I said, this is a weird dream, and it made no sense, but I was biking home, and I was riding past this abandoned gas station at the end of an alley, and there's just this man that comes out to talk to me, and he pulls a gun out on me and tells me to come inside the gas station, so of course, I listened to him, and it's all a bunch of teenagers, early 20s, kids around my age, but this is like their little shop, and they have a bunch of drugs in there. There's like a little meth lab in the corner. It's crazy, and long story short, I'll try and keep this quick so we can get into more questions. They like basically made me smoke crack to prove that I wasn't a cop, and then by the end of the dream, all my friends from home and from school were like over at this gas station partying, and all of a sudden, they had a patio out back, and that was basically the end of it. Like I said, it makes no sense, but I think this was a pretty good one to answer that question. Thank you, Lisa. On to the next question from Joe Crum. His question is, what is the most bizarre food combination that you've ever tried and secretly enjoyed? I'm going to have to think about some of these, but I'm going to think out loud, because one time I put whipped cream on some like pepperoni and sausage pizza, but that was terrible. Mac and cheese and ketchup is always a good one to go to. That one's actually pretty good. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I kind of like that one. I had a peanut butter and jelly cheeseburger one time that was actually pretty good with a fried egg. That was pretty outlandish, but I will say I would eat that again. So yeah, I think I'm going to have to go with that one there. Thank you for the question, Joe. Next question is coming in from Steve Jobs, and he said, if you had a talk show where you interviewed animals, which animal would be your dream guest? And for this question, I am going to count maybe not extinct animals, and I would definitely have to say a megalodon shark, just because those things are ancient. Don't fact check me, but I'm pretty sure they lived for like thousands of years, and I know they've definitely been through some stuff, and they would have some amazing stories to share on my show. Thank you, Steve. The next question is coming in from Jeanette Butcher. Her question is, what is the most irrational fear that you secretly suspect might come true? And this one I'm going to give maybe more than one answer, because I've been watching a show on Hulu called House, which I'm sure a lot of guys have heard of, seen some clips of it on TikTok. But basically, it's almost like a Grey's Anatomy, I think. I've never watched Grey's Anatomy, but it's basically a doctor, and he finds these like one in a trillion diseases on an individual. And basically, I'm just scared that I ate like raw pork 10 years ago, and I have like a tapeworm living in my brain or something, or I'm going to get on the bus and get sprayed with like a disinfectant that's going to send me into anaphylactic shock. So basically, one of those one in a million infections you could get would be my biggest irrational fear. And I also have incredibly bad luck, so it would probably be something that could happen to me. Thank you for the question, Jeanette. This next question is from Bill Barnes, and it's, if you could replace one of your limbs with a tool, what would it be, and how would it help you in everyday life? And the first thing that comes to mind, a lot of people may recognize this from one of the Kingsman movies, where the woman actress had prosthetic legs with like samurai swords on them. Um, it probably would not be useful to my everyday life unless I need to like cut down trees or maybe I could use it to chop up some vegetables or something. But if I had to pick one to replace, I would definitely do samurai sword leg. Thank you for that question. The next question is coming in from Tara Lynn. Her question is, if you had a time machine that could go to the past or the future, where would you go and why? Well, a lot of people would probably think that going to the future, like a thousand years would be cool to see what the world's accomplished, but I really don't have any interest in that. I would either go back to whenever the pyramids were built, just because I'm always fascinated by them. Who the hell knows how they were built, but I would love to find out. And if it wasn't that, my second choice would be like the 1400s where castles were prominent, like Sparta 300 era. Only if I could be like a king or like a high prince or something. That, that sounds sick. That's kind of like my, my fantasy if I could do that. Thank you for the question, Tara. This next question is from John Stamos and it's another talk show one, but it's what weird and wacky guests would you invite? And what would you discuss with them? I think I would definitely have to pick Alex Jones. You know, the guy that's just like the chemicals are put in the water, turning the freaking frogs gay. That guy, I just think he's an absolute character. And I think I would just talk to them about conspiracy theories the whole time, because I know he's got a lot of good ones stuck in that brain of his, and I would love to see where he goes with them. Thank you for that question. Next question is coming in from Ava Conti. And she's asking if I could be any mythical creature, what would I be? Right now I'm kind of thinking I would want to be one of those things that's like half man, half horse with wings. Because I think it would be cool to be half a horse and be able to fly, but still be a man and in all the movies, they look like absolutely ripped. And yeah, I would probably do. Oh, wait, no. You know what? Screw whatever that thing's called. I'm going to be a dragon. Because being a dragon's awesome. You could do anything you want, spit fire, fly around the entire world whenever I wanted to, scare the shit out of some people. I think it would just overall be a good time being a dragon. So thank you, Ava. I'm going to be a dragon in my next life. And this is a pretty good question as well from Joseph Tao. His question is, are there any conspiracy theories that you believe to be true? And obviously, there's a lot that I do believe in. But I'm going to go with this one since it's pretty recent, happened over the summer. We're going to go with the Ocean Gate submarine. Like, I do not believe that they died underwater. I believe it was a hoax, because I don't know if this is true. Obviously, it's a conspiracy theory. But I've heard that everybody aboard that ship was like a bunch of billionaires who wanted to basically pretend they were dead since they were in a lot of trouble, owed a lot of money to some people. They also saw that Mr. Beast was going to be on it. But he decided not to. And where he is at now, I could completely understand why you would want to quit everything and disappear off the face of the world. So I'm going to go with the conspiracy that the passengers on the Ocean Gate submarine are not, in fact, dead. And they are in hiding, living a crazy ass life with all their money. Thank you for that question. Seems like we're about out of time for today. But we are going to answer one final question. That question is from Billy Bob Joe. His question is, where has been the best vacation spot you've gone to? And I'm definitely going to have to go with my vacation to Costa Rica. Not only is it a beautiful country, beautiful rainforests, beautiful beaches. But I went on an awesome ziplining adventure. And also what really made the trip is we had this mansion on the top of a hill with an infinity pool. And it was basically like an animal sanctuary. So there were a bunch of dogs running around. There was a sloth. There was a parrot. There were horses. And it was overall just a beautiful experience. So if you haven't gone and you're looking to go on vacation somewhere, I would definitely recommend Costa Rica. Thank you for that last question. I'm sorry I couldn't get to all of you guys today. But I want to thank you so much for tuning in today. And come back next week if you want some more questions answered by yours truly. If you would like to support me and the team, our link to merch and our Patreon page with unreleased content will be found at www.answerarchive.com. Every little bit of support helps. And if I do see you wearing an Answer Archive t-shirt in public, I will personally give you $100. So there's a little incentive to go buy something. And love you guys. Hope you have a great rest of your night. I will see you next week at 5 p.m.

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