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You May mix it done I Really don't apologize Yeah, I'm gonna literally have these oh she was on the floor no laughing and I felt like it What happened here why it That's my that's my dumbbell I like looking I'm here today, but anyway, anyway, we have fun again today She was with mrs. Mears. So you guys might remember I don't Quick analysis, what can I enough? Oh, yeah the play there's practice on Thursday A bunch of other days, and I'm not Really give a shout out on the new path to like our podcast What no No, no, well actually no, no, no, we don't practice the entire next week. Yeah You did Longer practices first because our children and we want to get home. I use it. I'll do you though So stay after school I did not stay after school yesterday because the day before they announced it on the announcements But every child in our class is screaming at the top of their lungs Most of the children in our class so I got like they said I got you glad they said For it happened on route 66 nasal middle school play and I was like, oh I need to hear this, please I don't I don't remember any Almost cut myself when he got introduced to the podcast I was going down to get Wyatt and I said do I have to go and I was like, yeah And then I looked at him and I said, hey you want to come to it like sure Oh, yeah, um Remember at the beginning I was a writer. I didn't write anything anymore. So then I just became a Talk about the stories of how each of our guests or people got on to it. Oh, yeah, mainly guys Our guests are probably from me. He's not giving us information Wait for one time when Gwen Wyatt and McKinnon with them for the newscast we had this is mirrors on and it was And then I just followed McKinnon Wyatt back in Like she's not a member because we Don't having guests we're not having yet five. Yeah, we're not having six people Yeah, yeah, we just We kind of like took one from her You can say kidnapped on this. I don't want to they kidnapped me. You can say no You act like it's the first time We don't cut out kidnapped You Okay, we're back Ever since the beginning of the podcast Yeah, she was first on our guest list She could go on we had to do something advisory and it was so annoying but eventually the stars Happened is I might have to cover advisory, but I'll tell you Come get me and she did not have advisory and I She wanted mr. Palin Stop doing that Well, yeah, he doesn't ask us for a guest suggestion We don't like some of the gift We don't You put Delaney on I don't know. Mr. Powell's on the guest list I Need to tell us like a week before you actually want to record with someone at least Okay, no Nobody Barely type of word Every other word of mine isn't a spell because I take too fast Yeah, we fix our red squiggly line under I Will say I mean I did the same thing Oh My gosh I Close the door behind you. I'm gonna pretend like I heard what he said Went off the table Get the table Brain I Don't You don't why am I frozen? Yeah, I'm gonna make this Pepsi boil. Yeah She's here Nothing really happened productive They don't leave Finish my story. I didn't hear what you said He did but yeah, it literally started cuz Joe rockin podcast. Oh Yeah, that one. That was a beautiful podcast. No, it wasn't that ended and then everyone wanted can I wait? And then everyone forgot about it, all right, I forgot about it I'm hungry Through the market it also smells like face wash Wait, wow, he leaves one. He's not leaving. He can't leave Too bad. He's going Hey, I'm gonna cook. I'm gonna blow up. No It's actually getting little Him he's dying. You think I can melt the can before the end of the podcast? No, what you think I can melt the can before 825 No, I'm afraid not You can't Yeah, we need the same puppy can every day Finish it and bring it every day. Oh, I hate Pepsi Guy did you forget doesn't matter No It's better than coke. I still don't know why you're so fat. I don't either don't ask I'm gonna go hide in a corner now. Bye. I have that account on my computer Wow, that's possibly does nothing of course in the camera. Yeah, there's a one to really talk Why not just add offhanded comments randomly because that's all Do anything? To actually do stuff, but then they don't tell us what to do. We need a subject listen the subject is When you can't help a shot back those you don't even work here, I know I don't but you guys need to talk about something Why is Eminem? Why? Hands dogs perspire knees weak arms are I'm gonna go for this is sweater Barrett's a foul crimson mark mother's spaghetti Mother's spaghetti Perspire knees weak arms are heavy his sweater Barrett's a foul crimson mark mother's spaghetti Do you not know the song? No What is that five minutes craft five-minute crafts has a Pinterest account Five minute five-minute crafts family. I didn't know they have a family That's why Let's search Pinterest on the podcast No, not your servant. That's right there It already is the greatest podcast, I mean this it was the loudest episode until they left. Yeah, that's all quiet Yeah, because I'm not talking great to the bike. No, I had to hit the main mix. Oh Now it's all loud I blame you for this Sweater Barrett's a foul crimson mark mother's spaghetti Give me something a heart attack. Sorry. I like I Know what are you on this cheeseburger? Look what you did, okay I Think you could talk when you do that, you know, no, I can't Wow I am a one-time person. So he's a one-time person I Computer about to take off my flight station Wait, everyone be quiet. The mic is picking it up I Do it I'd be very happy my cat said that I wouldn't yes I Think you said one of those two. Um, no, not this one. Yeah. I know you said one of them So let's watch your opinion is trash. Yeah Business partners here when you're too full, but the food is so good eating I Mean it go please do when you have three mics hard lemonades and Rumpelicious what use your words to me? The Cool thing about aging is that you can feel your body breaking down one part at a time. Welcome to the party left ankle No, it doesn't matter you don't need to read let's just a painting without the dog Painting Yeah, they do this is what it looks like and we're not even talking really about the podcast we don't have I am but I'm reading Your charger Don't like cheesecake go back to cheeseburger. No, I like cheesecake. It's the website. Okay back to Pinterest Pinterest and more Pinterest. I just messaged I do need help Pinterest, but that's not what I don't Yeah, you need help with like yeah, I need help but how are you gonna help me? It's not there And I'm glad to speak for yourself It doesn't make you get Hey, why send me that one I Beginning of the audio, so it's fine Yeah You need to show Gwendolyn and cheerleaders Today one and they want the one with the cheerleaders dance in the sun He sent me this in a while Yes I Looked this up. This isn't my Pinterest Okay, now we're actually back Actually the last thing Twice four and six seven thirtieth grade, please. Please come down and I was like, okay, so I'm playing soccer Oh, I guess working band technically counts as a sport in Maisel's eyes So I better go down there it doesn't count for and then Easton went down for soccer baseball and archery marching band is a sport Yes, well, how are we supposed to know it doesn't count for archery baseball softball band or soccer Why? Marching band counts But not soccer I Didn't do anything I'm randomly talking to each other. Not those. Yeah, I had no clue what you said So I just said yeah the podcast became the podcast and that's how it was created I Just kept on being in the podcast and then he brought Ricky along I Don't know Bringing Cohen or Ricky, but if Cohen I were here that late again They like the people that mr. And Mary and the teachers say that they can't do anything. They have to show that podcast. They're like, yeah, that's not happening We just kicked them out And then Ricky got mad at me for kicking them out He said he was just trying to make the podcast fun Yeah, so we gotta go it's 825 we're about to go now have a day have a day have a day

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