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Podcast EP#1

Podcast EP#1

Chloe Stewart



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The transcription is about art integration and technology integration in the classroom. Art integration is an approach to teaching where students use art to demonstrate understanding in other subjects. Technology integration is important for enhancing students' learning experiences and can include using computers, mobile devices, and software applications. Challenges include creating art-integrated lessons and monitoring students' online activity. It is crucial to keep students safe on the internet and ensure they use technology responsibly. The episode concludes by mentioning that the next episode will discuss why art and technology integration is important and how teachers can incorporate more of it. Hello, everyone. My name is Chloe Stewart and will be accompanied by Katie Dixon. And today we will be talking about art integration and technology integration and the basis of what you're getting yourself into. So to start off, what is our integration? I think that Kennedy Center defines art integration amazingly. Art integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both. Great response. Now, what would you have to look forward to when you're using art integration, Katie? Based on the art standards and the curriculum standards, you will deepen the students understanding of both subjects while finding a way to connect them. For example, combining a first grade curriculum standard and first grade art standard to create a lesson. Great. Now, are there any challenges that you can come along with or you may face when you're attempting to do this? The challenge you will most likely face more frequently would be creating an arts integrated lesson, not an arts enhanced lesson. An arts enhanced lesson is a lesson supported by art but aligned and completed by standards. Okay, great. Do you have any questions for me? What is technology integration? Technology integration in the classroom is very crucial in order to enhance the students' learning experiences. Technology is ever evolving, so integrating technology in classrooms can be beneficial to students and staff. With this being said, that means having the teachers up and at them and having an education and a good understanding of how to work this technology. And Edtopia is a website that does a great job of really talking about what integrating technology in the classroom can look like. For example, some technology resources you may use can be computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms, network, software applications, and then internet, et cetera. The list goes on. With all this being said, it is just important to keep a monitor of your students and of what they're getting themselves into. How can you integrate technology into the classroom? There are many ways in which you can integrate technology into the classroom. One way you can integrate technology into the classroom is by having students rotate iPads, for example, in stations or as a class. You could go on a virtual field trip. That can still have a lot of time for hands-on work by making them complete a worksheet after their observation and online experiences. Technology also offers experiences that you can't get just through paper and involves out-of-body experiences sometimes, especially when you're talking about virtual reality, which lets you go to different realms and things like that. What is a challenge you may face? When talking about challenges you may face, one challenge you could face is keeping a monitor on your students' online activity. You want to make sure that at all times students are staying on track and using technology respectfully and responsibly. So making sure every student is doing what they're supposed to do without adventuring off to other websites is crucial to their education and your lesson plan. Some ways you could do this is by, how we had said, doing stations. That way you have little groups and it's easier to keep a monitor of these students. And just making sure they're staying safe on the internet, as it can be a very scary place, and making sure we're not giving out any personal information and making this apparent to the students is also very crucial. So having like a poster board and having all them sign it to make sure that they're internet safe could be a great way to do this. Now let's just conclude everything we just talked about. Today we just scanned the water of an art and technology integration and what comes with it. We hope you continue to listen to the next episode. We'll be diving into deeper on what makes an art and technology integration in the classroom so important and why a teacher should incorporate more arts and technology integrated lessons. During this episode, we used the Kennedy Center education resources from the article, What is Art Integration? And we also used an article from Utopia, What is Successful Technology Integration? Thank you guys so much for listening and we'll see you guys in episode two.

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