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Left & Right Brain

Left & Right Brain




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The speaker discusses the concept of the left and right brain and how it applies to their life. The left brain represents analytical thinking, while the right brain represents creativity and authenticity. The speaker tends to rely heavily on their left brain but recognizes the importance of engaging the right brain for a balanced and healthy existence. They mention activities like listening to music, enjoying a meal, swimming, and meditation as ways to tap into the right brain and live in the present moment. The speaker acknowledges the need to explore this further and incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle. I wanted to talk a little bit about the left and the right brain and how that sort of insights about how that works apply to my life. Obviously the left brain is the very analytical problem-solving side of our brain and the right side is the more creative side of our brain and so and I suppose it's such a simplification but in some ways that the left brain is the more cynical critical black cat analytical side and the right brain is our creative side almost our spiritual side and our authentic self really and you know we need both sides to function but what I do in my life is being a very analytical person I tend to just always jump to the left brain I spend a lot of my time there and and so I suppose the issue and I haven't got all the answers but it's about exploring how to use the right side of my brain and I think when I look at how I some of my things I love doing like I love listening to music and enjoying a nice meal going for a swim all of those things particularly water they're great because they engage the right-hand side of the brain you know and I think it and so does sort of meditation you know sometimes in yoga when you get really into it so I think when we feel our spirit lifting when we go down to the beach and have a swim through our emotions lifting we're getting into the right hand side of the brain we're living in the present I think that's something that I need to be very aware of that to have a healthy existence even to solve problems I can't spend my entire life in the left hand side of the brain and sometimes things like like writing that gets the ideas and satisfies the analytical side gets it all out and then that does free up your mindset even something like listening to a bit of music in the morning or just taking some time to meditate for five minutes for a moment of work all of these things it's about getting into the right mindset and managing the emotions and sort of be working towards self-mastery so this is an area that I continue to need to explore and it's just being mindful that my ego wants me in the left brain and wants me looking at everything in the past and looking at the future but the right brain is a wonderful place to be those moments where you you're just in the moment you're having a good time you're out with friends you're present you're mindful you know you go down to the beach you're swimming with your nephews you're listening to music these things are they engage the right brain they take you out of yourself and I think that's a very very healthy place to be and even even having the authenticity and the courage to take breaks when I need to I think the opportunity to go out and have have those you know those holidays those those breaks and just be in a different environment different stimulus and get back to your authenticity so the left and right brain understanding how they work how they can be grown and just incorporating healthy healthy habits into my lifestyle which is another topic I want to explore

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