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Episode 2 - 11.30.23

Episode 2 - 11.30.23




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The person recording the conversation talks about their mom visiting, their dog biting them, and their Thanksgiving with family. They also mention getting a puppy from Indiana and discuss football and tattoos. They mention a show called Squid Game and talk about movies they want to see, including Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Shutter Island. All right, so I'm recording you good to go all right when you're ready live well ask me the question again it's pretty good it's pretty good my mom yeah my mom came to visit she's been out in Arizona for a while yeah so she bounced around a little bit she was in Mesa when I went to visit her last year and her dog bit me in the face that was fun it is an Australian Catalooa leopard dog or something like that kind of looks like a like a brindle like a smaller brindle German Shepherd maybe something like that he's about like 50 60 pounds something like that but a little bit yeah you know what it was an accident I'll give him that I kind of got in his personal space a little bit so I'll give him that he more barked at me and caught me above the eye but it did give me a few stitches and that was in the first three hours of being there so that was fun but uh yeah so she came to visit she stayed with me for a few days came to Emma's parents for Thanksgiving which was fun we had a nice weekend my sister came too and then she stayed with my sister a couple days before heading home so yeah it was a good weekend how about you oh yeah yeah yeah sick yeah that's tough I'm going to get part we're going to get our puppy in a few weeks and by a few weeks I mean next weekend driving 11 hours each way Indiana yeah it's it's I don't remember did we talk about it on the show last time okay it's so she's coming for my puppy my puppies my cousins puppies litter so my cousins live out in Indiana my mom's side of the family where she's from just north of Indianapolis area yeah they're considered flyover state for a reason yeah I mean you know what the what the winter weather is hitting right now but I'm hoping this kind of surge is going to pass by the time we head out and it's early enough that hopefully there's not too much snow but we'll see Matt how about you brother how was your Thanksgiving what you said I think I know what you said but I'm not sure so if you don't want to repeat it that's okay yeah hey all right that's what's up number three that's why he got the blue Mustang oh man apparently he worked at Subway and Fredo was not nice to him oh yeah are you guys Knicks are up six right now in the fourth quarter on the Pistons with like four minutes left it's gross should be a blowout what's up Matt yeah yeah let's go love it love it let's go yeah I'm not 100% sure I assume there's a number of flex games in the schedule where maybe you play based on seating or four seating or something I'm really not sure but I think what they'll probably do is flex games where the guys like the teams that are playing each other in the tournament we're probably scheduled to play each other at some point anyway and they'll just kind of swap that game or something like that I'm not sure there but yeah I'm not sure but that's a really good question because that was something I thought about too I saw somebody asking about how do you know who they're playing and I did see that the entire schedule was TBD up until you know obviously determination so that that's tough in itself when it comes to NBA it's hard to buy tickets when you don't know who you're watching yeah dude you know it's interesting you say that because I've been hearing on a couple podcasts people talk about just the quality I mean I think it's because of Tom Brady's quote not too long ago saying there's just like a low quality of football out there right now and I didn't really think about it you know I don't even pay much attention to football unfortunately because of how bad the Jets are but that said you know the Chiefs are so good or at least you think they are that you assume it's it's good football but I guess to some of their points it's fair you know there is some bad football there's a lot of young players out there that are playing I think the rise of the defense really came into play you know guys like Aaron Donald he wasn't the best player right away he was the best player later you know Von Miller's still a factor his injury prone at this point but wow yeah but you know at least these young quarterbacks are coming out and they're doing okay but they're not winning Super Bowls and I mean they're playing good football at times but a lot of them are flashing the pens I know we talked about Bryce Young he's been great but I heard something interesting about Tom Brady somebody talking about him saying you know when Tom Brady threw it at your feet it wasn't because it was about throws because he was trying to to avoid you getting hit and that's why guys like Wes Welker and Julian Edelman like weren't hurt you know throughout their career I you know I watched him kick the Jets butt a lot so I'm not going to speak and suck on him too much but I know you're a Pats guy so you can speak to it a little bit like I mean he was the greatest so it's hard to compare anybody to him but you know he played a different level of football right dude I think a lot of people do it I just think it's not something that's taught it's not something that's taught anymore you know guys are hucking and chucking running around you know they're getting hit when they're running they're throwing picks left and right you know you look at Aaron Rodgers so many times he's led the league in touchdown to touchdown to interception ratio and he's like leading the league in touchdowns or at least close to it so that's not something that any of these young guys are really doing I don't know Matt I can't see you are you over there or did you drink some of Rodgers ayahuasca okay so oh yeah maybe yeah like what oh you've been making out with a lot of old guys uh yeah I did it once at Bonham's actually uh Posh and Connor um yeah yeah me and Pat took a little trip doesn't last very long but no sir no I did see him at Tiffany's wedding uh and we did talk there and I was cordial but uh now him and I cut ties a little bit ago um yeah here's what it is we're gonna move on but um spell it whew spell it I'm just kidding interesting okay done that too I've done too much stuff honestly I didn't say no to a lot you know yeah yeah definitely you know what I'm one of those people that I'll say yes to everything once kind of thing you know I I don't necessarily go back but I've done a lot of things once um needles no needles no needles um let's see moving on from that that I'm not oh it's not that I'm afraid of the needle yeah that's it that's just crazy that's like that's like saying like I gotta I gotta think of something that makes sense for that that's like saying like oh I can't I can't drink water because I'm afraid of drowning you know like that's just it's just not the same uh currently I've got three I intend on I've got this one was my first one uh it's all black uh it's my sister's name Ray R-A-E and it's got a bird uh perched on the on the E um I still it's not that I don't like it but it's just all black and I think it's just like it's just a little blah so I kind of want to I want to get like a green overlay on it give it a little color and then throw some flowers or something on it kind of make like a kind of like a band type thing on the arm uh give it a little more color and then uh I want to turn this side into like a like a broken sleeve that's the idea maybe some legs get a couple down there I think like 20 is like the max but that's about where I think I'm headed yeah I think so I mean you know what at a certain point I think there's some stuff that's just fun so once I'm kind of settled and I'm not really worried about spending money on anything else I can waste money on tattoos so it's just a little too expensive not bonnas where you know you get a tattoo for 50 bucks because the guy forgot to tell you how much it's going to cost before he started get with it oh geez hey I almost didn't know what you were talking about oh man um all right well he's coming to miami you know he was a backup quarterback there he's coming to miami you know he was a backup quarterback there this guy oh yeah no I don't think I have oh now I gotta look him up so how come I feel like you'd like squid game that's right up your alley what that is so up your guys alley like it is very like there is like a very like artistic side to it like the camera works very good and there's a lot of suspense drawn like it's very well done I think it got super popular so I can understand how like it's hard to believe that it's as good as people say it is because how much people are talking about it I I can get that but I did watch it it took me a little bit to watch it as well but it was very good I wouldn't watch the new Netflix game show inspired by it yeah no thank you what do you watch okay I feel like you might have mentioned it but I don't know how much we went into it no no no no okay wow what's letterbox okay so like old school movies okay I tell you what why don't you tell me like top three we should go around the horn like top three or top five you guys can be the judge depends on how many you can think of on the spot but top three or top five like movies that you either want to see or need to see like because they're a classic or because they're something that you just like you haven't got around to seeing yet all right I know what my number one is I know there's a few out there but my number one is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I haven't seen it and I actually now that I think about it I have a number two also Shutter Island so I'm actually a huge Leo guy too so the fact that I haven't seen these movies it's simply because I stopped going to the movies a little while ago just stopped going to the movies I don't know why I've gone to a couple every once in a while my buddy Mike and I go and see the Avengers movies and that's about it let's see I'd say those two uh you know the one that's been on my list for quite some time and I don't know are you maybe Matt maybe both of you I should say um Fantastic Mr. Fox are you guys uh yeah it's Wes Anderson are you guys Wes Anderson fans okay yeah so yeah that's one I've seen a lot of Wes Anderson stuff that's one that I've been meaning to see I just haven't got around to it um yeah I'd say that's probably my top three right now especially claiming to be a Leo guy I feel like I really gotta see those two um but yeah you guys got any idea go top three okay nice I know you were excited about that it's gotten I think it's gotten some extra views right just because again because of some of the um accuracy but overall people are kind of saying it's pretty good enjoyable okay is that the animated uh um I just wasn't even interested in seeing it I haven't seen it but I just didn't care that's it okay which one oh Killers of the Flower Room yeah okay yeah I that's kind of on my list it does look good again I kind of like it's another Leo movie so I hadn't I need to see so many Leo movies but he just like went on a run I wasn't prepared for him to go on this run and do so many movies that I needed to see I thought he was going to do like one every few years it'd be a banger I kind of move on but you know he's putting her out okay totally work work all right I appreciate that I'm going to do that I'll try to do that by next time we uh next time we chat if I can I'll give you a little review sure I'm with you yeah it's a good story cool all right how about you bud what you got yes I have okay yep I I definitely cried in that movie yeah it is very good um yeah I I liked it a lot um it's very like emotionally invested you know you get very emotionally invested in the characters in that they're very good acting they did a good job and the the camera works very good yeah uh so I'm terrible with acting or actor names but I think so same kid um when you say Ezra Miller is that a director or an actor oh no no so he's in it but I wouldn't say he's the well it's kind of an ensemble there's I can give you a quick do you know the plot line do you know the plot line at all so I'll give you without giving too much away um three kind of outsiders one of whom is a pretty girl so less of an outsider um are friends uh and it's kind of like their journey um within high school with a focus on one kid who's very shy um has a hard time you know making friends and this group is kind of pulling him out of his shell so that's all I'll give you because I do think it's very good the music's good in it yeah definitely one I've seen a couple times um but uh you know not always in the mood to watch it top three of all time uh so I was doing this the other day I definitely have a top five I think and now that I say that out loud I'm gonna have a hard time remembering it um but let me think uh gladiator is in there it is it's also just like one of my favorite watches you know like I can just always watch that movie um yeah um crazy stupid love it's rom-com do you like rom-coms chat add it to your list bud it's a great one I love Steve Carell I love Ryan Gosling you know so um so um yeah that that's my favorite rom-com so it's in the top five I don't know if it gets a four spot or a five spot but it's in there um let's see what else uh usually I'll say I throw I'll say I throw like one Avengers movie in there and I usually give that to um Thor Ragnarok I like Taika Waititi um yeah that's a really good one um and then let's see two more um for the longest time it was Gangs of New York um and Catch Me If You Can but you know those two were kind of like my favorite forever um both Leo again like I said I'm a big Leo guy um trying to think yeah now I feel you but I'm also like a sucker for Disney movies so like I do love uh The Lion King and I love Hercules so like they're not my favorite movies but if you gave me like five categories I'd probably throw one of those in there as like a representative for a category dude I love them all I'm not gonna lie yeah you got a top five handy wow okay okay great movie just doesn't funny is just such a crazy way to describe that movie it yeah I hear you I get it love me some Ben Stiller really dude that movie I feel like they almost made that movie to be bad and it was it just ended up like being kind of good yeah totally they were coming out like crazy yeah yeah nice I haven't watched that in a very long time is it okay okay I don't know if I believe you I don't know if I believe you there you can I just don't know that you do so okay oh I'll tell you right now I have to add um Casino Royale to my top I have to eliminate one of those um Leo movies and uh Casino Royale is definitely a top two movie for me yeah yeah sorry man continue oh man love Seth Rogen you ever seen the wedding singer oh I was just gonna say like not like I gotta keep rethinking it if I'm ever gonna really finalize this list I gotta keep rethinking it because the wedding singer is one of my all-time favorites um you know what's a sneaky funny movie a couple sneaky funny movies grown-ups grown-ups is great oh my god I'm an animal oh yeah I've never heard that one before hey why where's MCA oh geez that was a fun one yeah man yeah Shanghai Knights yeah buddy yeah Shanghai Knights are you guys uh like are you guys a mob or mafia movie guys please do okay okay yeah um I feel like I have um I know Steve McQueen but yeah have you ever seen Bronx Tale okay Bronx Tale that's like my favorite mafia movie so that that one I watch at least once a year outside of that yeah I just end up doing one year like Sean oh this is pretty funny actually freshman year uh Sean was on the lacrosse team I think you were too right Matt so Sean got a concussion at a game and he came back and he's like yeah I can't go to sleep like whatever like I have to just stay up and I was like all right fuck it like I'll stay up with you so we went to tops we got I don't know who had a car but we went to tops and got like two pounds of candy from the tops like bins bulk candy bins came home and just stayed up and there was a like a mafia it was like gangster week or whatever on one of the channels and it was just mobster movie after mobster movie after mobster movie we just stayed up all night watching like Bronx Tale and the Godfather and all that stuff it was pretty good it was a fun time it was it was fun put some xbox here and there you know took a little break but uh ate a lot of candy and did not sleep very much but it's good yeah it's a very good one I'm with you there I'm with you there um do you really John's the classic I mean people are gonna look at you weird anyway pal I'm sure on the airplane you got like a Wu-Tang sweatshirt on you probably got like some Jordans and then like some crazy going on Lulu pants you're just all over the map am I right close walking through the airport with his fucking VR headset on so yes yeah yeah I wish I could but I'm kind of in the in the ballpark of I don't want anybody to do it to me so I can't do it of course you do I bet you move around a bunch too so like they probably got their tray table down and you're like adjusting like shaking it shit I used to well you aren't yeah I hear you the the angle of the chair is not right like yeah it's not right my knees lock up like it's not great I'm a little too big for like what they have it measured for so like my knees hit in the wrong spot like they have the extra space not where I need it kind of thing it's not ideal oh what are they they're good team dude what's the score 20 and 20 wow all right well you know what speaking of football uh there's a lot of football this past week with thanksgiving and everything did you guys watch on thanksgiving at all there yeah yeah I mean you know what I don't know if Jared Goff is never gonna not throw interceptions you know so I feel like their defense really needs to step it up for them because their defense was good and now they're just not like they're letting up 30 points a game 30 points plus a game like you're not gonna win shit with that you know losing they lost so Packers beat the Lions 29 22 and it just you know the Lions were never really in control of that game and the games that they've won this year they've been in control they've ended up establishing the run somehow you know they've had some big plays but David Montgomery has always been able to get going and then also their backup Jameer Gibbs has been really strong so the fact that you know they only put up 22 points shows that they weren't able to really get going you know we've also got who is it cowboys commanders cowboys whomped the commanders so you said that's who's going right now right uh Seahawks Cowboys so you know they come off of a game against a not really a good commander team especially after trading off their two defensive weapons um you think the Seahawks can pull it off what'd you say the score was Matt all right so it's still one score a game theoretically how much time's left okay okay do you think Cowboys come back in that one so he's like he's good but you just don't have a lot of faith in him to get it done kind of thing yeah i'm with you sure yeah now i'm with you yeah Jackson oh i mean i got Zach Wilson so yeah of course i would but yeah i take him all day yeah i'm taking him all day you know there's a lot of nonsense going on and um i mean even like look at the Seahawks right now they're beating the Cowboys who want the commanders last weekend on Thanksgiving they got fairly wonked by the 49ers 49ers lost to who the Browns right the week before that you know so you know you're looking at potentially the best team in the NFL and the 49ers losing to the Browns who have been so bad at times this year that they don't even look like an NFL team their defense is legit you know but Deshaun Watson is hit or miss if he plays um and now you got them beating the Cowboys so i mean we'll see if they pull that game out but um you know the games on Thanksgiving weren't great you know you hope that the Packers game was okay that offense looked pretty good you know they talked about Jordan Love a lot something that i thought was interesting just to circle back to that real quick they didn't really give him a chance early on you know when you really look at his wide receivers yes they're young and talented but like Christian Watson as a number one is what a second year and then the rest of the wide receivers are rookies Reed Dobbs uh yeah i think so or second years like they're all so young they had no veteran talent on that team Aaron Jones and A.J. Dillon are the closest thing even uh they traded the tight end they're they're down to like a rookie or a second year tight end now too um so Tanyan they got rid of yeah Musgraves is a rookie i think they had Tanyan forever so they really got rid of anybody so you know they're starting to come into their own now and it's starting to show that Jordan might be able to get it done for them so we'll see um as for the rest of that lineup on Sunday i can run through the scores real quick if you want um we got Dolphins whopped the Jets 34 to 13 no reason to talk about that uh yeah no reason you know unless Aaron Rodgers has a piece of metal in his foot full of you know steroids there's just no reason to worry about the Jets football team but anyway moving forward Falcons 24 Saints 15 Bijan look pretty good um who else you got um uh Drake Wundin i think he got in the end zone right you're not mistaken um i think so but uh i mean the Saints aren't very good right so it's not really anything to write home about um Steelers 16 Bengals 10 i mean the Bengals are just no joke bro there's just no point in that team even showing up the Steelers are not a good football team the defense is okay at times but that's just a that's just a bad football game nobody wants to watch that um and then we got Titan another one Titan 17 Panthers 10 nobody cares Colts 27 Buccaneers 20 um i don't even know who's playing quarterback on those teams like Gardner and Baker Mayfield and Gardner Minshew am i right am i right about that that's wild that's so much like Midwest in those quarterbacks it's a lot of mustache Baker he's had some okay games yeah he he looks like a guy that should be like the best backup quarterback in the league you know what i mean you know what i mean like you'd take him over a lot of guys but you'd only take the him over them because they're not good like if you had the choice between him or a guy that might be good for the future you'd still take that guy but he's a great guy to have on your team i think he you know he's not going to lose you a lot of games if he has to play too many he will but i think if he comes in he could be a great backup for a long time okay i could see that yeah i could see that let's take it andy doll and who else maybe like a tie rod keenum you know keenum even got his a start later in his career you know because he had a good run so that kind of thing i can definitely see that out of him um yeah and what else we got gosh giants pads we're not going to talk about that either oh i mean we gosh do you see jabril do you see jabril peppers what he said to saquon after the game he goes you lucky we ass you're lucky we suck we both suck so real peppers um he's from my neighbor he's from my area so he went to don bosco like let he was a yep he was a running back at don bosco he was like the number one running back in the state i think his freshman maybe even his sophomore year the state i think his freshman maybe even his sophomore year off season bosco brings in a kid and the coach tells him they're gonna play running back over you and he was like what you mean i like led the state in rushing and he's like they're gonna play running back over you so he transfers for him as catholic and then led the state in rushing and also played defense and led the state in like interceptions or whatever it became the number one defensive recruit in the country when he went to michigan yeah i could be paraphrasing a little bit but i think i'm pretty pillows nice sure did yeah primus catholic so primus catholic when he was there was like on the rise you know the the schools yeah uh was sophomores in college or well a freshman yeah a freshman um because he was like a couple years or a year older than my sister or something like that um but like uh my area had don bosco saint joe's burden catholic um and primus catholic um really really strong sports programs football they recruited and stuff like that there was even like northern valley old japan or northern highlands one of those they went undefeated like seven seasons one of their kids plays for the falcons i think that yeah devin devin something his name's escaping me at the moment um but yeah uh let's see what else we got broncos beat the browns rams beat the cardinals chiefs beat the raiders eagles beat the bills that was barn burner beat the bills that was barn burner um chargers chargered and i think the bears beat the vikings right that's wild so charger's gonna charge her yeah man you know what at the end of the day some of these nfl teams they just seem to just like redo history you know some people are just cursed and no matter how many players they get they just make the same mistakes over and over again i don't know something's got to change i uh i had the standings here for college football but uh we have been talking for a little while so you guys follow college football much no florida state looks like they could uh really mess some things up in terms of the standings and the playoffs but it's going to 12 teams next year so after that nobody's going to care but yeah yeah you know i think it makes a big difference because it gives the opportunity for any given sunday kind of vibe that somebody could win an advance in a tournament style format for the top 10 or top 12 um but there's always going to be somebody complaining that they got snubbed don't matter if it's 4 6 8 12 30 you know just like with the ncaa tournament somebody's always going to say they should have gotten in when they didn't i mean look at like penn state right like their blue blood program they've only lost a good team but they're number 10 they'd be in you know big yeah i think it'll make it really interesting michigan looks good michigan looks real good they're just so big so big up front so yeah big supporter big supporter yeah ah old salve okay i can't even respond to that it doesn't warrant a response all right that shows that we're wearing we want to wrap it up all right boys no good brother it was good chatting with y'all i think uh we had a good talk we covered everything from uh thanksgiving to movies to sports i think we uh did a pretty good job there and uh next time i think we go deep into collecting i think sure totally um what could be a good idea i know we're gonna like time out if we time out you want to send another one matt just to like talk out some ideas for a minute oh yeah yeah we could stop that's a good idea

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