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Christ Bearer Ministries Pt.1

Christ Bearer Ministries Pt.1

Christ Bearer



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Christ Spare Ministries is updating their followers on their activities. They post on various social media platforms and have a Wednesday newsletter. They are creating a workbook and podcasts about the 39 parables of Jesus. They also mention a Bible study in the book of Numbers. They encourage people to visit their website and share their content on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms. Welcome, one and all, to Christ Spare Ministries. We wanted to give you a little update concerning what's going on in our ministry, and as you well know, we are posting on Twitter or X, Facebook, Instagram, as well as LinkedIn. You'll be able to find some of these things on our Facebook and where you can go and search out extra material. We also have a Wednesday newsletter as well. We are currently, my wife and I, Stephanie, are making a workbook in which she's spearheading that, and she's also the webmaster. We will be getting into the 39 parables of Christ Jesus, that will be the theme of the workbook, as well as doing some podcasts concerning the 39 parables of Christ Jesus, such as the barren fig tree, the lost coin, the mustard seed, the net, the pearl of great price, the persistent will, and others. So we wanted just to give you an update on what's going on. I'm currently in the book of Numbers right now doing a Bible study, which is very interesting, but we wanted to give you a formal heads up and let you know that we will continue to post each and every day on the platforms in which you can see those at our Facebook page, all of our contact information, and feel free to go on our website, Bearer4Christ.org, that's B-E-A-R-E-R, the number four, Christ.org. Feel free to reach out to us and please share with others, our Facebook page, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other such platforms. We love you. God bless you. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

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