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Human Design is a system of self-discovery that uses your birth chart to help you understand yourself and make better decisions. It combines astrology, chakras, genetics, and more. There are five energy types: generators, manifesting generators, manifestors, projectors, and reflectors. Generators and manifesting generators have sustainable energy and need to respond to their gut instincts. Manifestors have the power to make things happen but need to inform others. Each energy type has specific strategies and authorities. Manifestors can sometimes struggle with working with others. Human Design for Beginners, Navigating Life with Purpose, Understanding Your Design Strategy and Authority. Introduction. Forget becoming anything. Try unbecoming everything you were told you needed to be, that was never you in the first place. Jenna Zoe. Everyone has a purpose, a true north, but everything in life presents us with some challenges and it's learning how to deal with those challenges that ultimately matter as the personal growth activated from this can be exponential. Can you imagine knowing how to deal with everyone in the workplace or on your team because you have an understanding of how they operate? Can you imagine the feeling if all those in your company felt loved and respected by you simply because you understood what mattered to them and how they would like to be spoken to? Can you imagine your family willing to do anything to create a harmonious environment at home where nothing is a problem and everyone works together? These are not mere dreams, these are real achievable goals using human design. And most importantly, can you imagine a life where you don't react? You handle all the life throws at you with ease and flow. You allow your intuition to be your driving force where everything comes to you naturally, be it love, the work, an increased income, a new baby, more fulfillment, a life beyond your imagination. Look around yourself, there aren't just lucky people in the world, these people are activated in their self-awareness which is the key to unlocking the best things that life has to offer. Self-awareness enhances emotional intelligence which can serve as your guiding tool for success in any relationship of any kind, love, money, work or family. The more peace and joy you find in each moment, the more you allow life to come to you in your desires, not chaste but inviting and enriching. This is your goal with human design, to educate yourself and understand those around you. Once you've done that, you'll be amazed at how life can truly be, but remember to first unlearn what you've already learned. How to navigate this book? To get the most out of this book, you have to get fully involved in it. You picked up this book because you want practical information with tangible results, ones that you can touch, implement and use in your daily life on your human design journey. After all, once you're equipped with all this good stuff, you can't unlearn the secrets of human design and things are about to look pretty different. So that's what you want after all, right? A more aligned, purposeful life, living through a clearer lens that will allow you to choose the right relationship, work in the job of your dreams and tap into the abundance to create a life living on your terms. What could be more perfect? So before we get started, I recommend snagging a copy of your human design chart. There are many websites where you can fill in your personal details along with your date, time and place of birth and hey presto, a chart of sacred, never-before-seen information about yourself will be in your hands. All you have to do is search for a free human design chart and your journey will begin. With a word of caution, what will follow is an odd-looking chart with peculiar pitches and some words that won't make sense at all because on your journey with me, you can start to link everything you learn here to the human design profile and hey you won't be simply learning human design, you'll be learning why you behave the way you do and how to tweak that to get better results in every corner of your life. So the real question is, are you ready? While reading this book, you'll discover great revelations, maybe about yourself, maybe about others close to you and you won't learn it all at once. There are many parts of this book which you'll come back to for further clarity but don't worry, human design is not a destination, it's a never-ending journey we can go deeper and deeper into. If you haven't already, get yourself a journal and note down the things that resonate with you because a lot of things are going to come up. This book forms part of your self-awareness growth and ultimately that will help you create a happier and healthier mind and life. I'm really excited for you to get started and you ready to unlearn everything about yourself and discover the truth. Remember there's no going back now. What is human design? Human design is a system of self-discovery that uses the science of your birth chart to help you understand yourself, make better decisions and create a personalized blueprint for understanding how you are uniquely designed. Human design can be used as an evolutionary tool for personal growth, healing and transformation. The human design body graph system brings together many different modalities. Astrology, Deiking, Chakra, Tree of Life, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetic and Biochemistry. As mentioned above, you will need three key pieces of information to know your human design. Number one is your complete date of birth. Number two is your exact time of birth and number three is the location of your birth. To know your human design you can access a free chart on many different sites. I personally love mybodygraph.com. For those reading who do not have access to your exact time of birth, my suggestion would be to call the hospital you were born in and request medical records. The birth time is important and I don't ever suggest guessing as it could result in aligning with an incorrect energy type and that my friends, defeats the purpose. Part one, a look into energy types. Our energy type is the most important aspect of our design. We're not aligned to our energy type, everything else will show off. Think of it this way, an apple can't be an onion and an elephant can't be a monkey. Our energy types help us step into who we truly design to be. There are five different energy types. One, generators. Two, the manifesting generators. Three, the manifestors. Four, the projectors and five, the reflectors. Within the coming chapters, we'll break down each type and what that energy looks like within the world. Please keep in mind our energy type or any part of our design does not define who we are. It is a complement to our human self. It brings clarity, reassurance and most importantly, at least for me, permission to be exactly who designed to be. Though this book is not focused on energy types, I will provide a quick snapshot of the energy types. Chapter one, generators and manifesting generators. 70% of the world are generators of manifesting generators. 37% generators and 33 manifesting generators. Generators and manifesting generators can create the power of energy which can be sustained over long periods of time. This characteristic is why they are often called the energizer bunnies of human design. Generators and manifesting generators thrive when they're doing work that they love but can quickly become bored and frustrated when they're not. Strategy to respond. Generators and manifesting generators use their gut response to make a decision. They feel things deeply and sometimes you sleep before making a solid decision. Yes or no questions work well with manifesting generators too and they have to inform those around them to maintain the status quo before taking action. Authority. Sacral or emotional. Signature. Satisfaction. Not self-esteem. Frustration. Life force. Manifesting generators possess the ability to respond to life's challenges and initiate exciting experiences based on their beliefs and determination. Action. They like to inform others just like manifestors to avoid any clashes or upsetting others and contribute in the building of a harmonious environment. Behavior. The manifesting generator can flip from one thing to another and multitask well. They are bored when they are not multitasking. They are passionate, inspired and fast decision makers although sometimes sloppy as they want to rush to the end of a project. Impatience therefore can be a problem for manifesting generators. Key to alignment. Manifesting generators are adventurers and test life in the same way. One adventure after another. They can be found in a variety of different careers but they may flip from one career to another when they are bored. Relationships. They are usually charismatic and draw others to them easily. However they can sometimes be welcoming and the energy of others can become too much at times so they need to protect themselves from this. Aura. Their aura is completely engaging and magnetic. Health. Burnout can be an issue as the manifesting generator is always in action. Chapter two. Manifestors. Nine percent of the world are manifestors. Manifestors love to initiate and make things happen. They can often be viewed as the superheroes of human design as they hold the power to make things manifest out of thin air. With great power comes great responsibility. Manifestors have to be careful not to bulldoze over others in pursuit of their goals. Strategy. To inform. Manifestors work best using the to inform strategy. They are concerned with the harmony of the working with others so will always inform when they have plans or make any decision. Authority. Emotional splenic ego. Signature. Peace. Not self-esteem. Anger. Life force. Manifestors are incredible at initiating movements and changing history. They are concrete in their resolve and nothing can stop them once they believe in a cause they're aligned with. A powerful force in action indeed. Action. Manifestors often work in spurts and get extremely worn out. They need to rest and recuperate after energy surge. Behavior. Manifestors can appear to be fiercely independent. Key to alignment. Manifestors must understand the way to work with others which they sometimes struggle with. Sometimes they can spend a lifetime learning this and as such their self-awareness and personal growth becomes a lifelong journey. Work. Sometimes manifestors are inconsistent and struggle with their energy due to overactive spurts. They can have difficulty collaborating with others as they're extremely autonomous. Relationships. Manifestors love their independence and prefer staying alone especially when they're initiating something important. Aura. Manifestors tend to possess a repelling aura. Health. Burnout can be an issue for manifestors if they don't pay attention to balancing their schedule. Chapter three. Projectors. 20% of the world are projectors. Projectors are like human lighthouses casting their insights across the world and illuminating hidden truths. Projectors are great at seeing the big picture and guiding others towards their true path. Making them great leaders, guides and CEOs. In order for projectors to have success they need to be recognized and invited in order to truly shine. Strategy. To wait for an invitation is the strategy adopted by the projector. This entails patiently waiting and having faith in the completion of a lunar cycle to resolve their emotions and thoughts before taking any further action. Authority. Emotional, splenid, sounding board or ego. Signature. Success. Not self seen. Bitterness. Life force. Projectors need others to offer recognition and appreciation to come alive. This is what ignites their fire. Action. Because of their deep wisdom and depth of knowledge, projectors can initiate deep transformation in any area of life or work. They are really game changers. Behavior. Projectors are sensitive to other people and can be overwhelmed by others energy but can also empathize deeply. Key to alignment. Projectors excel when they are leadership positions, giving guidance or advice to others. Work. The type of work a projector should do needs to be carefully considered as they struggle with physical work and need to use their minds. Relationships. They are great at giving relationship advice but very sensitive to others emotions and energies. However, they understand what makes people tick and how folks truly connect. Aura. Their aura is one of penetration. This means they can get to the heart of any situation. Health. The projector has limited energy and can be deeply affected by others. They need to take lots of rest and self-care needs to be paramount for projectors. Beautiful and well-put environments make the projector feel good. Aesthetically pleasing surroundings enrich the projector while clustering chaos can steal their energy.

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