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Healthy Foods That Are Bad For You! pt 2

Healthy Foods That Are Bad For You! pt 2

Christy Wilson



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Dr. Joe Esposito discusses healthy foods that may actually be harmful. He mentions that canned soups are often loaded with sugars, salts, and chemicals. The cans themselves may contain bisphenol A, which can increase the risk of obesity and insulin resistance. Dr. Joe recommends making homemade soups instead. He also warns against using broths that contain monosodium glutamate. Dr. Joe emphasizes the importance of making better food choices and suggests eating canned beans instead of steak. He also mentions the benefits of taking enzyme support when eating cooked meals, especially for those over 30. Furthermore, Dr. Joe recommends a supplement called Colacol for individuals who have had their gallbladder removed. He highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy body and offers consultations for personalized plans. Lastly, Dr. Joe criticizes protein bars, which often contain genetically modified soy, sodium, artificial sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup. He suggests opting fo Hey folks, Dr. Joe Esposito, if you stuck around, thank you. If you're just joining us, welcome. What we're talking about today are healthy foods that are really terrible for you and You know I started the other segment by saying that so many patients come to me, and they say, Dr. Joe, let me tell you about my wonderful diet, and they say they're doing granola and fat-free dressings, and they're doing juice of smoothies every day, and they're eating whole wheat bread, and they're only eating veggie chips, and and I said all those things you just listed are horrible for you, and so I want to continue on with that. Canned soups. Canned soups are just loaded with sugars and salts and additives and chemicals, so if you're going to do a canned soup, make sure that you're going to do an organic canned soup. Now the problem with the cans is that a lot of cans, and this is from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, the cans are lined with something called bisphenol A, BPA, and the can linings can increase your risk of obesity and insulin resistance, and I've done shows on this before. It's not just the food you eat, it's your environment that can cause you to gain weight. So if you're eating canned soups, if it's lined with bisphenol A, which is basically just a nonstick coating to make the stuff slide out of the can easier, it can actually be causing you to gain weight. It's not the cause of gaining weight, but it can be contributing to it. So I personally like to make my own soups. In fact, I love making soups. In fact, I make soup probably about once a week in the winter. Now I have one of those, was it one pots, little crock pots, a new modern crock pot, and you can put a soup together from start to finish and have dinner in less than an hour. And you can do lentil soup. You can do split pea soup. You can do vegetable soups. You can do bean soups, multiple bean soups. Stay away from wheat, barley, and rye. Remember that because they're loaded with gluten and just make your own soups. If you don't know what kind of soups to make, just go on the website, go on the internet and type in, you know, vegan soups. And you can't possibly read all of them that are out there. And do that. Now be careful with the broth because many broths that are out there have monosodium glutamate in them. And I cannot stress enough how dangerous monosodium glutamate is. And it's used, it has over 40 different names, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natural flavors, broth. Yeah, monosodium glutamate. In fact, my first book that I ever wrote, Eating Right for the Health of It, we have a whole chapter on soup, so that's a great place to go, drjoe.com. Get the book Eating Right for the Health of It. It has recipes in it. But if you're going to use a broth, a vegetable broth, just be careful that doesn't have monosodium glutamate in it. It should just be vegetables. Salt-free is always a good one. Or just make your own. It's pretty easy. But yeah, make your own soups. It's much better for you. Because anything canned, you're running the risk of having the bisphenol A. So just consider that. Is it worth it? Now, we talk about making the best choice. I'd rather see you eat a can of beans than have a steak. It's a lot cheaper, way cheaper, and way better for you. So I'd rather see you do that. Than have the steak. So it's all about better choices. Now if you're going to do organic, you have a better chance of not having the bisphenol A. So organic soups might be a better choice. Let me tell you, son, they are so stupid expensive, those canned soups. Two, three, four dollars a can. I could make gallons of split pea soup for five dollars. Organic split peas, carrot, onion, celery, a plant-based vegetable broth. You could add pepper, garlic, salt if you want to, you know, Celtic sea salt or air-dried sea salt, and make your own. So much better. I mean, it tastes better. Nothing else. It tastes great. And you can freeze it, get little glass jars and freeze it if you want to. And now you have your own canned soup. You want soup at night? Take it out in the morning, put it on the counter. It'll be defrosted by the time you come home. You got soup. You're gonna save so much money when you start making your own soups. Because it's a great replacement for other meals that are very expensive. Once you get into this, folks, it's great. Now, if you eat beans and you have a gas problem with it, what I recommend is Dr. Joe's enzyme support. Whenever I eat a cooked meal, I take Dr. Joe's enzyme support. One reason is I'm getting older, so my enzyme levels are dropping. And I just don't digest food like I used to. So I switch to the enzyme support. Now, if you're over 30, you should be taking an enzyme support with every cooked meal. Just carry it with you. It's pretty simple. I had a patient, many patients over the years, that had their gallbladder removed. I'm going to go on a tangent here for a second. I said, did the doctor ever tell you you got to replace that bile? Because your gallbladder stores bile. And bile is like dish detergent. When you eat fat, it squirts this dish detergent into your colon and breaks down the fat. Remove your gallbladder, you don't have this reserve of dish detergent. You're kind of dripping a little dish detergent here and there into your colon. And no one ever, in all the years I've been in practice, has ever said I just got to substitute that bile that I don't have stored anymore. So there's a supplement called Colacol. And if you can't remember it, send me an email. I'll send it to you. And I'll give you the link to the company I use because, again, it's all about quality. And it's not my product. So I'm not trying to sell you my product here. But Colacol is absolutely necessary. And boy, I had a lady come in the other day. And I told her, and I just say this in passing. I don't even remember I say it so many times. And she came in and she's crying. And I said, what's wrong? And she said, I have never felt this good in the past 30 years. And I said, why are you crying? She goes, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you told me about this and how mad I am that nobody ever told me about it. She said, for the past 30 years, I've been putting on weight. I feel terrible. I have digestive problems. She says, and this bottle is like, I don't know, it's like 60 pills for like $15. I mean, it's really cheap. And she said, I take one every time I have something with fat in it. And she goes, my life has changed. I'm so mad at my doctors who never told me about this before. So anyway, I'll go find a tangent there when I talk about supplements. But yeah, you want to keep the body as healthy as you possibly can. And that's why I'd love to set up a consultation with you specifically. Because you probably have quirks and idiosyncrasies, we all do, that need a coach. I mean, the best baseball players in the world. Some guy just trying to, what was it, I can't remember his name now, just signed a $700 million contract to play baseball. How crazy is that? And you know what? He has a coach. Everybody has coaches. I have coaches, and I want to be your coach. So if you're serious about wanting to get well, maybe you have neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, numbness, tingling, sciatica, muscle weakness, maybe you have digestive issues, maybe you want to learn about nutrition, go to my website, drjoe.com, set up an appointment with me. In the Atlanta area, Marietta, Duluth, Stockbridge, or West Cobb, we have offices. We'd be happy to meet with you. And if you're not in the Atlanta area, we can do a virtual consultation. And let's put together a plan specifically for you. Let's find out where your shortcomings are, what we need to do to get them fixed. And let's do everything we can within our power to get you as healthy as we possibly can. So drjoe.com, come see us. That's exam, x-rays, consultation, first treatment, going over the x-rays, complete nutrition evaluation. That's an in-person consultation. If it's remote, it's just a nutritional consultation and lifestyle coaching. But if you want to do that, normally the first visit is $940. I've reduced that for my listeners to $299. Exam, x-rays, consultation, first treatment, going over the x-rays, nutrition eval. You're not going to get that anywhere else at any price. And that's why we want to see if you're a candidate for care. And if you are, we'll tell you. If not, you're not. We'll tell you that too. So drjoe.com, do that right now. Stop jerking around. Stop wasting time. And every day you have health problems, it's going to get worse and worse unless you do something about it in most cases. drjoe.com. And you can send me questions through the website too, drjoe.com. So what we're talking about today are health foods that are really bad for you. Another one that really irks me, these protein bars. They're supposed to fuel your muscles and protein bars in their health foods. They're loaded with many times genetically modified soy, sodium, artificial sweeteners, sugars, high fructose corn syrups. And most protein bars are actually sabotage your health. They're actually bad for you. The sugar-free and low carb ones are often somewhat better if they don't have any sugar added. Because sugar-free means they're probably using artificial sweeteners then. And in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine links artificial sweeteners used to risk of weight gain and increasing your sugar cravings. And also there's been links to artificial sweeteners to certain cancers. So I would strongly advise you never ever under any circumstances to artificial sweeteners. Now again, if you want to do a protein bar, you can get a bag of trail mix, organic trail mix. I say organic. That has nuts in it, maybe some dried fruit. Do that instead. Much better choice, way cheaper. And much better for you. Now I say organic because again, if you just tuned in, we talked about dried fruit. And a lot of times dried fruit has nitrates in it. And nitrates are potential carcinogens. So dried fruit has to be organic. They don't add the nitrates. Sulfites. I'm sorry, sulfites. They don't add the sulfites. So that's why you want to make sure you're doing organic when you do the dried fruits. Rice cakes. Rice. Rice is getting a bad rap lately. If you're going to do rice, I want you to do organic, California rice. Because the other rice is, rice is, rice I, the rice is are very high in aluminum. Metals, heavy metals. And it can absorb it from the soil. And that's not good for you either. So just be, heavy metals like mercury, lead. And plants can absorb it. Like tea, for example, will absorb heavy metals like aluminum. But you just got to be careful with the heavy metals that can be absorbed with certain plants. And rice is one of them. So we find that the rice from California, organic rice, has the lowest amount of the toxic heavy metals in it. But rice cakes, especially if you start throwing on sugars and sweeteners and maybe peanut butter with hydrogenated oil in it. So organic rice cakes, if you're going to eat plain rice cakes, they're probably not the worst thing in the world. But just be careful about the junk that they throw in there. Coconut water. A single cup can have 15 grams of sugar. So coconut water is better than soda. But I certainly wouldn't be drinking it every day. It does have a lot of sugar in it. Yogurt. Every day. Every day patients come to me and say, Dr. Joe, I take yogurt every day because of my probiotics. A couple things wrong with that statement. Number one, most yogurts, I know in Georgia anyway, have to be pasteurized before they're sold. So they have probiotics in them. They have good bacteria. We pasteurize it to kill the bad bacteria, kill the good bacteria too. So the count that they have, the number of probiotics, the millions of colonies of probiotics they have in there, oftentimes is way off. Because it's pasteurized. Kills the good and the bad bacteria. Also, many times yogurt is made with dairy products, which I'm not a fan of either. Now, if you're going to do yogurt, you want to do cashew yogurt, almond yogurt, soy yogurt if it's organic. Those are better choices. But again, don't get them sweetened. Get them unsweetened. Otherwise, you're basically just eating sugar. So not a good choice there. We talked a little bit about oatmeal earlier. If you're going to do oatmeal, steel cut is going to be the best choice for you. Steel cut, they take steel cut, they steam it and roll it out, and that's called rolled oats. That's why they're called rolled oats. And that's a little better, but it's still going to spike your blood sugar. Better choice. Better than baking an egg. And then if you do instant oats, that's the worst of all. Because usually instant oats, they grind them up. They basically put in a blender and grind it up. You got instant oats, and it breaks down the fiber. So you're losing a lot of the beneficial fiber from it. And oftentimes, they're loaded with sugar. Brown sugar oats can have 12 grams of sugar in it. In a day, you're not supposed to have more than 40 grams of sugar from any source. And if you're doing something like coconut water with 15 grams of sugar in one serving, a bowl of flavored oatmeal with 12 grams of sugar in a serving, not a good idea. Because again, sugar breaks down, even if it's table sugar, into fructose and glucose. And the fructose converts into uric acid. And uric acid affects circulation to your sex organs, and your brain, and your arteries, and your veins, and your nerves. So you really don't want to mess with that. So cutting back on the sugar is a key. And the flavored oatmeal, especially if they're instant, are really just like eating sugar water. Because the fiber is broken down. So you don't even have the benefit of the fiber anymore. So if you're just tuning in, what I'm talking about today, folks, are healthy foods that are really bad for you. And I know I'm bursting a few bubbles here. And I know a lot of you are going to send me questions. And that's okay. If you have a question, send it to me through my website drjoe.com. Drjoe.com. Happy to answer any questions for you. The website is a great source of information, too. We have over 4,000 hours of podcasts. So you can go in there and enjoy your podcast. Search. Put in the search bar what you're looking for. And we have podcasts, and blogs, and it's so much information. So content, I guess I should say. 4,000 hours of content. And feel free to send me questions through the website. All the supplements we talk about, Supergreens, essential source, nitric oxide, vitamin D, B-complex, adrenal support, all on the website drjoe.com. In fact, we have women's estrogen hormone support, women's hormone support, half price. So I really want to help balance out people's hormones, especially as we go into the holidays. And that's on the website drjoe.com. Dr. Joe's Supergreens with hemp. Half price as well. I'm trying to get these out to you folks. I'm doing everything we can to get these nutrients in your hands and into your body the best we can. So drjoe.com. Great place to hang out. And then also if you follow us on social media at Dr. Joe Esposito. We post every day, at least once a day, sometimes multiple times a day. And you're also going to get pop-up information when we're doing a podcast. We're doing a live lecture. We're doing a radio show. We're doing a TV show. You're going to get the pop-ups. You can join us. And you can say, oh, Dr. Joe's doing a podcast. Let me tune in. And then we store everything on Facebook and Instagram. You just have to go to my archives and we have everything archived there. Can't make it any easier for you, can I? Unless it came to your house, which I'm not going to do. We have that for you. We talked about dried fruit already. They have these things called Asahi bowls now. Many times it's just sugar and frozen yogurt. It's really not a good choice. Kind of like the smoothies like we talked about. Oh, it's Asahi bowl. It must be good for me. It's just sugar. Let's get real. If you make your own, it's different. But we're selling to the public. The public wants to think they're eating something healthy when they're not. But it's business, capitalism. And that's the nice part is you don't have to fall for this anymore. Now that you listen to my shows. It's there. I'm not saying somebody shouldn't be able to sell it. I'm not saying somebody shouldn't be able to sell it. That's every right to sell it. It doesn't mean you have to buy it. And that's what I'm trying to do is give you power over your own health. And that's what's so important. So we're talking today about health foods are not good for you. We kind of talked about veggie chips before. But you might be thinking I'm going to have baked chips, baked potato chips, baked pita chips. Well, that's going to be much better for me. Baked chips are often packed with more sodium to make up for the lack of fat because fat makes them taste good. And their market is a healthier option. You might try to convince yourself that it's a better choice. Don't do it. Don't try to convince yourself that something's better for you. You know better. Pita chips, of course, are made with wheat, usually. And wheat, of course, is not good for you. Now, there is gluten-free pita. I've had it before. It tastes fine. But it's more hard to find. Again, it's still sugar, though. It's just like eating sugar. The big one that we did a whole show on a while ago is vegetable oils. Dr. Joe, I don't eat lard, which you shouldn't. But I use vegetable oils. Not everything that comes from a vegetable is good for you, like the vegetable oils. Many times they're partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, and that can raise your bad cholesterol, increase your risk of heart disease. It attacks the DNA, essentially. It affects the mitochondria in the cell, which produces energy. Again, I did a whole couple of hours on nothing but omega-6 fatty acids and vegetable oils. So, stay away from that. Again, just because it comes from a vegetable, that doesn't mean it's good for you. We covered protein shakes a little bit. We covered smoothies. But people always ask me, number one question I get, Dr. Joe, you don't eat meat. Where do you get your, say it with me, protein? Where do you get your protein from? Well, obviously, I'm starving. It's quite apparent that I'm emaciated, and my brain doesn't function, and I'm near death because I haven't had meat in 38 years. Protein shakes are basically like a milkshake. Many of the protein shakes are loaded with sugar. They're loaded with dairy. They have the artificial sweeteners in them, and not a good choice. You don't need more protein. Your body only needs about eight to ten percent of its total caloric intake as protein. That's everything I eat. Eight percent of it should be protein. Beans are way beyond that. Carrots are six percent. They're close to eight percent. Lentils, split peas, vegetables. Think about this. Let's think about a cow. Cows have a lot of protein, right? Fat, leather, beef, horns, hooves, bones. Do cows eat meat? No. They eat vegetables. Now, I understand their digestive system is different than ours. They have four stomachs. We have one. I get all that, but we can get plenty of protein if you're just eating a plant-based diet. In fact, more than you even need. Way more than you need. I said earlier, I think I did an analysis on myself. I get about 70% more protein than I need because it's quality, not quantity. It's like the dating world, right? Not a lot of chlorine in the dating pool. Quantity is a lot out there, but it's about quality. Well, I want you to think about that with your health. It's about the quality of the food you put in your body, and the cool part about this is it's so much cheaper. I mean, not a little bit. A lot cheaper when you start eating the right foods. If you don't know what to eat, go to my website, drjoe.com, and type in the search bar, so what can I eat? You could listen to a lecture that I did. It talks about breakfast, lunches, dinner, snacks, parties, raising kids, holidays. Everything is all there, and when you search the website, by the way, it's absolutely free. You can search for specific concerns that you might have, and then if you have any questions, send me a question through the website, drjoe.com. Happy to answer your questions. Follow us on social media, at Dr. Joe Esposito. We post every single day, many times, multiple times a day, and we said earlier, it's not just health tips. It's also an insight into living this lifestyle. How do you really live this lifestyle? What happens if you go to a restaurant? What happens if you're at home? What happens if you're on a date? drjoe.com is the website, social media, at Dr. Joe Esposito. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok. You're gonna be very happy, I predict, with all the information we're gonna send you literally every day, and it's just a post in your Facebook. You don't like it? Scroll past it. Don't like it? Unfollow us. You're not gonna unfollow us. People don't unfollow us. So, drjoe.com, if you want to make an appointment, questions, supplements, locations of the offices, search the website. If you're a podcast junkie, go to your podcast service and type in Dr. Joe for the health of it. Dr. Joe for the health of it in your podcast service, and we post at least two podcasts a day, but they're all there, archived, too. Not a day, a week, I'm sorry. And then also, if you're a veteran. If you're a veteran and the VA refers you to our office, we're on a list that accepts VA patients, the VA is going to pay for your treatment. So, go to your VA doctor and say, hey, I want to go see Dr. Joe because I have pain or whatever it is. If the doctor refers you, we're happy to see you, any of our offices, Marietta, Duluth, Stockbridge, and West Cobb. So, if you're just tuning in, what would, you missed a great show. Almost done. We're talking about health foods that are really bad for you. The low-carb snacks, many times they're sugar-free cookies and pork rinds and bundles of cheeseburgers, but at the end of the day, junk food is junk food. Like pork rinds. They're loaded with saturated fat. They fry them in omega-6 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats, which are bad for you as well. When they fry them, they create acrylamides. And so, you're thinking to yourself, well, this pork rind is ketogenic. I'm not a fan of ketogenic, by the way. It's ketogenic and it's healthy for me. No, no. Just because it doesn't have sugar in it doesn't mean it's healthy for you. And things that do have sugar in it, like an apple, is good for you. So, it takes a little coaching. It takes a little captain to steer your ship through this, and I want to be your captain. I want to help you through this whole thing. Microwave popcorn, sometimes it might be low in calories, but many of what you're going to find is really unhealthy. And it's not just the popcorn. They line the popcorn bag with a bisphenol A, a nonstick coating, and that is highly toxic. It can affect your hormones, men and women, children, very bad for children. I'm not a fan of anything microwave, just so you know, but the microwave popcorn is one of the worst because you're, first of all, in the microwave, but the lining of the bag can be toxic. Plus, the artificial butters they use, butters, polyunsaturated fats, hydrogenated oils, flavoring salts, artificial sweeteners, artificial chemicals, artificial flavor enhancers like monosodium glutamate. So, I'm not a fan of microwave popcorn. If you're going to make popcorn, this is how you do it. This is how you do it. You're going to take organic popcorn. It's got to be organic because otherwise it's probably genetically modified. Organic popcorn, get an air popper and just pop it in the air popper, and then if you want to salt it, you want it to stick, you can spray something called organic tamari. Tamari is like a high-end soy sauce that doesn't have a lot of monosodium glutamate in it, and spray it on. It's going to be salty and sticky, and then you can coat it. Now, a nice popcorn topping is called nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast has a very cheesy flavor to it. It tastes like cheese. It's really good. Now, if you're sensitive, it does have some glutamic acid in it. It's what makes it savory. Now, if you're sensitive, like you've had a traumatic brain injury, you're a migraine sufferer, you might find that the nutritional yeast might trigger your headaches because of glutamic acid. It's an excitotoxin to the brain, but for most people, nutritional yeast is actually good for you. It's loaded with B vitamins. It's loaded with protein, so you're going to love it. In most cases, people come back and say, Dr. Joe, wow, this is really cool. How come I didn't know this sooner? Well, a lot of people ask that, so why not come see us, and let's find out what we can do for your health so you don't become like most of my patients that say, why didn't I do this sooner? Why didn't I get my nervous system, my digestive system, my diet straightened out? So, drjoe.com. We'd love to see you. We can do virtual or in-person. Normally, the first visit is $940. I've reduced that to $299 for you, my listeners, because I care about you guys so much, and if you're ever in a car accident, please, if you're ever in a car accident, if the car is damaged, you're damaged, and there are so many, they're called runners and scammers out there. They're going to call you, go see this doctor, go see this lawyer. I've had scammers try to steal my patients from me. Folks, don't fall for it. Go to a doctor. You know you're going to get the care you need and the quality of care that you need. So once again, any questions, drjoe.com, social media, at Dr. Joe Esposito. Thanks for tuning in, folks. I'll catch you next time.

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