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Lu Troy Testing

Lu Troy Testing

Cigar Fix & Fantasy BlitzCigar Fix & Fantasy Blitz



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Well, you were recording, you're recording now, right? Yeah. You were recording and you heard it. There it is. Put it on there. OK. All right. But it was put it on there before. It was, but I couldn't see these lines going up and down. They were just flat. But now I see them going up and down. Now I got to see the voice on there. OK, so we'll do five minutes of this. So at the end of the day, you have some real chillas that are about to be in this year's playoffs. You have the Nigerian nightmare. You have the Mexican assassin. You have Lou Jay to commish. He'll be there. You even got Peter that's coming in. And I got to tell you something. I got no faith in Peter, but I may not be there. I'm going to lose to Europe this week. And I got to go next week and I may get bounced. Like you always do. Yes. Back to back years. Same scenario. OK. All right. Well, you just heard it. So he's got no confidence. And let me tell you something. A nigga that get on this microphone with that kind of lack of confidence. He wasn't made for this league. This league don't allow niggas like that to have rings. That's what I tell you. Can you please not say nigger on my podcast? This ninja will not have a ring because it is lack of self-esteem and confidence. He actually this week, that's funny. Week number 16. He said he needed a slump buster. He thought he was going to get an easy win and he couldn't. I'm the slump buster. I got slump busted. He did get you. He's going to be. What's the score? I haven't looked at it. Don't want to know. Do you all hear that? I don't want to look. Don't want to. He said, I don't want to look. Poor Cass. That's what this legal duty. This is a working man that had to like earn a living today in two different areas of expertise. And he still didn't look. That'll tell you how serious this league is. There were Monday mornings that I would go into a sales meeting feeling unsure of myself when as a sales manager, you got to be hella confident. But in the back of my mind, I was thinking about how much of a dummy I was because I started the wrong person. I don't know if people like really realize how that makes a grown ass man feel. I had I needed a break. I needed to step back. You know, I was doing some things in my life. This this this this segment is being brought to you in part by Mimi's Seafood and Cafe Kitchen. Let me tell you something, man. I met these people about a good six months ago. Started coming up here. Heard about it through kind of the grapevine. Hey, you've been over to Mimi's. Hey, you've been over to Mimi's. They are from Louisiana. They got some amazing food. They're good people. It's sponsored by a strong business. And I'm going to tell you guys what I mean by a strong business. I don't always just go for the black owned business. I go for the strong business. But then, you know, like literally I was in my car one day going up just to get some food. Some good food from New Orleans. Some Louisiana country cooking. And then I noticed something. I noticed right next door they were smoking cigars. They had flat screen TVs. They had lounges. They had people chilling. I said, this is my kind of spot. I immediately started going to Cleopatra's. And I've never stopped. And they have events. They can definitely pour. And I think people, you know, I've said this on on the radio a lot. I bring my own drink. I'm a non-alcoholic drinker. I love being able to bring a Merlot red with zero alcohol in it because I still want to chill and be an adult. But we could probably have a session one day about non-alcoholic drinks. We're actually going to be having sessions about scotches and all kinds of stuff like that. I'd love to be able to put that to be one of my parts. Right. To feature a special. Man, can I stop talking? I'm running out of shit to say. You got 30. You have 433. All right. So testing, testing, testing. This is people always talk about the pop. Or people always talk about the arm. Let me see the let me think about how I do one. You can be quiet now. All right. Five minutes.

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