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Aiteall Prog 24 - 16aug2024

Aiteall Prog 24 - 16aug2024

Connemara Radio ArchivesConnemara Radio Archives



“Aiteall” is a bi-lingual series. It has a special emphasis on Irish poetry and song and on the landscape, history and culture of Connemara. Broadcast Fridays 5pm – 6pm. https://www.connemarafm.com/audio-page/

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Well, according to Seán, and Seán is here telling Catriona that that visit caused a little consternation over in Idaho and in the Governor's office in Idaho. That was how the class started. You'll hear about that from Seán now. And then you'll hear Catriona sing and talk about that wonderful little song, a little suanthraí, Pata mór fáilte. I don't know what happened in Idaho. What? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what happened in Idaho. The Governor's office in Idaho. That's a long story. I'll tell you a joke about what happened in Idaho. We were in Kerry. We were waiting for a train to go to Cardiff. There was a train coming to Cardiff. A train. There was a train coming. So to say, you a farmer. I got there, buddy. You got some potatoes there. Oh, there's a shop. There's potatoes in the shop. They're very small. Back where I come from in Idaho. We got potatoes. There you get the shop. I was here. We only brought them to soot our mouths. Oh. Hold it right there. Can I tell a joke that mightn't be politically correct? Micheál Ó Dráináin is the person who made this joke. Micheál Ó Dráináin from Rosmuck. And the name he had, the last name he had, was Dattach. Because when he was in Idaho, he created a church in the middle of nowhere. But he didn't like it. He didn't like it. But Dattach. So he called him Dattach. Micheál Ó Dráináin from Rosmuck told me this joke. He said, And his nickname is Smoke. Because when he was very young, he tried to light four houses, but nothing came out of it, only smoke. But that's beside the point. But Micheál Ó Dráináin is very proud of his nickname. But the riddle I have for you today is, What would you call a dog that had no legs? What would you call a dog that had no legs? Very good, very good. I'm going to think about that one. I'm taking that one home with me now. Welcome to all of you. My name is Micheál Ó Dráináin. And I come from Connemara. I was born in Connemara. I have to say that I grew up there with amazing parents. I have to say my dad's name was Michael O'Donoghue from Connemara. And he was a singer and a musician. And he was a very happy character in life. And my mother was a singer in Connemara. And a lovely lady, and she used to be a singer as well. In Connemara, what was her name? Nóra Connemara, Nóra Connemara. She was a singer, she was a singer. So we used to say that we were the singers, the singers, the singers. One head married one eye. So, you know. But there was a family of eleven, eleven of us. There were six brothers, six brothers and four sisters. And we all used to sing or play music on the bus or on the guitar. So we loved to sing and to keep the tradition of the music. There were many other styles as well. I loved the music very much. You know, it's close to my heart, the music singing. But I like other styles as well. I like the country music, Irish and Irish. You're being international. I've done a few gigs with Daniel O'Donoghue. So you know. But again, it's my Irish language. It's the Irish language and English. But that's not where I am today. It wasn't, you know. I didn't learn the basics going to school. But when I went to non-school, secondary school, it was a different thing altogether. I remember I'd get up at night. I'd get up at 14 at school. I'd be sick. And I'd say, my sister is sick today. I'd be sick today. I'd be mixing just simple little things like that. The plural. You were putting the plural. That's it. But I sing in Irish all the time. I love singing. Doing a lot of travelling with my singing. And it's very close to my heart. It's very close to my heart. And I suppose, for my mother, she passed away last year. I think it was in March last year, in 23. And when she passed away, I had a broken leg. I had a broken leg. So I couldn't drive. I couldn't walk. I couldn't do anything. And especially walking. And I had to get up and get out of there. It was good for me to help me cope with what I was going through in the car. But my singing, my singing, and singing, that's what I thought for years, since I was five years old. It was hard for me, as a musician, and as a singer, to do that. But since I was five years old, I'm better now, and I appreciate it more, what was given down to me through the generations. My dad's mother, Mother Howe, was her name. Another brilliant character. She was born in 1905. Her husband passed away when she was 42. And he was 60. He was 85 at the time. So you can see there was a big difference. He was double her age. But she said it was a cleverness that was done at the time. A cleverness that was done. I remember very well the name Angela Gork, Angela Partridge, which she was collecting songs and stories from people around the world. And there's a story about her. She was so lucky that she came to Cornwall and that she took 50 pieces from my granny, Mother Howe. And it was from her, if we hear, in the stories, how she grew to love her husband. Because, as Angela says, you have a connection with each other when you were young and you didn't know each other. And she says to Angela, as she says, I didn't know, but I had a connection. I grew to love him. I have a connection. I have a connection. I have an affection for him. Now, I land to have this modest lady saying that I remember when I was younger having the pleasure of going back to this young lady's house because two or three of them were on training programs with me. Were you? Were you on one of them? No, me. No, me. No, me. And Paul was. Yeah, Paul was. And we put a minibus back, especially when I heard where they were coming from because this is royalty, the area. A large house. A large house. There were five of the greatest singers we had in the world came out of that within a mile radius of each other. Where could you get it in the world? Joe Anew, Amar Ghaouz, Sean McDonough, Dara Bon, all in the same area. Yeah, in the same area. And storytellers to beat the band. And stone lifters. They could lift stones higher nearly than people in Spittle, which was good, but we won't go into Spittle now. Don't forget Paddy Fitt. Oh, Paddy Fitt. But as well as that, just to say, that this is Katsiana Michael Wada Ghaouz. And this is what makes me happiest. My neighbours, as I often remind them of it, I won't say what their name is, but they are called after their grandmother. And isn't it great that that tradition existed in Connemara, that sometimes people were named out of a female member of the family. And that's why Michael Wada Ghaouz. And when I'd be going into that house long ago, me and my gin had made me a fine cup of tea today. And all of us. You'd be laughing at what I used to go when I'd go into that house. The amount of, you see, singing and music isn't just what you inherit in terms of chords or notes. It's something that's in the air. It's the nature in the house. It's the love that's in the house. It's the atmosphere, the barometer that's in the house automatically allows the music to get it. The harmony, Sean. Yeah. That's so true. It's in the air. Yeah. It's special to, you know, meeting a person like Sean. And Michael was saying there about Paddy Fitz. He had a hat too. He had a hat too. And his family was just down the road from us, in the north. And there was Máire Ghaouz and Molly Dick. Molly Dick. Molly Dick. And they were like two sisters. So it's lovely. I suppose we were very lucky, myself and the band, that we met at the time that all of them were living in that area. So I never had the privilege of meeting Joannu. Richard Michael was nearly as good a singer. Some of the people that left at home, this is the amazing thing. Am I right, Catriona? Some of the people that were left at home that didn't go to the famous places in America that Joannu went to, the club in New York, I'm trying to think of it, the famous club in New York, or the festivals he went to, the Sydney Opera House, all over the world. Some of the people that remained in the Irish House were as good a singer as some of the people I'm entirely right. Yeah, they were very similar, weren't they? Yeah. We're delighted and forever that Joannu knew how much we come in like Angela Burke, that she did actually take them 50 pieces, not just singing, ní oran bhfáin, ach sceoil ach sceoil agus pádrachaidh, but the stories of connecting the songs to the prayers. Just as we're working on a song in Irish and English in Italy, so that people will actually be able to hear Granny, because when you put Máire Ghaogh on the internet or Google it, my father will come up, Paul will come up, and I will come up, but there's no song from Máire Ghaogh at all, at all. So we're working on that now and sharing what Angela recorded back in the 1960s and 70s. And I had the privilege there again about two months ago, she came to Cairne there to the University in Áras Árfaidh Góinim agus an Ósgáil na Gàidheibhe here and there, and she wrote a piece about the song Máire Ghaogh in English, a lovely song. He had it, and you know, it was just beautiful, but what she had was a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English and a recording of the song in English 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