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Ep 3: Title Pending

Ep 3: Title Pending

The Self ProclaimersThe Self Proclaimers



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The transcript is a conversation between two people discussing the process of naming their podcast. They talk about the importance of a catchy and relevant name, considering factors like the content of the podcast and searchability. They brainstorm various names, including "Pod Squad," "Cultural Crossroads," and "Random Scope." They also discuss the idea of not including the word "podcast" in the title. They express the need for a third opinion and continue to brainstorm ideas. Ultimately, they conclude that they need to keep thinking and come up with a suitable brand name. Now now now yeah, well the time is everything time is everything as we have learned as we have learned Hello today. This is today today. It's a Wednesday James. Did you forget which day was no, you know? I'm not very busy now. You're not Sure, I'm in space recently graduated to another to unemployment Which is which you're very happy about but Yes, well now we have more important tasks your days can now be filled with order things like creating a name for this beautiful Yes, after we've done started on the episodes We couldn't decide and now we will spend and now you have to listen to us decide or try and decide So we'll see how that goes Well, we wanted to see if it would work Well, yeah, didn't we like trial a couple of those to see if the concept is actually worthy of a name It reminds me of them sorry to be the medievalist in the room, but People in medieval times often wouldn't name their kids after like a year or two to see that let's see Yeah, wow, okay, so, you know, that's essentially that's essentially what we're doing here. Oh, yeah Okay well, I'm not sure what I want to say to that but um, thank you and We're not calling it unnamed medieval kid. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we could wouldn't it? Yeah Get a good medieval name, but well, I did some looking because we did that's a requirements We need for a good podcast name So to specify to see if they could help us lovely and they give us a few tips and say consider your consider your content For example, if you're doing something on tea the kombucha brew very bad the fermentation nation good I'm plays on words things like that. How many podcasts there are on tea? But we're keeping succinct is what it says there were probably a lot of tea podcasts I'm just for gossip most times. Mm-hmm Even succinct searchable. That's important. I'm gonna have those those tag words. I didn't consider that. Yeah, so just fill it with hashtags Oh Just you could name it after a frequently searched up just oh, that's true Morgan Freeman Legally different Legally safe Morgan Freeman Apparently you need to hear the name out loud. Mm-hmm. So we'll say it out loud. Yeah to make sure you can hear it Well, you have to sound stupid We don't go to write it down It's got a roll off the tongue. Hi, I'm the host of Plant nerd or whatever. Mm-hmm. Yeah kombucha brew Kombucha, but you see that does roll Mmm does it I don't know the role better than plant nerd. Yeah They also say don't put podcast in the title Interesting because I wasn't gonna I wonder why I mean, why don't we do that first? What why don't why why not have podcast in the title? Well, you already know what you're listening to. Okay Yeah, yeah Yeah, I know but You want to know no, no, no, no, I'm you know, just sort of entertaining the idea here like I mean Usually struggling to formulate the point, but that's okay. Well, it's useful if we say Morgan Freeman Of course, I was Morgan Freeman. He says well, you have to close up the Morgan period podcast But then that differential from the real Morgan. Yeah, but You have to you have to be careful to make sure it's different, but if you go in quite meta, which I feel like We are never or potentially but always yeah, I Mean isn't our plan to do an episode on podcast making? Oh, yeah We will do one on the making of the podcast and you can see how how much or little effort We actually put into this. It's definitely on the little side. It's gonna be a short episode I Got some very cheap stuff about software we use it was really easy and I definitely have any issues Starting it everything about that's free in Well, that is the main get what you think that is the main thing Well, yeah Sure sweet, what's my short sweet? Yeah, give me give me give me or something. Come on. I hear I did I Anything at all Pod squad pod squad pod squad. Okay writing this down. I'm gonna put at the bottom of the leg Okay, because it doesn't I should try not to take that so personally Okay. Well what what does that have to do with what we discussed? I don't know. It's a pod We're a squad and we're all up to two years. Okay, we're a little squad All right, I'm starting to be one over a little bit more fun. Yeah, that's that's it. Oh, that's it Yeah, that's kind of it. It's not relevant to what we do car. There is one here. I have I Have on a list cultural crossroads Cultural crossroads, which I don't hate actually. I I don't I like the idea of a crossroad I'm not sure. I think we could drop culture. Yes. I mean, although we're not limited to culture It's the thing we don't want to restrict ourselves we are free people. Yeah free to wear whatever we want to that I'm restrained Masters of I'm more pork. Exactly. We've already conquered that Very easily. I like the idea of crossroads. Okay, I think I think but I think that encapsulates quite sort of creatively what we do Well, they're all like a bridge we have a bridge aren't we the bridge between stupidity and intelligence Yeah, well, no, I wouldn't do it that honor. I would say tedium and necessity, okay The bridge between tedium and necessity doesn't roll off the tongue. No, I'm saying that's what we do. That is what we Call well, we will we always like Creative differences. Yeah, you can't do that because there is one called creative different and I'm creative differences I think should be on the I think I'm created it. I mean, that's what I'm that's what I've been calling it so far I mean, yeah, I'll get a document because I can't just say unnamed podcast because then there's there's just a bit. What the hell is that? But any Please insert podcast name here. Yeah, not very catchy, but we could do it. No, no, no, that's too well Dare I say it that's cringe. Oh, yeah, but yeah, that's a bit sort of edgy in order in order to to ascend First we must lower ourselves to cringe Break it down completely before we can yeah, exactly. You've got a free our mind What a spiritual journey, yeah, this is a spiritual journey and do you want to see what the name generator? Yeah So they I put in some keywords of random Unimportant and stuff. Okay, and it came up with in stuff out stuff stuff like stuff, right? There's a bunch of other stuff skip To the interesting ones. Yes stuff grid stuff scan stuff sink a lot of things just random drop random yard Pure stuff vibe stuff. I thought it was just terrible AI stuff random base Base stuff random scope. I like random scope random scope scope has the potential I think random is crossroads scope No, okay, so it's good roads cross scope random line I like random random line when we get I think random is just too much stuff scope It's stuff going stuff scope is work stuff wouldn't It's basically just putting the words random Yeah, I think random is not just too much going on in that word random where I like that Random where random where I didn't like software. I was doing like malware, but yeah Stuff me I like the randomness to it true random. I don't know. Do you not feel like this is very random? Well, no, no, no, no the word random just sort of has a lot of No, there's too much going on in that word Then you won't like random hub Yeah, I'm not calling it random hub. I think something any with hub could work Stuff hub stuff up I Am inclined to say that we should add it to the list I'm going to do you want better pod hub Does that is that to curse to curse I think that's too far too that's too far Okay, I think it's in my hub is Funny yeah He's right, I'm right you hate it when I'm right All right, one of the key words do one. Oh, I know the keywords want to put in to see if they can't be something useful We want plethora, I don't let's do a plethora. Yeah, we look at a plethora. Yeah, that's a good word. It's true Variety the plethora post Mm-hmm plethora cast like a wizard thing I've got a car I cause random bullshit life that were plethora span Again plethora has just got to it's just too many syllables in that thing. Yeah, that's for a shift. That's kind of cool Shift kind of works. Oh We don't shift stuff shift shift I'm creative shit. No that just sounds like a uncreative shit Yeah well exactly I Still like I'm crazy Yeah, I'm crazy differences, but to bring this back out to you know like To justify making this an episode. Oh Let's try. Why do we name things? To give them important okay to show that they're important something that's named It seems important about something that isn't name But if we maintain that this is an unimportant podcast that we have on multiple occasions Encouraged people not to listen that is true Yeah, but how do we? Surely we must arrive at the conclusion that I don't play to you that we do actually think that what we're doing here is Important and worthwhile, okay, I won't say worthwhile. It's it could be a level your time You're a kid with your time your wine waste. I have no time. Okay, well Things can be unimportant, but still have a name Okay, and I think it's also then no one can find it. So yeah, it's not the asian everything association rather than named important, okay Does that is that a reasonable compliment the name should reflect that though is what I'm getting it, okay? Yeah The name should reflect that is unimportant, but the important unimportant stuff. I just sound bad One more club. Yeah, I was actually about to say that unimportant unimportant Unimportant crossroads Yes, no No, it's one of the better crossroads one that one important crossroads I will put it down. I mean us. It's all right. It's not it's not up there, but it's what worthy of coming circling back to Yeah, what we really need is a third is a third opinion or someone who isn't involved in this mm-hmm Which is what I am for a gram. I like that For a gram. Yeah, but what does it say about what we know, but it doesn't sound sounds cool. Yeah Thankful is that we're not cool Okay, we are we are so cool. We are so cool But um I suppose I suppose we'll have to keep thinking we'll have to keep thinking We need a brand name to associate with it a Brand a brand a Joe Rogan experience. Oh, I see so oh Yeah, I'm awesome to experience. I like experience. I do be honest. I think we could work because this is an experience Yeah, yeah, but also All we talk about is Experiences yeah, and how we experience the world yeah, and then like what to do with that, so we're giving people experience Experience oh, that's yeah, that's beautiful a little bit of yeah. Yeah, well. Thank you very much You can see what half of that English English degree. Oh, yeah, I'm creative experience as long as I'm gonna experience Yeah Yeah, I like that Sounds better than The unimportant show yeah for the show. I don't I don't think we should call it a show. That's silly This is a show that that applies effort is Effort that we've done. Yeah, yeah, let's see a convey the tone. It's another thing we need to do It's a little personality no no this is cast off. Oh, okay, which does the name generator always? Search ability Well, I'm going back to do that Morgan Freeman yeah, well it searchability is like make it short and not Long-winded and and difficult to spell no we need to get feedback from our network About the network otherwise what the hell are they gonna do? Well, we'll let them know well. I don't know well they can Do they can do? You speak good for word-of-mouth Discovery Easily transmitted yeah like a disease yeah, so it can spread I Don't know something that can naturally be brought up in conversation, but in order to reduce ambiguity, so you don't just get wrong podcast Needs to sound different unique We are unique people As long as we stick to our pillars exactly what could be more important than that The Maxons of experience I Just thought of that because I was thinking back to our last episode when I did the max I mean, I don't know that that to me It seems difficult to Just to search up and communicate in conversation, but it sounds cool It sounds cool, but it's it doesn't it doesn't tickle the boxes if you know what I mean And like well, I'm also what does it mean? That question Maxim hub But why Maxim? I don't know it sounds cool on it Okay, well I found the need to avoid yeah Check the domain of social handle availability, which you've done because some of these taken. Yeah creative There's always pulling progress in the name. They do like that see that's weird because on this list here I've got prolific podcast as a suggested name prolific my prolific pod terrible. Thank you. Well. That's what I thought Bit you know Tune your own horn a bit of it as well But I also avoid speeches and offensive words it may seem edgy to use offensive words or phrases in your podcasting But it doesn't make you stand out from the crowd. We could just call it fuck Couldn't we yeah, and I'll definitely upload that that's down go big ones it yeah Let's fill up the spelling after it. Oh, okay, or with feet pH. Yeah And you say it's a huck And Avoid overly long or keyword stuff titles. Well. I said you know don't get maxim in there for a reason Oh, but also it wouldn't mean anything in that I own 50% of There's nothing at the moment yes, but without you That's a mistake my other 50% of nothing cultural Cultural no, that's terrible no no no no they can't loud There's one here. This is terror tales terror tales. Yeah, I've been terrorism like that not terror is in like ah Terror tales, so I guess A geographical yeah, just in case we weren't yeah Well, if we wanted to completely rebrand and just slink back into the geography that would be mundane world Apologies to any geographers, but um We're not volunteer We stand by now that I say that yeah, I'm so bad. Yeah It's just coloring in and isn't it right? What is it school? Isn't it just coloring in the hollow all the way all the way out more complex Yeah, it's just coloring a lot of things like storms meteorology meteorological meteorological meeting yeah Logically meteors that's the one there it is. Yeah There's nothing logical about what we do Who is illogical there's something illogical? logical experience Yeah, because what we're doing is not very logical Hmm, I'll apply you're trying to play reason, but it doesn't work Does it no logic hub that just sounds wrong Stop with the hub James I can't stop with the well. You should probably go talk to someone Okay Okay, what do you think you're funny? And that is why you're here. We could make it an athletics podcast and athletics book. Yeah, so I'm just reading from the left Okay, and there's one that says athletics Choices more should just do it when you talk about athletic thing about the science behind it. You know good old What's it lactic acid build up? an aerobic restoration Because you can't do enough aerobic restoration. Yeah Cuz it's actually my lungs Get better long. Yeah, I would I would feel better lungs if it was legal and left bloody Yeah, I could see a game messy Yeah, I see What I'm gonna do expressions we're trying to express ourselves Trying to express ourselves. I see it as a cry for help It's not quite specific to what we do, but I like it maybe something something colon a cry for help I'm creative. This is gonna be the subtitle. I'm creative experiences a cry for help. I Do like I do want to corporate that I Do yeah, I like that I like that Yeah, I like that I like that Pod squad a cry for help No, you don't like pod squad. It was your idea. Yeah, well the internet suggested it But you only is that I found it and I went on the internet Apologies about the windy yeah, very windy Big with we've done it in a wind tunnel. Yeah. Well, that's that's not maybe that holding vacation Well, it's cuz we got them addicted. That's why So me so soon we are getting a bit I found a place to live next year. Will you ever find one? Now for a good time start looking is it I'm just thinking now we need to the last minute. Oh, okay, that seems smart and easy You know me and manageable. Well, that is you smart easy and manageable glass my knees That Is so true that is so true project comedy project I think you should stop reading off this list gothic girls That's up. We are a certain pleasure What as in what as in are you a certain pleasure or is about a certain pleasure? Okay, which pleasure Do you get like I'm saying it's not elaborate. Let me ask you this James. Do you get pleasure from this? Um, doesn't please you to make this podcast. I think so. Yeah, I like to think that I'm not a masochist and so therefore wouldn't do things that didn't please I think that's a lie, but okay Yeah Laughing squad stop it comedy tidbits stop Business and China is okay. Well, we could call it business in China best sister ever What do you like this one big league boys big league boys? But we're not in the big leagues small league boy read my mind. Yeah We are small league and boys small league experiences I don't hate that Rather than boys if you get it, we need to be better than league small fry small fry That's better small fry experiences Come on How we are on this list as well It is decided it is decided As we can't with such good ones as well podding cast That sounds like the setup to a really popular dummies Savage crew stop it. Maybe like a four dummies. Oh, that's probably probably right to do the test catch me What does that even mean? I don't know. I don't want to know prank podcast escape boys Grand Slam episodes daily dish Dish dishy rishy You found anything else was worthy of sharing the galaxy donor podcast That's okay. These are all terrible on guy. Are these a cute podcast name? I did. Oh What does that mean? Friends like us a cry for help with drop hints this exclamation mark If it wasn't already taken I like the idea of to drop out But we're not No, the opposite. Why is this gonna become a successful we could drop out What we've already done You'll do another year. Yeah, that's true Internet Explorer Internet is I quite like that. I don't hate that Because we do go to the internet to find out find our reason yeah, so we don't think my internet explorers Yeah, and so explorers are But that's a bit common to me. So I'm gonna look up to see if that Synonyms, no, no, no. No if it already exists. Okay. Well, I'll look up synonyms for explorers just in case adventurous That sounds no, I'm not sure is that it's like Internet Explorer. Yeah, you can't change the Explorer But that's that's true. That's true podcast Otherwise people would just sit there going. What the fuck are they doing? Internet Explorer on Spotify. Yeah, I think it is a thing. Damn it. Oh, yeah Internet Explorers will will take him down German though What's in six frozen German? It's just internet explorers Interesting interesting Okay, I don't mean to explore us. I know if you take off the list and Let's have a look at the ones we've got so far. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, it's recap just to have a little Where are we up to? You know? So What I was thinking is what we have the best ones I will say cultural crossroads Uncreative differences Uncreative experience stuff hub and keep it stuff up We're not gonna do my sister's experience. No, I cried for help. Yeah small fry experiences Something there a small frightens we are since we are in the presence of a great part of our names somewhere If I agree with you that on the document Yes, it is. I think a crack up and school for experiences are Some I like so I like the crossroad thing. Yeah, I like the uncreative differences But I prefer uncreative experience Okay, I think I think that's a better combination. So let's get rid of uncreative differences. Yes. Good. Let's get rid of Maxim's of experience. Yeah, and if you got rid of stuff about the pod squad shouldn't be there What I know that was my favorite All right, here we are hub Keep it for now stuff roads. Oh Stuff roads What is that? Right experience small stuff experience, isn't there? That's too vague You're right, you're right I Do like the hub Doesn't it's a hub of ideas idea hub Maybe no. No, you look at me like I'm a crazy person. Yeah. Okay, so maybe I'm right anyone would well a cry for uncreative experiences That makes me want to cry If I'm really not sure altogether, I'm gonna write it down. Okay. Well, look at that. Okay, and weep uncreative A cry for uncreative experiences. I don't hate it But it is incredibly small front does it? No, it doesn't a small cry for uncreative experiences No, because now we're getting too long. Oh, but I think that's already too long. I cry for uncreative it. Yeah, you're right it needs to be like two words or Three in a minute Or a cry for help, but that's like for sure. Yeah Yeah, okay Goodbye, a cry for uncreative experience. It was nice to see you uncreative. I'd say it was nice actually, but it wasn't nice Yeah, it's not it's not the right Punches it doesn't have the right. So yeah, we want we want when you hear our title We want you to feel like you've been punched. Mm-hmm. Yeah in a good way Well, because we can't reach you because we can't wear with that. Well, exactly. I know I would Here's to that mr. That I I am trying to think of a way of combining them but I can't mmm, there's a not I mean, it's kind of on topic, but there's a I Remember seeing once that there's a podcast obviously they're doing Britain Britain, okay, well, it's one of ours and they call it they call it the pub cast Pop-cup. Yeah, because they do it in a pub. I actually don't know what the Content on it is Because I just I don't like gonna tell this to be honest. I like the sound of that. Yeah pop-up no Sorry, I'm talking about stop. I'm but I did think uncreative help Because we're helping the world. Yeah, but we uncreative way, but what if and I'm getting to this scenario Someone is desperately looking through a list of podcasts, you know how to You know actual genuine advice, okay like Artistic guides or like recipe guides things like that. Yeah, then they see uncreative help and they think yes Finally the help I need no, they won't think that and then there's a couple of cocks talking about Whatever it is. They're they won't think that they read uncreative help Yeah, but it gives the impression that it's not like, you know, we're not faffing around it's uncreative it's just help, okay Just shop fine. I'll get help. Oh, yeah, it gives me help It gives me help with a couple of exclamation marks after it. Oh, my certainly one called that. Yeah Hell, I know that's too big We're losing all that. Okay unhelpful experience no, because We're helped remember like the pillar is the mere appearance that what we do is unimportant when in reality We always surprise ourselves. Yeah, hopefully the lesson is with some a little bit of interesting tidbits here and there We call it tidbits here and there I don't hate my day. This was a test I fail I fail So I will not be joining you next year's. I think we're gonna make two separate projects. He's everyone's gone I will be I think it's like a reasonable compromise. We just don't we just break up on the third agree on Break up the podcast on air Wow double the number of podcasts. Well, exactly I Thought about world needed Big cry small fry experience. No, what the fuck big cry small cry big cry small like these aren't serious No, I'm sort of term too small to fry Like that too small to fry. No, it's all right But also that's more my experience is Tokyo dress Upon my soul, we will not name it Fry I like when you go with that ish fry another day Cry today living let fry You see we don't fry things. So this doesn't I know who cry we do cry cry could work Cry another day. I do like cry another day. Oh, yeah Cry me a river cry havoc and let's let the young creative experiences No, but maybe some Shakespeare in there now He was 12 cultured so I take that back What about What about Yeah, Christ them off yeah, oh no, here's what it was I was thinking about I don't like the way to incorporate the boy who cried wolf. Ooh But it's not boys who cried help. I Mean, that's what he does. Yeah Like a less creative, I don't know that well, that's what we are. Let's create There's also bad titles, I know we could We could kind of do like a band name instead Where you go with it? No, I didn't like Kings of Leon Okay, Leon's their uncle, isn't it? That's why they're cool. Yeah Yeah kings of crying for help Kings of small fry But we're not Kings Self-proclaimed in bracket. I don't want to be an illegitimate King. Well, that's why we put self-proclaimed the self proclaimers Proclaimers I like I do like yes, I do That is might be the best one so far. Really? I Think it's been that small fire experiences I think this is not a cry for help could be good. But again, it's too long. Mm-hmm. This is but a tribute Tribune. Yes tributes act I It's good, it's catchy I Don't hate it you don't hate it But I want I Yeah, I've got it. Yeah How can we make epiphany into people the epiphany is? The epiphany is epiphany is like pioneers, but we're having this is the three Epiphanies epiphanies, but there's two of us to a person in it. Yes. This is sounding more and more like a cry for help I Do I hear this name? It's a noise epiphanies That makes it sound like we're alien. Yeah Okay, that was epiphanies No, no epiphanies, I think it's better Yeah, like pioneers. Yeah, exactly We have epiphanies I think we do have our Eureka moment selling is My spelling is brilliant. How would you spell epiphanies then? Exactly Yeah, you can't answer me that Yeah words I'm still quite tired, but it's fine. You're the one that did an all-nighter. Well, it had to be done Sometimes that's the way it runs ever has to hang out with physics people The way the cookie crumbles I spell it Okay What about the way the cookie crumbles? No What's that even coming? I don't know. I just like the expression. That's the way the cookie. Yeah, I do as well But let's not cookie crumblers Sully that expression by tarnishing it with us. Oh That is very true The more I read it the more I find it funny, yeah, I think I think it's got a good ring to it Okay, I still think we should tell you what come a band instead now. Okay. Well, I'm going to delete some of these We're gonna get rid of cry. Yeah, we're gonna get rid of help. Yeah, I Didn't get rid of us a cry for help Because that do this though, okay. Okay. No, no, no, I'm with you. We've got to be brutal here. Yeah Otherwise, it's never going. Yeah, I'm crazy experiences Keep it I like I like uncreated. So it's the same Yeah, it's more for our experiences. I do like that as well So go that's full Yeah, I'm crazy experience get rid of all of these. I'm going to experiences All right, it's all price versus claimants and epiphanies It would be the epiphanies. Yeah, I'd have to be the The self proclaimers because it's the proclaimers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense That's that's true. Do we need to ask audiences? No, don't do that. Don't don't ask me. Okay, we weren't Okay Gun to your head, which one's your favorite three two one now me in the head. Okay, not the Poking ball, maybe it should be a cry That was a concerning comment. Hey, you tempted me with a promising, you know offer. I don't want a promising offer. Okay You're forced to choose one three two one go. I Don't do well with snap Yeah Okay. Well, you're okay. I'm gonna I'm gonna do it to you. You pick. Yeah, I'm wrong punch you in your face Okay, what's very threatening? Can I have a three two one to count me? Okay, three two one go Tiffany is you like it. I think that's my favorite followed closely by self-proclaiming. Yeah, I think I like self-proclaimers more Okay, well then the pressure is getting to you well maybe just trying to be contrary no contrarian The contrarian that's pretty good Well, we already are not getting anywhere I know you think you want to do a short episode however, we have turned this into a fair few minutes So we are doing very well, but I think we should draw draw it to a close It's between the self-proclaimers and the epiphanies. Sorry crime creative experiences. It's going as a small fry But we are small fry and I agree This is a small we are small fry and this is a cry for help. We could put that in The description of the podcast. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So self-proclaimers The epiphany the problem is we don't we don't know what I mean. I think yeah, but our epiphanies are not epiphanies Yeah, well is with proclaiming Ourselves to the world. Yeah. Oh, I like that. Well, okay That's very open very I oh dear. Have you had an epiphany? Okay, I guess the thing I think Don't do that. It's dangerous right? Oh Where's this blood pouring from my nose? I told you don't think I think the epiphany is it's slightly to Bahaha kind of thing. I think we have a sort of bahaha to us anyway. Yeah, I know but like Let's not give them that impression before they even click on an episode And the self-proclaimers doesn't I don't I think the self-proclaimers has the capacity to be cool Do we yeah, but we have it is doesn't sound cool. Do we have the capacity to be cool though? Yeah. Oh, that's that's it. You know, it's an uncool people. Okay, I'm cool. I like you guys, right? Yeah Okay. Oh, yeah, but anyone who is uncool enough to listen to this and there's nothing wrong with being uncool It's the new cool. It's the new hit. Oh, yeah, I and it's for that. I just think epiphany is it's just It's like it's like we're trying too hard Whereas the self-proclaimers is a little you know, a little bit clever more casual and like yeah No, and then maybe like a little bit more on target as well You know what everything is does sound a bit too fancy and that applies we put too much we put effort into this Yeah, which we don't yeah, and there's definitely no recorded evidence that we put effort into coming. Well, exactly I think it's gonna have to be Let the record show that I came up with that one You will not take that's the way for me you will not take this away from me Cool okay. Well we managed to do it and only took An hour 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes was there Yeah Well, I think this has been very successful Now easier than I thought Are you still recording? I am Well, I think you must be struggling you must be struggling Your self-proclaimed genius is not For listeners. He's he's exactly like he is on the podcast when he's not podcasting This is my real personality real me. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah, it's the real me. Well, I think thank you so much for your help Viewers have mr. Snyder viewers listeners. Oh, yeah, I can't see us. Oh, I hope not. Yeah. Well, that would be a bit creepy Yeah, if I got out the window boy together, okay, it's probably nothing. I'm should get out of his house. Yeah, it's true Yeah All right. I think if I am, yeah, I think I think we've done it We have found what we decided to do which is an ambitious target of making a title. Yeah, and we have a title We are so I mean people can comment as well. Yeah, if they think it's a right in yeah email us at We'll supply you. Okay, we will in the description. Yeah. Yeah Okay Yeah, I invite the contact with them other humans. Yeah, that's that's that's a bold step for you. I'm very proud of you No, thank you very much. Yeah, maybe that is a crime And on that bombshell, yeah, yeah, that's it. No, thank you for listening. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks. Bye

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