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Nothing to say, yet
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Maen nhw'n ymgysylltiad cyfnodol y tu ôl, yn ysgol, yn y cyrch, ac allan ddod â'r effaith o'r bobl ifanc yn y systemau hyn, os ydyn nhw'n ddefnyddiol neu'n anodd. Mae fy nghyfnod yn dal i ddod o'r ffordd i ddod â thema cyfnodol am effaith un unig fel ffactor gwarchoddol sylweddol ar gyfer cefnogaeth a chyfnodau eraill ar gyfer y bobl ifanc hyn. Mae ein cyfnod yn ymwneud â'r ffactorau gwarchoddol ym Mhrifysgol Cefnogaeth Cymru a'r cymunedau ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Gwahanol yw cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cymryd eich cym We have a colleague who is a social worker at South High School, whose child is transgender. They share that bullying, harassment, and misgendering is an ongoing challenge at South High School, even though the staff have many pro-LGBTQ plus policies in place. These policies include Students can change their name and gender in Infinite Campus without the permission of parents. Students can change their name and add pronouns to their yearbook photo without the permission of parents. Students can dress how they please. Students can use the bathroom of their choice, though in practice many use the nurse's bathroom on the first floor because it is private. South has hired LGBTQ plus staff. Our colleague notes that representation matters. This might be the single most important thing a school can do to support LGBTQ plus kids. The librarian and two staff requested and were granted funds from the PTSA to purchase all of the books on the banned books list, many of which deal with gender and sexuality. Our colleague's transgender child shared that the most affirming programs at South are the GSA, choir, and the National Thespian Society. We learned that creative expression is vital for mental health. Across the country, theater and choir often serve as safe spaces for queer students to express themselves authentically, share their gifts, and build confidence. All these community resilience factors correspond with GLSEN's 2021 National School Climate Survey State Snapshot for Colorado. The report recommends that we implement supportive and inclusive school policies, such as comprehensive anti-bullying, harassment, and supportive transgender and non-binary student policies, that we support GSAs, that we provide professional development for school staff on LGBTQ plus student issues, and that we increase student access to LGBTQ plus inclusive curricular resources. Finally, we want to introduce you to a community ally in this cause, Envision U. Envision U is a Boulder-based nonprofit that seeks to close gaps in behavioral health outcomes for LGBTQ plus individuals. They do this through co-created community programming, advocacy engagement, public awareness campaigns, and evidence-based training. I recently attended Their Cue is for Questioning training, a series of three interactive workshops led by Clayton... Sorry, we've got some truck noise going on here. I recently attended Their Cue is for Questioning training, a series of three interactive workshops led by licensed clinicians and community members. These workshops provide adults with education on LGBTQ plus identity and mental health. Participants receive tools and resources to better support and affirm the LGBTQ plus youth in their lives. Envision U also has programs to connect students with queer-friendly resources. These resources include the U Flourish site. This is a mobile app of trusted networks of peers, wellness resources, and professional mental health resources. They also provide LGBTQ plus behavior health training for mental health professionals. They provide a webpage summary of public policy efforts, including advocacy and Colorado bills to influence policies. They provide the State of the State Survey. This is a report on LGBTQ plus mental health in Colorado. They also have an intersectionality initiative called IDEA, which stands for inclusion, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Diversity, equity, and accessibility. Finally, they recommend LGBTQ plus friendly recovery resources for addiction, such as Joy as Resistance and Purple Mountain Recovery. We hope this presentation empowers you, the caring adults in these kiddos' lives, to be the affirming adults they will need to thrive. In school, at home, and beyond. We hope this toolkit helps your mental health team connect LGBTQ plus students with all the resources they need and may not be getting at home. Their well-being and their lives depend upon it. We have the power to help. Together we can make a world of difference in these young people's lives. In closing, we would like to leave you with the words of Brittany, whose story shows how professionals can help foster positive mental health outcomes for LGBTQ plus youth. We encourage you to watch the whole video following this presentation for a deeper context and inspiration to support our LGBTQ plus youth.