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Nothing to say, yet
Mr. Wang's wife is also a Chinese teacher. She is Chinese and Mr. Wang's father is American while his mother is Korean. Mr. Wang's father speaks Chinese well. Mr. Wang's phone number is 831-242-4561 and his mobile number is 462620-7392. 王老师,您太太也是老师吗? 对,您太太也是中文系的老师。 您太太是哪国人? 她是中国人。 您父母都是美国人吗? 不是,我父亲是美国人,母亲是韩国人。 你父亲说汉语吗? 说,他的汉语很好。 对了,王老师,您的电话号码是多少? 我的电话号码是831-242-4561。 你们呢? 我的手机号码是462620-7392。