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Nothing to say, yet
In Salamanca, not many people walk on the sidewalks. Most people drive their cars to local stores. The Antique Mall is on the east side, along with a grocery store called Save-A-Lot. Another grocery store called Parkview is on the other side of town. There is one drug store, Rite Aid, also on the east side. There are two liquor stores, one on the east side and one on the other side of town. The main street is filled with marijuana dispensaries and gas stations. There are also some small groceries, mainly selling snack foods. These are the main stores I saw while driving through Salamanca. Driving around Salamanca, I didn't see a lot of people that were walking on the sidewalks. Most people were driving their cars to the local stores. The Antique Mall was located on the east side of Salamanca, where the main strip also consists of a grocery store at Save-A-Lot, and the second one is on the other side of town that is called Parkview. There's one drug store, Rite Aid, that was also located on the east side. There's also two liquor stores, that one was located on the east side and the other one was on the other side of town. The main street was saturated with multiple marijuana dispensaries throughout the entire city. There were gas stations that were also saturated. Probably every other building was a gas station. That also had some small groceries, but mainly snack foods. But other than that, those were the only stores that I had located on my drive-thru.